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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A post-occupancy evaluation of the Hope City Housing Complex of the Greater Middelburg Housing Association, Mpumalanga

Moja, Bontlefeela 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Cosumer Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Housing White Paper (Department of Housing, 1994: 12) sets out the government's broad housing policy and the seven strategies undertaken in the implementation of the policy. One of the strategies is the mobilisation of housing credit through the establishment of the Social Housing Foundation (SHF). The SHF provides training, advice, and support to emerging and established social housing institutions. These housing institutions deliver high density subsidised rental or installment sale housing to the beneficiaries of the State housing subsidy scheme. The Greater Middelburg Housing Association (GMHA) is an example of such an institution. Social housing in South Africa aims at addressing the broader quality of life of their residents, beyond the physical dwelling in which they reside. Furthermore, the aim is to build rental housing, which adheres to suitable quality standards, and is located close to economic opportunities and amenities (Crofton & Venter, 2000:7). To determine the satisfaction levels experienced by residents with regard to different aspects of their housing situation, a Post- Occupancy Evaluation survey can be used to determine whether the objectives of the social housing institution have been met by the housing provided. The main objective of this research study was to determine the level of housing satisfaction experienced by residents of the Greater Middelburg Housing Association's Hope City Housing Complex. The secondary objectives of the study were derived from the main objective and were, firstly, to determine the residents' socio-demographic and socio-economic profiles, and secondly to determine the residents' satisfaction levels with regard to the housing unit, the housing complex and the management of the housing project. Thirdly the residents' overall satisfaction with their housing situation, were determined, and lastly recommendations were made for future developments and improvements of the Hope City Housing Complex. To achieve these objectives, a post-occupancy evaluation study was conducted among a randomly selected sample of 150 tenants residing in the complex. Data were obtained through a structured questionnaire, which entailed dichotomous, multiple choice, scaled, matrix-type and open-ended questions. The scaled questions were answered on a four-point scale, where the tenants' opinions on certain aspects of the housing unit, complex and management, were rated. The questionnaire was administered during individual interviews of 40 minutes each, with the head or the spouse of the head of the selected households. A document-study of the GMHA was conducted to gain insight into the organisation's background, aims and goals. The research results on the socio-demographic and socio-economic profile of the respondents indicated that the target market of the housing institution was mostly couples, between the ages of 21 and 40 years, who had dependants. The majority of the respondents indicated that they would prefer to own housing at this stage of their lives, but that they are satisfied with renting until they have the financial means to buy property. Most respondents had achieved grade 12 schooling and were formally employed, earning monthly household incomes between R2 000 and R3 500. Few respondents reported that they were saving regularly, and only a small number of tenants had been in arrears with their rental payment. The results indicated that the respondents were satisfied with their overall housing situation, but had complaints about specific aspects of the housing unit, the complex and the management. Statistically a negative correlation was found between the satisfaction levels with the unit, complex and management indicators and overall housing satisfaction. Concerning the unit, the respondents felt that the units, and especially the bedrooms, were too small. They felt that the complex did not provide facilities that are needed by the residents, such as play areas for children and a convenience store. Respondents were also dissatisfied with the way in which tenants, who have defaulted on their rental payments, were treated by management. Furthermore, respondents were dissatisfied with the relationship between the management of the housing complex and the residents. The main reason for their dissatisfaction was management's low response rate to maintenance complaints. The GMHA should encourage the tenants to attend the Tenant Training Programmes run by the management. These programmes should outline the responsibilities of the management and the responsibilities of the residents with regard to the maintenance of the housing units. The GMHA should also look into providing the installment sale option as a tenure option to the residents, as this would enable those tenants, who would like to buy property, to do so. