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Study of the seismic attenuation generated by the mud layer in Lake Maracaibo, VenezuelaPerez Arredondo, Javier Antonio 30 September 2004 (has links)
Several seismic properties of Lake Maracaibo are unique and difficult to understand. However, studies show that the two principal factors that affect the seismic data are likely to be the low compressional and shear wave velocities generated by the gassy sediment in the mud layer, and the high attenuation of the compressional and shear waves. This mud layer sediment is heavy and is not suspended in the water. Furthermore, it is compacted enough to support shear stresses and, therefore, has a finite shear wave velocity.
In theory, the gas content of the sediment reduces the compressional wave velocity by an order of magnitude below the values for water saturated sediments, but in Lake Maracaibo several studies show that gassy sediment reduces the compressional wave velocity from 1500 m/s to between 300 m/s and 700 m/s. This situation produces high attenuation of the compressional waves that are traveling through the sediment in the first 100 m. However, the results of seismic modeling show that this velocity has to be between 700 m/s and 900 m/s in order to get reasonable results, at least in the study area.
The results show that there are very important lithological differences between the zones with and without gassy sediments in the mud layer. The best match between the raw data and the synthetic seismogram was found when an embedded rigid shale layer was located within the mud layer, in the first 100 m. Unrealistic results were produced when the rigid shale layer was removed in the modeling. This rigid layer produces a destructive interference in the Stoneley wave that could be observed in the seismic data and the synthetic seismogram.
In this research, the attenuation quality factor Q, an intrinsic property of rock, will be studied. Common attenuation mechanisms include grain sliding, viscous flow of pore fluid or gas, viscous relaxation and other features. Additionally, it will be shown that other factors can be proposed to account for the attenuation of compressional and shear waves in Lake Maracaibo sediments. They include: the viscous losses between the particles and the fluid immediately above the mud layer; and the solid friction losses between the particles, the mud layer and the gassy sediment. This research shows
That the attenuation in the mud layer in the zone with gassy sediment is very different from the attenuation in the zone without gassy sediment, and that the compressional wave attenuation is larger in the mud layer zone with gassy sediment than in the mud layer zone without gassy sediment. Finally, the research shows that the ringing is an important phenomenon associated with the low velocity in the mud layer and that this ringing has more frequency content in the zone without gassy sediment than in the zone with gassy sediment.
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Caractérisation des dépôts de surface des filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical. Rôle et évolution de la matière organique particulaire / Characterization of surface sludge deposits come from vertical constructed wetlands. Role and evolution of particulate organic matterKania, Manon 01 June 2018 (has links)
Dans les filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical, la percolation des eaux usées à travers le milieu filtrant entraine la rétention physique des matières en suspension à la surface des filtres, et leur accumulation conduit à la formation d’une couche de boue principalement sur le premier étage des filtres. Longtemps considérée comme un facteur de risque de colmatage, cette couche de surface est aussi un compartiment majeur de la performance du système. Dans l’objectif de mieux connaitre la nature et l’évolution des dépôts qui la constituent, des échantillons issus de 14 stations en fonctionnement ont été prélevés pour analyser notamment la nature de leur matière organique particulaire et son évolution. Les résultats ont montré que les dépôts de stations de plus de trois ans de fonctionnement tendent vers un état similaire, caractérisé par la présence de composés organiques stables et complexes et par une plus faible réactivité de la matière organique particulaire. Les dépôts provenant de stations de moins d’un an de fonctionnement présentent une signature particulière, caractérisée par une matière organique réactive et peu mature. En complément de cette évolution en surface du filtre, la matière organique particulaire des eaux usées entrantes peut également subir des modifications au sein du process d’un filtre planté de roseaux. La présence d’un lit bactérien comme traitement additionnel participe à l’hydrolyse et à la transformation de la matière organique particulaire par des processus de minéralisation et d’humification. L’ajout de chlorure ferrique favorise l’agrégation de la matière. Enfin, des polluants organiques et métalliques d’intérêt ont fait l’objet d’une première quantification dans ces dépôts afin d’estimer leur rétention pour mieux appréhender les risques potentiels en cas de dysfonctionnement ou d’épandage. L’étude du comportement à la lixiviation en fonction du pH a permis de mettre en évidence que la libération de certains éléments traces est liée à celle de la matière organique. / The percolation of unsettled wastewater in French Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands (VFCWs) causes the formation of a sludge layer at the surface of the first stage filter due to the retention of sludge deposits. Although the growth of this layer over the years of operation is a potential source of clogging risks, it also largely contributes in the performance of the system, depending on its properties. In order to better understand these phenomena, surface sludge deposits samples taken from 14 VFCW sewage treatment plants were collected and analyzed. Results showed that the structure and composition of the sludge deposits from treatment plants with more than three years of operation time were remarkably similar, characterized by the presence of stable and complex organic compounds and a low reactivity and biodegradability of the particulate organic matter. Deposits from treatment plants with less than one year of operation time were composed of more reactive and less mature organic matter. The particulate organic matter of the inflow wastewater was also shown to undergo modifications within the treatment chain of the vertical flow constructed wetland. The implementation of a biological trickling filter as an additional treatment prior to the filter stages was found to induce the transformation of soluble and particulate organic matter through mineralization and hydrolysis, and to contribute to humification probably by the detachment of biofilm fragments. The injection of ferric chloride used to precipitate phosphates was found to promote aggregation within the sludge deposits. Finally, the role of the sludge layer in the retention of a selection of organic and metallic pollutants in VFCW systems has been evaluated by analyzing sludge deposits samples. Detergents were found at higher concentrations than PCPP. The potential release of the sorbed contaminants was studied using leaching tests as a function of pH. Results showed that the release of some trace metals (mostly copper) was governed by the leaching behavior of organic matter.
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