Spelling suggestions: "subject:"methods inn practice"" "subject:"methods iin practice""
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The appeal to values in the management of international non-governmental organisations : linking ethics and practiceMowles, C. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the way that values get taken up by managers and leaders in international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), organisations which already have a rich history of public appeals to values. By ”values‘ I take to mean those generalised and idealising statements, such as the aspiration to ”mutual respect‘, ”equity and justice‘ ”honesty and transparency‘ in dealings with others, which usually accompany the organisation‘s vision and mission statements. The thesis sets out the argument that modern management methods based on systems thinking have been imported largely uncritically into the INGO sector, and in situations where the future is uncertain, or where there is difficulty or conflict, managers often attempt to cover over this conflict or uncertainty with an appeal to values which pictures an idealised future or an imaginary unity. Further, the thesis attempts to explore this phenomenon and to uncover some of the ethical issues that arise in the process of an appeal to unity when I am engaged as a consultant in working with managers in the INGO-sector. The thesis considers how my own practice as a consultant has changed and developed as a consequence of considering these phenomena more intensely and acting on the conclusions from these reflections. The research was prompted by my feelings of being co-opted into a process that encouraged conformity in INGOs in a way that left me feeling uncomfortable. In exploration of this discomfort and as student in a faculty pursuing the conceptual development of professional practice I have drawn broadly on the phenomenological tradition of research as a way of better understanding what I was encountering and how to make better sense of it. The method underpinning this thesis uses narrative, and reflection on narrative with a community of enquirers, which has included both fellow students on the course, as well as a wider group of interested academics. I have used as my research material my own experience of working with INGOs as a consultant and have reflected on those occasions when the discussion of values is very much to the fore. It has also meant my locating the discussion of values in a wider discourse of philosophy, sociology and psychology and mounting a critique of the dominant paradigm for understanding values in current management and organisational change literature, which is often understood as a tool for management to bring about employee alignment. Instead, I have set out an emergent understanding of values as radically social phenomena arising in the daily interaction between engaged human beings. I argue that, because of our interdependence, we are obliged to renegotiate our value commitments on a daily basis as a way of working out how we can continue together. This has involved developing a different understanding of the relationship between self and other, and a more nuanced insight into the workings of groups and the relationships of power that arise between people. Engaging with values in INGOs as a consultant invited into conversations in INGOs has thus involved my paying attention to power relating between myself and others, and the dialectic between the good and the right. Reflecting on the ethical aspects of my own consultancy practice has involved an investigation into what we might mean by ethical practice, which is generally understood to be following a series of linear rules and paradigms. I have begun to develop in its stead a theory of consultancy practice based on concepts of mutual recognition and mutual adjustment that create more space for movement within the broader social processes that can severely constrain what it is and is not possible to say and do. This thesis contributes to knowledge in the field of the management of INGOs by being one of the first to offer a critique of accepted paradigms of management theory, particularly as it relates to the appeal to values as part of strategy formation. Moreover, the emergent and social theory of values that I develop as a foil to more orthodox understandings of the role of values in the management of INGOs is also unique. My arguments concerning the ethical practice of consultancy in the domain, underpinned by a dialectical engagement of self and other, are particularly relevant to the field in which I am involved where the encounter with difference is inevitable. In the literature on management of INGOs, where research on consultancy practice is still rather thin and orthodox, my argument for a different understanding of ethical practice offers a considerable divergence of approach. In pointing to the similarities between the pressures facing INGO and private sector organisations I have also called into question the uniqueness that many scholars claim for the current management practice in INGOs. My attempts to use narrative and reflection on narrative as a method that strives to articulate what a different practice might look like should also make a new contribution to the debate about method, and ways of discussing management practice, in international development.
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Should the medical exclusion within patent law be amended or removed?Odell-West, Amanda January 2006 (has links)
The main concern of this thesis is whether the medical exclusion in patent law should be retained unamended, redrafted or removed in light of the various legal problems and policy considerations. Income generation by NHS bodies is assuming increasing importance in the Department of Health. The IP strategy for the NHS launched in 2002 places a responsibility on NHS employees to generate and identify IP arising in the course of their duties. The Government may wish to consider removing the medical exclusion in the commercial interests of the country in accordance with its wider IP policy for public sector research establishments and its market-based reforms for the NHS.There are four key purposes of this thesis. The first is to establish the importance of the medical exclusion for doctors and their practice in terms of function and validity. The second is to ascertain the compatibility of the patent process with medical professionalism and tradition. The third is to investigate whether doctors think a specific category of medical method patents could be acceptable (in terms of medical practice) and fourthly, to ascertain the degree to which doctors think patents on gene-based diagnostic tests interfere with their practice, research and development. The empirical research reveals views from 275 NHS Trust consultants and GPs in Sheffield about the medical exclusion, a new substantial development criterion in patent law, the effects of the patent process on aspects of medical practice and the effects of patented genetic diagnostic test methods on medical research and practice. Analysis of the results reveals a number of disadvantages of the existing legal regime, which lead to proposals for reform.
