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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Micromagnetic simulations for the investigation of magnetic vortex array dynamics

Ciuciulkaite, Agne January 2016 (has links)
In this work the dynamics of permalloy circular magnetic islands of 225 nm radius and 10 nm thickness arranged into square lattices was investigated employing micromagnetic simulations.The simulations of the vortex magnetization loops and the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectra were carried out using a free micromagnetics simulation software Mumax3. The obtained data was analyzed using Matlab. The simulations were carried out on a single vortex island as well as on two different lattices. The first lattice is comprised of interacting islands, while the second lattice - of non-interacting islands, separated by 25 nm and by 450 nm edge-to-edge distance, respectively. The magnetization loops were simulated by applying the static magnetic field in-plane of the single island or the lattice. The FMR simulations were carried out by applying the static magnetic field in-plane of the lattice and after the system reached the ground state in that field, the excitation as a sinc pulse was sent out along the out-of-plane direction of the lattice. The analysis of the obtained FMR spectra revealed that the several resonant modes are present for the single vortex island and the lattice, comprised of such islands. However, the physical explanation of the origin of those modes is a subject for further investigations.

Micromagnetic simulations of magnetization dynamics in iron-palladium nanostructure arrays

Ciuciulkaite, Agne January 2016 (has links)
Previous investigations of FePd circular island arrays have shown the hysteresis-free switching from vortex to collinear magnetic state at high temperatures [1]. This raises interest in the exploration of the temperature and inter-island interaction effect on the magnetization dynamics in this kind of structures. Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements allow for the investigation of the magnetization response to time-dependent magnetic field excitations. In this work, the dynamics of a square lattice of circular Fe20Pd80 alloy islands were investigated. The micromagnetic simulations of FMR response were carried out with the parameters similar to those used in the experiments. The experimentally measured FMR absorption spectra were qualitatively reproduced employing micromagnetic simulations. Furthermore, the spatial maps of th estanding spin wave modes were calculated. It was confirmed that the features arising in the FMR absorption spectra are governed by both the temperature and the inter-island interactions.

Numerical investigations of spin waves at the nanoscale

Dvornik, Mykola January 2011 (has links)
This thesis contains results of numerical investigations of magnetisation dynamics in nanostructed ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic systems have been simulated using the open source micromagnetic solver: Object Oriented Micromagnetic Framework (OOMMF), and thoroughly analysed using my own software: semargl. A systematic study of collective magnonic modes confined in 2D and 3D systems of rectangular ferromagnetic nano-elements is presented. The collective character of the excitations results from the dynamic magnetic dipole field. The magnetization dynamics of isolated rectangular elements is found to be spatially non-uniform which means that the dynamic dipolar coupling is highly anisotropic. A semi-analytical theory of collective magnonic modes has been developed to evaluate the properties of the dynamic magnetic dipole field. It was found that the theory is only valid for certain eigenmodes of the isolated element. In particular the modes where the magnetic dipole coupling between the elements is much lower than the internal energy of the corresponding eigenmodes of the isolated element. It is then demonstrated that the confinement of spin waves is strongly affected by the ground state of the system. In particular it has been found that symmetry properties of the topology of 2D arrays affect the dynamics of the strongly localised modes. The effect is found to be significant for arrays of any number of elements. At the same time the relative contribution of the localized modes to the uniform response decreases with the number of elements in the array. The dispersion relation of spin waves in 2D arrays of rectangular nano-elements has been calculated for the first time using micromagnetic simulations. The form of the dispersion is used to estimate the spatial anisotropy of the dynamic dipolar coupling. Simulations of the 3D confinement of spin waves in stacks of magnetic nano-elements have been performed. The calculation of both the dispersion and spatial profiles of the corresponding magnonic modes facilitates the investigation of the localisation of collective spin waves. Furthermore the dispersion of collective magnonic modes has been calculated for stacks of rectangular nano-elements for a range of in-plane aspect ratios. Finally, a numerical method has been developed to extract the scattering parameters of magnonic logic devices. This method has been demonstrated by applying it to the simplest possible magnonic device so that the results could be compared to an analytical expression of the scattering parameters.

