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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contemporary Mexican Classical Guitar Music at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: Selected Compositions 1988-2003

Lazo, Alejandro January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to discover if Arturo Fuentes’ Primer Interludio incorporates a number of stylistic features typical of guitar music written by Mexican contemporaries from 1988 to 2003. These features include the use of complex musical notation, highly disjunct melodic contour, extended techniques, innovative timbres, rhythmic complexity, rapidly changing dynamics, atonality, percussive effects and repetitive rhythmic and/or melodic cells. As a point of departure a list of guitar works by representative Mexican composers was compiled. From this list the following works were chosen since they exemplify the stylistic trends I wish to highlight: Tres Instantáneas (1988) by Manuel Enríquez, Sonata (1992) and Elegía 2 (2000) by Hebert Vázquez, Haikus (2000) by Ana Lara, Sydolira (2000) by Gabriela Ortíz, and Impello (2003) by Francisco Javier González Compeán. By comparative analysis, I have associated certain stylistic features between these contemporary Mexican composers. I have been able to get a glimpse of some of the underlying stylistic unities found in these guitar compositions that seem rather separate. There are a number of stylistic features common to all of the composers discussed herein as well as few characteristics where only some of them converge. However, this research shows that Arturo Fuentes’ Primer Interludio is representative of several stylistic features commonly found in guitar music written by contemporary Mexican composers. There is a vast variety of Mexican guitar works created in recent years that remain unknown to today’s classical music world, academic community and general public. Mexico possesses a large repertoire of guitar works, music for solo guitar and guitar with a wide array of ensemble combinations from duets to large ensembles and guitar concertos. Many of these works would undoubtedly challenge a performer of the highest caliber. One of the purposes of this project is to promote contemporary Mexican classical guitar music. I hope to awake interest in this contemporary music style and encourage other musicians to include Mexican works in their concert repertoire.

Harmonic Practice in the Guitar Music of Manuel M. Ponce

Nystel, David J. 12 1900 (has links)
This investigation examines the evolution of harmonic practice in the guitar misic of the Mexican composer, Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948). Ponces harmonic practice evolved from a simple romantic style influenced by Mexican folksong to a more complex idiom influenced by Impressionistic harmony. This study explores the change in Ponce t s harmonic practice in two ways. First, general features of Ponce's harmonic vocabulary are surveyed in excerpts from various guitar works written over a twenty year period. Second, a work from Ponce's mature style--Theme Varie et Finale-is examined in detail. Chapter III gives a survey of harmonic materials in this work, while Chapter IV reveals aspects of its structural coherence.

A Survey of Musical Background and an Analysis of Mexican Piano Music 1928 to 1956

Slight, Charlotte Frances 06 1900 (has links)
The Revolution of 1910 in Mexico marked a great political and social upheaval. At the same time a recasting of Mexico's music occurred. Modern Mexican music is a unique combination of the influence inherited from Europe and the indigenous music of the country. This work attempts to trace the development of that combination. Chapter I gives a background of music in Mexico through Pre-Cortesian times, the colonial period and the operatic nineteenth century. Chapter II deals with the men who shaped present day music in Mexico. Chapter III is an analysis of selected twentieth century piano works. The analysis shows the tendencies of ten Mexican composers in their use of melody and rhythm. It includes a discussion of harmonic structure and tonality. The composers whose works were chosen for consideration in the analysis range from Manuel M. Ponce, considered the father of modern Mexican music, to Carlos Chavez, recognized as the outstanding exponent of music in Mexico today.

A Mexican Postmodernist Vision Grounded on Structuralism: The Cases of Juan Trigos' Cuarteto Da Do (1988) and Victor Rasgado's Rayo Nocturnal (1989)

Madrid-González, Alejandro L. (Alejandro Luis) 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis contributes analyses of two works by Mexican composers: Rayo nocturnal (1989) by Victor Rasgado (b. 1959), and the Cuarteto da do (1988) by Juan Trigos (b. 1965). Although composed according to structuralist principles, a postmodern interpretation is offered. The analytical method applied is based on Allen Forte's set theory, including rhythmic and timbral dimensions that are integral to the conceptions of these works. A survey of modernism and postmodernism in twentieth-century Mexico serves to place these works in their cultural context.

Repertorio para violonchelo de los compositores mexicanos Castro, Ponce, Carrillo, Chávez, Enríquez y Lavista: perspectiva interdisciplinar para su difusión