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Využívání aktivizačních metod studenty učitelství II. stupně ZŠ při průběžných a souvislých praxích. / Using activating methods by teacher trainees at secondary schools in running and continuous practice.NECHVÁTALOVÁ, Alena January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on Using Activation Methods by Students on the Faculty of Education of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in their running and continuous educational stays. In a theoretical part there are described educational methods, the attention is focused on activation methods. There are described individual types of these methods, functions, individual phases and concrete examples. A practical part is focused on concrete using of activation methods during running and continuous educational stays. In the diploma thesis was used the method of questionnaire. The aim of this thesis was getting answers on research questions.
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Gathering, translating, enacting : a study of interdisciplinary research and development practices in Technology Enhanced LearningRimpiläinen, Sanna K. January 2012 (has links)
This is an ethnographic case-study of research and development practices taking place in an interdisciplinary project between education and computer sciences. The Ensemble-project, part of the Technology Enhanced Learning programme (2008-12), has studied case-based learning in a number of diverse settings in Higher Education, working to develop semantic technologies for supporting that learning. Focussing on one of the six research settings, the discipline of archaeology, the current study has had three purposes. By opening up to scrutiny the practices of research and development, it has firstly sought to understand how a shared research question is answered in practice when divergent research approaches are brought to bear upon it. Secondly, the study has followed the emergence of a piece of semantic technology through these practices. The third aim has been to assess the advantages and disadvantages of Actor-Network Theory (ANT) in studying unfolding, open-ended processes in real time. Through critical ethnographic participation, multiple ethnographic research methods, and by drawing on ANT as theoretical practice, the study has shown the precarious and unpredictable nature of research and development work, the political nature of research methods and how multiple realities can be produced using them, and the need for technology development to flexibly respond to changing circumstances. We have also seen the mutual adoption and extension of practices by the two strands of the project into each others’ domains, and how interdisciplinary tensions resolved, while they did not disappear, through pragmatic changes within the project. The study contributes to the interdisciplinary fields of Science and Technology Studies (STS) where studies on the ‘soft sciences’, such as education, are few, and a new field of Studies in Social Science and Humanities (SSH) which is emerging alongside and from within the STS. Interdisciplinary endeavours between fields pertaining largely to the natural and the social sciences respectively have not been studied commonly within either field.
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Processutveckling i praktiken : En fallstudie om processutvecklingsmetoders användbarhet / Process development in practice : A case study about the usefulness of methods for process developmentJohansson, Victor, Rahm, Victor January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Att arbeta processorienterat är viktigt för alla typer av företag för att kunna möta en högre ställd kravbild från kunder och omvärlden. En del av processorienteringen involverar att utveckla och effektivisera affärsprocesser. För att möta behovet av utveckling har en mängd olika metoder tagits fram för hur bolag kan arbeta med detta. Bolaget Atea Logistics AB har identifierat ett problem i en av deras affärsprocesser som inte presterar på önskvärd nivå. Problematiken är kopplat till inköpsprocessen och hanteringen av leveransdata, vilket leder till svårigheter i att fastställa ett säkert ankomstdatum av gods. Detta påverkar flera delar i värdekedjan och det slutliga kundvärdet vilket väcker ett behov av utvecklingsarbete. Trots processutvecklingens ökade vikt menar en del kritiker att metoderna som tagits fram för detta är svårförstådda och saknar en praktisk användbarhet. Eftersom den tidigare forskningen sägs sakna praktisk förankring kring hur metoderna faktiskt kan bidra till bättrade affärsprocesser avser denna studie att testa och utvärdera en av dessa metoder på Ateas problematik för att i slutändan öka den praktiska användbarheten. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att testa en metod för processutveckling på ett problem hos företaget Atea. Därefter ska en utvärdering av metoden genomföras för att bidra med eventuella förbättringsförslag sammanställt i ett ramverk. Vidare syftar även uppsatsen till att presentera rekommendationer till Atea kring hur de kan arbeta för att överbrygga sina upplevda problem i affärsprocessen. Metod: Den generella forskningsstrategi som använts är i huvudsak en kvalitativ fallstudie med en till stor del deduktiv ansats med vissa induktiva inslag. För att läsaren tidigt skulle ges en mer övergriplig bild kring processtänkandets olika delar samlades detta i en teoretisk referensram. Sedermera ämnade den teoretiska insamlingen som legat till grund för arbetet att skapa förståelse för de olika metoder som finns för processutveckling för att vidare kunna testa en av dessa i en praktisk miljö. Insamlingen av empiri har skett genom en särskilt verksamhetsnära forskningsmetod, interventionistisk forskning med hjälp av intervjuer, telefonsamtal, fokusgrupper