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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamental Aspects on the Re-use of Wood Based Fibres : Porous Structure of Fibres and Ink Detachment

Forsström, Jennie January 2004 (has links)
In this work, different aspects on the re-use of wood based fibres have been studied, focusing on ink detachment of flexographic ink from model cellulose surfaces and changes in porous structure of kraft fibres following different treatments. New model systems for evaluation of ink detachment and ink-cellulose interactions were used. Ink detachment was studied using Impinging jet cell equipment, taking into consideration the influence of storage conditions, surface roughness and surface energy of the cellulose substrate. A micro adhesion measurement apparatus (MAMA) was used to directly study ink-cellulose interactions, from which the adhesive properties between ink and cellulose, having various surface energies, could be derived. UV-light, elevated temperatures, longer storage time, decreased surface energy, i.e. making the cellulose surface more hydrophobic, and high surface roughness all negatively affected ink detachment. Attenuated total reflectance - fourier transform infra red (ATR-FTIR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to evaluate structural and chemical changes of ink and cellulose upon storage at elevated temperature or under UV-light. After storage at elevated temperatures, ATR-FTIR spectra indicated that a hydrolysis or an oxidative reaction took place as a peak at 1710 cm-1 appeared. AFM revealed that storage at elevated temperatures caused the latex particles present in the ink to form a film, most likely due to annealing. Less ink detached from hydrophobic cellulose surfaces. Ink detachment decreased for rougher cellulose substrates due to an increased molecular contact area. Fibre pore structure and water retaining ability influenced fibre/fibre joint strength and different paper strength properties. Investigations took into account the effect of pulp yield, counter-ion types, pH, salt, hornification and strength enhancing additives. Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation (NMR), inverse size exclusion chromatography (ISEC) and water retention value (WRV) measured the changes that occur in the fibre wall upon varying the conditions. Each different measuring technique contained unique information such that a combination of the techniques was necessary to give as complete a picture as possible over the changes that occurred in the fibre wall upon varying the conditions for the fibre. A correlation between fibre pore radius and sheet strength properties was found, suggesting that fibres with larger pores allow for a larger molecular contact area between fibres to be formed during drying and consolidation of the paper. Fibre/fibre joint strength, fibre flexibility, and the number of efficient fibre/fibre contacts also controlled sheet strength. The effect of different strength enhancing additives on fibre pore structure and paper strength was investigated. Larger pores in the fibres allowed for additives to penetrate into the fibre wall. Additives with low molecular mass (Mw) penetrated into the fibre wall to a larger extent than additives with a high Mw, causing an embrittlement of the fibre. However, low Mw additives gave higher sheet tensile strength despite a leveling out in strength at high additions, indicating that the fibre wall can only adsorb a limited amount of chemical. Polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) of PAH and polyacrylic acid (PAA) were added separately to the pulp. PEC significantly improved both tensile strength and Z-strength, whereas PAH alone did not increase the strength properties to the same extent unless the sheets were heated to 150°C for 10 minutes. The results suggested that the effect of PEC was dominated by an improvement in fibre/fibre joint strength, whereas the effect of PAH was significantly affected by an improvement of the intra-fibre bond strength

Fundamental Aspects on the Re-use of Wood Based Fibres : Porous Structure of Fibres and Ink Detachment

