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Towards an Improved Method for the Prediction of Linear Response Properties of Small Organic MoleculesDcunha, Ruhee Lancelot 18 August 2021 (has links)
Quantum chemical methods to predict experimental chiroptical properties by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation are useful in the assignment of absolute configurations. Chiroptical properties, being very sensitive to the electronic structure of the system, require highly-accurate methods on the one hand and on the other, need to be able to be computed with limited computational resources.
The calculation of the optical rotation in the solution phase is complicated by solvent effects. In order to capture those solvent effects, we present a study that uses conformational averaging and time-dependent density functional theory calculations that incorporate solvent molecules explicitly in the quantum mechanical region. While considering several controllable parameters along which the system's optical rotation varies, we find that the sampling of the dynamical trajectory and the density functional chosen have the largest impact on the value of the rotation.
In order to eliminate the arbitrariness of the choice of density functional, we would prefer to use coupled cluster theory, a robust and systematically improvable method. However, the high-order polynomial scaling of coupled cluster theory makes it intractable for numerous large calculations, including the conformational averaging required for optical rotation calculations in solution. We therefore attempt to reduce the scaling of a linear response coupled cluster singles and doubles (LR-CCSD) calculation via a perturbed pair natural orbital (PNO++) local correlation approach which uses an orbital space created using a perturbed density matrix. We find that by creating a "combined PNO++" space, incorporating a set of orbitals from the unperturbed pair natural orbital (PNO) space into the PNO++ space, we can obtain well-behaved convergence behavior for both CCSD correlation energies and linear response properties, including dynamic polarizabilities and optical rotations, for the small systems considered.
The PNO++ and combined PNO++ methods require aggressive truncation to keep the computational cost low, due to an expensive two-electron integral transformation at the beginning of the calculation. We apply the methods to larger systems than previously studied and refine them for more aggressive truncation by exploring an alternative form of the perturbed density and a perturbation-including weak pair approximation. / Doctor of Philosophy / Theoretical chemistry attempts to provide connections between the structure of molecules and their observable properties. One such family of observables are chiroptical properties, or the effect of the medium on the light which passes through it. These properties include the scattering, absorption and change in polarization of light. Light being classically an electromagnetic field, chiroptical properties can be derived by treating molecules quantum mechanically and the light classically. The prediction of chiroptical properties on computers using the principles of quantum mechanics is still a growing field, being very sensitive to the method used, and requiring considerations of factors such as conformations and anharmonic corrections.
Matching experimental properties is an important step in the creation of a reliable method of predicting properties of systems in order to provide more information than can be obtained through experimental observation. This work begins by addressing the problem of matching experimentally obtained quantities. Our results show that current time-intensive methods still fall short in the matching of experimental data. Thus, we then move on to approximating a more robust but computationally expensive method in order to be able to use a more accurate method on a larger scale than is currently possible. On obtaining positive results for small test systems, we test the new method on larger systems, and explore possible improvements to its accuracy and efficiency.
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X-ray absorption spectroscopy by means of Lanczos-chain driven damped coupled cluster response theoryFransson, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
A novel method by which to calculate the near edge X-rayabsorption fine structure region of the X-ray absorption spectrum has been derived and implemented. By means of damped coupled cluster theory at coupled cluster levels CCS, CC2, CCSD and CCSDR(3), the spectra of neon and methane have been investigated. Using methods incorprating double excitations, the important relaxation effects maybe taken into account by simultaneous excitation of the core electron and relaxation of other electrons. An asymmetric Lanczos-chain driven approach has been utilized as a means to partially resolve the excitation space given by the coupled cluster Jacobian. The K-edge of the systems have been considered, and relativistic effects are estimated with use of the Douglas--Kroll scalar relativistic Hamiltonian. Comparisons have been made to results obtained with the four-component static-exchange approach and ionization potentials obtained by the {Delta}SCF-method. The appropriate basis sets by which to describe the core and excited states have been been determined. The addition of core-polarizing functions and diffuse or Rydberg functions is important for this description. Scalar relativistic effects accounts for an increase in excitation energies due to the contraction of the 1s-orbital, and this increase is seen to be 0.88 eV for neon. The coupled cluster hierachy shows a trend of convergence towards the experimental spectrum, with an 1s -> 3p excitation energy for neon of an accuracy of 0.40 eV at a relativistic CCSDR(3) level of theory. Results obtained at the damped coupled cluster and STEX levels of theory, respectively, are seen to be in agreement, with a mere relative energy shift.
