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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contrôle de terminaux multi-modes autonomes dans des environnements sans fil hétérogènes et indépendants / Control of autonomous multimode terminals in heterogeneous and independent wireless environments

Wetterwald, Michelle 12 November 2012 (has links)
Nous assistons actuellement à une évolution considérable des communications mobiles. En l’absence d’accord entre les fournisseurs, changer son point d’attachement au réseau signifie encore casser la session en cours et dépendre de l'application pour récupérer les données perdues. De même, il n'est guère possible pour un utilisateur mobile de contrôler la connectivité de son appareil. L'objectif de cette thèse est de présenter le concept d'une structure technologique innovante pour le contrôle autonome des terminaux multimodes dans les environnements sans fil hétérogènes et non fédérés. Son but est de permettre à un terminal auto-configuré de se connecter et de se déplacer de manière transparente à travers des réseaux indépendants, tout en respectant les choix et préférences de son utilisateur. Le schéma obtenu implique des mécanismes d’abstraction et inter-couches. Il tient compte de contraintes basées sur les systèmes sans fil hétérogènes, les architectures autonomes, et permet l’exécution de services génériques comme le choix du réseau d'accès et la gestion de la connectivité et des sessions. Ce schéma s'applique au terminal mobile, avec des mécanismes dissociés de l'infrastructure réseau. La thèse analyse comment les technologies existantes sont améliorées et combinées avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour atteindre cet objectif, et donne une description de l'ensemble du concept et de sa mise en œuvre. Un modèle simulé est utilisé pour évaluer la validité de la structure proposée. Diverses applications à des systèmes réels mettant en œuvre les éléments de cette architecture sont présentées, faisant ressortir la généralité et les principaux avantages du concept. / Recent years have witnessed a massive evolution of mobile communications. When no agreement between the network providers exists, changing the attached network still means breaking the session and relying on the application to recover the lost data. In parallel, it is hardly possible for a mobile user to control the connectivity of his terminal. The objective of this thesis is to present the concept of an innovative technological framework for the autonomous control of multimode terminals in heterogeneous and non-federated wireless environments. The aim is to enable a self-configuring terminal to connect and roam seamlessly across independent networks, while respecting its user’s choices and preferences. The target scheme involves abstraction and cross-layer mechanisms. It takes into account constraints based on heterogeneous wireless systems, autonomous architectures and enables generic services such as smart access network selection, connectivity and session management. This scheme applies to the mobile terminal, with mechanisms independent of the network infrastructure. The thesis analyses how existing technologies are enhanced and combined with new features to achieve this objective and gives a description of the overall concept and of its implementation. A simulated model is used to assess the validity of the proposed framework. Diverse applications to real systems that implemented the components of this framework are presented, highlighting the generality and key benefits of the concept.

Gestion du Handover dans les réseaux hétérogènes mobiles et sans fil / Handover management in heterogenous mobile and wireless networks