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Behuising Witskrif (Department of Housing, 1994: 12) stel die regering se breë behuisingsbeleid en die sewe strategieë wat onderneem is in die implementering van die beleid. Een van die strategieë is die mobilisering van behuisingkrediet, deur die totstandkoming van die Social Housing Foundation (SHF). Die SHF lewer opleiding, advies en ondersteuning aan nuwe en gevestigde sosiale behuisingsinstansies. Hierdie behuisingsinisiatiewe lewer hoëdigtheid gesubsideerde huur- of termyn-betalingbehuising aan die begunstigdes van die Staatsbehuisingsubsidieskema. Die Greater Middelburg Housing Association (GMHA) is 'n voorbeeld van so 'n instansie. Sosiale behuising in Suid-Afrika het ten doel om die meer omvattende lewenskwaliteit van die inwoners, wyer as bloot die behuisingstruktuur wat bewoon word, aan te spreek. Verder is die doel om huur-behuisingstrukture te bou, wat voldoen aan bepaalde kwaliteitstandaarde en wat nie te ver van ekonomiese bedrywighede en geriewe geleë is nie (Crofton & Venter, 2000:7). Om die inwoners se vlakke van tevredenheid met verskillende aspekte van hul behuising te bepaal, kan 'n na-ingebruiknemingsevalueringopname gebruik word, om te bepaal of die doelstellings van die sosiale behuisingsinstansies bereik word, deur die behuising wat beskikbaar gestel word. Die hoofdoelstelling van dié navorsingstudie was die bepaling van die verskillende vlakke van behuisingstevredenheid, soos dit ervaar word deur die inwoners wat in die Greater Middelburg Housing Association se Hope City behuisingskompleks woon. Die sekondêre doelstellings van die studie het voortgespruit uit die hoofdoelstelling en is eerstens die samestelling van die inwoners se sosio-demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese profiele, tweedens die bepaling van die inwoners se vlakke van behuisingstevredenheid ten opsigte van die behuisingseenhede, die behuisingskompleks en die bestuur van die behuisingsprojek. Derdens is die respondente se totale tevredenheid met hul behuisingsituasie bepaal, waarna aanbevelings vir verdere ontwikkelinge en verbeteringe aan die Hope City Behuisingskompleks gemaak word. Om hierdie doelwitte te bereik, is 'n na-ingebruiknemingsevalueringstudie onderneem waaraan 'n ewekansige steekproefvan 150 inwoners, wie woonagtig is in die kompleks, deelgeneem het. Data is bekom deur gebruik te maak van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys wat digotome, multi-keuse, geskaleerde, matriks-tipe en oop vrae bevat het. Die geskaleerde vrae bestaan uit 'n vierpuntskaal, waarvolgens die inwoner se opinie oor sekere aspekte van die behuisingseenheid, die kompleks en die bestuur bepaal/gemeet is. Die vraelys is tydens individuele onderhoude, van 40 minute elk, met die hoof, of die eggenoot van die hoof van die geselekteerde huishoudings, voltooi. 'n Dokument analise van die besigheidsplan van die GMHA is onderneem om insig te verkry in die organisasie se agtergrond, mikpunte en doelstellings. Die navorsingsresultate met betrekking tot die sosio-demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese profiel van die respondente, het aangedui dat die teikenmark van die GMHA hoofsaaklik pare in die ouderdomsgroep 21-40 jaar, wie afhanklikes het, is. Die meerderheid van die respondente het aangedui dat hulle op hierdie stadium van hul lewens verkies om 'n behuisingeenheid te besit, maar dat hulle tevrede is om te huur todat hulle finansieel in staat is om 'n huis te koop. Meeste respondente het graad 12-skoolopleiding voltooi, en was werksaam in die formele sektor, met maandelikse inkomstes van tussen R2 000 en R3 500. Baie min van die respondente het aangedui dat hulle op gereelde basis spaar, en slegs enkele huurders was al agterstallig in die betaling van hul huurgeld. Die resultate van die navorsing het aangedui dat die respondente tevrede was met hul behuisingsituasie in die algemeen, maar dat hulle klagtes gehad het oor spesifieke aspekte van die behuisingseenheid, die kompleks en die bestuur daarvan. Statisties is 'n negatiewe korrelasie gevind tussen die tevredenheidsvlakke met die eenheid-, kompleks- en bestuursindikatore en tevredenheid met die behuisingsituasie in die algemeen. Wat die eenheid betref, het die respondente gevoel dat die eenhede, veral die slaapkamers, te klein was. Hulle het ook gevoel dat die kompleks nie voldoen aan die inwoners se behoefte aan fasiliteite soos speelareas vir die kinders en 'n geriefswinkel nie. Respondente was verder ontevrede met die manier waarop die bestuur van die kompleks mense, wie tydelik nie in staat was om hul huurgelde te betaal nie, behandel. Die respondente het hulle ongelukkigheid met die verhouding tussen die inwoners en die bestuur geopper. Die hoofrede vir die ontevredenheid was die bestuur se traagheid om te reageer op die instandhoudingsklagtes van die inwoners. Die GMHA moet die inwoners aanmoedig om die Inwoner Opleidingsprogramme, wat aangebied word deur die bestuur, by te woon. Die programme behoort die verantwoordelikhede van die inwoners en dié van die bestuur, met betrekking tot die instandhouding van die behuisingseenhede, te verduidelik. Die GMHA moet dit oorweeg om die termyn-verkoopsopsie aan inwoners beskikbaar te stel, aangesien dit die inwoners van Hope City, wie graag eiendom sou wou koop, in staat sou stel om dit te doen.