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Fragmentation Dynamics of Triatomic Molecules in Femtosecond Laser Pulses Probed by Coulomb Explosion ImagingKarimi, Reza 06 1900 (has links)
In this thesis we have utilized few-cycle pulses in the range 10-15s, to initiate CE to allow us to image the structure, dynamics, and kinetics of ionization and dissociation of triatomic molecules. We have made a series of measurements of this process for CO2 and N2O, by varying the laser pulse duration from 7 to 500 fs with intensity ranging from 2.5×1014 to 4×1015 (W/cm2), in order to identify the charge states and time scales involved. This is a new approach in CEI introducing a multi-dimensional aspect to the science of non-perturbative laser-molecule interaction. We refer to this approach as FEmtosecond Multi-PUlse Length Spectroscopy (FEMPULS). The use of a time and position sensitive detector allow us to observe all fragment ions in coincidence. By representing the final fragmentation with Dalitz and Newton plots, we have identified the underlying break up dynamics. Momentum conservation has been used to extract the correlated fragment ions which come from a single parent ion. This is achieved by considering that the total momentum of all correlated fragments must add up to zero.
One of the main outcomes of our study is observation of charge resonance enhanced ionization (CREI) for triatomic molecules. In the case of CO2, we found that for the 4+ and higher charge states, 100 fs is the time scale required to reach the critical geometry RCO= 2.1Å and ӨOCO =163º (equilibrium CO2 geometry is RCO= 1:16Å and ӨOCO =172º. The CO23+ molecule, however, appears always to begin dissociation from closer than 1.7 Å indicating that dynamics on charge states lower than 3+ is not sufficient to initiate CREI. Finally, we make quantum ab initio calculations of ionization rates for CO2 and identify the electronic states responsible for CREI. Total kinetic energy (KER) has been measured for channels (1, 1, 1) to (2, 2, 2) and it was found that the (1, 1, 1) channel is not Coulombic, while (2, 2, 2) channel is very close to Coulombic (KER close to 90% of the coulombic potential).
As another outcome of our study, for the case of N2O, we observed for the first time that there are two stepwise dissociation pathways for N2O3+: (1) N2O3+ → N++ NO2+ → N+ + N++ O+ and (2) N2O3+ → N22++O+ → N+ + N++ O+ as well as one for N2O4+ → N2++ NO2+ → N2+ + N++ O+. The N22+ stepwise channel is suppressed for longer pulse length, a phenomenon which we attribute to the influence which the structure of the 3+ potential has on the dissociating wave packet propagation. Finally, by observing the KER for each channel as a function of pulse duration, we show the increasing importance of CREI for channels higher than 3+.
