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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The foliar bacterial endophyte community in native Pinus radiata: a role for protection against fungal disease?

Reivant Munters, Arielle January 2014 (has links)
Pinus radiata is the most planted tree in the southern hemisphere. The planted trees are especially susceptible to pathogens, but even the native population, nowadays limited tomerely five locations, are threatened by diseases caused by arthropods, fungi and dehydration. Endophytes are bacteria or fungi that reside inside healthy plant tissue, and often have a beneficial effect on their hosts. Endophytes can help plants adapt to abiotic stress such as drought and protect them against pathogens and insect pests. Given the roles that endophytes play in host stress responses, it is possible that without studying endophytes we may not fully understand a plant’s response to increased temperatures and climate-induced disease.Using Illumina-sequencing of the 16S rRNA-gene the bacterial endophyte community in 15 trees from three of the remaining native populations were studied. By investigating trees from several sites geographical community differences were discovered. The three overall most dominating bacterial taxa can all be connected with genera known to contain members withanti-fungal properties.

A comparative study of the flora and fauna of exotic pine plantations and adjacent, indigenous eucalypt forests in Gippsland, Victoria

Friend, Gordon Ray Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The introduction and establishment of a new and markedly different environment within a long established natural system provides an excellent opportunity to study the principles of adaptation and colonisation by native species. In Australia, an example is furnished by the conversion of large areas of native eucalypt forests to mono-cultured plantations of Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata). The principal aim of this study was to assess which species of native mammals, birds and higher plants are able to utilise or occupy such plantations. Successional aspects of community structure, and colonisation in pine forest systems, were investigated by considering stands of different ages. A variety of adjacent native eucalypt forests provided controls and indicated the range of potential colonisers. Various habitats in both forest types were studied with regard to potential nest sites and availability of food, in order to determine those habitats most favourable for mammals and birds. The effect, on wildlife, of clearing eucalypt forests, but leaving forest remnants along gullies, was also assessed.

Development of a Laboratory Protocol for the Micropropagation of Monterey Pines (<i>Pinus Radiata</i>), Año Nuevo Stand

Wells, Karen E 01 May 2009 (has links)
Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), a native tree to California and two Mexican islands, is important both ecologically and economically. Outside native stands, Monterey pines are grown for landscaping in California and on plantations around the world. Pitch canker, a disease caused by the fungus Gibberella circinata Nirenberg & O’Donnell (Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg and O'Donnell) is threatening the survival of Monterey pines. The disease currently affects Monterey pines in many parts of the world including the native stands. No effective chemical or biological control is available but some Monterey pines show resistance to the disease. The purpose of this project was to develop a working protocol for producing genetic clones of the resistant pines through micropropagation. These genetic clones will be used for outplanting in places outside the native stands for ornamental and plantation purposes. This project analyzes the results of ten trials with varied parameters and bases the final protocol on the parameters used in the trial that induces the growth of new shoots. The final protocol developed in this project describes, step-by-step, the media preparation for the initiation, plant material collection, surface sterilization of plant material, plating in media and initiation of shoots on explants. The protocol calls for collecting shoot tips with hardened buds that have not yet elongated, then washing the shoot tips in sterile water with Tween 20 for 15 minutes. The shoots tips are then surface sterilized in a 50% bleach solution for 20 minutes. The explants are broken into disks (to minimize damage to the cells) by inserting the tip of a scalpel and tilting it slightly. The initiation media shown to induce growth consists of ½ strength LePoivre basal salt mixture, 5mg/L benzylaminopurine, 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar and is adjusted to a pH of 5.7, then autoclaved for 20 minutes. The explants are inserted into solidified media and incubated in a growth chamber programmed for 16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark with temperatures of 27ºC and 22ºC and light irradiance of 80µEm-2s-1. After 1 month the protocol calls for transferring the growing shoots to elongation media with full LP basal salts and transferring every month. When the number of desired shoots has been reached the forthcoming protocol for rooting can be followed.

Management Strategies for Pitch Canker Infected Año Nuevo Stands of Monterey Pine

Loe, Valerie A. 01 June 2010 (has links)
The future resilience of Pinus radiata D. Don (Monterey pine) is dependent upon the development of a silviculture program inclusive of either preventative or management techniques for the potentially fatal pitch canker disease (Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg and O’Donnell [=F.subglutinans (Wollenw. & Reinking) Nelson et al. f. sp. Pini). As an ecologically and commercially valued species, a myriad of factors threaten the genetic resources of the geographically limited natural range. This study evaluated the effectiveness of uneven-aged forest management for regeneration success in the native, pitch canker infected Año Nuevo stand at Swanton Pacific Ranch in Davenport, California. Seedling survival and growth averages were used to evaluate the impact of the variables of gap size (0.20-hectare, 0.10-hectare, and 0.05-hectare), site-preparation treatment (pile and burn, lop and scatter), and parent tree (13 local seed sources). Pitch canker symptoms were quantified to conclude if there is indeed a range of expressed resistance according to parent tree. Statistical models (i.e. ‘mixed effect’) yielded moderately significant differences in odds of survival between site treatments, with pile and burn plots producing higher survival rates (p=0.066). No significant difference in survival was detected between gap-sizes (p=0.936 and 0.803, 0.05- and 0.10-hectare gaps respectively to 0.20-hectare reference). Significant variation was expressed (estimate=0.1219, SE=0.057) between the 13 parent trees, implicating usefulness in predicting seedling survival. ‘Mixed effect’ models only detected a significant effect from gap-size on growth measures: 0.20-hectare gaps yielded height and diameter measures significantly larger than 0.05-hectare gaps (p=0.027 and 0.0081 respectively). Contingency tables detected significant association between gap-size and number of pitch canker branch symptoms. The range of infection rates produced by the 13 parent trees did not prove significant by analysis. Pile and burn site preparation treatment increases the probability of survival for artificially regenerated seedlings and 0.20-hectare gaps yield significantly higher growth averages over 0.05-hectare gaps.

Analysis of a <i>Pinus Radiata</i> Seed Stock Field in the Native Año Nuevo Stand in California

Brassey, Christina 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study was a part of the international collaborative IMPACT project, which aims to address the potential threat that the pitch canker disease poses to the use of Pinus radiata D. Don in plantations in New Zealand, Australia, and Chile. A field trial of 264 seedstocks was planted adjacent to a native stand of pitch canker infected P. radiata on the central coast of California, and disease symptom development was recorded over a period of 3 years. The results did not correlate with a greenhouse study of the same seedstocks inoculated with Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donnell, the causal agent of pitch canker. Three main types of symptoms were identified (branch flagging, pitchy buds, and chlorotic tips), and preliminary isolation analyses suggest that the disease observed is actually caused by Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kickx. Survival analysis showed that the effect of tree genetic origin was significant to its time to disease, and that spatial location in the plantation was also significant. Average nearest neighbor analysis showed disease distribution to be significantly clustered, which also suggests that the disease is not pitch canker, but diplodia blight. This experiment illustrates the difficulty in performing naturally infected field trials when another similar-looking fungal disease is also present. It also provides data on seedstock resistance to diplodia blight, another fungal disease important to P. radiata forest managers.

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