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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitoring veřejných výdajů v mikroregionu Boskovicko

Pokorná, Eva January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Monitorovací systém a hodnocení udržitelného rozvoje destinace cestovního ruchu

Krchňáková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
The sustainable development represents an interesting area of study connected with a tourism, which is one of the fastest growing economic fields. The main ob-jective of this thesis is to evaluate current situation of concepts of sustainable tourism and corporate social responsibility of hotels and determine phases of a life cycle of a chosen region in the Czech Republic. On the basis on the gained data the monitoring system is suggested for rating the sustainable tourism of the destination. The results give basic facts about the region and forms of the tourism in this region, actual overview about the sustainability in the destination, which was gained from primary researches and analyses of the secondary data. It also represents a life cycle of the destination and leads to the suggestion of a complex monitoring system for the chosen region. Due to the importance of both concepts around tourism, the implementation leads to reach better results in dependence of a competitiveness and the sustainability of the destination.

Analýza využití globálního pozičního systému (GPS) v podmínkách precizního vinohradnictví

Stehlíková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis Analysis of the Application of the Global Positioning System in Conditions of the Precision Viticulture consists of a theoretical and a practical part, each one of these then comprises of several subchapters. The theoretical part deals with the application of the global positioning system in agriculture from a general perspective and it examines individual contemporary monitoring technologies. The practical part of the thesis includes an analysis of data provided by a selected viticulture business which employs the global positioning system with the view of increasing work efficiency.

Udržitelnosti projektů spolufinancovaných Evropskou unií / Durability of projects co-financed by the European Union

KRISTKOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma work deals with durability of projects co-financed by the European Union. The term is explained and used in real project. First part is about the problem of regional politics of Czech Republic and shared regional politics of EU and ways of supports in which contains many different structural funds. The main goal of this part is focused on Regional operational program NUTS II Jihozápad, a grant applications from this program, requisites and feedback control, which is connected with durability. The second part is about real project named Reconstruction local communications Dražice. There is this conclusion: structural fund achieved the goal such is realisation of project which could not be proceed without this help. The insufficient of resources was the main reason for application. There are also many benefits arise from the project.

Fondy Evropské unie jako prostředek pro zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti českých firem a organizací / European Union funds as medium for increasing the competitive advantage of Czech companies and non-profit associations

Knotek, František January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá problematikou regionální a strukturální politiky EU s důrazem kladeným na využívání fondů EU jako prostředku pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti českých podniků. Cílem této práce je přiblížit problematiku fondů EU, vývoj v minulém a současném rozpočtovacím období, zhodnotit vhodnost použitých metodik a navrhnout případná řešení. Struktura práce je navržena tak, aby poskytovala nejen obecné, ale zejména praktické rady pro zpracování vybraných programových dokumentů.

Dopad dotačního programu LEADER v území Místní akční skupiny Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s. / The impact of the program LEADER in the region of LAG Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s.

Valdová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
First part of this theses deals with theoretical knowledge about local action group (LAG), their way of functioning, strategical documents and project management within the life cycle of LAG projects. On the other hand it introduces a theory about monitoring project, monitoring indicators and setting their in and out values. Second, practical, part of two the theses has also two spectrums. First part alleges from data collected during monitoring projects in LAG Království Jestřebí hory o.p.s. Data are focused at most on fulfilling monitoring indicators during last program period in between 2007 and 2013 and they are summed up as a recommendation for the new programming period. Programming period 2014 and 2020 has so far introduced a new method of setting up indicators, which is also described in this theses, including the restrictions that LAG has to deal with. Practical part is ended by commentary on setted values and their actual possibility of fullfillment in real life. The entire theses ends the final summery in which the author states her own reccomendations and tips regarding the setting or evaluation of monitoring indicators.

Zpracování signálu SDR pro přenosnou monitorovací stanici / SDR Signal Processing for Portable Monitoring Station

Svobodník, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Goal of this thesis is to develop portable monitoring station for radio spectrum monitoring and its controlling application for use by Czech Telecommunication Office. The station is based on Software Defined Radio (SDR) and capable of monitoring in the range of 1 MHz - 6 GHz. Developed application controls not only the SDR but also the external RF unit (including choice of receiving antenna, filter, optional amplification/attenuation and azimuth of antenna rotator). Measurement processed by computer and displayed graphically in form of spectrum diagram and waterfall diagram. Furthermore, the application will perform spectral measurement in compliance with requirements of International Telecommunication Union. The application is also capable of recording into the file and of analyzing historical data from the previous measurement.

Aplikace pro monitorování sítí / Application for Monitoring of IP Networks

Šmalec, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Diplomová práce popisuje vytvoření aplikace pro monitorování síťových zařízení. Výsledky jsou zobrazené jako grafické uživatelské rozhraní společně s vykreslenou topologií. Aplikace je z velké části napsána v jazyce Python. Pro získávání informací z topologie jsou využity protokoly SNMP a SSH. Hlavní cíl je vytvořit aplikaci, která monitoruje síťová zařízení a vykresluje tuhle topologii do grafického uživatelského rozhraní. Tato aplikace reaguje dynamicky na změny v monitorovací topologii.

Automatizované sledování výrobních strojů / Automatic monitoring production machines

Šíp, David January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with monitoring of tool machine. It is concerned with design and implementation of automation monitoring system at production company. This diploma work describes the way of automatic scanning of control data,elaboration obtain information and theirs presentation in user aplications. Diploma work serves like as instruction of median firms for implementation of automation monitoring system.

Nahrazení vazby elektronickým kontrolním systémem / Electronic control system as an alternative to custody

Homolová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
Electronic control system as an alternative to custody Abstract In the framework of the criminal justice process, the scope of using technical means through electronic monitoring is worldwide very extended indeed, being applicated in all stages of criminal proceedings. Although the most frequent manner while analysing the electronic control is the house arrest or release from imprisonment by conditional parole, electronic monitoring system finds its purpose also in pre-trial detention. Arrest is intended to be an exceptional institute of criminal proceedings, only to be used as necessary and proportionate measure and in compliance with the presumption of innocence and the constitutional right to personal freedom. In accordance with this concept, it is necessary to consider all time in the duration of custody whether the reasons for pre-trial detention still last and whether it would not rather be replaced by some alternative. The first electronic monitoring permanent program was launched in Czech republic in September 2018, so we have only a few experiences in this field so far. The aim of this paper is to identify some best practices to enhance the effectiveness of electronic monitoring as an alternative to custody in the Czech legal order and also to propose an amendments to the legislation of this...

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