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Investigação teórica de propriedades de sistemas moleculares presentes no meio interestelar / Theoretical invetigation of properties for molecular systems present in the interstellar mediumVichietti, Rafael Mario 12 May 2014 (has links)
Os cianopoliinos (HCnN, n = 1, 3, 5, ...) e seus isômeros, os isocianopoliinos (HCn-1NC), constituem duas famílias de moléculas já identificadas no meio interestelar. No intuito de auxiliar a detecção e investigar a formação destas moléculas neste ambiente, foram obtidas as geometrias, as constantes rotacionais, os momentos de dipolo, as frequências vibracionais e as intensidades fundamentais de infravermelho em níveis MP2/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 a 17), CCSD/cc-pVDZ (n = 1 a 13) e CCSD/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 a 7). Além disso, foi empregado o modelo de partição em carga - fluxo de carga - fluxo de dipolo, CFCFD, em termos dos multipolos atômicos advindos da Teoria Quântica de Átomos em Moléculas, QTAIM, para compreender os efeitos do tamanho da cadeia sobre as propriedades elétricas destas moléculas, como suas intensidades de infravermelho. Os resultados indicam que o nível CCSD/cc-pVTZ é o que melhor descreve as propriedades mencionadas para os menores cianopoliinos e isocianopoliinos. Contudo, devido à demanda computacional, é preciso optar entre os níveis MP2/cc-pVTZ e CCSD/cc-pVDZ para abordar espécies maiores. Assim, os momentos de dipolo destes maiores cianopoliinos são mais bem descritos pelo nível MP2/cc-pVTZ, enquanto CCSD/cc-pVDZ é mais indicado para tal propriedade em respectivos isocianopoliinos. Por sua vez, as intensidades de infravermelho destas famílias apresentam melhor concordância com dados experimentais quando determinadas em nível CCSD/cc-pVDZ. Além disso, tanto para cianopoliinos quanto para isocianopoliinos, o aumento do tamanho das cadeias resulta num incremento das intensidades do estiramento CH, o que é explicado por variações no fluxo de carga eletrônica. O estiramento das ligações triplas CC centrais é o modo mais intenso em grandes cianopoliinos, o que também se deve ao fluxo de carga observado. Ademais, o espectro dos isocianopoliinos apresenta um número maior de bandas relevantes na região de estiramento de ligações triplas CC. Um estudo também foi conduzido, onde foram estimados os dados termodinâmicos, as geometrias do estado de transição e as constantes de velocidade da reação HCnN → HCn-1NC (n = 1 a 9) para temperaturas entre 298,15 e 3000 K. Os níveis B3LYP/aug-cc-pVsZ, MPW1K/aug-cc-pVsZ (s = Q) e CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVmZ (m = T e Q) foram adotados em um tratamento composto para as reações com n = 1, 3 e 5, enquanto as reações com n = 7 e 9 foram investigadas de forma semelhante, porém com s = T e m = D e T. O método B3LYP foi o que apresentou melhor desempenho comparado ao MPW1K na determinação de frequências e geometrias. Os resultados indicam que esta reação é exotérmica no sentido em que os cianopoliinos são formados e, portanto, é mais fácil de ocorrer em ambientes mais frios do meio interestelar. Por outro lado, suas constantes de velocidade no sentido direto e inverso tendem a ser de mesma magnitude em temperaturas elevadas, indicando que estes ambientes mais quentes são mais propícios para detecção de isocianopoliinos. Por fim, equações parametrizadas foram ajustadas para reproduzir nossos dados de constantes de velocidade das reações com n = 1 até 9 dentro do intervalo de temperaturas considerado. / Cyanopolyynes (HCnN, n = 1, 3, 5, ...) and their isomers, isocyanopolyynes (HCn-1NC), constitute two families of molecules already identified in the interstellar medium. In order to provide data for their detection and to investigate the formation of these molecules in this environment, geometries, rotational constants, dipole moments, vibrational frequencies and infrared fundamental intensities were obtained at MP2/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 to 17), CCSD/cc-pVDZ (n = 1 to 13) and CCSD/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 to 7) levels. Furthermore, the partition model in charge - charge flux - dipole flux, CFCFD, from atomic multipoles given by the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, QTAIM, was applied to understand the effects of chain size on electrical properties of these