Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mutaciones"" "subject:"mutacional""
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Úloha mutace genu LIF a relativní zastoupení NK buněk, NKT a T lymfocytů ve folikulární tekutině a krvi žen s různou anamnézou neplodnosti / The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertilityKřížan, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Natural Sciences Summary of Ph.D. thesis The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility Jiří Křížan Prague 2010 1 | P a g e Doctoral degree programs in biomedicine Charles University in Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Programme: Biomedicine Chairman of the Subject Board: Doc. RNDr. Vladimír Holáň, Dr.Sc. Place of study: Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i., Academy of the Czech Sciences Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4 phone: +420 296 442 318 Autor: Mgr. Jiří Křížan Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Šíma, CSc. The dissertation can be found at Dean's Office Faculty of Charles University in Prague 2 | P a g e CONTENTS Contents 2 Summary 3 1. Introduction 5 2. Hypotheses and aims 6 3. Material and methods 7 Material: 7 Methods: 8 4. Results 10 5. Discussion 12 6. Conclusion 15 7. References 16 Bibliography of Autor: 18 1. papers in extenso (thesis background) 18 2. papers in extenso (without regard to thesis) 19 3 | P a g e SUMMARY The aim of the dissertation thesis "The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT, and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility"...
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Optimalizace metodiky pro stanovení volné nádorové DNA v plazmě a její klinické využití u pacientů s karcinomy kolorekta, plic a slinivky břišní / Optimization of proces for detection of free tumor DNA in plasma and its clinical utility for colorectal cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer patientsBelšánová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
In current days, examination of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) finds new use across different cancers. It is directed at tumor-derived short fragments of DNA present in peripheral blood of patiens (mainly in advanced stages). Due to its minimal invasivity, almost 100 % specificity and relatively high sensitivity in stage IV patients, this approch found its main potential clinical utility especially in early detection of disease relapse or progression after tumor resection (i.e. post-operative follow-up), prediction and monitoring of therapy response and estimation of prognosis. As a result of minute levels of ctDNA on a high background of other non-tumor DNA fragments present in plasma, a suitable method exhibiting highest sensitivity is the key for proper detection of this marker. The approach is predominantly based on initial identification of a mutation in tumor tissue and its subsequent detection in plasma. The present work is aimed at optimization of ctDNA isolation and method of its detection based on PCR amplification followed by heteroduplex analysis by denaturing capillary electrophoresis (DCE) to achieve highest sensitivity for detection of mutated fraction in plasma sample. I have applied the optimized protocol to examine ctDNA in three types of cancers, namely colorectal cancer (122...
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Predikce vlivu mutace na rozpustnost proteinů / Prediction of the Effect of Mutation on Protein SolubilityVelecký, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to create a predictor of the effect of a mutation on protein solubility given its initial 3D structure. Protein solubility prediction is a bioinformatics problem which is still considered unsolved. Especially a prediction using a 3D structure has not gained much attention yet. A relevant knowledge about proteins, protein solubility and existing predictors is included in the text. The principle of the designed predictor is inspired by the Surface Patches article and therefore it also aims to validate the results achieved by its authors. The designed tool uses changes of positive regions of the electric potential above the protein's surface to make a prediction. The tool has been successfully implemented and series of computationally expensive experiments have been performed. It was shown that the electric potential, hence the predictor itself too, can be successfully used just for a limited set of proteins. On top of that, the method used in the article correlates with a much simpler variable - the protein's net charge.
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Detection of Correlated Mutations / Detection of Correlated MutationsIžák, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce zkoumá existující možnosti a metody detekce korelovaných mutací v proteinech. Práce začíná teoretickým úvodem do zkoumané problematiky. Využití informací o korelovaných mutacích je především při predikci terciální struktury proteinu či hledání oblastí s významnou funkcí. Dále následuje přehled v současnosti používaných metod detekce a jejich výhody a nevýhody. V této práci jsou zkoumány zejména metody založené na statistice (například Pearsonově korelačním koeficientu nebo Pearsonově chi^2 testu), informační teorii (Mutual information - MI) a pravděpodobnosti (ELSC nebo Spidermonkey). Dále jsou popsány nejdůležitější nástroje s informací o tom, které metody používají a jakým způsobem. Také je diskutována možnost návrhu optimálního algoritmu. Jako optimální z hlediska úspěšnosti detekce je doporučeno využít více zmíněných metod. Také je doporučeno při detekci využít fyzikálně-chemických vlastností aminokyselin. V praktické části byla vyvinuta metoda využívající fyzikálně-chemických vlastností aminokyselin a fylogenetických stromů. Výsledky detekce byly porovnány s nástroji CAPS, CRASP a CMAT.
