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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The contribution and influence of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the development of post-secondary education in South Nyanza, 1971-2000

Maangi, Eric Nyankanga 14 November 2014 (has links)
This study discusses the contribution and influence of the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church to the development of post- secondary education in South Nyanza, Kenya. This has been done by focusing on the establishment and development of Kamagambo and Nyanchwa Adventist colleges whose history from 1971 to 2000 has been documented. This is a historical study which has utilized both the primary and secondary source of data. For better and clear insights into this topic, the study starts by discussing the coming of Christian missionaries to Africa. The missionaries who came to Africa introduced western education. The origin of the SDA church to Africa has also been documented. The SDA church was formed as a result of the Christian evangelical revivals in Europe. This called for the Christians to base their faith on the Bible. As people read various prophecies in the bible, they thought that what they read was to be fulfilled in their lifetime. From 1830s to 1840s preachers and lay people from widely different denominations United States of America around William Miller (1782-1849). This led to the establishment of the SDA Church in 1844. The study focuses on the coming of the SDA Missionaries to South-Nyanza. The efforts of the SDA Missionaries to introduce Western education in the said area, an endeavor which started at Gendia in 1906 has been discussed. From Gendia they established Wire mission and Kenyadoto mission in 1909. In 1912 Kamagambo and Nyanchwa, the subject of this study became mission and educational centres. The SDA mission, as was the case with other missionaries who evangelized South Nyanza, took the education of Africans as one of the most important goals for the process of African evangelization. The Adventist message penetrated the people of South Nyanza through their educational work. The conversion of the first converts can be ascribed to the desire for the education which accompanied the new religion. Kamagambo Adventist College became the first college in South Nyanza. Equally, Nyanchwa became the first college in the Gusii part of South Nyanza. The two colleges exercised a great influence on the local community especially in the socio-economic and educational fields. At the same time the colleges have also contributed enormously to the community’s development through the roles played by its alumni in society. Besides this, the study has also recommended some other pertinent areas for further study and research. / Educational Foundations / D. Ed. (History of Education)

The Swiss Missionaries' educational endeavour as a means for social transformation in South Africa (1873-1975)

Masumbe, Benneth Mhlakaza Chabalala 06 1900 (has links)
This research traces the developments in Europe that led to a rush for foreign missions i different parts of the world, with specific reference to South Africa. It describes the operations of the Swiss missionaries in South Africa from 1873 to 1975. This study also evaluates the motives for the evangelization of the African masses, and contradictions th existed in the relations that missionaries had with proselytes during the period under review. The sterling contributions of black evangelists in this period are demonstrated. It cannot be denied that the Swiss missionaries did a lot of good to the indigenous populac of South Africa-the importance of their services at Lemana Training Institution (1906) and Elim Hospital (1899) are indelibly inscribed in our historiography. They should also applauded for their response to the plight of the Shangaans, who had for reasons unkno to the researcher been by-passed by other missions during the "scramble for mission fields". But the missionaries also had their shortcomings, for instance their failure to ind the state to remove capital punishment from the statute books. They may nonetheless stil continue to be used by the present government of South Africa to assist in carrying the social transformation process forward. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

The contribution and influence of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the development of post-secondary education in South Nyanza, 1971-2000

Maangi, Eric Nyankanga 14 November 2014 (has links)
This study discusses the contribution and influence of the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church to the development of post- secondary education in South Nyanza, Kenya. This has been done by focusing on the establishment and development of Kamagambo and Nyanchwa Adventist colleges whose history from 1971 to 2000 has been documented. This is a historical study which has utilized both the primary and secondary source of data. For better and clear insights into this topic, the study starts by discussing the coming of Christian missionaries to Africa. The missionaries who came to Africa introduced western education. The origin of the SDA church to Africa has also been documented. The SDA church was formed as a result of the Christian evangelical revivals in Europe. This called for the Christians to base their faith on the Bible. As people read various prophecies in the bible, they thought that what they read was to be fulfilled in their lifetime. From 1830s to 1840s preachers and lay people from widely different denominations United States of America around William Miller (1782-1849). This led to the establishment of the SDA Church in 1844. The study focuses on the coming of the SDA Missionaries to South-Nyanza. The efforts of the SDA Missionaries to introduce Western education in the said area, an endeavor which started at Gendia in 1906 has been discussed. From Gendia they established Wire mission and Kenyadoto mission in 1909. In 1912 Kamagambo and Nyanchwa, the subject of this study became mission and educational centres. The SDA mission, as was the case with other missionaries who evangelized South Nyanza, took the education of Africans as one of the most important goals for the process of African evangelization. The Adventist message penetrated the people of South Nyanza through their educational work. The conversion of the first converts can be ascribed to the desire for the education which accompanied the new religion. Kamagambo Adventist College became the first college in South Nyanza. Equally, Nyanchwa became the first college in the Gusii part of South Nyanza. The two colleges exercised a great influence on the local community especially in the socio-economic and educational fields. At the same time the colleges have also contributed enormously to the community’s development through the roles played by its alumni in society. Besides this, the study has also recommended some other pertinent areas for further study and research. / Educational Foundations / D. Ed. (History of Education)

"In nomine sanctae et individuae Trinitatis". Débats théologiques et enjeux politiques dans le royaume franc à la veille du couronnement impérial de l'an 800.