Rahil, Ahmad 12 March 2015 (has links)
Depuis les années 90, la technologie réseau et radio mobile a fait l'objet de progrès phénoménaux. Cette avancée technologique s'est faite en parallèle du côté réseau, du côté application et du coté besoin de l’utilisateur. L’évolution rapide de la technologie a eu pour conséquence l’existence d’un environnement hétérogène où la couverture est assurée par la coexistence de plusieurs types de réseaux. Le défi soulevé par cette architecture est de pouvoir naviguer entre plusieurs réseaux d’une façon transparente. La navigation entre réseaux de types différents est connue sous le nom du Handover vertical. Le standard IEEE 802.21 offre une composante appelée Media Independent Handover (MIH) qui contient une fonction capable de transmettre l’état des liens du nœud mobile depuis les couches inférieures vers les couches supérieures. MIH s’intercale entre le niveau 2 et le niveau 3 dans la pile protocolaire. Le rôle principal de MIH est d’aider le nœud mobile à faire un transfert sans coupure entre des réseaux de types différents, mais la logique de sélection est laissée sans implémentation.Dans ce contexte nous avons travaillé sur l’amélioration de la gestion du Handover en proposant une nouvelle architecture appelée VHMC et basée sur MIH offrant des nouvelles méthodes de sélection du réseau destination. La première proposition est un nouvel algorithme nommé Multiple Criteria Selection Algorithm (MCSA) basé sur plusieurs paramètres de qualité du service. Nous avons utilisé le simulateur Network Simulator (NS2) pour évaluer nos propositions en étudiant le nombre de paquets perdus et le temps de latence du Handover durant la période du transfert. La deuxième contribution est un nouveau modèle de sélection du réseau destination basé sur la technique de la logique floue. La base d’inférence, qui est l’élément central de la décision de ce modèle, est déduit grâce à une étude basée sur un nombre élevé de cas de Handover réels collectés des serveurs de la compagnie de télécommunication libanaise "Alfa". Une troisième solution est proposée à travers un nouveau modèle de sélection du réseau destination basé sur la théorie de la régression linéaire multiple. / Since 1990, networking and mobile technologies have made a phenomenal unprecedented progress. This progress has been experienced on multiple fronts in parallel; especially on the application level and the user's needs one. This rapid evolution of the technology imposed a need for the existence of heterogeneous environments where the coverage is ensured throughout the different available networks. The challenge with such architecture would be to provide the user with the ability to navigate through the different available networks in a transparent and seamless fashion. However, the navigation among different types of networks is commonly referred to as vertical Handover. The IEEE 802.21 standard offers a component that is called Media Independent Handover (MIH) which has a function that provides the capability of transmitting the state of the connection of the mobile nodes from the lower to upper layers. This layer would exist between layer 2 and layer 3 within the protocol architecture. The main role of MIH is to help the mobile node transfer without interrupt among different types of networks, but the logic of selection is left without implementation. In this context, we worked on the improvement of the Handover management by proposing a new architecture, called VHMC and based on MIH by offering new methods for selecting the destination network. The first solution is a new algorithm called Multiple Criteria Selection Algorithm (MCSA) based on multiple parameters of the quality of service. We used Network Simulator (NS2) for testing our approach and study the number of lost packets and lost time during Handover. The second solution is a new model for selecting the destination network based on fuzzy logic techniques. The distinctive characteristic of this model lies in the study of genuine Handover records taken from a Lebanese mobile operator called "Alfa". A third proposed solution for network selection is based on multiple linear regression theory.