The assessment of fire history in plantations of Mpumalanga North

Van der Sijde, J. H. R. (Jan Herman Robert) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fire is a threat to all forest plantations. As a result, growers are forced to take active measures to reduce the incidence and extent of fires in their plantations. This thesis is an attempt to collate 846 fire records for eight Komatiland Forests (KLF) plantations in Mpumalanga North for the period 1950 to 1999. Up to now, these reports and the information therein, were not utilised by KLF for planning or for evaluating fire management practices. The only other studies in South Africa, using similar data, were conducted by LeRoux (1988) and Kromhout (1990). A brief background of the forestry industry in South Africa, and in particular Mpumalanga is presented. The main text of the report covers a presentation on fire causes, extent of damage (both in area and in Rand value) and various aspects related to time of ignition and response times. A detailed analysis was done to identify possible relationships between the variables related to compartment, climate and different fire suppression activities. A cause and frequency prediction model was developed that will assist fi re managers in identifying and determining probabilities of fires per cause. Statistical guidelines regarding the planning of fire management around fires caused by honey hunters, lightning, work-related factors, and the activities of people (public, own labour, contractors) are presented. Conclusions were drawn from the results of the analyses of the fire data, which covered a period of 47 years. Recommendations regarding guidelines for strategic fi re management for the Mpumalanga North plantations were made. The main conclusions are: • Statistics on previous fires are very useful in fire management planning as it supplies valuable information on fire causes, time of ignition , past performance related to response times, fire fighting times and damaged caused. • • • • The average area lost due to fires in the study area is 209.9 ha or 0.43% of the plantation area per annum. People-related fires (arson, smokers, picnickers, children and neighbours) caused most of the wild fires (48%), followed by lightning (22%). Some plantations performed poorly, with the occurrence of up to double the number of fires per 1 000 ha of plantation compared to other plantations in the same geographic area. There are definite patterns in the frequency of fires per cause with month of the year. These patterns are valuable for the development of strategies to manage fires caused by honey hunters, lightning fires and work-related fires. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Brande is 'n bedreiging vir aile bosbou plantasies. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat kwekers maatreeHs tref om die voorkoms en omvang van brande in plantasies te beperk. Hierdie tesis poog om 846 vuurverslae se inligting te ontleed ten opsigte van agt Komatiland Forests (KLF) plantasies in Mpumalanga Noord vir die tydperk 1950 tot 1999. Tot op hede is min van die inligting wat in die verslae vervat is deur KLF vir beplanning- en evalueringsdoeleindes ten opsigte van brandbestuur gebruik. Die enigste soortgelyke studies wat op brandverslagdata in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, is gedoen deur Le Roux (1988) en Kromhout (1990). 'n Kort agtergrond oor die bosbouindustrie in Suid-Afrika en spesifiek Mpumalanga word gegee. Die tesis gee 'n oorsig oor brandoorsake, skade wat deur brande veroorsaak word (oppervlakte sowel as finansieHe waarde) en verskeie aspekte rakende brandbestuur soos tyd van ontstaan en reaksietye. Data is volledig ontleed om moontlike verwantskappe te probeer vind tussen vak-, klimaat- en brandbestuursveranderlikes. 'n Oorsaak- en frekwensievoorspellingsmodel is ontwikkel wat brandbestuurders sal help om waarskynlikhede van brande per oorsaak te identifiseer. Statistiese riglyne ten opsigte van bestuursbeplanning vir weerligvure, brande deur heuninguithalers, brande as gevolg van plantasiewerksaamhede en ook brande deur mense (publiek, eie arbeid en kontrakteurs) is daargestel. Brandrekords wat oor 'n periode van 47 jaar gestrek het, is ontleed. Afleidings wat uit die resultate gemaak is, kan benut word om riglyne daar te stel vir strategiese brandbestuur in Mpumalanga Noord plantasies. Die hoof gevolgtrekkings is: • Statistiek van vorige vure is baie nuttig in brandbestuursbeplanning aangesien dit waardevolle inligting verskaf oor brand oorsake, tyd van ontstaan, historiese werkverrigting rakende reaksietye en blustye, sowel as skade wat veroorsaak is. Die gemiddelde oppervlakte beskadig in die studie area is 209.9 ha, of 0.43% van die plantasie oppervlakte per jaar. Menslike aktiwiteite (brandstigting, rakers, piekniekvure, kinders en vure van bure) het die meeste brande veroorsaak (48%), gevolg deur weerlig (22%). Sommige plantasies het swak gevaar en het tot soveel as dubbel die aantal vure per 1 000 ha plantasie gehad in vergelyking met ander plantasies in dieselfde geografiese gebied. Daar is duidelike patrone gevind in die frekwensie van brande per oorsaak oor maande van die jaar. Hierdie patrone is nuttig vir die ontwikkeling van bestuurstrategie vir brande wat veroorsaak word deur heuningversamelaars, weerlig en werkverwante aktiwiteite (plantasieaktiwiteite).

