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Mono-Alu folklore (Bougainville strait, Western Solomon islands)Wheeler, Gerald Clair William Camden, January 1926 (has links)
"Thesis approved for the degree of doctor of science (economics) in the University of London." / "Mono texts": p.[73]-143. Microfilm (positive) (Literature of folklore ; reel 510) Bibliography: p.[5].
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Photovoltaic Process Development and innovative TechniquesIsmail, Furrukh January 2011 (has links)
Photovoltaic processing is one of the processes that have significance in semiconductor process line. It is complicated due to the no. of elements involved that directly or indirectly affect the processing and final yield. So mathematically or empirically we can’t say assertively about the results specially related with diffusion, antireflective coating and impurity poisoning. Here I have experimented and collected data on the mono-crystal silicon wafers with varying properties and outputs. Then by using neural network with available experimental data output required can be estimated which is further tested by the test data for authenticity. One can say that it’s a kind of process simulation with varying input of raw wafers to get desired yield of photovoltaic mono-crystal cells.
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Le concept de sacré dans la culture Vodoun du peuple Éwé ( Togo)Ekoue, Kossi 17 June 2021 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de répondre à cette question : Le concept de Sacré dans la culture Vodoun serait-il une forme de monothéisme ou une forme polythéisme? La réponse est non, le concept de sacré dans la culture Vodoun n’est ni un monothéisme ni un polythéisme. Ce concept est proche de ce que j’appelle la mono-originalité : Un conglomérat d’énergies à l’origine de tout. Je suis conscient que toute culture prend sa source dans ses conceptions existentialistes, et l’une de ces conceptions est véritablement celle du Sacré. Ce qui me conduit à comprendre le concept du Sacré dans la culture Vodoun et à expliquer à partir de cette conception le comportement et le courant de pensée du peuple Éwé. Le concept de Sacré dans la culture Vodoun serait-il une forme de monothéisme ou polythéisme? Comment une spiritualité qui reconnait n’avoir jamais vu le Sacré et n’a aucune représentation matérielle ou même symbolique du Sacré peut être monothéiste, ou à plus forte raison polythéiste? En partant de l’idée mythologique des Éwé selon laquelle l’énergie originaire de la nature laisserait son empreinte sur toutes les créatures, le concept du Sacré chez les Éwé est le fruit d’une observation de la nature, l’accumulation des expériences, des analyses du cosmos et de toutes ses composantes : il s’agit alors d’un inconnu ou d’un vide. Le peuple Éwé donne le nom Mawu-Ségbolisa à ce vide ou cet inconnu. Le mot le plus juste que je trouve pour décrire ce concept du sacré est la mono-originalité que je définie simplement comme étant : un concept africain du Sacré qui voit une seule énergie de forces à l’origine de tout, et le tout fait cette énergie.
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Etude descriptive du Mono: langue oubanguienne du Congo (ex-Zaïre)Kamanda-Kola, Roger January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Conception et synthèse de nouveaux cryptophanes pour des applications en l'imagerie moléculaire par RMN du xénon / Conception and synthesis of the new cryptophane for the applications in xenon NMR molecular imagingGao, Bo 05 October 2016 (has links)
Entre tous les techniques de l’imagerie, imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) offre plusieurs avantages en raison de sa faible invasivité, son innocuité et sa résolution spatiale en profondeur, mais souffre d'une mauvaise sensibilité. Pour résoudre ce problème, différentes stratégies ont été proposées, y compris l'utilisation de l’espèce hyperpolarisée comme ¹ ² ⁹ Xe.Le xénon est un gaz inerte avec un nuage d'électrons polarisable qui est très sensible à son environnement chimique. Sa capacité d'être hyperpolarisé permet d'obtenir un gain significatif de la sensibilité. Néanmoins, le xénon n'a aucune spécificité à une cible biologique, par conséquent, il a besoin d’être encapsulé et vectorisée. Des cages moléculaires différentes ont été proposées et nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à cryptophane qui est l'un des meilleurs candidats pour l’encapsulation du xénon.Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir des nouveaux cryptophanes qui peuvent être utilisés comme les plates-formes moléculaires pour construire des nouvelles bio-sondes de ¹ ² ⁹ Xe IRM utilisables pour l'imagerie in vivo. Pour cette raison, ces cryptophanes devraient être hydrosoluble et mono-fonctionnalisable.Dans cette thèse, le polyéthylène glycol (PEG) est utilisé pour améliorer la faible solubilité de la cage moléculaire hydrophobe. Il y a également une discussion systématique des façons de casser la symétrie des cryptophanes et les stratégies différentes ont été tentées pour synthétiser cryptophanes mono-fonctionnalisé.En conséquence, plusieurs cryptophanes PEGylés et mono-fonctionnalisés ont été obtenus et leurs propriétés d'encapsulation du xénon ont été testées. / Among all the imaging techniques, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers several advantages owing to its low invasiveness, its harmlessness and its spatial in-depth resolution but suffers from poor sensitivity. To address this issue, different strategies were proposed, including the utilization of hyperpolarizable species such as ¹ ² ⁹ Xe.Xenon is an inert gas with a polarizable electronic cloud which leads to an extreme sensitivity to its chemical environment. Its capacity of being hyperpolarized makes it possible to obtain a significant gain of sensitivity. Nevertheless, xenon has no specificity to any biological target therefore it needs to be encapsulated and vectorized. Different molecular cages were proposed and we are particularly interested in cryptophane which is one of the best candidates for xenon encapsulation.In this context, the objective of this thesis is to design new cryptophanes which can be used as molecular platforms to construct novel ¹ ² ⁹ Xe MRI biosensors usable for in vivo imaging. To meet this demand, these cryptophanes should be mono-functionalizable and enough soluble in water.In this thesis, the polyethylene glycol (PEG) group is used to improve the poor solubility of the hydrophobic molecular cage. And there is a systematic discussion of how to break the symmetry of cryptophanes and different strategies were attempted to synthesize mono-functionalized cryptophanes.As a result, several PEGylated mono-functionalized cryptophanes were obtained and their properties for encapsulating xenon were tested.
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Cost effective high efficiency solar cellsSaha, Sayan 28 October 2014 (has links)
To make solar energy mainstream, lower-cost and more efficient power generation is key. A lot of effort in the silicon photovoltaic industry has gone into using fewer raw materials (i.e., silicon) and using more inexpensive processing techniques and materials to reduce cost. Utilizing thinner substrates not only reduces cost, but improves cell efficiency provided both front and back surfaces are well-passivated. In the current work, a kerf-less process is developed in which ultra-thin (~25 [mu]m), flexible mono-crystalline silicon substrates can be obtained through an exfoliation technique from a thicker parent wafer. These substrates, when exfoliated, have thick metal backing which provides mechanical support to the thin silicon and enables ease of processing of the substrates for device fabrication. Optical, electrical, and reliability characterization studies for completed cells show this technology’s compatibility with a heterojunction solar cell process flow. Building on the promising results achieved on exfoliated substrates, further optimization work was carried out. Namely, an improved cleaning process was developed to remove front surface contamination on textured surfaces of exfoliated, flexible mono-crystalline silicon. This process is very effective at cleaning metallic and organic residues, without introducing additional contamination or degrading the supporting back metal used for ultra-thin substrate handling. Spectroscopic studies were performed to qualitatively and quantitatively understand the efficacy of different cleaning procedures in order to develop the new cleaning process. Results of the spectroscopic studies were further supported by comparing the electrical performance of cells fabricated with different cleans. To replace silver as contact metal with a cheaper substitute like nickel or copper, patterning and etching processes are generally used. A low-cost alternative is proposed, where a reusable shadow mask with a metal grid pattern is kept in contact with the surface of the substrate in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition chamber during silicon nitride deposition. This leaves a patterned silicon surface for selective metal growth by direct electro-deposition. The viability of this process flow is demonstrated by fabricating diffused junction n[superscript+]pp[superscript+] monofacial and bifacial cells and electrically characterizing them. Investigation of the factors limiting the efficiency of the cells was carried out by lifetime measurement experiments. / text
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Valores hematologicos y de bioquimica serica del mono choro común (Lagothrix lagotricha) criado en semicautiverio en lagunas, LoretoRodriguez Hernandez, Katherine Gisella January 2012 (has links)