Distributed cooperative MIMO in beyond 2020 wireless networks

Cabrejas Peñuelas, Jorge 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] Mobile communication systems are currently being developed with the aim of providing peak data rates up to 20 times higher to those of LTE-Advanced Rel 10. However, this performance improvement is often far from being the experimented performance by those users who are far from the Base Station (BS). In this sense, there exists a consensus on the fact that the best way to achieve the same quality for all users is with the use of heterogeneous networks composed of macrocells, microcells, femtocells, and relays. This dissertation addresses the use of Mobile Relays (MRs) to provide service to users who are at the cell-edge. MR is a natural extension of the fi xed relay in which users who are in the idle state could retransmit signals received from other transmitters to enhance data rates. This dissertation focuses on proposing and evaluating new techniques that manage the use of the MR in the new generation cellular networks. In particular, the dissertation studies MR from two complementary points of view. The first point of view investigates the MR management at the network level through a signaling protocol known as Media Independent Handover. The central idea of this mechanism is to use this signaling to connect the BS and the user in one of the following two manners. In the former, both entities are connected directly through the xG (x= 2, 3, 4, 5) wireless network. In the latter, there exists an xG connection between the BS and the MR and another one between the MR and the user through an IEEE 802.11 local wireless network. The investigations in this Thesis aim at fi nding a trade-of f between using multiple MRs and reducing signaling overhead. The second point of view deals with MR integration at air interface level. It consists in detecting, proposing, and evaluating new transmission techniques that solve the drawbacks derived from coherent detection. As with point-to-point systems, employing multiple antennas in a cooperative system can signi cantly improve the spectral efficiency of the systems with only one transmit antenna assuming that the channel estate information is available at the receiver. However, performing a coherent detection in a network assisted by relays consumes much more resources than a point-to-point network since the coherent detection requires the channel estimation of source-relay, relay-destination, and source-destination links. In this Thesis, the proposed solution is to use transmission techniques that do not need the channel knowledge to perform the detection. This dissertation evaluates the use of Single-User (SU) open-loop communication methods over temporally-correlated Rayleigh fading MIMO channels. On the other hand, in multi-carrier systems, the Thesis proposes to transmit the Grassmannian signaling (GS) in the virtual block formed by the coherence time and the coherence bandwidth. This proposal is due to the fact that GS achieves data rates approaching capacity over block-fading channels. However, this channel type is not common in real systems since channel correlation is often found in frequency, time, and space. For this reason, the next objective is to evaluate the performance of GS compared to the diversity transmission modes of LTE, analyzing the impact of user mobility and antenna correlation. Thanks to these investigations, we point that non-coherent systems are promising techniques in mobility scenarios with a high number of transmit antennas. This result motivates its relevance in the design of new SU open-loop transmission methods with multiple antennas. In downlink multi-user non-coherent scenarios, superposition coding and a suboptimum detection scheme are proposed. This detection system reduces the complexity respect to the maximum likelihood detection. Finally, this dissertation proposes that GS is transmitted in a new carrier type, where any reference signal is transmitted. In this way, the user would change its detection method to non-coherent. / [ES] Los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles están siendo desarrollados en la actualidad con el objetivo de ofrecer tasas de datos de pico hasta 20 veces mayores que las proporcionadas por LTE-Advanced Rel 10. Sin embargo, esta mejora en prestaciones está lejos de ser la experimentada por los usuarios que están lejos de la Estación Base (EB). En este sentido, existe un consenso en que la mejor manera de lograr la misma calidad para todos los usuarios es con el uso de redes heterogéneas formadas de macroceldas, microceldas, femtoceldas y relays. Esta Tesis estudia el uso del Relay Móvil (RM) para proporcionar servicio a usuarios que estén en el borde de la celda. El RM es una extensión natural del relay fijo en el cual los usuarios que están en reposo podrían retransmitir señales recibidas de otros transmisores para mejorar las tasas de datos. Esta Tesis se enfoca en proponer y evaluar nuevas técnicas que gestionen el uso del RM en las redes celulares de nueva generación. En particular, la Tesis estudia el MR desde dos puntos de vista complementarios. El primer punto de vista investiga la gestión del RM a nivel de red a través de un protocolo de señalización conocido como Media Independent Handover. La idea principal de este mecanismo es usar esta señalización para conectar la EB y el usuario en una de las siguientes dos maneras. En la primera, ambas entidades están conectadas directamente a través de la red inalámbrica xG (x=2, 3, 4, 5). En la segunda, existe una conexión xG entre la EB y el RM, y otra entre el RM y el usuario a través de una red inalámbrica local IEEE 802.11. Las investigaciones en esta Tesis buscan un compromiso entre usar múltiples RMs y reducir la carga de señalización. El segundo punto de vista trata de la integración del RM a nivel radio. Esto consiste en detectar, proponer y evaluar nuevas técnicas de transmisión que solucionen los inconvenientes derivados de