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Dynamique de champs de vagues irréguliers en zone côtière / Dynamics of irregular wave ensembles in the coastal zoneShurgalina, Ekaterina 22 April 2015 (has links)
Les vagues et les ondes internes de gravité ont un impact important surl’hydrodynamique et l’hydrologie de la zone côtière. Les vagues extrêmes sontparticulièrement intéressantes à étudier, car elles sont une menace sérieuse pour letransport maritime, les plates-formes pétrolières, les installations portuaires et leszones touristiques de la côte. Ces ondes entravent aussi les activités humainesdéveloppées à la côte. Les ondes internes non linéaires affectent la biosphèreaquatique, notamment le transport de sédiments et créent des affouillements à labase des plates-formes et des pipelines. Elles affectent également la propagationdes signaux acoustiques. Les vagues scélérates provoquent d’importants dégâtsmatériels et de nombreuses pertes en vies humaines. Par conséquent, l’étude de laformation des ondes scélérates dans la zone côtière est d’une importance capitale.L'objectif principal de la thèse est l'étude de la formation d’ondes océaniquesanormales dans la zone côtières pour différentes profondeurs d’eau et différentschamps d'ondes. Il est montré que le mécanisme de focalisation dispersive àl’origine de la formation d’ondes scélérates est pertinent quand les ondesinteragissent avec une paroi verticale. Il est démontré que juste avant la formationde l’onde maximale, celle-ci change rapidement de forme, d'une haute crête vers uncreux profond. La durée de vie de l’onde scélérate augmente avec le nombred’ondes individuelles contenues dans le paquet d'ondes anormales et lorsque laprofondeur de l'eau diminue.Il est démontré que l'interaction de paires de solitons unipolaires conduit à unediminution des facteurs de dissymétrie et d’aplatissement du champ d'ondes. Il estprouvé que dans le cas d'interactions hétéropolaires de solitons, le facteurd’aplatissement augmente.La dynamique non linéaire de champs de solitons unipolaires aléatoires estétudiée dans le cadre de l’équation de Korteweg - de Vries (KdV) et de l’équationde Korteweg - de Vries modifiée (mKdV). Il est montré que les coefficients dedissymétrie et d'aplatissement du gaz de solitons sont réduits à la suite de collisionsde solitons. Les fonctions de distribution des amplitudes des ondes sont obtenues.Le comportement des champs solitoniques dans le cadre de ces modèles estqualitativement similaire. Il est démontré que l'amplitude des ondes extrêmesdiminue en moyenne en raison des interactions entre multi-solitons.Dans le cadre de l'équation de Korteweg-de Vries modifiée, les interactionsnon linéaires entre le soliton de plus petite amplitude et les autres solitons du gazont pour effet de réduire sa célérité qui devient négative et de modifier ainsi sadirection de propagation.A partir de l'équation de Korteweg-de Vries modifiée, il est prouvé que dans ungaz de solitons héteropolaires, des ondes scélérates peuvent se former. Laprobabilité d’occurrence et l’amplitude des ondes scélérates dans de tels systèmesaugmente avec la densité du gaz de solitons. / Surface and internal gravity waves have an important impact on the hydrological regime ofthe coastal zone. Intensive surface waves are particularly interesting to study because they canbe a serious threat to ships, oil platforms, port facilities and tourist areas on the coast; suchwaves hampered the implementation of human activities on the shelf. Nonlinear internal wavesaffect the underwater biosphere and cause sediment transport, they create washouts soil at thebase of platforms and pipelines, affect the propagation of acoustic signals. Freak waves have aparticularly strong impact, and they are studied in this thesis. Therefore, the study of freak waveformation in the coastal zone is relevant and practically significant.The main goal of the thesis is the study of particularities of abnormal wave formation incoastal zones under different assumptions on the water depth and wave field form. In particular,it is demonstrated that the mechanism of dispersion focusing of freak wave formation "works"for waves interacting with a vertical barrier. It is shown that just before the maximum waveformation a freak wave quickly changes its shape from a high ridge to a deep depression.Lifetime of freak wave increases with the growth of number of individual waves in anomalouswave packet, and lifetime of freak wave increases with water depth decreasing.It is demonstrated that pair interaction of unipolar solitons leads to decrease of the thirdand fourth moments of the wave field. It is shown that in the case of heteropolar solitoninteraction the fourth moment increases.The nonlinear dynamics of ensembles of random unipolar solitons in the framework of theKorteweg - de Vries equation and the modified Korteweg - de Vries equation is studied. It isshown that the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis of the soliton gas are reduced as a resultof soliton collision, the distribution function of wave amplitudes are defined. The behavior ofsoliton fields in the framework of these models is qualitatively similar. It is shown that in thesefields the amplitude of the big waves is decreased in average due to multi-soliton interactions.A new braking effect of soliton with a small amplitude and even changing of its direction inmulti-soliton gas as a result of nonlinear interaction with other solitons is found in the frameworkof the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.It is shown that in heteropolar soliton gas abnormally big waves (freak waves) appear inthe frameworks of the modified Korteweg - de Vries equation. With increasing of soliton gasdensity the probability and intensity of freak waves in such systems increases.