Guidelines to apply the integrated housing needs system to allocate houses in the Mpumalanga province, South Africa

Sigudla, Jerry 11 1900 (has links)
Mpumalanga Provincial Department of Human Settlements in partnership with the National Department of Human Settlements has launched a new integrated system known as the Housing Needs Register (HNR) to manage potential housing beneficiaries. This study was aimed at refining the integrated system in terms of providing guidelines and processes in the allocation of affordable houses. A total of 88 878 records captured on the HNR were profiled, and the results show that in approximately 86% of the records, family factors and better economic circumstances were given as the main motivation towards a desire to own a house in a particular area of residence. These findings emphasized the importance of understanding beneficiaries’ needs with regard to housing. Providing guidelines in the application of this knowledge in a fair and consistent manner could assist in curtailing the spread of informal selling or demolishing of state subsidized houses and other forms of corruption. / Public Health / M.A. (Public Health)

Water in the coal mining industry : an assessment of water management issues facing the coal mining industry of the Witbank and Middelburg Dam catchments

Chelin, Monique Josette 29 May 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / MSc / Unrestricted

Water supply and quality of life in rural settlements : an anthropological approach

Van Jaarsveld, Elma Romy 10 January 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (M A (Anthropology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted

The effectiveness of home community based care programmes in Victor Khanye sub-district in Nkangala district, Mpumalanga

Kgaphola, Kholofelo Lebogang January 2015 (has links)
The Home and Community Based Care (HCBC) and Support programme has been established as a cost effective response for communities to tackle HIV and AIDS and many other chronic conditions and vulnerabilities which are faced by individuals, families and communities. In terms of the Framework for Home and Community Based Care and Support Programme (2012: 4) HCBCs create an enabling platform for “individuals, families and communities to have access to holistic and comprehensive services nearest to home, which encourages participations by people, responds to the needs of the people, encourages traditional community life and strengthens mutual support opportunity and social responsibility”. Victor Khanye Local Municipality, IDP (2010-2011: 116) states that VKLM is faced with: a high incidence of HIV and AIDS due to poverty, ignorance and a lack of proper entertainment facilities; shortage of clinics and professional staff members, which makes it difficult for patients to access treatment and maximum care and support; and an increase in the number of OVCs which results in a lack of parental care and guidance, poverty, illiteracy, lack of access to medical care, school drop-outs and ultimately an increase in criminal activity and the further spread of HIV and AIDS. The research will assess the effectiveness of Home Community Based Care programmes (HCBCs) on orphaned and vulnerable children with specific reference to the Victor Khanye sub-district in Nkangala District, Mpumalanga Province. The research was conducted in Delmas and its surrounding farming areas. Victor Khanye sub-District has nine wards, most of which are predominantly farming rural areas. The field research took place during June and August 2013 and represents observations recorded at the field interviews, the local AIDS committee and one-on-one interviews with beneficiaries The study is concluded with conclusions drawn from the field study and recommendations.

