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Innovazioni tecnologiche in campo radioterapico: ruolo della TC-PET nella definizione del volume bersaglioCammelli, Silvia <1972> 03 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Inibizione di IGF1R: analisi comparativa del ruolo terapeutico dell'Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor nel sarcoma di EwingZambelli, Diana <1979> 03 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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La suscettibilità genetica al linfoma di Hodgkin e ai tumori secondari: due storie o due capitoli della stessa storia?Zuffa, Elisa <1979> 03 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Stenodactilina e lanceolina: due nuove potenti “ribosome-inactivating proteins” bicatenarie. Purificazione, caratterizzazione chimico-fisica e studio dei meccanismi citotossiciBortolotti, Massimo <1978> 03 June 2008 (has links)
Two lectins, called lanceolin and stenodactylin, were purified by affinity chromatography on CL
Sepharose 6B from the caudices of the Passifloraceae Adenia lanceolata and Adenia stenodactyla,
respectively. They are glycoproteins with Mw of 61,243 (lanceolin) and 63,131 daltons
(stenodactylin), consisting of an enzymatic A chain linked to a larger B chain with lectin properties,
with N-terminal amino acid sequences similar to that of volkensin, the toxic lectin from Adenia
volkensii. These two lectins agglutinate red blood cells, inhibit protein synthesis in a cell-free
system as well as in whole cells, and depurinate ribosomes and DNA, but not tRNA or poly(A).
They are highly toxic to cells, in which they induce apoptosis and strongly inhibit protein synthesis,
and to mice, with LD50s 8.16 mg/kg (lanceolin) and 2.76 mg/kg (stenodactylin) at 48 hours after
Thus, lanceolin and stenodactylin have all the properties of the toxic type 2 ribosomeinactivating
proteins (RIPs).
Further experiments were conducted in order to clarify the effects of these RIPs in cells. We
investigated the cronological relationship between cytotoxic activity, indirectly evaluated as
inhibition of protein synthesis, and loss of cell viability in NB100 cell line.
The induction of apoptosis was assessed by determining caspases 3 and 7 levels, which increase
8-16 hours earlier than the beginning of protein synthesis inhibition. This suggest that the arrest of
protein synthesis is not a central event in the pathway of cell poisoning by RIPs.
The high toxicity and the induction of cell death only by apoptosis and not by necrosis in two
muscular cell lines (TE671 and RD/18) suggest that lanceolin and stenodactylin may be potential
candidates for experimental chemoablation in strabism and blepharospasm.
These results show that lanceolin and stenodactylin are amongst the most potent toxins of plant
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Studi di espressione genica in linfociti T di soggetti di diversa etàPierini, Michela <1978> 03 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Delayed Graft Function: fattori di rischio ed impatto sull'outcome nel trapianto renaleBacchi, Giuliana <1965> 04 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Score istologico e allocazione dei "reni marginali": outcome a lungo termine del trapianto renaleCristino, Stefania <1972> 04 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Ruolo delle cellule staminali mesenchimali in modelli cellulari e animali di nefropatiaMagnasco, Alberto <1964> 04 April 2008 (has links)
Background. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) may be of value in
regeneration of renal tissue after damage, however lack of biological knowledge and
variability of results in animal models limit their utilization.
Methods. We studied the effects of MSC on podocytes ‘in vitro’ and ‘in vivo’
utilizing adriamycin (ADR) as a model of renal toxicity. The ‘in vivo’ experimental
approach was carried out in male Sprague Dawley rats (overall 60 animals) treated
with different ADR schemes to induce acute and chronic nephrosis. MSC were
given a) concomitantly to ADR in tail vein or b) in aorta and c) in tail vein 60 days
after ADR. Homing was assessed with PKH26-MSC.
Results. MSC rescued podocytes from apoptosis induced by ADR ‘in vitro’. The
maximal effect (80% rescue) was obtained with MSC/Podocytes co-culture ratio of
1:1 for 72 hours. All rats treated with ADR developed nephrosis. In no case MSC
modified the clinical parameters (i.e. proteinuria, serum creatinine, lipids) but
protected the kidney from severe glomerulosclerosis when given concomitantly to
ADR. Rats given MSC 60 days after ADR developed the same severe renal damage.
Only few MSC were found in renal tubule-interstitial areas after 1-24 hours from
injection and no MSC was detected in glomeruli.
Conclusions. MSC reduced apoptosis of podocytes treated with ADR ‘in vitro’.
Early and repeated MSC infusion blunted glomerular damage in chronic ADR
nephropathy. MSC did not modify proteinuria and progression to renal failure, that
implies lack of regenerative potential in this model.
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Stress ossidativo nel paziente portatore di trapianto renaleLanci, Nicole <1979> 04 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Adenocarcinoma polmonare periferico in stadio precoce. Correlazione tra gli aspetti imaging, i sottotipi istologici e il comportamento biologicoNatali, Pamela <1974> 03 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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