Close, Florence 04 June 2007 (has links)
Cette étude tend à étayer deux hypothèses : 1. La dévotion chrétienne à la Trinité Dieu un en trois Personnes doit sa fortune en Occident continental à la promotion qui lui a été réservée par l'Eglise carolingienne sous l'influence d'Alcuin. 2. Les débats théologiques à forte connotation trinitaire de la fin du 8e siècle, la querelle des images, la condamnation de ladoptianisme et la défense du filioque ont retenu lattention de Charlemagne, lont sensibilisé au danger que représentaient les divergences doctrinales pour lunité politique du royaume et lont finalement convaincu dassumer personnellement une part de la mission de prédication dévolue aux clercs. Ce travail se veut une histoire de la théologie franque ; une synthèse qui mette en exergue la subtile influence de la connaissance de Dieu sur la politique internationale de la fin du 8e siècle. Il propose une mise au point sur la place réellement dévolue au roi des Francs dans les débats théologiques et dans la propagation de la doctrine chrétienne à lheure de lunification du royaume, ainsi quune analyse des conséquences politiques et ecclésiologiques de l'adhésion franque à la position doctrinale de lévêque de Rome. Lenquête menée sur le rôle dévolu à Charlemagne dans les débats théologiques souvre sur un retour aux fondements religieux de la monarchie carolingienne. Au vu des conclusions les plus récentes relatives à lhistoriographie franque de la seconde moitié du 8e et du premier quart du 9e siècle, cette étude tend à rejeter catégoriquement lidée du sacre de Pépin par Boniface en 751. Elle propose de voir dans lonction conférée, en 754, par le pape Etienne II à Pépin et à ses deux fils la symbolique dune protection spirituelle accordée à la veille dun départ en campagne contre les Lombards. Les actes des conciles carolingiens attestent quaucun roi des Francs ne se prononça en matière doctrinale avant la dernière décennie du 8e siècle. Charlemagne ne peut revendiquer le titre de théologien ; jamais, dailleurs, il na prétendu être lautorité doctrinale de lOccident. Largement influencé par Alcuin, il sest, néanmoins, peu à peu imposé comme un roi prédicateur (rex praedicator). La chronologie de la querelle adoptianiste met en exergue linterpénétration des trois débats théologiques dès la fin de lété 792. Ces controverses éclatèrent à la veille de lan 800 qui devait, selon les calculs de Bède le Vénérable, coïncider avec lavènement du « Temps de lEglise » fixé en lan 6000 (AM). Ce contexte millénariste a probablement contribué à exacerber les querelles. Contrairement à ce qui a longtemps été affirmé, ladoptianisme ne peut être assimilé à lhérésie du patriarche dAntioche Nestorius qui, au début du 5e siècle, distinguait deux Personnes dans le Christ. Ladoptianisme est une tentative de sauvegarde du monothéisme trinitaire. Les théologiens espagnols de la fin du 8e siècle portaient laccent sur lhumanité du Christ, qualifié dadopté, comme instrument de la Rédemption, en distinguant la mission de lHomme-Jésus de celle du Verbe. Les Francs et la papauté nont pas compris ou pas voulu comprendre que, dans ce modèle christologique, les termes adoptivus et adoptio n'ont pas d'équivalence avec ceux d'assumptus ou d'assumptio. Ils ont refusé dadmettre que le terme adoption désigne le résultat de la kénose fait que le Verbe se soit vidé de sa divinité pour se remplir dhumanité plutôt que la création dun lien artificiel de filiation. Cette recherche concède au concile de Ratisbonne (792) une place bien plus grande que celle qui lui est traditionnellement réservée dans lhistoire tant politique que religieuse du royaume franc ; sans le synode de Ratisbonne, celui de Francfort (794) naurait pu être ce quil a été : le haut lieu de la manifestation des compétences des théologiens carolingiens. La méthode de réfutation des hérésies utilisée en Francia durant la dernière décennie du 8e siècle révèle lattachement des théologiens carolingiens à la tradition scripturaire, patristique et conciliaire garantie par lautorité romaine. Ces querelles témoignent du souci de Charlemagne dimposer son Eglise parmi les plus hautes instances doctrinales en soulignant toute la faiblesse de linterprétation orientale ou byzantine des écritures. Le roi entendait incontestablement affranchir définitivement lEglise franque de lautorité théologique de lempereur dOrient, seul domaine dans lequel Byzance pouvait encore prétendre prévaloir contre lOccident. Les campagnes franques déradication de la doctrine adoptianiste dans le Sud de lEurope furent brutalement interrompues à la suite des tractations diplomatiques menées, à la cour franque, par les ambassades du roi des Asturies en vue denrayer les ambitions expansionnistes carolingiennes dans la péninsule ibérique. Ces événements offrent une autre preuve de la récupération des questions doctrinales à des fins politiques. Ces querelles contribuèrent au renouvellement et au développement de la pensée théologique en Occident. Elles dynamisèrent le processus de formation des prêtres et encouragèrent lenseignement et la mémorisation du Credo trinitaire en gage dadhésion à la foi chrétienne, premier critère dappartenance à lEmpire franc et chrétien, né le 25 décembre 800.

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