la detección coherente. Como en los sistemas punto a punto, emplear múltiples antenas en un sistema cooperativo puede mejorar la efficiencia espectral respecto a los sistemas con una única antena transmisora asumiendo que el estado del canal está disponible en el receptor. Sin embargo, realizar una detección coherente en una red asistida con relays consume más recursos que una red punto a punto ya que la detección coherente requiere la estimación de canal de los enlaces fuente-relay, relay-destino y fuente-destino. La solución propuesta es usar técnicas de transmisión que no necesiten el conocimiento del canal para realizar la detección. Esta Tesis evalúa el uso de métodos de comunicación en lazo abierto a un único usuario sobre canales MIMO con desvanecimientos Rayleigh temporalmente correlados. Por otra parte, en sistemas multiportadora, se propone transmitir la Señalización Grassmannian (SG) en el bloque virtual formado por el tiempo de coherencia y el ancho de banda de coherencia. Esta propuesta se debe al hecho de que la SG alcanza tasas de datos cercanas a la capacidad en canales block-fading. Sin embargo, este tipo de canal no es común en sistemas reales puesto que la correlación del canal se encuentra a menudo en frecuencia, tiempo y espacio. Por esta razón, el siguiente objetivo es evaluar las prestaciones de la SG comparadas con los modos de transmisión de diversidad de LTE, analizando el impacto de la movilidad del usuario y la correlación de las antenas. Gracias a estas investigaciones, apuntamos que los sistemas no coherentes son técnicas prometedoras en escenarios con movilidad y un alto número de antenas transmisoras. En escenarios no coherentes multiusuario del enlace descendente, se propone utilizar superposition coding y un esquema de detección subóptimo que reduce la complejidad respecto a la detección de máxima verosimilitud. Finalmente, se propone que la SG sea transmitida en una nueva portadora donde ninguna señal de referencia se transmita. De esta forma, el usuar / [CA] Els sistemes de comunicacions mòbils estan sent desenrotllats en l'actualitat amb l'objectiu d'oferir taxes de dades de pic fins a 20 vegades majors que les proporcionades per LTE-Advanced Rel 10. No obstant això, esta millora en prestacions està lluny de ser l'experimentada pels usuaris que estan lluny de l'Estació Base (EB). En este sentit, hi ha un consens en què la millor manera d'aconseguir la mateixa qualitat per a tots els usuaris és amb l'ús de xarxes heterogènies formades de macrocel·les, microcel·les, femtoceldas i relays. Esta Tesi estudia l'ús del Relay Mòbil (RM) per a proporcionar servici a usuaris que estiguen en el bord de la cel·la. El RM és una extensió natural del relay fix en el qual els usuaris que estan en repòs podrien retransmetre senyals rebudes d'altres transmissors per a millorar les taxes de dades. Esta Tesi s'enfoca a proposar i avaluar noves tècniques que gestionen l'ús del RM en les xarxes cel·lulars de nova generació. En particular, la Tesi estudia el MR des de dos punts de vista complementaris. El primer punt de vista investiga la gestió del RM a nivell de xarxa a través d'un protocol de senyalització conegut com Media Independent Handover. La idea principal d'este mecanisme és usar esta senyalització per a connectar l'EB i l'usuari en una de les següents dos maneres. En la primera, ambdós entitats estan connectades directament a través de la xarxa sense fil xG (x=2, 3, 4, 5) . En la segona, hi ha una connexió xG entre l'EB i el RM, i una altra entre el RM i l'usuari a través d'una xarxa sense fil local IEEE 802.11. Les investigacions en esta Tesi busquen un compromís entre usar múltiples RMs i reduir la càrrega de senyalització. El segon punt de vista tracta de la integració del RM a nivell ràdio. Açò consistix a detectar, proposar i avaluar noves tècniques de transmissió que solucionen els inconvenients derivats de la detecció coherent. Com en els sistemes punt a punt, emprar múltiples antenes en un sistema cooperatiu pot millorar l'efficiencia espectral respecte als sistemes amb una única antena transmissora assumint que l'estat del canal està disponible en el receptor. No obstant això, realitzar una detecció coherent en una xarxa assistida amb relays consumix més recursos que una xarxa punt a punt ja que la detecció coherent requerix l'estimació de canal dels enllaços font-relay, relay-destí i font-destí. La solució proposada és usar tècniques de transmissió que no necessiten el coneixement del canal per a realitzar la detecció. Esta Tesi avalua l'ús de mètodes de comunicació en llaç obert a un únic usuari sobre canals MIMO amb esvaïments Rayleigh temporalment correlats. D'altra banda, en sistemes multiportadora, es proposa transmetre la Senyalització Grassmannian (SG) en el bloc virtual format pel temps de coherència i l'amplada de banda de coherència. Esta proposta es deu al fet de que la SG aconseguix taxes de dades pròximes a la capacitat en canals block-fading. No obstant això, este tipus de canal no és comú en sistemes reals ja que la correlació del canal es troba sovint en freqüència, temps i espai. Per esta raó, el següent objectiu és avaluar les prestacions de la SG comparades amb els modes de transmissió de diversitat de LTE, analitzant l'impacte de la mobilitat de l'usuari i la correlació de les antenes. Gràcies a estes investigacions, apuntem que els sistemes no coherents són tècniques prometedores en escenaris amb mobilitat i un alt nombre d'antenes transmissores. En escenaris no coherents multiusuari de l'enllaç descendent, es proposa utilitzar superposition coding i un esquema de detecció subòptim que reduïx la complexitat respecte a la detecció de màxima versemblança. Finalment, es proposa que la SG siga transmesa en una nova portadora on cap senyal de referència es transmeta. D'esta manera, l'usuari canviaria el seu mètode de detecció a no coherent. / Cabrejas Peñuelas, J. (2016). Distributed cooperative MIMO in beyond 2020 wireless networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63245

