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Application of Dirichlet Distribution for Polytopic Model EstimationKatkuri, Jaipal 05 August 2010 (has links)
The polytopic model (PM) structure is often used in the areas of automatic control and fault detection and isolation (FDI). It is an alternative to the multiple model approach which explicitly allows for interpolation among local models. This thesis proposes a novel approach to PM estimation by modeling the set of PM weights as a random vector with Dirichlet Distribution (DD). A new approximate (adaptive) PM estimator, referred to as a Quasi-Bayesian Adaptive Kalman Filter (QBAKF) is derived and implemented. The model weights and state estimation in the QBAKF is performed adaptively by a simple QB weights' estimator and a single KF on the PM with the estimated weights. Since PM estimation problem is nonlinear and non-Gaussian, a DD marginalized particle filter (DDMPF) is also developed and implemented similar to MPF. The simulation results show that the newly proposed algorithms have better estimation accuracy, design simplicity, and computational requirements for PM estimation.
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A Hidden Markov Model-Based Approach for Emotional Speech SynthesisYang, Chih-Yung 30 August 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, we describe two approaches to automatically synthesize the emotional speech of a target speaker based on the hidden Markov model for his/her neutral speech.
In the interpolation based method, the basic idea is the model interpolation between the neutral model of the target speaker and an emotional model selected from a candidate pool. Both the interpolation model selection and the interpolation weight computation are determined based on a model-distance measure. We propose a monophone-based Mahalanobis
distance (MBMD).
In the parallel model combination (PMC) based method, our basic idea is to model the mismatch between neutral model and emotional model. We train linear regression model to describe this mismatch. And then we combine the target speaker neutral model with the linear regression model.
We evaluate our approach on the synthesized emotional speech of angriness, happiness, and sadness with several subjective tests. Experimental results show that the implemented system is able to synthesize speech with emotional expressiveness of the target speaker.
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Using Latin Square Design To Evaluate Model Interpolation And Adaptation Based Emotional Speech SynthesisHsu, Chih-Yu 19 July 2012 (has links)
¡@¡@In this thesis, we use a hidden Markov model which can use a small amount of corpus to synthesize speech with certain quality to implement speech synthesis system for Chinese. More, the emotional speech are synthesized by the flexibility of the parametric speech in this model. We conduct model interpolation and model adaptation to synthesize speech from neutral to particular emotion without target speaker¡¦s emotional speech. In model adaptation, we use monophone-based Mahalanobis distance to select emotional models which are close to target speaker from pool of speakers, and estimate the interpolation weight to synthesize emotional
speech. In model adaptation, we collect abundant of data training average voice models for each individual emotion. These models are adapted to specific emotional models of target speaker by CMLLR method. In addition, we design the Latin-square evaluation to reduce the systematic offset in the subjective tests, making results more credible and fair. We synthesize emotional speech include happiness, anger, sadness, and use Latin square design to evaluate performance in three part similarity, naturalness, and emotional expression respectively. According to result, we make a comprehensive comparison and conclusions of two method in emotional speech synthesis.
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Federated Learning in Large Scale Networks : Exploring Hierarchical Federated Learning / Federerad Inlärning i Storskaliga Nätverk : Utforskande av Hierarkisk Federerad InlärningEriksson, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
Federated learning faces a challenge when dealing with highly heterogeneous data and it can sometimes be inadequate to adopt an approach where a single model is trained for usage at all nodes in the network. Different approaches have been investigated to succumb this issue such as adapting the trained model to each node and clustering the nodes in the network and train a different model for each cluster where the data is less heterogeneous. In this work we study the possibilities to improve the local model performance utilizing the hierarchical setup that comes with clustering the participating clients in the network. Experiments are carried out featuring a Long Short-Term Memory network to perform time series forecasting to evaluate different approaches utilizing the hierarchical setup and comparing them to standard federated learning approaches. The experiments are done using a dataset collected by Ericsson AB consisting of handovers recorded at base stations in an European city. The hierarchical approaches didn’t show any benefit over common two-level approaches. / Federated Learning står inför en utmaning när det gäller att hantera data med en hög grad av heterogenitet och det kan i vissa fall vara olämpligt att använda sig av en approach där en och samma modell är tränad för att användas av alla noder i nätverket. Olika approacher för att hantera detta problem har undersökts som att anpassa den tränade modellen till varje nod och att klustra noderna i nätverket och träna en egen modell för varje kluster inom vilket datan är mindre heterogen. I detta arbete studeras möjligheterna att förbättra prestandan hos de lokala modellerna genom att dra nytta av den hierarkiska anordning som uppstår när de deltagande noderna i nätverket grupperas i kluster. Experiment är utförda med ett Long Short-Term Memory-nätverk för att utföra tidsserieprognoser för att utvärdera olika approacher som drar nytta av den hierarkiska anordningen och jämför dem med vanliga federated learning-approacher. Experimenten är utförda med ett dataset insamlat av Ericsson AB. Det består av "handoversfrån basstationer i en europeisk stad. De hierarkiska approacherna visade inga fördelar jämfört med de vanliga två-nivåapproacherna.
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