Forsström, Jennie January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this work, different aspects on the re-use of wood based fibres have been studied, focusing on ink detachment of flexographic ink from model cellulose surfaces and changes in porous structure of kraft fibres following different treatments. New model systems for evaluation of ink detachment and ink-cellulose interactions were used. Ink detachment was studied using Impinging jet cell equipment, taking into consideration the influence of storage conditions, surface roughness and surface energy of the cellulose substrate. A micro adhesion measurement apparatus (MAMA) was used to directly study ink-cellulose interactions, from which the adhesive properties between ink and cellulose, having various surface energies, could be derived. UV-light, elevated temperatures, longer storage time, decreased surface energy, i.e. making the cellulose surface more hydrophobic, and high surface roughness all negatively affected ink detachment. Attenuated total reflectance - fourier transform infra red (ATR-FTIR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to evaluate structural and chemical changes of ink and cellulose upon storage at elevated temperature or under UV-light. After storage at elevated temperatures, ATR-FTIR spectra indicated that a hydrolysis or an oxidative reaction took place as a peak at 1710 cm-1 appeared. AFM revealed that storage at elevated temperatures caused the latex particles present in the ink to form a film, most likely due to annealing. Less ink detached from hydrophobic cellulose surfaces. Ink detachment decreased for rougher cellulose substrates due to an increased molecular contact area.</p><p>Fibre pore structure and water retaining ability influenced fibre/fibre joint strength and different paper strength properties. Investigations took into account the effect of pulp yield, counter-ion types, pH, salt, hornification and strength enhancing additives. Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation (NMR), inverse size exclusion chromatography (ISEC) and water retention value (WRV) measured the changes that occur in the fibre wall upon varying the conditions. Each different measuring technique contained unique information such that a combination of the techniques was necessary to give as complete a picture as possible over the changes that occurred in the fibre wall upon varying the conditions for the fibre. A correlation between fibre pore radius and sheet strength properties was found, suggesting that fibres with larger pores allow for a larger molecular contact area between fibres to be formed during drying and consolidation of the paper. Fibre/fibre joint strength, fibre flexibility, and the number of efficient fibre/fibre contacts also controlled sheet strength. The effect of different strength enhancing additives on fibre pore structure and paper strength was investigated. Larger pores in the fibres allowed for additives to penetrate into the fibre wall. Additives with low molecular mass (Mw) penetrated into the fibre wall to a larger extent than additives with a high Mw, causing an embrittlement of the fibre. However, low Mw additives gave higher sheet tensile strength despite a leveling out in strength at high additions, indicating that the fibre wall can only adsorb a limited amount of chemical. Polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) of PAH and polyacrylic acid (PAA) were added separately to the pulp. PEC significantly improved both tensile strength and Z-strength, whereas PAH alone did not increase the strength properties to the same extent unless the sheets were heated to 150°C for 10 minutes. The results suggested that the effect of PEC was dominated by an improvement in fibre/fibre joint strength, whereas the effect of PAH was significantly affected by an improvement of the intra-fibre bond strength</p>

Metal retention from leachate using Industrial Waste Products

Nehrenheim, Emma January 2007 (has links)
<p>Landfill leachate arises when water percolates through a landfill. The degree and type of pollution is dependent on the content of the landfill but also on a range of other factors, including the age of the landfill and the landfilling technique. In recent years, concerns about potentially hazardous compounds in landfill leachate have stimulated research into on-site treatment. Examples of new techniques for treatment are the sequent batch reactor technique (SBR), wetland systems and different forms of filter solutions.</p><p>Lilla Nyby landfill is the municipal landfill in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Leachate streams have been found on site that are weaker than the main stream. One of these has been investigated in the present study. It contains heavy metals, especially zinc, copper and nickel, in concentrations which require treatment. Low strength landfill leachate streams require special treatment. There are various reasons for this, but examples can be geological reasons or dilution problems in the treatment facility for the main leachate.</p><p>The technique chosen for the leachate stream, reactive filters, is rather new and few pilot scale experiments have been conducted. Therefore many questions still remain concerning the applicability of the method on site, and there was a need for more experimental data. Previous research has shown that many industrial by-products may be suitable to capture metals from leachate. Among the materials previously recommended, blast furnace slag and pine bark had advantages which were well suited for the present application. They were also available in large quantities near the site. A column experiment was set up at the landfill and three filter materials were chosen; pine bark and two types of blast furnace slag. In addition, one of the columns was filled with sand as a reference. As a complement to the column study, laboratory experiments were conducted at Mälardalen University. The aim of the laboratory experiments was to investigate factors that might limit metal retention by the filter materials. Different concentrations and contact times were tested as well as the presence of other substances (i.e. metals and organic carbon).</p><p>The results from the first laboratory experiments (initial metal concentration, competing metal ions and contact time) and the on-site column study were contradictory. Metal uptake in the laboratory was very efficient, as has also been found by other researchers. On-site, many factors influenced sorption and uptake was very unstable, especially for the slags. It was found that pine bark is more effective and stable than the slags with respect to metal retention, especially at low concentrations. The contact time between the substrate and metals is important for effective retention. The final experiment, showed that dissolved organic carbon (DOC) can greatly inhibit metal retention. To further develop reactive filter technology, a method to reduce the DOC content may be necessary.</p><p>In contrast to what has been previously assumed, leaching of COD from the pine bark column at Lilla Nyby landfill was negligible. Finally, some suggestions for future work on reactive filter technology are made. For instance, it could be interesting to develop an alternative technique for filtration. Packed columns have been addressed with a series of problems, related to hydraulic parameters. By using fluidised reactors, a comparison with batch experiments becomes possible.</p>

Water hyacinth - Effects on sustainable Devolopment : A minor field study about water hyacinth in Lake Victoria in Kisumu, Kenya

