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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Bilateralna torakoskopska simpatektomija kod osoba sa primarnom fokalnom hiperhidrozom / Bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy in patients with primary focal hyperhidrosis

Kuhajda Ivan 26 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Primarna fokalna hiperhidroza (PFH) je poremećaj nepoznate etiologije koji se karakteri&scaron;e prekomernim znojenjem na predilekcionim mestima. Podjednako se javlja kod osoba mu&scaron;kog i ženskog pola tokom dvadesetih i početkom tridesetih godina života, pri čemu se smatra da je učestalos PFH oko 2,8% u ukupnoj populaciji. Nastaje kao posledica hiperaktivnosti simaptičkog nervnog sistema ka znojnim žlezdama. Karakteristično je za PFH da se ne javlja noću, &scaron;to sugeri&scaron;e da emocionalni stimulus igra bitnu ulogu u nastanku ovog poremećaja. Bilateralna torakoskopska simpatektomija (BTS) je minimalno invazivna hirur&scaron;ka procedura koja se danas primenjuje u trajnom lečenju PFH, sa niskom stopom komplikacija i omogućava lečenje kao jednodnevne hirur&scaron;ke procedure. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su bili: a) da se ispita ukupna efikasnost BTS na trajno smanjenje PFH predilekcionih delova tela - dlanova, pazu&scaron;nih jama, lica i stopala; b) da se ispita efiksanost BTS kod osoba sa PFH u odnosu na različite nivoe transekcije simpatičkog lanca; c) da se ispita uticaj BTS na plućnu i srčanu funkciju kod operisanih osoba sa PFH; d) da se ispita pojava, trajanje i intenzitet kompenzatornog znojenja nakon BTS kod operisanih osoba sa PFH; e) da se ispita pojava, trajanje, lokalizacija i tretman postoperativnog bola nakon BTS kod osoba sa PFH; f) da se utvrde postoperativne komplikacije BTS kod osoba sa PFH; i g) da se ispita uticaj BTS na kvalitet života kod operisanih osoba sa PFH. Radna hipoteza istraživanja je bila da hirur&scaron;ka procedura - minimlano invazivna BTS ima značajan efekat na prekomerno znojenje na predilekcionim mestima kod osoba sa PFH, da je praćena sa minimalnim morbiditetom, bez kliničkog uticaja na plućnu i srčanu funkciju i da značajno pobolj&scaron;ava kvalitet života operisanih osoba. Materijal i metod: Urađena je prospektivna klinička studija koja je uključila 435 osoba sa PFH, koji su operisani bilateralnom torakoskopskom simpatektomijom, na Klinici za grudnu hirurgiju, Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici između 2010 i 2014 godine. Kriterijumi za uključivanje u studiju bili su: a) da su osobe sa utvrđenom i procenjenom PFH pristale da učestvuju u istraživanju ispunjavajući preoperativno i postoperativno upitnike o efektima BTS i kvalitetu života nakon operacije; b) da nisu imali prethodne grudno hirur&scaron;ke intervencije, frakture rebara, masivne pneumonije ili empijem pleure; c) da nisu imali te&scaron;ki poremećaj plućne ili srčane funkcije; d) da ne boluju od sekundarne hiperhidroze. Primarna fokalna hiperhidroza je bila ustanovljena i procenjena anamnestičkim podacima, kliničkom slikom i pregledom koji je bio fokusiran na kvalitativno ispitivanje. Bilateralna torakoskopska simpatektomija izvođena je u op&scaron;toj anesteziji, a transekcija simpatičkog lanca je rađena pomoću ultrazvučno aktiviranog skalpela. Osobe sa izvedenom BTS zbog PFH bile su klasifikovane u tri grupe, u zavisnosti od nivoa transekcije simpatičkog lanca: a) transekcija na nivou drugog do četvrtog torakalnog gangliona (T2-T4); b) transekcija na nivou trećeg do četvrtog torakalnog gangliona (T3-T4); i c) transekcija na nivou drugog do trećeg torakalnog gangliona (T2-T3). Za procenu kompenzatornog znojenja i kvaliteta života kori&scaron;ćene je: Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) za intenzitet kompenzatornog znojenja i kvaliteta života nakon BTS. Rezultati: Od 435 osoba sa PFH kod kojih je urađena BTS, bilo je 142 (32,64%) osobe mu&scaron;kog pola i 293 (67,36%) osoba ženskog pola, prosečne starosti od 29,68&plusmn;7,6 godina. Pozitivan nasledni faktor navelo je 167 osoba (38,62%). Najče&scaron;ća lokalizacija prekomernog znojenja kod osoba u ovom istraživanju je bila kombinacija dlanova, pazu&scaron;nih jama i tabana, koju je imalo 167 osoba (38,39%). Pre operacije, preko 60% ispitivanih osoba je navelo da im je kvalitet života lo&scaron; ili izuzetno lo&scaron;. Kod svih operisanih osoba u ovom istraživanju, operacija