Microstructural Defects in Hot Deformed and As-Transformed τ-MnAl-C

Zhao, Panpan 15 November 2021 (has links)
Detailed microstructural characterisation has been conducted in both ‘as-transformed’ and ‘hot deformed’ samples of 𝜏-MnAl-C using transmission electron microscopy. After hot deformation, true twins, dislocations, intrinsic stacking faults and precipitates of Mn3AlC are the main defects in the recrystallised grains. A significant fraction of non-recrystallised grains existed, which had microstructures based on combinations of high densities of true twins, dislocations, and deformation bands. The formation of the Mn3AlC precipitates was confirmed and related to the reduction of saturation magnetization and the increase in the Curie temperature of 𝜏-MnAl-C after hot deformation. Antiphase boundaries, which are believed to act as nucleation sites for reverse domains, were not observed in the hot deformed sample. Increasing structural disorder is expected for the tetragonal L10 𝜏-MnAl-C (c:a = 0.91) going from coherent true twin boundary to incoherent true twin boundary to the order twin boundary. This was demonstrated from the interface structure in the HAADF-HRSTEM images. The disorder at different types of twin boundaries is also associated with the degree of segregation of the constituent elements. By using STEM-EELS, higher Mn enrichment and Al deficiency was observed at the order twin boundary with a thickness about 6 nm, slightly Mn segregation was observed at incoherent true twin boundary with reduced thickness about 1.5-2 nm and no segregation was found at the coherent true twin boundary. In addition, the distribution of carbon is inhomogeneous across the twin boundary and carbon cluster was found at the twin boundary. Micromagnetic simulations and machine learning were conducted in an international collaboration with Danube University Krems, Austria, which enabled the quantification of the effect of twins on the magnetic properties of 𝜏-MnAl-C.

Přepínání chirality vortexů v magnetostaticky svázaných permalloyových nanodiscích / Switching vortex chirality in magnetostatically coupled permalloy nanodisks

Balajka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with switching of vortex circulation in magnetic nanodisks. The results of micromagnetic simulations of hysteresis loops of individual disks with different degrees of asymmetry are presented. The influence of geometric asymmetry of the disk on the shape of the hysteresis loop is discussed as well as switching of vortex circulation in asymmetric nanodisks by external in-plane magnetic field. Simulations of pairs of magnetostatically coupled nanodisks were carried out for different interdisk distances and degrees of asymmetry. By analysing the results of the simulations, the effects of magnetostatic coupling and the asymmetry on resultant circulation of individual vortices were compared and the range of magnetostatic interaction between nanodisks of given dimensions and asymmetry was estimated. Experimental techniques used for fabrication and measurement of the samples are briefly summarized.

Excitations magnétiques hautes fréquences dans des films minces à aimantation non uniforme

Vukadinovic, Nicolas 23 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude des excitations magnétiques de faible amplitude existant dans des films minces à aimantation non uniforme dans la gamme des hautes fréquences, typiquement entre quelques dizaines de MHz et quelques dizaines de GHz, constitue le sujet de ce mémoire. Le cas idéal de films magnétiques possédant une anisotropie perpendiculaire et présentant une configuration d'équilibre de l'aimantation sous forme de rubans parallèles et périodiques est étudié en détail. Dans le cas de films à forte anisotropie perpendiculaire, les spectres théoriques de susceptibilité dynamique calculés à l'aide de modèles analytiques puis, à partir de simulations numériques 2D de micromagnétisme dynamique, font apparaître des excitations localisées soit à l'intérieur des domaines magnétiques soit à l'intérieur des parois magnétiques. Ces résultats ont été comparés de façon satisfaisante avec des résultats expérimentaux issus de mesures de résonance ferromagnétique réalisées sur des films monocristallins de grenats ferrimagnétiques. Toutefois, les largeurs de raie expérimentales associées aux excitations de parois excèdent celles calculées en utilisant le terme dissipatif de Gilbert. Dans le cas de films à faible anisotropie perpendiculaire, les spectres théoriques de susceptibilité dynamique présentent de multiples excitations magnétiques liées à la forte hétérogénéité des configurations d'équilibre de l'aimantation de type rubans faibles. Les analyses modales effectuées à partir des simulations micromagnétiques dynamiques indiquent l'existence de modes de surface et de volume localisés dans différentes régions de spins à l'intérieur du film. L'influence de différents paramètres (anisotropie perpendiculaire, épaisseur du film, champ magnétique statique) sur les principales caractéristiques des spectres (nombre de résonances, fréquences de résonance, intensités et largeurs de raie) est ensuite étudiée. Ces simulations micromagnétiques dynamiques permettent d'interpréter des spectres expérimentaux complexes de perméabilité dynamique mesurés sur des films ferromagnétiques amorphes. Quelques perspectives concernant la dynamique de l'aimantation de faible amplitude dans différents objets magnétiques sont ensuite présentées.