Problems affecting the management of Public Adult Learning Centres at Sabie Circuit in Mpumalanga Province South Africa

Mokoena, Vinolia Thokozile January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. Education (Adult Education)) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / This mini-dissertation describes the research carried out in the three Public Adult Learning Centres (PALCs) which are the cases of this study, namely: Kobeng, Dientjie and Kadishi. The aim of the study was to investigate problems which affect the management of these three PALC‟s. It was also the aim of the study to get insight into the educational background of practitioners who manage these three PALC‟s. In order to achieve the aims outlined above, I formulated the following main research questions:  What are the problems affecting the management of Kobeng, Dientjie and Kadishi Public Adult Learning Centres in the Sabie circuit? From this research question, the following sub-questions were asked:  What are the educational backgrounds of practitioners who manage these centres?  What policies are in place that govern Public Adult Learning Centre?  What are the strategies to implement the policies of these centres?  What kinds of problems are experienced during the implementation of these strategies?  What are the possibilities of addressing problems which affect the management of these three PALC‟s This study seeks answers to the above –mentioned research question. Hence it addresses problems that not only need considerable development and further inquiry for advancing the academic debate, but are also relevant for practitioners who are working in the PALC‟s and are facing these challenges. To try and answer the main question outlined above, I decided to undertake a multiple case study to investigate problems affecting the management of the three above-mentioned PALC‟s, which are the cases of the study. ii It was the objectives of this study to identify problems affecting the management of the three above-mentioned PALC‟s and to get insight into the existing qualifications of the centre managers and practitioners in these PALCs and also on how they were trained and being supported. These objectives could possibly help in recommending ways of improving the management of these PALC‟s. Chapter 2 outlines the theoretical framework of the study. Based on the readings of the relevant literature, preliminary discussions with centre managers, practitioners and adult learners in the PALC‟s, it appeared that there are management problems that make it difficult for the PALC‟s to be efficiently and effectively run and for quality teaching and learning to take place. Hence there has been a discussion about problems affecting the management of the above-mentioned three PALC‟s. Problems such as, shortage of resources, lack of infrastructure, lack of government support, unqualified and under-qualified educators and poor communication channels were discussed in detail in this chapter. This chapter concludes by definitions of concepts such as: Management and Public Adult Learning Centres. In chapter 3, I describe the design of the study. The main focus of the chapter was to discuss the tracks of data collection. The first track dealt with the reviewing of documents while the second track dealt with fieldwork in which interviews were conducted. An explanation and discussions of the instruments that were used to collect data from different role players in various phases of data collection is also given. I concluded the chapter by explaining how the data that has been collected from various phases was analysed using qualitative data analysis methods. Chapter 4 presents the empirical results of the study. It investigates and identifies problems which affect the management of the three centres which are the cases of this study. In this chapter I present an overview of Kobeng, Dientjie and Kadishi PALC‟s in the Sabie circuit in Mpumalanga Province. A description of the programmes offered and visions and missions of each of the three PALC‟s is given. This chapter further discusses issues around staffing and learners in each centre. I have also outlined in detail the views of the interviewees in relation to the problems affecting the management of these three PALC‟s as the basis of the study. The chapter concludes by discussing the findings of observations based on each PALC of the study. iii Chapter 5 is a cross-case analysis of the PALC‟s. The intention was to compare and contrast cases based on the problems affecting the management of Public Adult Learning Centres at Sabie circuit in Mpumalanga Province of the study, while trying to get ways of improving management of the centres. I have been careful in preserving each individual case‟s uniqueness with the need to understand generic practices at work across cases. The final chapter (six) presents the final conclusion and recommendations of this study. This chapter integrates the information from previous chapters in discussing problems affecting the management of PALC‟s in the Sabie circuit in Mpumalanga Province. It also provides suggestions which might contribute towards improving the way PALC‟s are managed in Sabie circuit. The chapter concludes by mentioning problems that need to be further researched, as the ABET field seems to be under-researched, particularly the area of problems affecting the management of Public Adult Learning Centres.

