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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proces christianizace a srovnání vývoje hlavních křesťanských denominací na území Korejského poloostrova do r. 1945 (s náhledem na situaci v Korejské Republice) / Christianization and Comparison of the Main Christian Denominations' Development in the Territory of the Korean Peninsula to 1945 (with introduction in the Republic of Korea)

Klepetková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This work describe and study process of Christianization in Korea from its early period, and reveals existing researchers task and theories in this field. The main focus of the work is to compare history of the main Christian denominations in order of their introduction to the territory of Korean peninsula until end of the second World War and consecutive Korean War. It also gives short introduction to current situation of described denominations in a modern society at the Republic of Korea territory. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Pravoslaví v Austrálii, Oceánii a Antarktidě / Orthodoxy in Australia, Oceania and Antarctica

Drda, Vratislav January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Orthodoxy in Australia, Oceania and Antarctica" deals with the history, evolution and current state of religious structures of Eastern christian churches in Australia, Oceania and Antarctica. Each part of the investigated area has been analyzed in terms of the ethnic or. ecclesiological diaspora, its organizational capture (formation of the first parishes, dioceses, monasteries, schools and charitable organizations etc.) and on their current status (size and functionality of the existing church structure). Following the various jurisdictions and churches are described. A fundamental consideration is given to the canonical Orthodox Churches, then to the Orthodox Churches with less problematic canonical status, but there are also other Eastern Christian churches mentioned. Within the area the eminent figures of church life are closer described. This descriptive material is supplemented by interviews and journalistic texts, which further analyze situation of churches in the region and their various problems. It is also accompanied by photographic material. The thesis tries to describe ecclesiological tensions between the diaspora and mission, the diversity of ethnic and religious minorities and differences in their assimilation in the new religious, social and culture environment.

Pravoslaví v Austrálii, Oceánii a Antarktidě / Orthodoxy in Australia, Oceania and Antarctica

Drda, Vratislav January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Orthodoxy in Australia, Oceania and Antarctica" deals with the history, evolution and current state of religious structures of Eastern christian churches in Australia, Oceania and Antarctica. Each part of the investigated area has been analyzed in terms of the ethnic or. ecclesiological diaspora, its organizational capture (formation of the first parishes, dioceses, monasteries, schools and charitable organizations etc.) and on their current status (size and functionality of the existing church structure). Following the various jurisdictions and churches are described. A fundamental consideration is given to the canonical Orthodox Churches, then to the Orthodox Churches with less problematic canonical status, but there are also other Eastern Christian churches mentioned. Within the area the eminent figures of church life are closer described. This descriptive material is supplemented by interviews and journalistic texts, which further analyze situation of churches in the region and their various problems. It is also accompanied by photographic material. The thesis tries to describe ecclesiological tensions between the diaspora and mission, the diversity of ethnic and religious minorities and differences in their assimilation in the new religious, social and culture environment.

Využití japonských tradic v misijní práci: Počátky šíření křesťanství v Japonsku / Utilization of Japanese Traditions in Missionary Work: The Beginning of Evangelization in Japan

Hanžl, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Graduation thesis "Utilization of Japanese Traditions in Missionary Work: The Beginning of Evangelization in Japan" above all disserts on the first Christian missionaries in Japan and on their ways of adaptation to Japanese cultural conditions. It aims mainly at missionary work of the Jesuit missionaries in the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th century. The thesis mentions (for familiarization) an overview of spiritual traditions and religious streams. It also refers about the propagation of Christianity since the 19th century until the last few decades and outlines the relation of Christianity and traditional Japanese spiritual streams.

Život a pontifikát Řehoře Velikého / Life and pontificate of Gregory the Great

Kaška, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
Annotation: This masters thesis deals with prominent figure of the Pope Gregory the Great (540-604), whose life and especially pontificate became a model for many of his successors as well as for the overall direction of the Roman Church. Despite the indisputable authority of the Pope there is no full consensus about its meaning or some of its steps. The aim of this work is as faithful as possible to capture his life, the concept of the Church and political activity. The work will not appreciation of Gregory's theological concept, but rather to capture its political and organizational-legal approaches to fulfilling idea of the power of the papacy. The work will be primarily based on sources which Gregory himself left behind, which will primarily reflected his correspondence. They will use other historical sources as well as secondary literature. A method of processing work will consist in the logical analysis of the sources, comparison with literature secondary and subsequent summary and evaluation.