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Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Reproduction Traits in Ball PythonsMorrill, Benson H. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Although the captive reproduction of non-avian reptiles has increased steadily since the 1970’s, a dearth of information exists on successful management practices for large captive populations of these species. The data reported here come from a captive population of ball pythons (Python regius) maintained by a commercial breeding company, The Snake Keeper, Inc. (Spanish Fork, UT). Reproductive data are available for 6,480 eggs from 937 ball python clutches. The data presented suggest that proper management practices should include the use of palpation and/or ultrasound to ensure breeding occurs during the proper time of the female reproductive cycle, and that maintenance of proper humidity during the incubation of eggs is vitally important.
Ball python reproduction traits (clutch size, clutch mass, relative clutch mass, egg mass, hatch rate, egg length, egg width, hatchling mass, healthy offspring per clutch, week laid, and days of incubation) were recorded for the clutches laid during this study. For the 937 clutches, the identity of the dam and sire were known for 862 (92%) and 777 (83%) of the clutches, respectively. A multivariate model that included nine of the 11 traits listed above was compiled. Heritability and genetic and phenotypic correlations were calculated from the multivariate analysis. The trait that showed the most promise for use in artificial selection to increase reproduction rates was clutch size due to considerable genetic variation, high heritability, and favorable genetic correlations with other reproduction traits.
Although large datasets have been published for twinning in avian species, relatively few are available for non-avian reptiles. Reported here are 14 sets of twins produced from 6,480 eggs from 937 ball python clutches. The survival rate for twins during the first 3 months of life in our study was 97%. Interestingly, 11 of the sets of twins were identical in sex and phenotype, and additional genetic data suggested the rate of monozygotic twinning within this captive population of ball pythons was higher than that of dizygotic twinning. Further, using microsatellite analysis we were able to generate data that shows three sets of python twins were genetically identical.
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Modeling of the Vertical Flight Profile / Modeling of the Vertical Flight ProfileValíček, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá modelováním letadla a simulací různých typů letu. Pro modelování letu bylo podle zadání vybráno proudové letadlo s dlouhým doletem – Gulfstream G550. V první části práce jsou podrobně popsány pohybové rovnice letadla. Dále je vysvětlen numerický model letadla, sestavený na základě pohybových rovnic. Pochopení modelu letadla je nezbytné pro modelování a simulaci vertikálních profilů letu. Práce se zaměřuje na nastavení parametrů modelu letadla podle reálného letadla Gulfstream G550 a modelování vertikálního profilu letu v letové fázi CRUISE. Posledním bodem práce je průzkum optimálního letu letadla vzhledem ke spotřebě paliva. V závěru jsou diskutovány dosažené výsledky a je nastíněn směr případného pokračování práce.
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Extended defects in curved spacetimesBonjour, Filipe January 1999 (has links)
This Thesis is concerned with three particular aspects of extended cosmic strings and domain walls in cosmology: their dynamics, gravitation and interaction with a black hole. In Chapter 3, we study the dynamics of an abelian-Higgs cosmic string. We find its equations of motion from an effective action and compare, for three test trajectories, the resulting motion with that observed in the Nambu-Gotō approximation. We also present a general argument showing that the corrected motion of any string is generically antirigid. We pursue the investigation of the dynamics of topological defects in Chapter 5, where we find (from integrability conditions rather than an effective action) the effective equations governing the motion of a gravitating curved domain wall. In Chapter 4 we investigate the spacetime of a gravitating domain wall in a theory with a general potential V(ɸ). We show that, depending on the gravitational coupling e of the scalar ɸ, all nontrivial solutions fall into two categories interpretable as describing respectively domain wall and false vacuum-de Sitter solutions. Wall solutions cannot exist beyond a value (^4)(_3)ɛmax, and vacuum-de Sitter solutions are unstable to decaying into wall solutions below ɛmax at ɛmax we observe a phase transition between the two types of solution. We finally specialize for the Goldstone and sine-Gordon potentials. In Chapter 6 we consider a Nielsen-Olesen vortex whose axis passes through the centre of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr0m black hole. We examine in particular the existence of piercing and expelled solutions (where the string respectively does and does not penetrate the black hole's horizon) and determine that while thin strings penetrate the horizon — and therefore can be genuinely called hair — thick strings are expelled; the two kinds of solution are separated by a phase transition.
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