molecules, such as intensities. Results indicate that the best description of the properties mentioned is achieved at the CCSD/cc-pVTZ level for smaller cyanopolyynes and isocyanopolyynes. However, due to computational demand, one needs to choose between MP2/cc-pVTZ and CCSD/cc-pVDZ levels to deal with larger species. In this sense, the dipole moments of large cyanopolyynes are better described by the MP2/cc-pVTZ level, while CCSD/cc-pVDZ is indicated for such property in respective isocyanopolyynes. In addition, the infrared intensities of both families from CCSD/cc-pVDZ calculations are in better accordance with experimental data. Moreover, chain size increases of cyanopolyynes and isocyanopolyynes result in intensity increments of CH stretching, which is explained by electronic charge flux changes. The stretching of central CC triple bonds is the strongest mode for large cyanopolyynes and this is also due to charge flux. A study was also conducted, in which thermodynamic data, transition state geometries and rate constants of the reaction HCnN → HCn-1NC (n = 1 to 9) were estimated for temperatures between 298.15 and 3000 K. B3LYP/aug-cc-pVsZ, MPW1K/aug-cc-pVsZ (s = Q) and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVmZ (m = T and Q) were adopted in a combined treatment for reactions with n = 1, 3 and 5, while reactions with n = 7 and 9 were investigated in a similar way, but with s = T and m = D and T. Frequencies and geometry data from the B3LYP method exhibited a better performance than MPW1K. The results indicated that this reaction is exothermic in the direction that leads to cyanopolyynes, and therefore it is easier to occur in colder environments of the interstellar medium. On the other hand, rate constants of forward and reverse reactions tend to show the same magnitude at higher temperatures, indicating these warmer environments are more amenable to detection of isocyanopolyynes. Finally, parameterized equations were fitted to reproduce our rate constant data for reactions with n = 1 to 9 in the temperature range considered.
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INVESTIGATIONS ON THE INFLUENCE OF GUEST MOLECULE CHARACTERISTICS AND THE PRESENCE OF MULTICOMPONENT GAS MIXTURES ON GAS HYDRATE PROPERTIESLuzi, Manja, Schicks, Judith M., Naumann, Rudolf, Erzinger, Jörg, Udachin, Konstantin A., Moudrakovski, Igor L., Ripmeester, John A., Ludwig, Ralf 07 1900 (has links)
In this study, we investigated the molecular characteristics of hydrates which were synthesized
from gas mixtures containing the two isomers of butane, or the pentane isomers neopentane and
isopentane, in excess methane. Thereto various techniques, including Raman spectroscopy, powder
and single crystal X-ray diffraction and 13C NMR spectroscopy were employed. It turned out
that shape and conformation of the guest molecule and hydrate structure both influence each
other. In case of the mixed butane hydrate it could be confirmed that n-butane is enclathrated in
its gauche conformation. This was verified by Raman spectroscopy, single crystal X-ray diffraction
and calculated data. While isopentane is known as a structure H former, our results from
powder X-ray diffraction, 13C NMR and ab initio calculations show that it can be also incorporated
into structure II when the hydrate is formed from a neopentane/isopentane/methane gas
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Investigação teórica de propriedades de sistemas moleculares presentes no meio interestelar / Theoretical invetigation of properties for molecular systems present in the interstellar mediumRafael Mario Vichietti 12 May 2014 (has links)
Os cianopoliinos (HCnN, n = 1, 3, 5, ...) e seus isômeros, os isocianopoliinos (HCn-1NC), constituem duas famílias de moléculas já identificadas no meio interestelar. No intuito de auxiliar a detecção e investigar a formação destas moléculas neste ambiente, foram obtidas as geometrias, as constantes rotacionais, os momentos de dipolo, as frequências vibracionais e as intensidades fundamentais de infravermelho em níveis MP2/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 a 17), CCSD/cc-pVDZ (n = 1 a 13) e CCSD/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 a 7). Além disso, foi empregado o modelo de partição em carga - fluxo de carga - fluxo de dipolo, CFCFD, em termos dos multipolos atômicos advindos da Teoria Quântica de Átomos em Moléculas, QTAIM, para