Evangelizace jako úkol křesťana / Evangelism as a mission of the Church in actual Czech society

NĚMCOVÁ, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the theme of evangelization and selected evangelization concepts which are nowadays applied in the Czech Republic. Evangelization is presented as an essential task of the Church and Christians. This task is based on Jesus missionary command to preach the Gospel to all creation. Evangelization is analyzed from the point of theological foundation of missiology, trinitology, Christology, Mariology and ecclesiology. Thesis also outlines which qualities the missionary who follows example of Jesus Christ should have, what content and methods of preaching Gospel should be employed. This paper acquaints with following evangelization concepts: School of Christian Life and Evangelization of Mary of Nazareth, the Mother of the Church, Franciscan missionary work, Koinonia of Saint John the Baptist and the Parish evangelization cells. The thesis provides comparison in terms of objectives, methods and partial theoretical findings.

Madeleine Delbrêlová - inspirace pro spiritualitu laiků / Madeleine Delbrêl - inspiration for lay spirituality

Bílková, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
Madelaine Delbrêl - inspiration for lay spirituality Abstract Madeleine Delbrêl is one of significant personalities in the Catholic Church in the twentieth century. Her way of life and her thoughts, in particular those regarding universal vocation to sainthood and mission influenced the Second Vatican Council. Her prophetic inspiration about lay dignity based on baptism was after thirty years expressed in many council documents and so contributed to a change of lay status in the Church. Key words Church, lay spirituality, mission, Marxism, worker priests Rozsah práce: 132 006 znaků včetně mezer (bez anotací a příloh)

Objevné cesty Davida Livingstona v jižní a centrální Africe / David Livingstone's Travels of Exploration in South and Central Africa

Miler, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
David Livingstone is considered one of the greatest travellers of the 19th century. His travels changed the perception of the African continent and its people in Western countries. Thanks to journeys motivated by founding of mission stations, the spread of God's Word and the suppression of the slave trade carried out in the years 1849-1873, he made a series of important discoveries. During the first surveys in areas of southern and eastern Africa in 1849 and 1856, he discovered Lake Ngami, Victoria Falls, made transcontinental travel across Africa and explored the great Zambezi River. He established a friendship with the tribal chiefs, win them over his sermons and for their expeditions. Earlier during the trips, David Livingstone became well-known at homeland and abroad. After return from Africa in 1856, his popularity spread through book of travels Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. In 1858 he was appointed to head of a governmental expedition to East and Central Africa towards the Zambezi River. The aim of the Expedition was to examine the navigability of the river and surrounding countryside. During this expedition it came out that the river due to natural conditions cannot be used. After many difficulties, the expedition was withdrawn. Though the expedition officially failed,...

Politika adaptace jezuitské misie v Japonsku pod vedením Alessandra Valignana / The Jesuit Missionary Policy of Adaptation in Japan under Alessandro Valignano

Rohlová, Kateřina Jenny January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to discuss the way of leading and managing the Jesuit Mission in Japan by Alessandro Valignano from 1579 to 1603. It focuses mainly on pioneering methods of this Jesuit missionary. Just his methods made the Japanese mission so successful, however, not for the eternity. Particularly it is about his attitude toward the Japanese culture and about a try to adapt both on this culture and on the general conditions. Despite the time Society of Jesus and especially some of its members, including Valignano, were incredibly flexible and capable to respond to the actual needs of the mission. That is why practical side of the mission - financing this project and the very first diplomatic contacts - will be also included in this thesis. Scientific and cultural assets of the Europeans will end the work.

Evangelizace a salesiánské středisko mládeže / Evangelization and Salesian Youth Centre

JIRÁČEK, Václav January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is reflection of the conception of evangelization and its realization in the Salesian youth centres. It consists of two parts: the theoretical and the practical one. The first of them describes the evolution of the role of religion in the society in periods usually described as modern and postmodern. Then the meanings of the word evangelization and their relationships with other key words are introduced through some of the important church doctrinal documents set out afte

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