El tráfico ilegal, caza indiscrimada y deforestación han conllevado a que el mono choro común (Lagothrix lagotricha) se designe como una especie amenazada que se encuentra en situación vulnerable, es por esta razón que se necesita centros de rescate y rehabilitación, en donde se rehabiliten y finalmente se liberen en su hábitat natural. Se han realizado estudios en poblaciones en cautiverio, es importante corroborar el estado sanitario de esta especie con poblaciones libres o en semicautiverio y poder establecer parámetros sanitarios bases en esta especie. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los valores hematológicos y de bioquímica sérica en una población de monos choros que se encontraban en semicautiverio (centro de rescate y rehabilitación Ikamaperu) en Lagunas, Loreto; los cuales permitirán cumplir con parte del protocolo de liberación, en el caso de reintroducciones en su hábitat natural. Se estudiaron 40 primates, 12 machos y 28 hembras entre juveniles, sub adultos y adultos en aparente buen estado de salud. Los primates fueron anestesiados con Ketamina (10mg/kg) vía intramuscular, aunque algunos animales necesitaron de Diazepam (10 mg /kg) vía oral. Los valores hematológicos promedios fueron: conteo de eritrocitos = 5.71 x 10^6 /µl, hemoglobina = 12.67 g/dl, hematocrito = 40.93%, VCM = 73.15 fl, HCM = 22.76 pg, CHCM = 31.19 g/dl, plaquetas = 343.08 x 10³/µl, conteo de leucocitos = 8.33 x 10³/µl, neutrófilos= 4.42 x 10³ /µl, eosinófilos = 0.5 x 10³/µl, basófilos = 0.08 x 10³/µl, linfocitos = 3.31 x 10³/µl y monocitos = 0.02 x 10³/µl. Los valores bioquímicos promedios fueron: urea = 26.97 mg/dl, creatinina = 1.12 mg/dl, proteínas totales = 5.93 g/dl, albúmina = 4.05g/dl, ALT = 36.43 UI/L, AST= 108.26 UI/L, bilirrubina total = 0.53 mg/dl, bilirrubina directa = 0.27 mg/dl, ALP = 45.15 UI/L, colesterol = 131.1 mg/dl, triglicéridos = 133.21 mg/dl, glucosa = 91.45 mg/dl. Se encontró diferencias significativas en el conteo de monocitos en relación al sexo; se encontraron diferencias en el conteo de eritrocitos, proteínas totales, bilirrubina total, colesterol y ALP con respecto al grupo etario. Los valores hematológicos fueron similares a otros valores reportados en la literatura, se halló diferencias en niveles de AST, ALP, proteínas totales y triglicéridos en comparación con otros estudios.
Palabras clave: Mono choro común, Lagothrix lagotricha, hematología, bioquímica sérica,
semicautiverio / --- The illegal trafficking, indiscriminate hunting and deforestation have led to the common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) is designated as an endangered species that is vulnerable, for this reason is needed rescue and rehabilitation centers, where they are rehabilitated and finally released back into the wild. There have been studies on captive populations, it is important to verify the health status of this species with free or semi-captive populations and health parameters to establish bases in this species The objective of this study was to determinate the hematology values and serum biochemistry values in a population of woolly monkeys in semi- captivity (rescue and rehabilitation center Ikamaperu) in Lagunas, Loreto; which meet permit release of the protocol, in the case of reintroductions in the wild .A total of 40 primates 12 males y 28 females, among juveniles, sub adults and adults, in apparent good conditions were studied. The primates were anesthetized with a ketamine (10 mg/kg) i.m., although some animals needed Diazepam (10 mg /kg) oral. The hematology average values were: count of erythrocytes = 5.71 x 10^6/µl, hemoglobin = 12.67 g/dl, hematocrit = 40.93%, VCM = 73.15 fl, HCM = 22.76 pg, CHCM = 31.19 g/dl, platelet = 343.08 x 10³/µl, count of leucocytes = 8.33 x 10³/µl, neutrophils = 4.42 x 10³/µl, eosinophils = 0.5 x 10³/µl, basophils = 0.08 x 10³/µl, lymphocytes = 3.31 x 10³/µl and monocytes = 0.02 x 10³/µl. The serum biochemistry average values were: urea = 26.97 mg/dl, creatinina = 1.12 mg/dl, total protein = 5.93 g/dl, albumin= 4.05g/dl, ALT= 36.43 UI/L, AST = 108.26 UI/L, total bilirubin = 0.53 mg/dl, direct bilirubin = 0.27 mg/dl, cholesterol = 131.1 mg/dl, triglyceride = 133.21 mg/dl, and glucose 91.45 mg/dl. Significant difference was found in monocytes count in relation to sex; the count of erythrocytes, total protein, total bilirubin, cholesterol and ALP was different between age group. The hematology values were similar to those reported in the literature, differences was found in levels of AST, ALP, total protein and triglyceride compared with other studies.
Key words: woolly monkey, Lagothrix lagotricha, hematology, serum biochemistry, semi - captivity
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Geology and geochemistry of the Little Walker Volcanic Center, Mono County, CaliforniaPriest, George R. 29 May 1979 (has links)
Detailed mapping and geochemical analysis of Oligocene to early
Pliocene volcanic rocks in the Little Walker volcanic center, Mono
County, California have revealed a complex eruptive history. After
eruption of widespread rhyolitic ash flows of the Valley Springs
Formation in the Oligocene, Miocene to early Pliocene volcanism of
the western Great Basin and northern Sierra Nevada was dominated by
eruption of calc-alkalic, andesitic lavas bearing abundant hydrous
mafic phenocrysts, and, thus, high H���O contents. These kinds of
calc-alkaline magmas are associated with most of the major epithermal
Au-Ag districts of the western Great Basin.