je izvedena uspe&scaron;no obostrano. Nije bilo smrtnih ishoda. Od intraoperativnih komplikacija zabeležena je jedna konverzija (0,23%) u minitorakotomiju zbog krvavljenja iz interkostalne vene. Neposredni postoperativni uspeh BTS kod operisanih osoba zbog PFH, a na osnovu prve kontrole posle nedelju dana bio je zabeležen kod svih (99,54%), osim kod dve osobe (0,46%) koje su imale postoperativne komplikacije: pareza n. ulnarisa i Hornerov sindrom kod jedne osobe i Horner sindrom kod druge osobe. Postoperativni morbiditet nakon BTS bio je zabeležen kod 32 osobe (7,35%). Izrazito pobolj&scaron;anje, odnosno značajno smanjenje znojenja kod osoba sa PFH zabeleženo je kod 428 operisanih (98,39%). Osobe sa transekcijom simpatičkog lanca na nivou gangliona T3-T4 imali su najbolji rezultat sa pobolj&scaron;anjem kvaliteta života u 85,03% operisanih. Kompenzatorno znojenje se nakon BTS javilo kod 316 (72,64%) operisanih osoba, a samo 2,53% je navelo da je postoperativno kompenzatorno znojenje izuzetno jakog intenziteta. Postoperativni bol bio je prisutan kod 79,77% operisanih osoba, sa prosečnim trajanjem do dve nedelje. Analgetike je postoperativno koristilo 24,21% anketiranih osoba. Od 287 operisanih osoba u ovom istraživanju, koji su pre operacije naveli da su imali i prekomerno znojenje tabana, nakon 6 meseci 185 osoba (64,46%) je navelo da se prekomerno znojenje tabana smanjilo. Iako postoji statistička značajnost u promeni vitalnog kapaciteta u smislu njegovog povećanja &scaron;est meseci nakon BTS (sa 4,49&plusmn;1,15 L na 4,54&plusmn;1,11 L), ta promena nije bila klinički relevantna. Promene u krvnom pritisku i srčanom pulsu, iako zabeležene, takođe nisu imale klinički značaj. Kvalitet života, pre BTS ocenjen kao lo&scaron; (i izuzetno lo&scaron;) bio je prisutan kod 265 osoba (60, 92%), a 6 meseci posle operacije ocenjen je kao odličan i dobar kod 428 osoba (98,39%). Zaključak: BTS kao minimalno invazivna hirur&scaron;ka procedura kod osoba sa PFH ima minimalni morbiditet, a visoku uspe&scaron;nost u smanjenju prekomernog znojenja na predilekcionim mestima, sa pobolj&scaron;anjem kvaliteta života kod 98,39% operisanih, sa minimalnim promenama plućne i srčane funkcije koje nisu klinički relevantne.</p> / <p>Primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH) is a disorder of an unknown etiology, characterized by excessive sweating of predilective parts of the body. It affects men and women equally, with a peak incidence in the later second and early third decades of life, with incidence of up to 2,8% of the world population. It is caused by hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system to the sweat glands. It has been shown that PFH does not occur during the sleeping times, which suggests that emotional stimuli play an important role in this disorder. Bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy (BTS) is minimal invasive surgical procedure, which has evolved into an effective and permanent treatment for severe PFH, with low rate of morbidity and it can be performed as the one day surgical procedure. The aims of this investigation were: a) to examine the overall efficiency of BTS on permanent reduction of PFH of predilective parts of the body-palms, armpits, faces and soles; b) to examine the efficiency of BTS with different levels of transection among the persons with the PFH; c) to examine the influence of BTS on cardio-pulmonary function tests in persons with PFH after the operation; d) to examine the incidence, duration and intensity of compensatory sweating after BTS among persons with PFH; e) to examine the incidence, duration, localization and treatment of postoperative pain after BTS among persons with PFH; f) to determine postoperative complications of BTS among persons with PFH; g) to examine the influence of BTS on quality of life among persons with PFH. The working hypothesis of this investigation is that surgical procedure &ndash; minimal invasive BTS has the permanent effect on excessive sweating of predilective parts of the body among persons with PFH, followed by minimal morbidity, without clinical influence on cardio-pulmonary function and significantly improves the quality of life among persons with PFH. This was a prospective clinical study which included 435 patients with PFH, who have been operated with BTS, at the Clinic for Thoracic surgery, the Institute for pulmonary diseases