Lacruz Zorita, María Desamparados 30 December 2022 (has links)
[ES] El Catálogo de obras latinoamericanas para violonchelo de Germán Marcano (2004) incluye mil cuatrocientas cincuenta y tres entradas. México es el país latinoamericano que presenta el mayor número de obras y la más antigua tradición de composiciones para este instrumento, desde que Ricardo Castro escribiera el primer concierto latinoamericano para violonchelo y orquesta, alrededor de 1890. Ante la deficiente difusión de este legado, el objetivo de esta tesis es el de revelar la importancia histórica, la singularidad, heterogeneidad y el valor artístico del repertorio para violonchelo mexicano, mediante el análisis musicológico de una selección de obras representativas escritas por los compositores más significativos de cada generación, así como la observación de la evolución estética que estas describen, desde el postromanticismo de finales del siglo XIX hasta las vanguardias del siglo XX. La metodología interdisciplinar empleada abarca los campos de la escucha consciente, la reflexión tras la percepción, el estudio sociopolítico y cultural sobre México, el análisis musical adecuado a cada lenguaje, la interpretación de las obras y la valoración de cada obra para su interpretación en relación a sus características particulares y al lugar que ocupa en la obra del autor. En cada uno de los tres capítulos quedan contrastadas obras para violonchelo de dos compositores pertenecientes a un mismo momento sociopolítico. Las de Ricardo Castro (1864-1906) y Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) son pioneras de su género en Latinoamérica y representaciones distintas del proceso de búsqueda de la identidad mexicana. Julián Carrillo (1875 -1956) y Carlos Chávez (1899-1978) aportan dos visiones diferentes del camino que había de seguir la música mexicana a partir del momento histórico de la Revolución de 1910. Manuel Enríquez (1926-1994) y Mario Lavista (1943-2021) comparten el ideal cosmopolita de la vanguardia de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. La investigación realizada evidencia que las obras seleccionadas contribuyen significativamente al desarrollo del violonchelo como instrumento solista y que sus autores enriquecen los lenguajes musicales del siglo XX con individualidad e idiosincrasia. / [CAT] El Catàlec d'obres llatinoamericanes per a violonchelo de Germán Marcano (2004) inclou mil quatrecentes cincuenta y tres entrades. Mèxic és el país llatinoamericà que presenta el major número d'obres i la més antiga tradició de composicions per a este instrument, des de que Ricardo Castro escriguera el primer concert llatinoamericà per a violonchelo i orquesta, al voltant de 1890. Davant la deficient difusió d'este llegat, l'objectiu d'esta tesis és el de revelar l'importància històrica, la singularitat, heterogeneïtat i el valor artístic del repertori per a violonchelo mexicà, per mig de l'anàlisis musicològic d'una selecció d'obres representatives escrites pels compositors més significatius de cada generació, aixina com l'observació de l'evolució estètica que estes descriuen, des del postromanticisme de finals del sigle XIX fins a les vanguardes del sigle XX. La metodologia interdisciplinar empleada comprén els camps de l'escolta conscient, la reflexió despuix de la percepció, l'estudi sociopolític i cultural sobre Mèxic, l'anàlisis musical adequat a cada llenguage, l'interpretació de les obres i la valoració de cada obra per a la seua interpretació en relació a les seues característiques particulars i al lloc que ocupa en l'obra de l'autor. En cada u dels tres capítuls queden contrastades obres per a violonchelo de dos compositors pertanyents a un mateix moment sociopolític. Les de Ricardo Castro (1864-1906) i Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) són pioneres del seu gènero en Llatinoamèrica i representacions distintes del procés de busca de l'identitat mexicana. Julián Carrillo (1875 -1956) i Carlos Chávez (1899-1978) aporten dos visions diferents del camí que havia de seguir la música mexicana a partir del moment històric de la Revolució de 1910. Manuel Enríquez (1926-1994) i Mario Lavista (1943-2021) compartixen l'ideal cosmopolita de la vanguarda de la segona mitat del sigle XX. L'investigació realisada evidència que les obres seleccionades contribuïxen significativament al desenroll del violonchelo com a instrument soliste i que els seus autors enriquixen els llenguages musicals del sigle XX en individualitat i idiosincràsia. / [EN] The Catalog of Latin American Works for Cello by Germán Marcano (2004) includes one thousand four hundred and fifty-three entries. Mexico is the Latin American country that presents the largest number of works and the oldest tradition of compositions for this instrument, since the first Latin American concerto for cello and orchestra was written by Ricardo Castro, around 1890. Given the poor dissemination of this legacy, the objective of this thesis is to reveal the historical importance, singularity, heterogeneity and artistic value of the Mexican cello repertoire, through the musicological analysis of a selection of representative works written by the most significant composers of each generation, as well as the observation of the aesthetic evolution that they describe, from the post-romanticism at the end of the 19th century to the avant-garde of the 20th century. The interdisciplinary methodology used covers the fields of conscious listening, thought after perception, sociopolitical and cultural study of Mexico, musical analysis appropriate to each language, interpretation of works and assessment for the performance of each work in relation to its particular characteristic and the place it occupies in the author's work. In each of the three chapters, we contrast works for cello by two composers belonging to the same sociopolitical moment. Those of Ricardo Castro (1864-1906) and Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948) are pioneers of their genre in Latin America and different representations of the search process for Mexican identity. Julián Carrillo (1875 -1956) and Carlos Chávez (1899-1978) provide two different visions of the path that Mexican music had to follow from the historical moment of the 1910 Revolution. Manuel Enríquez (1926-1994) and Mario Lavista (1943-2021) share the cosmopolitan ideal of the avant-garde of the second half of the 20th century. The research carried out shows that the selected works contribute significantly to the development of the cello as a solo instrument and that their authors enrich the musical languages of the 20th century with individuality and idiosyncrasy. / Lacruz Zorita, MD. (2022). Repertorio para violonchelo de los compositores mexicanos Castro, Ponce, Carrillo, Chávez, Enríquez y Lavista: perspectiva interdisciplinar para su difusión [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191000

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