A highly potassic latitic pulse of volcanism occurred at the Little
Walker volcanic center about 9.5 m.y. ago during the ongoing calc-alkalic
activity. The latitic series is unusually enriched in K and
other incompatible elements, as well as Fe compared to the surrounding
calc-alkaline rocks. The latites have mineralogic evidence of
much lower H���O content than the calc-alkaline lavas; yet early latitic
magmas were rich enough in volatiles to produce very large, welded
ash-flow sheets (e.g., the Eureka Valley Tuff). Rapid evacuation of
the magma reservoir beneath the Little Walker center during the
ash-flow activity resulted in formation of the Little Walker caldera.
Intracaldera volcanism culminated with extrusion of viscous,
phenocryst-rich plug domes and coulees of transitionally calc-alkaline,
low-K latite lava of the Lavas of Mahogany Ridge. The low-K latite
series is severely depleted in all incompatible elements relative to
early latitic rocks and has mineralogic, geologic, and trace element
evidence of higher H���O content relative to early latites. Significant
phenocrystic hornblende, association with hydrothermal alteration,
and high Eu����� /Eu����� all suggest significant H���O concentration in the
low-K latite magmas. These rocks probably come from a source
region intermediate between that of the calc-alkaline and latite series.
Trace and major element data favor generation of latitic magmas
from a primitive mantle diapir. The diapir rose into a subduction
zone that was actively generating widespread calc-alkalic lavas
throughout the region from hydrous mantle and, possibly, lower
crustal sources. The latite magmas were drier and hotter than the
calc-alkaline magmas, but were also enriched in volatiles, particularly
CO���, and incompatible elements from their undepleted mantle
source. Rising latitic magmas may have gained additional incompatible elements by wall rock reaction and zone refining of
upper mantle and lower crustal rocks. Extensive qualitative trace
element evidence of crystal fractionation shows that incompatible
elements may have been further concentrated by variable amounts of
crystal settling. High-pressure (plagioclase-poor, pyroxene-rich)
fractionation of the early, dry latitic series produced low-Ca-Mg
latites with high Fe/Mg and A1���0��� but low Si0���. Low-pressure
(plagioclase rich) differentiation of the early latitic magmas produced
quartz latite ash flows with high Si0��� and moderate Fe/Mg, while low-pressure
differentiation of hydrous low-K latite magmas yielded
silicic low-K latite and quartz latite lavas with low Fe/Mg. More
extensive separation of olivine relative to pyroxenes at low pressures
and increased stability of subsilicic hydrous crystals and Fe-Ti oxides
in the hydrous magmas account for changes in differentiation trends
caused by Ptotal and PH���O variations.
Lack of giant welded ash-flow sheets in the hydrous calc-alkaline
series and common eruption of such ash flows from volcanic centers
with rather anhydrous magmas led to the conclusion that H���0/CO��� as
well as total volatile content are critical controls on the likelihood of
large scale, hot ash-flow eruptions. Giant, hot ash-flow sheets and
associated calderas are favored in magmas with low H���0/CO��� and
high total volatile content. Basaltic and latitic volcanism in areas of
thick sialic crust, where crystal fractionation is extensive are,
therefore, the best sources of giant ash-flow sheets.
H���0/CO��� and total volatile content were also critical controls
of the probability of hydrothermal ore deposition. Magmas with high
H���0/CO��� and moderate total volatile contents are most favored for
ore deposition, because such magmas tend to form mesozonal or
epizonal plutons rather than volcanic rocks. Plutonic crystallization
of hydrous magma will yield a fluid phase capable of transferring
incompatible metals and geothermal heat to ground water. If permeable
structures and rocks are present, as in a caldera, widespread
mineralization will be favored, but there may be no genetic relation
between ore-forming magmas and magmas which produce calderas. / Graduation date: 1980 / For master (tiff) digital images of maps contained in this document contact scholarsarchive@oregonstate.edu
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Phonologie et morpho-syntaxe du mo̳no̳ langue oubanguienne du Congo R.D. /Kamanda-Kola, Roger. January 2003 (has links)
Revised Thesis (doctoral)--Université libre de Bruxelles, 1998.
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Mono-Alu folklore (Bougainville strait, Western Solomon islands)Wheeler, G. C. January 1926 (has links)
"Thesis approved for the degree of doctor of science (economics)--in the University of London." / "Mono texts": p.[73]-143. Bibliography: p. [5].
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