Wechselwirkungsdomänen in permanentmagnetischen Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall-Verbindungen

Thielsch, Juliane 22 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurde das Phänomen der Wechselwirkungsdomänen sowohl experimentell als auch unter Zuhilfenahme mikromagnetischer Simulationen untersucht. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen waren einphasige NdFeB-Magnete, die durch Heißpressen und anschließender Warmumformung hergestellt wurden. Zusätzlich wurden über den gleichen Herstellungsweg Kompositproben aus NdFeB und Fe mit unterschiedlichen Partikelausgangsgrößen erhalten und studiert. Korrelationsuntersuchungen verschiedener Messmethoden haben gezeigt, dass im thermisch entmagnetisierten Zustand die Grenzen der Wechselwirkungsdomänen an der Oberfläche größtenteils entlang von Korngrenzen verlaufen. Mittels in-situ MFM wurden erstmalig Untersuchungen von Wechselwirkungsdomänen an massiven NdFeB-Magneten im Magnetfeld durchgeführt. Die Ummagnetisierung erfolgt dabei über die Bewegung der Domänengrenze durch schrittweises Wandern von einer Korngrenze zur benachbarten. Die Beweglichkeit der Domänengrenzen ist durch das Haften an den Korngrenzen gehemmt, was sich in der geringeren Suszeptibilität der warmumgeformten Magnete im Vergleich zu Sintermagneten bemerkbar macht. Aufgrund der eingestellten Mikrostruktur in den warmumgeformten Magneten kann folglich gesagt werden, dass die Ummagnetisierungsprozesse sowohl Merkmale von klassischen Nukleations-, als auch von klassischen Pinningmagneten aufweisen. Mit Hilfe von mikromagnetischen Simulationen konnte eine Eindomänenteilchengröße prismatischer Partikel mit quadratischer Grundfläche ermittelt werden. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Winkel des Streufeldvektors eine entscheidende Rolle bei Ummagnetisiserungsprozessen in solchen Partikeln spielt. Die Superposition des Streufeldvektors mit dem Vektor des angelegten Feldes führt zu einem Gesamtfeldvektor, dessen Winkelabhängigkeit ein Stoner-Wohlfarth ähnliches Verhalten zeigt.

Micromagnetic Study of Current Induced Domain Wall Motion for Spintronic Synapses

Petropoulos, Dimitrios-Petros January 2021 (has links)
Neuromorphic computing applications could be made faster and more power efficient by emulating the function of a biological synapse. Non-conventional spintronic devices have been proposed that demonstrate synaptic behavior through domain wall (DW) driving. In this work, current induced domain wall motion has been studied through micromagnetic simulations. We investigate the synaptic behavior of a head to head domain wall driven by a spin polarized current in permalloy (Py) nanostrips with shape anisotropy, where triangular notches have been modeled to account for edge roughness and provide pinning sites for the domain wall. We seek optimal material parameters to keep the critical current density for driving the domain wall at order 1011 A/m2.

Études des propriétés magnétiques de nanofils de cobalt monocristallins en réseaux ultra-denses / Magnetic properties of single cristal cobalt nanowire in ultra dense arrays