of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, between 2010 and 2014. The including criteria for the investigation were: a) persons with confirmed and estimated PFH accepted to participate in this investigation, fulfilling pre and postoperatively questionnaire about BTS effects and quality of life after the operation; b) absence of previous thoracic surgical procedures, rib fractures, massive pneumonias or pleural empyema; c) satisfactory cardio-respiratory function; d) absence of secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary focal hyperhidrosis was confirmed and estimated by anamnesis, clinical examination focused on qualitatively examination. Bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy was performed with general anesthesia, using harmonic scalpel for transection of sympathetic chain. Persons with PFH who underwent the BTS were classified into three groups, depending the level of transaction of sympathetic chain: a) transection at the level from the second to the forth thoracic sympathetic ganglion (T2-T4); b) transection at the level from the third to the forth thoracic sympathetic ganglion (T3-T4); c) transection at the level from the second to the third thoracic sympathetic ganglion (T2-T3). For the assessment of postoperative pain, compensatory sweating and quality of life next scales have been used: standardized numeric pain rating scale and Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) for intensity of compensatory sweating and quality of life. Among 435 persons with PFH who underwent the BTS in this investigation, 142 (32,64%) were male and 293 (67,36%) female persons, with mean age of 29,68&plusmn;7,6. There was no mortality or serious intraoperative complications that required operative conversio from minimal invasive surgical procedure to thoracotomy. Among 435 persons with PFH who underwent the BTS in this investigation, 142 (32,64%) were male and 293 (67,36%) female persons, with mean age of 29,68&plusmn;7,6. Positive genetic factor has been found in 167 persons (38,62%). The most common localisation of excessive sweating in this investigation was the combination of palms, armpits and soles in 167 persons (38,39%). Before the operation, over 60% of persons estimated their quallity of life as bad or very bad. The operation was successfully performed in all patients bilaterally. There was no mortality in this investigation. There was one intraoperative complication, bleeding from intercostal vein, requiring conversion to minithoracotomy. Immediatelly postoperative success after BTS seven days after the operation was achieved in all persons accepted in two persons (0,46%) due to the postoperative complications: nervous ulnaris paresis and Horner syndrome in one person and Horener syndome in the other person. Postoperative morbidity after the BTS was recoreded in 32 persons (7,35%). Marked improvement, as significant reduction of sweating in persons with PFH was achieved in 428 operated persons (98,39%). Transection of sympathetic chain on level T3-T4 achieved improvement of quality of life in 85,03% operated persons with PFH. Compensatory sweating after the BTS has occurred in 316 (72,64%) operated persons, but only 2,53% operated persons declared compensatory sweating as severe. Postoperative pain was presented in 79,77% operated persons, with average duration of two weeks. Analgetics used only 24,21% of operated persons. There were 287 operated persons in this investigation, who claimed to have plantar hyperhidrosis before the operation and six months after the operation 185 persons (64,46%) claimed to have a reduction of plantar sweating. Although there was a clinical significance in changes of vital capacity after the BTS (from 4,49&plusmn;1,15 L to 4,54&plusmn;1,11 L), ther was no clinical significance. Changes in blood pressure and heart rate, although recoreded, had no clinical significance. Quality of life, before the BTS was recorded as bad or very bad in 265 persons (60,92%), and six months after the operation as excellent or good in 428 persons (98,39%) persons. Conclusion: In patients with PFH, BTS as minimal invasive surgical procedure, has a minimal morbidity and high success in treatment of excessive sweating, with improvemnet of quality of life in 98,39% operated person, with changes in cardio-pulmonary functions that are not clinical relevant.</p>

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