Rahman, Sunni January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The aim of the study was to do a minor field study in Kisumu, Kenya. My thesis in Ecological Economics C, 10p and the purpose was to explain the association between water hyacinth and sustainable development. What are the main effects on environments, ecological</p><p>and social effects in Kisumu in Kenya? This paper will address environmental, economical and social effects related to the water hyacinth. I have chosen the qualitative method because</p><p>I want to asses general impression and understand different processes and social connections. Interviews are made which aims to give a deeper focus by letting the interviewed person</p><p>describe and openly answer the questions. The study is conducted as a combination of literature reviews, qualitative interviews with parties or people who are involved and other</p><p>organisations in Kenya and from observations. The theoretical approach was Sustainable devolopment, control of social, economical and ecological perspective on regional development.</p><p>Sustainable development include social, ecological and economics, all three are depended of each other to make progress. From a social point of view the plants give people a</p><p>society and provide work and knowledge on how to recycle the weed. Economically, it is a disaster but the good opportunities come from recycling even if it contains a lot of water. Eutrofication and blocking of sunlight are the most ecological effects caused by water</p><p>hyacinth. If people are prepared to vote for honest representative no bribes will take place, these kind of statement are important and its time that people takes responsibility for their act,</p><p>mainly environmental responsibility which are important for our common future. It should be expensive to destroy the nature, on the other side you do not know the value according to</p><p>Dryzek. A suggested idea is to turn this into a tourist attraction which hopefully will become popular. To remove the weed by the biological method is the best controlled, cheapest and it</p><p>is the most sustainable method of weevil’s which eats the leaves of the plants.</p><p>Contact: Sunni Rahman</p><p>Telephone: +4670-768 52 54</p><p>E-mail: srn01001@student.mdh.se</p>

Marin undersökning av utvalda havsstränder inom Härnösands kommun : En studie av bottenfauna

Hamrin, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete skrivs på uppdrag av Härnösand kommun, som vill ha ett underlag för vart kommunen kan exploatera sin mark ytterligare. Härnösands kommun ligger i södra Ångermanland och här utgör Bottenhavet kommungräns åt öster.</p><p>En bottenfaunainventering har utförts på 25 lokaler efter kommunens kust, metoden för inventeringen har varit SS-EN 28565 ”Vattenundersökningar - Utformning och användning av kvantitativ provtagningsutrustning för bottenfauna på grunda hårdbottnar i sötvatten” (ISO 8265:1988). De infångade djuren har artbestämts, räknats och jämförts mot AAB index och Shannons diversitets index. Resultatet har visat att somliga lokaler har både ett högt art- och individantal medan andra lokaler, både har ont om individer och arter. Förklaringar till detta kan delvis bero på att många lokaler har legat väldigt nära utlopp och i dessa prover har både limniska och marina djur funnits. En annan förklaring till detta kan vara att somliga lokaler är väldigt karga medan andra är omgivna av mycket växtlighet och därmed mer näring. De olika indexen har visat väldigt olika värden för miljökvalitén, något som eventuellt kan förklaras att AAB index modifierades för att kunna användas till den valda provtagningsmetoden</p>

Är det lönt att yttra sig över bygglov? : Studie av effekterna från Sundsvalls miljökontors remissvar i bygglovsärenden.

Hamrin, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete skrivs på uppdrag av miljökontoret i Sundsvalls kommun. Miljökontoret vill veta om och hur deras yttranden i bygglovsärenden ger avtryck i bygglovs- och byggprocessen, vart i processen de har störst chans att påverka, och hur de kan förbättra sina remissvar i bygglovsärenden. Tolv ärendens bygglovsremisser har granskats. Elva av de tolv remisserna är ärenden gällande fritids- och enbostadshus, det tolfte ärendet gäller en byggnad i skyddsvärd natur. Bakgrundsfaktan till denna rapport har inhämtats från SFS 1986:223 Förvaltningslag och SFS 1987:10 Plan och bygglag samt från två rapporter från Boverket. En intervju med en byggnadsinspektör har genomförts. I denna rapport redovisas vad en remiss är och några begrepp angående bygglovsprocessen och byggprocessen förklaras. Remissgången mellan stadsbyggnadskontoret och miljökontoret i Sundsvalls kommun redovisas och även hur miljökontorets remissvar senare hanteras av stadsbyggnadskontoret. Resultatet har visat att miljökontorets remissvar kan förbättras genom att de förkortas dem och att miljökontorets avtryck i processen finns i form av att byggherrarna läser och tar fasta på det mesta i miljökontorets yttranden. Resultatet har också visat att miljökontoret har störst chans att påverka bygglovs- och byggprocessen genom att begära att något lyfts fram vid byggsamrådet.</p>

Provtagning och analys av totalkväve, fosfor och BOD<sub>7</sub> på inkommande avloppsvatten till Guldfågeln AB:s reningsverk

Hagberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka innehållet av totalkväve, fosfor och BOD<sub>7</sub> på inkommande avloppsvatten till Guldfågeln AB:s reningsverk. Guldfågeln AB har ett tillstånd enligt miljöskyddslagen för verksamhet vid fjäderfäslakteri från 1999. De har ett eget reningsverk där processvattnet renas genom fällning och flockning. Därefter går avloppsvattnet vidare till Mörbylånga kommunala avloppsreningsverk (KARV) där det renas ytterligare innan det når recipienten Kalmarsund. Guldfågeln har haft problem med förhöjda värden av kväve och BOD<sub>7</sub> i sitt avloppsvatten som når KARV.</p><p>Genom att ta prover på avloppsvattnet under ett dygn undersöktes förändringarna under processdygnet. Provtagningen utfördes med en programmerbar provtagare och delades upp på två olika processdygn. Analyserna av provtagningen visade att halterna av de undersökta parametrarna varierade under dygnet. Troligen beror detta på vilka processer som är igång och hur mycket material som når det interna reningsverket. Guldfågeln AB har justerat och genomfört åtgärder på sitt interna avloppsreningsverk.</p><p>Detta arbetes slutsats är att Guldfågelns viktigaste åtgärd utöver de redan genomförda är att försöka minimera ingående partiklar så att så lite som möjligt hamnar i avloppsvattnet.</p>

Praktisk framställning av biogas : konstruktion av en fungerande demonstrationsapparat

Callstam, Christian, Hedlund, Henrik January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Primary energy efficiency and CO2 mitigation in residential buildings

Joelsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
In order to control climate change it is important to limit the atmosphericconcentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Increased energy efficiency, as well as ashift from fossil fuels to renewable resources can reduce net CO2 emission. Theenergy required for constructing and operating buildings is significant in manycountries, and it is thus important to design energy efficient buildings and energysupply systems.Improvements in existing buildings are needed in order to achieve short-termemission reductions. The Swedish building stock expanded greatly during the1960s and 1970s. The energy efficiency of these houses was often quite low, andmany of them were built with resistance heating. In this thesis increased energyefficiency in such buildings is studied, as well as conversions from resistanceheating to other heating systems, and various technologies and fuels for theproduction of electricity and heat. The effects of these measures are analysed withrespect to primary energy use, CO2 emission and societal cost. The studies wereperformed using process-based systems analysis in a life-cycle perspective. Thesystem boundaries include energy chains from the natural resources to the usefulelectricity and heat in the houses. The results show that the choice of heatingsystem in the house has a greater effect on the primary energy use than measureson both the house envelope and the energy supply chains. District heating basedon cogeneration of heat and electricity and bedrock heat pumps were found to beenergy-efficient systems. The net emission of CO2 is dependent on the fuel and theCO2 emissions from these systems are comparable to those from a wood pelletboiler, if biomass-based supply chains are used. Conversion from resistanceheating to any of the other heating systems studied is also profitable from a societaleconomic perspective.The decision to implement energy-efficiency measures or install a new heatingsystem in a detached house is taken by the house owner. In order for successfulimplementation the alternatives must either be sufficiently attractive or incentivesor policy instruments that affects this large, inhomogeneous group must beimplemented. In this thesis, the house owners’ economic situation when changingthe heating system and implementing energy-efficiency measures on the buildingenvelope is analysed. The economic analysis includes current Swedish policyinstruments, such as an investment subsidy for heating system conversion, anincome tax deduction for replacing windows, levying a consumer electricity tax and increasing real estate tax. House owners’ perceptions of different heatingsystems are analysed through the results of comprehensive questionnaires. Societaleconomy, private economy and individuals’ perceptions are compared. Theconversion subsidy provides some incentive to house owners to act according tothe national energy policy, as does the electricity tax, which has a significantinfluence on consumer costs. The use of economic instruments seems efficient inpromoting systems in line with environmental goals since environmental factorsare ranked much lower by the home owners. However, the effect on the annualcost of most of the policy instruments studied is smaller than the price variationsbetween different energy suppliers. Energy suppliers thus have considerableopportunity to influence house owners.To achieve long-term changes in the building sector new houses should beconstructed with as low primary energy use and emission as possible, seen overtheir entire life cycle. The primary energy use is analysed for both the productionand operational phase of several types of residential buildings. When the demandfor operational primary energy decreases, due to a high energy standard orenergy-efficient supply, the relative importance of the energy required forproduction will increase. The amount of primary energy required for theproduction of a new low-energy building is significant compared with the primaryenergy required for space heating. One way of reducing both primary energy useand CO2 emission in the production phase is to use constructions with woodframes instead of concrete.The energy supply system is nevertheless still important also for low energybuildings. A new house built to passive standard, heated with fossil-fuel-basedresistance heating gives rise to higher primary energy use and CO2 emission than aconventional detached house from the 1970s that is heated with an energy-efficientbiomass-based heating system. The results thus indicate that wood-framed houseswith a high energy standard, together with efficient energy supply systems, couldbe an option for sustainable residential construction.

Constructed Filters and Detention Ponds for Metal Reduction in Storm Water

Färm, Carina January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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