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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hnací mechanismus Stirlingova motoru / Crankshaft mechanism of Stirling engine

Valčík, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design of the driving mechanism of Stirling engine, where was chosen modification of these engines with rhombic drive. Subsequently is constructed kinematical, dynamical and thermomechanical mathematical model. Finally, is going from these models for execution strength control and drawing documentation.

Šestiválcový vznětový motor pro užitková vozidla / Six cylinder diesel engine for commercial vehicles

Pulava, Oleksandr January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma is to design a crankshaft for a six-cylinder commercial vehicle, which is one of the unified motors. The main parts are the design of the crankshaft configuration, the crankshaft balancing method for forces and moments, the crankshaft design documentation, and the crankshaft strength verification. The design of torsional vibration damping characteristics is also made and its effect on torsional vibration and crankshaft strength is determined.

Energy Harvesting Power Supply for MEMS Applications / Energy Harvesting Power Supply for MEMS Applications

Smilek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá vývojem nezávislého elektrického zdroje pro moderní nízkopříkonové elektrické aplikace. Protože tradiční řešení napájení drobných spotřebičů s využitím baterií či akumulátorů snižuje uživatelský komfort kvůli potřebě pravidelné údržby, navrhovaný zdroj využívá principu energy harvesting. Tento princip spočívá v získávání energie přímo z okolního prostředí napájené aplikace a její přeměně na energii elektrickou, která je dále využita pro na-pájení moderních MEMS (mikroelektromechanických) zařízení. Potenciální aplikací vyvíjeného zdroje je především moderní nositelná elektronika a biomedicínské senzory. Tato oblast využití ovšem klade zvýšené nároky na parametry generátoru, který musí zajistit dostatečný generovaný výkon z energie, dostupné v okolí lidského těla, a to při zachování prakticky využitelné velikosti a hmotnosti. Po stanovení předběžných požadavků a provedení analýz vhodnosti dostupných zdrojů energie ke konverzi byla k využití vybrána kinetická energie lidských aktivit. Byla provedena série měření zrychlení na lidském těle, především v místě předpokládaného umístění generátoru, aby bylo možno analyzovat a generalizovat hodnoty energie dostupné ke konverzi v daném umístění. V návaznosti na tato měření a analýzy byl vyvinut inovativní kinetický energy harvester, který byl následně vyroben jako funkční vzorek. Tento vzorek byl pak testován v reálných podmínkách pro verifikaci simulačního modelu a vyhodnocení reálné použitelnosti takového zařízení. Kromě samotného vývoje generátoru je v práci popsán i originální způsob zvýšení generovaného výkonu pro kinetické energy harvestery a jsou prezentována statistická data a modely pro predikci využitelnosti kinetických harvesterů pro získávání energie z lidské aktivity.

Zážehový pětiválcový hvězdicový letecký motor / Petrol five-cylinder radial aircraft engine

Donutil, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with configuration of radial five-cylinder engine with attention to crank mechanism. Covered topics are motion of crank mechanism with articulated connecting rod, force analysis and balancing of inertial forces. The second part discusses FEM analysis and calculation of safety factor of selected component.

Výpočty jeřábových lan / Calculation of crane ropes

Fiala, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with calculation of steel wire ropes for cranes. Concretely is acted about calculation of wire ropes overhead crane manufactured by KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ a.s. designed for load capacities up to 25 000 kg, which is situated at hall of steelworks. Further, the calculation of wire ropes different overhead crane was made to compare the results. The solution includes calculation made using valid standards ČSN 27 0100, DIN 15020-1, FEM 1.001 and ČSN EN 13001-3-2. Finally, the procedures are evaluated and compared with each other.

Petriho sítě pro expertní systémy / Petri nets for expert systems

Million, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Purpose of this master thesis is description of base parts of expert system with using Petri nets. Attention is mainly concentrate to knowledge base, way of storing knowledge. Next parts are describing main different between production base knowledge for planning or diagnostic expert system from Petri nets view. In this thesis conditions of using Petri nets and way of interpretation knowledge for inference mechanism in planning and diagnostic expert system are described. Using of high level Petri nets and language describing Petri nets structure and behaviour are demonstrated in next part of this thesis.

Chování kluzných ložisek řadového pětiválcového motoru při různých provozních podmínkách / Behaviour of Plain Bearings under Various Working Conditions

Lábus, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to problems of crankshaft plain bearings at five-cylinder in-line engine. Document body describes behaviour of plain bearings under various working conditions. To needs of the hydrodynamic bearings simulations is created the cranktrain virtual model. Next part of hereof document deals with problems of bearing shell design. Is created survey of the bearing materials and shortly described technological processing of shell bearing. To understand complicated problems hydrodynamic lubrication is derived Reynolds differential equation and foreshadowed succession calculation dynamically loaded bearings. In final parts of this thesis are presented most interesting results obtained from computational analysis.

Lanový drapák / Grab Dredger

Kubánek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
When soluting the contruction of a grab dredger we will deal with suitable solution with reference to its using and capacity, possibilites of its setting in low temperatures and incidental aplication of the exchangeable abrasion - resistant mouldings. There will be made a calculation of forces taking effect on a grab dredger and a check calculation of the chosen structural parts.

Inovace skládané klikové hřídele pro minibikové motory / Innovation of built-up crankshaft for minibike engines

Doležal, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The present diploma thesis deals with innovation of built-up crankshaft of Blata minibikes. Minibike is the type of a small two-stroke motorcycle equipped with an internal combustion engine of the volume 40 or 50 cm3. The machine is designed for racing circuits; not only for young riders but also for seniors. The innovation is in the design and verification of pressed connections in the imposition of major pins in the arms of the crankshaft. Pressed connections are designed on the basis of the analysis of force interaction on the crankshaft at maximum revolutions. The proposed solutions are verified by FEM calculations. Based on the results, the best option is selected. For the selected option, the impact of force interaction at maximum machine performance is studied. Finally, on the basis of these facts, designing, technological and economic analysis of feasibility of new production technology is carried out.

Hydrodynamická ložiska šestiválcového vznětového motoru / Plain Bearings of Six-cylinder CI Engine

Hruška, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis focuses on hydrodynamic plain bearing drivetrain in-line sixcylinder diesel tractor engine. In the first part is used as reported in contemporary bearing materials and design solutions bearing basins. Furthermore, given the general Reynolds equation of hydrodynamic lubrication. The main part of the thesis is devoted to creating a virtual model of the crank mechanism in MBS system ADAMS/Engine. Rigid crankshaft in this model is replaced by the flexible crankshaft, which is prepared in the FEM software ANSYS and then exported. The final section presents the results of simulations and their evaluation.

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