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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing Multi-model Inference with Natural Selection

Ching-Wei Cheng (7582487) 30 October 2019 (has links)
<div>Multi-model inference covers a wide range of modern statistical applications such as variable selection, model confidence set, model averaging and variable importance.</div><div>The performance of multi-model inference depends on the availability of candidate models, whose quality has been rarely studied in literature. In this dissertation, we study genetic algorithm (GA) in order to obtain high-quality candidate models. Inspired by the process of natural selection, GA performs genetic operations such as selection, crossover and mutation iteratively to update a collection of potential solutions (models) until convergence. The convergence properties are studied based on the Markov chain theory and used to design an adaptive termination criterion that vastly reduces the computational cost. In addition, a new schema theory is established to characterize how the current model set is improved through evolutionary process. Extensive numerical experiments are carried out to verify our theory and demonstrate the empirical power of GA, and new findings are obtained for two real data examples. </div>

Evaluating threats and management practices for the conservation of hairy prairie-clover (Dalea villosa Nutt. (Spreng) var. villosa), a rare plant species in Saskatchewan

2012 December 1900 (has links)
Hairy prairie-clover (Dalea villosa Nutt. (Spreng) var. villosa), a rare plant species, grows in the Canadian Prairies. Populations of Dalea in Canada are threatened by the loss of sand dune habitat because of changes in land use and altered ecological processes such as grazing and fire. Local populations of Dalea are further threatened by one or more specific threats, including herbivory from native and domestic ungulates and invasion of habitats by exotic plants. The overall objective of this thesis was to gain more knowledge about Dalea and to determine the impact of threats and management practices to the Saskatchewan populations and their habitats. Observational studies were conducted at each of two sites in Saskatchewan supporting Dalea. First, at the Dundurn Sandhills site, structural equation modeling was used to examine landscape, ecological, and management factors associated with high rates of herbivory on Dalea and with reductions in the long-term survival and productivity of Dalea. The conditions which deer (Odocoileus hemionus and Odocoileus virginianus) or cattle (Bos taurus) were responsible for the most intense rates of herbivory to Dalea plants and patches were determined. Generally, deer appeared responsible for the most herbivory, whereas cattle grazing on Dalea increased with stocking densities. At the same time, new hypotheses about ecological processes affecting Dalea productivity in the Dundurn Sandhills were explored. In particular, it appeared that deer may be responding to cattle grazing in Dalea habitat by avoiding those areas, and that mid-season germination and recruitment of many Dalea plants may occur following precipitation events. Second, at the Mortlach site, the costs and benefits of using grazing management to control leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L. var. esula) were assessed, especially in consideration of the potential negative effects of intense herbivory on Dalea productivity. Aspects of the grazing regime including stocking density and the livestock species influenced herbivory on Dalea and its reproductive output, but there were no apparent links between the abundance of leafy spurge abundance and the reproductive output of Dalea. The findings of these two studies are relevant for the conservation and management of Dalea in Saskatchewan.