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Evoluční řešení Rubikovy kostky / Evolutionary Solving of Rubik's CubeKollner, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with solving of the Rubik's cube. It describes the Rubik's cube and the famous methods for its composition. The main goal of this work is to propose an evelutionary method that for any configuration of blocks will lead to its composition. The theis describes the problem encoding, the proposed evelutionary algorithm and its proper configuration and deployment. The achieved results are commented on and compared with other known mehtods in conclusions.
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Studium deficitu lidské F1Fo-ATPsyntázy / Human F1Fo-ATPsynthase deficiencySuldovská, Sabina January 2010 (has links)
F1FO-ATPsynthase is a key enzyme in energy metabolism of the cell. Its deficit is caused usually by mutations in two structural genes MT-ATP6 and MT-ATP8 encoded by the mitochondrial DNA or in nuclear genes ATPAF2 and TMEM70 encoding the biogenesis factors and structural gene ATP5E. Deficiency of the F1FO-ATPsynthase leads to progressive and serious phenotype affecting organs with high energy demands. The first symptoms usually occurs in neonatal age and prognosis of the disease is fatal. Mutations in these genes result in both qualitative and quantitative defects of the F1FO-ATPsynthase. The study of molecular bases of mitochondrial disorders including F1FO-ATPsynthase deficiency uses large number of biochemical and molecular-genetic methods to determine a proper diagnosis which is essential for the symptomatic therapy and genetic counselling in affected families. The aim of the diploma thesis was to characterise the F1FO-ATPsynthase deficiency in isolated mitochondria from the lines of cultured cells by the determination oligomycin- sensitive ATP-hydrolytic activity of the F1FO-ATPsynthase, enzymatic activities of the respiratory chain complexes and to analyse changes in the steady-state levels of the representative subunits and whole complex of the F1FO-ATPsynthase in comparison with controls. 3...
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Regulace genové exprese HSP70 genů a její závislost na genotypu HSP70 genů. / Regulation of gene expression of HSP70 genes and its dependence on the genotype of HSP70 genes.Ambrož, Antonín January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the presented thesis is the regulation of gene expression level of the three HSP70 genes in mononuclear cells. We investigated the dependence of expression regulation (induction) abiliy on selected point mutations, so-called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) in the observed genes. The mononuclear cells were obtained from peripheral blood samples of healthy individuals. In order to analyze their gene expression, we selected individuals who were homozygous for at least one of the monitored point mutations. Taking into account the chosen criteria for healthy individuals we based on interviews with these individuals and their personal history. We determined the polymorphisms observed in two cell stress-inducible HSP70-1 (HSPA1A) and HSP70-2 (HSPA1B) genes and in one constitutively expressed gene HSP70-Hom (HSPA1L). Further, we have analyzed HSP70s gene expression regulation and the relation between the expression regulation and studied polymorphisms. We determined the degree of regulation of a gene expression in the studied genes in relation to two SNPs -110A/C (rs1008438), +190G /C (rs1043618) gene HSP70-1, and two SNPs +1267A/G (rs1061581), +2074G /C (rs539689 ) of the HSP70-2 gene, and the mutation of one five-nucleotide (rs9281590) HSP70-2 gene, and one SNP +2437T/C (rs2227956) of...
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Charakterizace podjednotek eukaryotického translačního iniciačního faktoru 3 (eIF3) u samčího gametofytu A. thaliana / Characterization of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunits (eIF3) in A. thaliana male gametophyteLinhart, Filip January 2017 (has links)
From RNA-to-protein, translation initiation and protein synthesis is mediated by trans-acting factors that recognize mRNA features common to almost all eukaryotes. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex (eIF3) is a highly conserved protein complex that recognizes 5'-CAP elements of the mRNA to initiate translation. eIF3 consists of nine subunits, three of them having two isoforms: eIF3A, eIF2B1, eIF3B2, eIF3C1, eIF3C2, eIF3D, eIF3E, eIF3F, eIF3G1, eIF3G2, eIF3H and eIF3K. This work deals with functional characterization, expression and subcellular localization of eIF3B1, eIF3B2 and eIF3E in Arabidopsis thaliana male gametophyte and interaction of eIF3E with the Constitutive photomorphogenesis 9 (COP9) complex as a regulatory complex of eIF3E post-translational control. Here we show that depletion of eif3b1 or eif3b2 is not gametophytic lethal and that the two protein might function redundantly, whereas, knockout of eIF3E causes male gametophyte lethality. Interestingly, eif3b1 show post-fertilization defects during embryogenesis, suggesting that its redundancy with eIF3B2 is restricted to the gametophyte. Gene expression studies revealed high expression of eIF3 subunits in actively dividing zones of leaf primordia, root meristem and root elongation zones as well as in the vegetative...
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