compreender os efeitos do tamanho da cadeia sobre as propriedades elétricas destas moléculas, como suas intensidades de infravermelho. Os resultados indicam que o nível CCSD/cc-pVTZ é o que melhor descreve as propriedades mencionadas para os menores cianopoliinos e isocianopoliinos. Contudo, devido à demanda computacional, é preciso optar entre os níveis MP2/cc-pVTZ e CCSD/cc-pVDZ para abordar espécies maiores. Assim, os momentos de dipolo destes maiores cianopoliinos são mais bem descritos pelo nível MP2/cc-pVTZ, enquanto CCSD/cc-pVDZ é mais indicado para tal propriedade em respectivos isocianopoliinos. Por sua vez, as intensidades de infravermelho destas famílias apresentam melhor concordância com dados experimentais quando determinadas em nível CCSD/cc-pVDZ. Além disso, tanto para cianopoliinos quanto para isocianopoliinos, o aumento do tamanho das cadeias resulta num incremento das intensidades do estiramento CH, o que é explicado por variações no fluxo de carga eletrônica. O estiramento das ligações triplas CC centrais é o modo mais intenso em grandes cianopoliinos, o que também se deve ao fluxo de carga observado. Ademais, o espectro dos isocianopoliinos apresenta um número maior de bandas relevantes na região de estiramento de ligações triplas CC. Um estudo também foi conduzido, onde foram estimados os dados termodinâmicos, as geometrias do estado de transição e as constantes de velocidade da reação HCnN → HCn-1NC (n = 1 a 9) para temperaturas entre 298,15 e 3000 K. Os níveis B3LYP/aug-cc-pVsZ, MPW1K/aug-cc-pVsZ (s = Q) e CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVmZ (m = T e Q) foram adotados em um tratamento composto para as reações com n = 1, 3 e 5, enquanto as reações com n = 7 e 9 foram investigadas de forma semelhante, porém com s = T e m = D e T. O método B3LYP foi o que apresentou melhor desempenho comparado ao MPW1K na determinação de frequências e geometrias. Os resultados indicam que esta reação é exotérmica no sentido em que os cianopoliinos são formados e, portanto, é mais fácil de ocorrer em ambientes mais frios do meio interestelar. Por outro lado, suas constantes de velocidade no sentido direto e inverso tendem a ser de mesma magnitude em temperaturas elevadas, indicando que estes ambientes mais quentes são mais propícios para detecção de isocianopoliinos. Por fim, equações parametrizadas foram ajustadas para reproduzir nossos dados de constantes de velocidade das reações com n = 1 até 9 dentro do intervalo de temperaturas considerado. / Cyanopolyynes (HCnN, n = 1, 3, 5, ...) and their isomers, isocyanopolyynes (HCn-1NC), constitute two families of molecules already identified in the interstellar medium. In order to provide data for their detection and to investigate the formation of these molecules in this environment, geometries, rotational constants, dipole moments, vibrational frequencies and infrared fundamental intensities were obtained at MP2/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 to 17), CCSD/cc-pVDZ (n = 1 to 13) and CCSD/cc-pVTZ (n = 1 to 7) levels. Furthermore, the partition model in charge - charge flux - dipole flux, CFCFD, from atomic multipoles given by the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, QTAIM, was applied to understand the effects of chain size on electrical properties of these molecules, such as intensities. Results indicate that the best description of the properties mentioned is achieved at the CCSD/cc-pVTZ level for smaller cyanopolyynes and isocyanopolyynes. However, due to computational demand, one needs to choose between MP2/cc-pVTZ and CCSD/cc-pVDZ levels to deal with larger species. In this sense, the dipole moments of large cyanopolyynes are better described by the MP2/cc-pVTZ level, while CCSD/cc-pVDZ is indicated for such property in respective isocyanopolyynes. In addition, the infrared intensities of both families from CCSD/cc-pVDZ calculations are in better accordance with experimental data. Moreover, chain size increases of cyanopolyynes and isocyanopolyynes result in intensity increments of CH stretching, which is explained by electronic charge flux changes. The stretching of central CC triple bonds is the strongest mode for large cyanopolyynes and this is also due to charge flux. A study was also conducted, in which thermodynamic data, transition state geometries and rate constants of the reaction HCnN → HCn-1NC (n = 1 to 9) were estimated