Load balancing in heterogeneous wireless communications networks : optimized load aware vertical handovers in satellite-terrestrial hybrid networks incorporating IEEE 802.21 media independent handover and cognitive algorithms

Ali, Muhammad January 2012 (has links)
Heterogeneous wireless networking technologies such as satellite, UMTS, WiMax and WLAN are being used to provide network access for both voice and data services. In big cities, the densely populated areas like town centres, shopping centres and train stations may have coverage of multiple wireless networks. Traditional Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection algorithms are mainly based on the 'Always Best Connected' paradigm whereby the mobile nodes are always directed towards the available network which has the strongest and fastest link. Hence a large number of mobile users may be connected to the more common UMTS while the other networks like WiMax and WLAN would be underutilised, thereby creating an unbalanced load across these different wireless networks. This high variation among the load across different co-located networks may cause congestion on overloaded network leading to high call blocking and call dropping probabilities. This can be alleviated by moving mobile users from heavily loaded networks to least loaded networks. This thesis presents a novel framework for load balancing in heterogeneous wireless networks incorporating the IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH). The framework comprises of novel load-aware RAT selection techniques and novel network load balancing mechanism. Three new different load balancing algorithms i.e. baseline, fuzzy and neural-fuzzy algorithms have also been presented in this thesis that are used by the framework for efficient load balancing across the different co-located wireless networks. A simulation model developed in NS2 validates the performance of the proposed load balancing framework. Different attributes like load distribution in all wireless networks, handover latencies, packet drops, throughput at mobile nodes and network utilization have been observed to evaluate the effects of load balancing using different scenarios. The simulation results indicate that with load balancing the performance efficiency improves as the overloaded situation is avoided by load balancing.

Load balancing in heterogeneous wireless communications networks. Optimized load aware vertical handovers in satellite-terrestrial hybrid networks incorporating IEEE 802.21 media independent handover and cognitive algorithms.

Ali, Muhammad January 2012 (has links)
Heterogeneous wireless networking technologies such as satellite, UMTS, WiMax and WLAN are being used to provide network access for both voice and data services. In big cities, the densely populated areas like town centres, shopping centres and train stations may have coverage of multiple wireless networks. Traditional Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection algorithms are mainly based on the ¿Always Best Connected¿ paradigm whereby the mobile nodes are always directed towards the available network which has the strongest and fastest link. Hence a large number of mobile users may be connected to the more common UMTS while the other networks like WiMax and WLAN would be underutilised, thereby creating an unbalanced load across these different wireless networks. This high variation among the load across different co-located networks may cause congestion on overloaded network leading to high call blocking and call dropping probabilities. This can be alleviated by moving mobile users from heavily loaded networks to least loaded networks. This thesis presents a novel framework for load balancing in heterogeneous wireless networks incorporating the IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH). The framework comprises of novel load-aware RAT selection techniques and novel network load balancing mechanism. Three new different load balancing algorithms i.e. baseline, fuzzy and neural-fuzzy algorithms have also been presented in this thesis that are used by the framework for efficient load balancing across the different co-located wireless networks. A simulation model developed in NS2 validates the performance of the proposed load balancing framework. Different attributes like load distribution in all wireless networks, handover latencies, packet drops, throughput at mobile nodes and network utilization have been observed to evaluate the effects of load balancing using different scenarios. The simulation results indicate that with load balancing the performance efficiency improves as the overloaded situation is avoided by load balancing.

Principy zabezpečení bezdrátových standardů / Principles of the Wireless Standards Security

Vokál, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Computer networks are in the scope of the IEEE organization normalized by the 802 board which currently comprises six working groups for wireless communications. IEEE 802.11 for wireless local area networks, IEEE  802.15 for wireless personal area networks, IEEE 802.16 for wireless metropolitan area networks, IEEE 802.20 for mobile broadband wireless access, IEEE 802.21 for media independent handover and IEEE 802.22 for wireless regional area networks. This master's thesis focuses on a security analysis of particular standards, describes threats, vulnerabilities, current security measures and mutually compares wireless specifications from a security point of view. The conclusion is devoted to overall evaluation of the project, to its contributions, possible enhancements and continuation in the form of consequential studies.

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