Boreal populations facing climatic and habitat changes

Vatka, E. (Emma) 04 February 2014 (has links)
Abstract Anthropogenic climate change and habitat loss and deterioration affect populations worldwide. Climate warming has changed phenologies of many species across trophic levels. Some predator populations now experience temporal mismatches with their prey, as timings of peak prey abundance and of the predator’s highest food demands no longer meet. The temporal mismatch hypothesis suggests that the population’s recruitment rate is related to its degree of synchrony with the food resources needed to feed offspring. However, species’ and populations’ responses to climate warming differ. Human land use alters and destroys habitats of countless species. For example, many boreal forest bird populations have declined, presumably due to intensive forestry. It has decreased the amount of dead wood, causing a threat to saproxylic species. Identification of the key characteristics of high-quality habitats is essential for conservation planning and for developing sustainable forestry. As individuals are suspected to settle in habitats that maximize their fitness, analysis of nest site selection can be used to identify the key habitats. My dissertation concerns the impacts of climate change and habitat deterioration on boreal populations. I use hole-nesting passerines as model species. By utilizing long-term data I show that breeding phenologies of Parus major and Poecile montanus, but not of Cyanistes caeruleus, have shifted earlier. Also, the timing of the food peak has advanced, improving the synchrony between P. montanus and caterpillars. In P. major and C. caeruleus, synchrony has remained good. However, the positive effect of good synchrony on breeding success seems to be conditional, arising only in certain circumstances, such as in years of high caterpillar abundance. I suggest that in boreal populations temperature affects timing of breeding mostly as a proximate factor. The availability of standing decaying trees used for nesting sites was the most important habitat characteristic determining the nest site selection of P. montanus. Remote sensing data alone was insufficient to produce reliable models, as the ecologically important small-scale factor can only be determined by direct field surveys. Omission of forest thinning in selected forest sites would ensure the continuous availability of decaying wood with positive influence on biodiversity in managed forests. / Tiivistelmä Ihmisen aiheuttama habitaattien katoaminen ja huononeminen sekä ilmastonmuutos vaikuttavat populaatioihin kaikkialla maailmassa. Ilmaston lämpeneminen on muuttanut monien lajien fenologioita eri trofiatasoilla. Osalla saalistajalajien populaatioista suurin ravinnontarve ei enää ajoitu samaan aikaan saaliin runsaushuipun kanssa. Ajoituksen eriaikaisuus -hypoteesin mukaan todennäköisyys populaatioon rekrytoitumiselle riippuu synkronian asteesta saaliin kanssa. Ilmaston lämpenemisen vaikutuksissa lajeihin ja populaatioihin on kuitenkin vaihtelua. Ihmisen maankäyttö muuttaa ja tuhoaa lukuisien lajien elinympäristöjä. Esimerkiksi useiden boreaalisten metsien lintupopulaatioiden pienentymistä on selitetty intensiivisellä metsätaloudella. Lahopuun määrä metsissä on vähentynyt, mikä on uhka lahopuusta riippuvaisille lajeille. Korkealaatuisten habitaattien keskeisten piirteiden tunnistaminen on tärkeää luonnonsuojelun ja kestävän metsätalouden suunnittelulle. Koska yksilöiden oletetaan valitsevan niiden kelpoisuutta maksimoivia elinympäristöjä, pesäpaikanvalinta-analyysiä voidaan käyttää tärkeiden habitaattipiirteiden tunnistamiseen. Tarkastelen väitöskirjassani ilmastonmuutoksen ja habitaattien laadun vaikutuksia boreaalisiin populaatioihin. Mallilajeina käytän koloissa pesiviä varpuslintuja. Hyödyntämällä pitkäaikaisaineistoja osoitan, että lisääntymisen ajoittuminen on aikaistunut tali- ja hömötiaisella, mutta ei sinitiaisella. Myös ravintohuippu on aikaistunut, mikä on parantanut synkroniaa hömötiaisen ja sen pääasiallisen ravinnon eli toukkien välillä. Tali- ja sinitiaisella synkronia on pysynyt hyvänä. Hyvän synkronian myönteinen vaikutus lisääntymismenestykseen vaikuttaa kuitenkin ehdolliselta: se tulee esiin vain tietyissä olosuhteissa, kuten vuosina jolloin toukkia on runsaasti. Kevään lämpötilat näyttävät vaikuttavan pesinnän ajoittumiseen erityisesti proksimaattisena tekijänä. Pesäpaikkoina toimivien seisovien lahopuiden määrä on tärkein hömötiaisen pesäpaikanvalintaa määräävä tekijä. Kaukokartoitusaineisto yksinään ei riitä luotettavien mallien tuottamiseen, sillä ekologisesti tärkeät pienen skaalan tekijät voidaan kartoittaa vain suorin maastomittauksin. Metsien harventamatta jättäminen valituilla laikuilla turvaisi lahopuun jatkuvan saatavuuden, mikä vaikuttaisi myönteisesti talousmetsien biodiversiteettiin.

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