for temperatures between 298.15 and 3000 K. B3LYP/aug-cc-pVsZ, MPW1K/aug-cc-pVsZ (s = Q) and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVmZ (m = T and Q) were adopted in a combined treatment for reactions with n = 1, 3 and 5, while reactions with n = 7 and 9 were investigated in a similar way, but with s = T and m = D and T. Frequencies and geometry data from the B3LYP method exhibited a better performance than MPW1K. The results indicated that this reaction is exothermic in the direction that leads to cyanopolyynes, and therefore it is easier to occur in colder environments of the interstellar medium. On the other hand, rate constants of forward and reverse reactions tend to show the same magnitude at higher temperatures, indicating these warmer environments are more amenable to detection of isocyanopolyynes. Finally, parameterized equations were fitted to reproduce our rate constant data for reactions with n = 1 to 9 in the temperature range considered.
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Computational study of antimalarial alkaloids of plant originBilonda, Kabuyi Mireille 15 May 2019 (has links)
Department of Chemistry / PhD (Chemistry) / This thesis is concerned with the computational study of naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids having antimalarial properties. The study was considered interesting because of the importance of gathering information on antimalarial molecules and because these molecules had not yet been studied computationally.
The alkaloids considered in this study had been isolated from tropical lianas belonging to the Dioncophyllaceae and Ancistrodaceae families. They comprise alkaloids with both monomeric and dimeric structures. The monomeric structures consist of one unit and the dimeric ones of two units, with each unit containing a naphthalene moiety and an isoquinoline moiety. 33 monomeric molecules were studied, which represent a large portion of all the monomeric naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids isolated so far. Two dimeric molecules with antimalarial activity were investigated, namely, jozimine A2 and mbandakamine A. A third dimeric molecule, with a structure close to that of jozimine A2 but different activity (michellamine A, anti-HIV) was also calculated for comparison purposes.
This work utilised electronic structures methods and involved the conformational study of all the molecules selected to identify the stabilising factors in vacuo and in solution. Two levels of theory (HF/ 6-31G (d,p) and DFT/B3LYP/ 6-31+G(d,p)) were utilised to compare their performance for compounds of this type, also in view of a future study extending to other compounds of the same class. The molecules were firstly studied in vacuo and secondly in three different solvents – chloroform, acetonitrile and water – characterized by different polarities and different H-bonding abilities. Quantum chemical calculations in solution were carried out using the Polarisable Continuum Model (PCM).
The main stabilizing factors are the presence and types of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (IHBs), which are the dominant factors, and also the mutual orientation of the moieties. The possible IHBs comprise OH⋯O (or OH⋯N and NH⋯O for mbandakamine A) and other H-bond types interactions such as OH⋯ and CH⋯O (or CH⋯O and CH⋯N for mbandakamine A). The moieties prefer to be perpendicular one to another, which is a common tendency of aromatic
systems. In monomeric structures, there may be only one OH⋯O and possibly also one of each of the other two types of IHBs interactions. In dimeric structures, there may be up to four (five in mbandakamine A) OH⋯O IHBs simultaneously and also other H-bond type interactions.
The results provide a comprehensive picture of the molecular properties of these compounds, such as conformational preferences, dipole moments, HOMO-LUMO energy gaps, harmonic vibrational frequencies, solvent effect and influence of the solvent on molecular properties which respond to polarisation by the solvent. Altogether, these results may contribute to a better understanding of their biological activity and to the design of molecular structures with enhanced biological activity. This is the reason of focusing the efforts on the investigation of chemical and physical properties of these alkaloids molecules. / NRF
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