An exploration of the lived experiences of social workers dealing with victims of intimate partner violence at Ehlanzeni District, Mpumalanga

Mhlongo, Lindokuhle Angelo January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / Intimate partner violence (IPV) poses a major challenge for social workers worldwide, as well as in South Africa. In light in the above, the present study aimed to explore the lived experiences of social workers dealing with victims of IPV at Ehlanzeni District, Mpumalanga Province. A qualitative study was conducted among social workers working with victims of IPV. The study had anticipated using 10 participants but, due to data saturation, only six participants were interviewed. Each interview took 45–60 minutes, depending on each participant’s responses. A total of six participants, all females between the ages of 24 and 39 years, were selected using purposive sampling. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews, and interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) was applied for data analysis. Four major themes emerged from the analysis of the data: a) emotional and psychological distress experienced by social workers; b) impact on personal and professional lives; c) coping strategies; and d) vicarious posttraumatic growth. Importantly, some themes and subthemes not included in the interview guide emerged from the data. These included subthemes such as family involvement and societal pressure. The findings of the study highlighted that it is quite rare for men to report IPV, although at times they do. There is greater IPV prevalence among females of different ages. Secondary traumatisation is one of the negative effects that social workers experience when working with cases of traumatic IPV. However, social workers have found effective ways of coping with the demands of their work. Some of the identified coping mechanisms included choosing to spend time with family, trying to forget about the day’s work, travelling, being strong and resilient, consulting a psychologist, playing games, praying (spirituality) and reading the Bible, sharing their experiences with a more experienced social worker, spending time with friends, laughing, singing and remaining professional. The study found that these coping strategies helped the social workers to deal with burnout and compassion fatigue. The present study recommends that effective coping methods and support for mental health care workers are needed to assist with secondary trauma stress and the negative effects that comes with the job.

Agronomic evaluation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes in contrasting agro-ecological regions of Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces

Shilenge, Siphiwe Kim 24 February 2020 (has links)
MSCAGR (Plant Production) / Department of Plant Production / Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important grain legume in the world, ranking second after soybean (Glycine max L.). It accounts for a substantial proportion of human dietary nitrogen intake and plays a crucial role in food security in developing countries. Chickpea can grow in areas with low rainfall and poor soils, and thus may be an important food security crop for smallholder resource-poor farmers in the semi-arid tropics such as the dry environments of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces of South Africa. Preliminary studies showed the huge potential of chickpea production in these environments. However, no suitable genotypes have been identified and recommended for different agro-ecological zones of Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance, and hence, identify the genotypes that are adapted/suitable to the contrasting agro-ecological conditions of Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces for production. Field experiments were conducted in the winter cropping seasons of 2016 and 2017 at Thohoyandou (University of Venda experimental station), Syferkuil (University of Limpopo experimental station) and Nelspruit (University of Mpumalanga experimental station). Ten desi chickpea genotypes were sown in a completely randomized block design replicated three times on 10 May 2016 and 10 April 2017 (Thohoyandou), 13 May 2016 and 11 April 2017 (Syferkuil) and 03 May 2016 and 24 May 2017 (Nelspruit). Plant growth characteristics were assessed by determining plant height, crop phenology, number of primary and secondary branches, and canopy cover. Yield and yield components were assessed at harvest after physiological maturity. Carbon dioxide exchange rates (CER) was determined at different growth stages using the InfraRed Gas Analyzer (IRGA). Chlorophyll content (CC) and intercepted radiation were determined weekly using the chlorophyll content meter (CCM-200 PLUS, Opti-Science, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts), and the AccuPAR, LP-80 ceptometer (Deacon Devices Ltd., Pullman, USA), respectively. Genotypes did not vary in CC at Thohoyandou in all seasons, but CC increased with stages of growth. Genotypes varied in the proportion of intercepted radiation (IR) at all measurement dates in Thohoyandou during the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. The proportion of IR increased with growth stage, reached a peak and declined with plant age. Genotype affected photosynthesis and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) but did not have any significant effect on stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (T) and Leaf Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPDL) during the 2016 season in Thohoyandou. In contrast, genotype did not affect photosynthesis, Ci, gs, T and VPDL in the 2017 season in Thohoyandou. There was no variation among genotypes on number of primary and secondary branches in Thohoyandou in both seasons. Genotypes showed no variation in plant height in the 2016 season in Thohoyandou agro-ecological condition. However, genotypes showed significant variation in plant height at 14, 70 and 84 days after emergence (DAE) in the 2017 cropping season. Moreover, genotypes showed significant variations in days to 50% flowering in Thohoyandou during the 2016 season, but showed no variations in days to 50% emergence and 75% physiological maturity. Genotypes showed no variations in days to 50% emergence, 50% flowering, 50% podding and 75% physiological maturity in the 2017 season in all locations. Genotypes showed significant variation in grain yield in Syferkuil agro-ecological condition, but showed no significant variations on all the other studied traits, while genotypes varied in 100 seed weight (SW) in Thohoyandou, but did not show any variations on the other studied traits during the 2016 season. Moreover, genotypes did not vary for all studied traits in Nelspruit during the 2016 season. The 2016 genotype and environment (G X E) interaction results showed no significant variations. However, results showed G X E interactions during the 2017 growing season suggesting that genotypes responded to environmental variation in a different way. Syferkuil had the greatest grain yield (2811 kg ha-1 and 3122 kg ha-1) in both the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons respectively, as compared to Thohoyandou and Nelspruit. These preliminary findings show that the studied genotypes responded differently in contrasting agro-ecological regions of Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces and that Syferkuil might be the best environment for chickpea production in this region due to its cooler temperatures. Of the genotypes evaluated the most promising genotypes are ICCV8101, ICCV3203 and ICCV4110 in these regions in terms of grain yield. / NRF

Assessment of energy efficiency in selected guest houses in Mpumalanga Province

Machete, Fannie 01 1900 (has links)
The increase in the number of guest houses is applausive for its socio-economic benefits through income generation, job creation and entrepreneurship growth. However, the increase in the number of guest houses is proportional to energy demand. Thus, increase in energy efficient guest houses is more desirable in order to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess energy efficiency in selected guest houses in Mpumalanga province Through in-depth literature analysis, an energy efficiency framework that builds on and advances the input-output ration and energy saving model was developed. This framework has five indicators which are categorised into financial and nonfinancial, namely: energy quantity, cost, carbon equivalence, services quantity and quality. The framework clarified the differences between energy saving and energy efficiency, while it identifies energy saving and services levels as two parameters or components of energy efficiency. This framework was later implemented and used to assess energy efficiency in eight selected guest houses in Mpumalanga province. To assess energy efficiency using the framework, three standard or common services in guest houses such as indoor lighting, water heating and indoor thermal comfort were assessed for energy saving and compliance with industry standards. The results of the assessment were analysed through descriptive statistical and explanatory methods. Using the framework, the study found that few of the selected guest houses did save energy in one or more of the standards services. However, some methods used in the guest houses were found to be highly costly and resulted in high energy quantity consumption and high carbon footprint. Thus, these methods failed the test for characterisation of energy saving methods. Furthermore, the study found that all indoor lighting services didn’t meet minimum industry standards for indoor lighting of 100lux. All water heating standards were compliant, while indoor thermal comfort standards differed among guest houses. Thus, none of the guest houses met the minimum criteria for characterisation as being energy-efficient. However, different services qualified. Hence, the findings confirm that the energy efficiency framework was effective and reliable in the characterisation of energy-efficient guest houses. This framework builds on and advances the input-output ratio and energy saving models previously used. / Environmental Sciences / PhD (Environmental Management)

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