Pierrot, Alexandre 22 January 2019 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés lors de cette thèse ont pour but la caractérisation magnétique et structurale de réseaux ultra-denses de nanofils monocristallins de cobalt de structure hcp avec l’axe c parallèle à l’axe des nanofils. Ces réseaux sont obtenus par une méthode physico-chimique dite croissance hybride. Le nanomatériau obtenu est un réseau de nanofils monocristallins de Co verticaux épitaxiés sur un film de platine. La cristallinité des nanofils induit une forte anisotropie perpendiculaire au réseau faisant émerger des propriétés physiques qui pourraient répondre au cahier des charges pour constituer des média magnétiques à haute capacité. Le manuscrit s’organise en quatre parties. Il convient dans un premier temps d’exposer une revue de la littérature décrivant le comportement magnétique d’un nano-cylindre isolé puis d’un réseau hexagonal de nano-cylindres. La méthode de magnétométrie utilisée pour caractériser ces réseaux est appelée méthode FORC (First Order Reversal Curves). La mesure et le traitement associé permettent de tracer des diagrammes dits FORC dans lesquels peuvent être lus les caractéristiques magnétiques des nanofils et leurs interactions. La lecture de ces diagrammes n’étant pas directe, le chapitre II est consacré à la description de la méthode FORC appliquée à des assemblées d’hystérons. Cette investigation a demandé d’être soutenue par des simulations micromagnétiques afin d’appuyer les hypothèses formulées lors de l’interprétation des diagrammes FORC mesurés. Il apparait ainsi une famille en très bon accord avec les modèles théoriques exposés dans le chapitre I, puis une seconde famille dont la description précise nécessite l’ajout d’une interaction magnétisante entre nanofils en plus de l’interaction magnétostatique. / The work carried out during this thesis aims at the magnetic and structural characterization of ultra-dense arrays of single crystalline cobalt hcp nanowires with the c axis parallel to the wires axis. These arrays are obtained by a physicochemical method called hybrid growth. The resulting nanomaterial is an array of vertical Co nanowires epitaxially grown on a platinum film, with diameters of 6 to 15 nm and coated with organic ligands. The crystallinity of the nanowires induces a strong anisotropy perpendicular to the substrate, giving rise to physical properties that could meet the specifications to constitute high density magnetic media. The manuscript is organized in four parts. First, a review of the literature describing the behavior of isolated magnetic nano-cylinders and dense arrays of nano-cylinders is presented. The magnetometry method used to characterize these arrays is called the FORC (First Order Reversal Curves) method. This measurement and analysis lead to the plot of FORC diagrams which contain the magnetic properties of nanowires and their interactions. The reading of these FORC diagrams being undirect, the chapter II is devoted to the description of the FORC method applied to assemblies of hysterons. Because of its reproducibility, the physico-chemical synthesis is a critical point of this study which is detailed in Chapter III. FORC magnetometry applied to two families of synthesized samples is described in Chapter IV. This investigation has required numerous micromagnetic simulations to support the assumptions made in the interpretation of FORC diagrams. This deep analysis reveals a first family in very good agreement with the theoretical models exposed in chapter I, and a second family for which the precise description requires the addition of a magnetizing interaction between nanowires in addition to the magnetostatic one.

Wechselwirkungsdomänen in permanentmagnetischen Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall-Verbindungen

Thielsch, Juliane 05 February 2015 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurde das Phänomen der Wechselwirkungsdomänen sowohl experimentell als auch unter Zuhilfenahme mikromagnetischer Simulationen untersucht. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen waren einphasige NdFeB-Magnete, die durch Heißpressen und anschließender Warmumformung hergestellt wurden. Zusätzlich wurden über den gleichen Herstellungsweg Kompositproben aus NdFeB und Fe mit unterschiedlichen Partikelausgangsgrößen erhalten und studiert. Korrelationsuntersuchungen verschiedener Messmethoden haben gezeigt, dass im thermisch entmagnetisierten Zustand die Grenzen der Wechselwirkungsdomänen an der Oberfläche größtenteils entlang von Korngrenzen verlaufen. Mittels in-situ MFM wurden erstmalig Untersuchungen von Wechselwirkungsdomänen an massiven NdFeB-Magneten im Magnetfeld durchgeführt. Die Ummagnetisierung erfolgt dabei über die Bewegung der Domänengrenze durch schrittweises Wandern von einer Korngrenze zur benachbarten. Die Beweglichkeit der Domänengrenzen ist durch das Haften an den Korngrenzen gehemmt, was sich in der geringeren Suszeptibilität der warmumgeformten Magnete im Vergleich zu Sintermagneten bemerkbar macht. Aufgrund der eingestellten Mikrostruktur in den warmumgeformten Magneten kann folglich gesagt werden, dass die Ummagnetisierungsprozesse sowohl Merkmale von klassischen Nukleations-, als auch von klassischen Pinningmagneten aufweisen. Mit Hilfe von mikromagnetischen Simulationen konnte eine Eindomänenteilchengröße prismatischer Partikel mit quadratischer Grundfläche ermittelt werden. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Winkel des Streufeldvektors eine entscheidende Rolle bei Ummagnetisiserungsprozessen in solchen Partikeln spielt. Die Superposition des Streufeldvektors mit dem Vektor des angelegten Feldes führt zu einem Gesamtfeldvektor, dessen Winkelabhängigkeit ein Stoner-Wohlfarth ähnliches Verhalten zeigt.

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