och workshops. Metoden använder ett mer experimentellt och interagerande sätt för observationer genom att vara en del av forskningsobjektet. En testning av en teoretisk metod gjordes därefter på fallet för att lösa ett praktiskt problem parallellt som en utvärdering av metoden kunde genomföras. Den kunskapsteoretiska ståndpunkt som legat till grund för uppsatsen är empirisk realism för att skapa en ökad förståelse för verkligheten än den som teorin beskriver. Slutsats: För att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar var syftet att genomföra en testning av BPR på ett verkligt problem hos Atea. Slutsatserna som kan erhållas utifrån detta är först och främst att i egenskap av praktisk användbarhet så kan det konstateras att metoden som testades i uppsatsen definitivt var praktisk användbar men lämnade utrymme för förbättringspotential. Under uppsatsens gång har det uppenbarat sig en avsaknad av vissa aspekter i metoden. De anpassningar som gjorts av metoden på grund av detta är kopplade till praktiskt förekommande företeelser såsom tid, engagemang och motivation. Vidare ansågs metodens praktiska användbarhet kunna höjas ytterligare genom att förändra metodens ordningsföljd i en del av uppgifterna för att på så vis skapa en mer logisk arbetsprocess. Att säkert kunna konstatera att den praktiska användbarheten faktiskt höjts ställer krav på att en ny testning genomförs med det nya ramverket. Däremot finns det mycket som pekar på att dessa förändringar är ett möjligt steg till en mer praktisk metod med enklare användbarhet för processutveckling. Utvecklingsarbetet mynnade även ut i rekommendationer till Atea, de huvudsakliga förbättringsområdena involverade stärkt kommunikation såväl internt som externt, standardisering av processer, samt en utveckling av automatiseringslösningar. / Background and problem: Working process oriented is important for all types of companies in order to meet the high demands from customers and the outside world. Working process oriented involves developing business processes. To meet the increased need for process development a variety of methods have been made on how companies can work with this. Atea Logistics AB have identified an issue in one of their business processes that does not perform in line with their expectations. The issue is linked to the purchasing process and the handling of delivery dates, which leads to difficulties when determining certain arrival date of the goods. This affects several parts in the value chain as well as the final customer value, which raises a need for development. Despite the increased importance of process development, critics mean that the methods for this is difficult to understand and lacks a practical applicability. Since the previous research misses a practical anchoring on how the methods actually contributes to improved business processes this study aims to test and evaluate one of these methods for process development on Atea’s issue, to hopefully increase the practical usability. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to conduct a testing of a method for process development on a practical issue within the company Atea. Thereafter an evaluation of the method will be done in order to present any suggestions for improvement and to compile these in a framework. Furthermore, the study also aims to provide recommendations to Atea regarding how they can work in order to overcome their experienced issues within their business process. Method: The study is mainly a qualitative case study. The approach was deductive with some elements of inductive reasoning. A theoretical frame with key concepts was gathered in order to provide the reader with a comprehensive knowledge of the different parts of process orientation. Furthermore, the purpose of the theoretical sampling was to create an understanding of the different methods that exists for process development in order to conduct a testing of one of these in a practical environment. The empirical sampling has been conducted through a particularly practical approach, interventionist research method. The method uses an experimental and interacting approach to gather empirical observations by being a part of the research object. A testing of a theoretical method for process development were then conducted on the practical case in order to solve the issue in parallel to an evaluation of the method. The philosophy applied is empirical realism which strives to create an increased understanding for the reality beyond what is described in theory. Conclusion: To be able to answer the question of the essay the purpose was to conduct a testing of the BPR method on a real problem within Atea. The conclusions that can be obtained from this is that the method that was tested was practical and useful but left some room för improvement. During the course of the essay, a lack of some aspects in the method has become apparent. The adjustments that have been made because of this is linked to practical phenomena’s such as time, commitment, and motivation. Furthermore, it was considered that the methods practical use could be increased even further by rearranging the order of some of the key tasks in order to create a more logical work process. To be able to state with certainty that the practical usability has actually been increased, it requires that a new test is conducted with the new framework. However, there are many indications that these changes are a possible step towards a more practical method with simpler usability for process development. The development work also resulted in recommendations to Atea, the main areas for improvement involved strengthened communication both internally and externally, standardization of processes, and the development of automation solutions.
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