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An exploration of teacher leadership: a case study in a Namibian rural primary schoolUiseb, Gerson January 2013 (has links)
The Namibian education system has undergone a policy shift from a top-down leadership practice or head-centred leadership to a more shared form of leadership in schools. Existing policy documents call for teacher participation in school level decision-making structures and processes as teachers often are involved in other activities and have been through life experiences which equip them with leadership skills. These policies clearly stipulate that school principals cannot lead and manage the schools alone, but should involve teachers and other stakeholders in leadership activities. This study explored teacher leadership in a rural primary school in the Otjozondjupa region of Namibia. The study explored the understanding of the concept teacher leadership, the practice of teacher leadership and the enhancing factors as well as barriers to teacher leadership practice. A qualitative interpretative case study was conducted. Interviews, document analysis, focus group interviews, a questionnaire and observation were employed to produce data with regard to teacher leadership practices in the case study school. The data were analysed thematically using Grant’s (2008) model of teacher leadership. Findings revealed that the concept of teacher leadership was understood as teachers leading both within and beyond the classroom. Teacher leadership was practiced across the fours zones of teacher leadership (after Grant, 2008), but to varying degrees. It could be categorized as emergent teacher leadership (after Muijs and Harris, 2005) within a formal distributed leadership framework (MacBeath, 2005). Teacher leadership in the case study school was enhanced by collaboration among staff and involvement of teachers in school level decision-making. However, barriers to teacher leadership at the case study school included holding on to power by the principal, teachers’ negative attitudes towards teacher leadership, a lack of incentives, a lack of time due to a heavy work load and a lack of professional development.
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Teaching reading in Rukwangali in four Grade 3 Namibian classrooms : a case studySiyave, Theresia Nerumbu January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to explore four grade 3 teachers’ understanding of teaching reading in Rukwangali, a home language in Namibia in Kavango region and to observe the strategies they use as well as the activities they set for their learners. During my School Based Studies (SBS), I noticed that learners were not reading with understanding. My interest was also stimulated by a study carried out in Namibia that found that the literacy levels for Namibian learners were poor compared to those of other African countries. This is a qualitative case study carried out within an interpretive paradigm. It seeks to understand the meaning that people attached to human actions. I selected the participants purposefully and in terms of convenience, as all three schools selected are situated in Rundu, the town in which I work as a college lecturer. The research tools I employed were semi-structured interviews, document analysis, classroom observation, and stimulated recall discussions on the lessons I observed. I used a variety of methods to triangulate data and enhance validity. This study reveals that teachers use multiple methods to teach reading. These methods include phonics and syllabification to help struggling learners to decode difficult and long (polysyllabic) words and the look-and-say method for whole word recognition and meaning making at word and sentence level. In addition, they also use the thematic approach to teaching and learning to expand learners’ vocabulary and enhance their understanding of the texts they read and to make their lessons learnercentred. However, the problems of language, lack of reading books written in Rukwangali and large class sizes constrain the teachers from teaching in a more learner-centred way. Therefore, the study gives some tentative recommendations to remedy this situation.
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The participation of teachers in the management and decision-making of three schools in the Kavango region of Namibia: a case studyMuronga, Michael Muduva January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to investigate stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences of teachers’ participation in school management and decision-making. Teachers’ involvement is a contested issue in schools. The goal was to find out to what extent and in what way teachers participate in school issues, as well as gain insight and understanding on the effects of participation of teachers in schools and how principals enhance democratic practice for quality education. The research was a case study conducted within the interpretive qualitative paradigm. I used document analysis, semi-structured interviews and observation to collect data for validity purposes and to counter subjectivity. The findings revealed at least a significant progress in terms of the Education Act, no 16 of 2001 requirement, of teachers’ participation in management and decision-making in schools, which has been an issue in the past. The study revealed that decisions are taken after consultation through consensus. The study revealed that the participation approach promotes ownership and commitment of staff to higher performance and common goals. The findings emerged that participative management has advantages for achieving higher performance through collaboration, consultation, and broader participation. The foremost findings include school principals’ roles in enhancing a collegial management approach by delegating, sharing leadership and responsibilities, and establishing organisation structures and committees involving teachers. Meetings serve as a platform for communication and sharing of information with stakeholders. However, there were also signs of tensions amid school management teams (SMTs) and teachers on participation in school matters in all aspects. Furthermore, its time-consuming nature, authoritarianism and accountability emerged as major challenges affecting the implementation of the participative approach. In addition to that, the study revealed that lack of knowledge and skills, unwillingness to involve others and to participate affects the implementation of the theory. As a result, the study recommends to the policies makers and the Ministry of Education to organize training for all stakeholders on participative management to empower them. Moreover, the study recommends to regional managers, inspectors, and advisory teachers (AT) to provide information to institutions responsible for teacher training to accommodate the theory into their curriculum. School principals should undergo training programmes or in-service training for participative leadership purposes to enhance their leadership capacity and to carry out their responsibilities effectively.
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An investigation into the perceived effects of a school management/leadership training programme in the Ondangwa East Education Region of NamibiaUdjombala, Josia S January 2007 (has links)
The study set out to investigate the perceived effects of the Leadership Development Programme, a two-years training programme for school principals in the Ondangwa East Educational Region of Namibia. The objective has been to find out whether the training curriculum and content were related to what participating principals thought they needed to help them to do their work better, and improve their schools. Data were collected through interviews with two of the first group of nine principals who have completed the training. The study has found that the Leadership Development Programme helped the participating principals to experience personal changes and professional growth. Through the process of participatory action research, the Leadership Development Programme has been able to bring together theory and practice. It has also helped the principals to recognize their responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluation of action, and problem solving initiatives in their schools. The study has also found that the Leadership Development Programme recognized, and therefore applied, the element of experiential/adult learning. Although the Programme has had its basic core curriculum, its content and training process have been flexible in the sense that the Programme tried first to establish what participants knew, and then assisted them to gain a new and enquiring perspective on their knowledge and practice, which helped them to become reflective practitioners. While the study could not establish with a degree of certainty as to what extent the principals have taken up the processes of the training Programme in their schools, it has, however, found that there are many positive changes brought in about schools during the time the training was running. Secondly, while the study could obviously not establish a direct link between every change and the inputs made by the training Programme, it concluded, however, that the Programme at least brought about changes in the mindsets of principals, which were conducive to teaching and learning. What was important, though, was the question of how many of the initiatives were still bearing fruit three years after the training has taken place.
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Job satisfaction and job performance during the implementation of a performance management system : the case of a Namibian municipalityHambuda, Fillemon Nangolo January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / The primary objective of the current study was to conduct a survey on the job satisfaction of line managers in the City of Windhoek (CoW) Municipality. The identifying of such variables could empower the CoW Municipality to develop programmes and policies that are designed to improve their job satisfaction levels.
The literature review confirmed the impact of motivation on the job satisfaction of employees, and, in turn, its impact on employee productivity, and, ultimately, on organisational performance. The level of job satisfaction experienced by an individual describes how content he or she is with his or her job. The purpose of this study was to measure the job satisfaction facets (supervision, relationship with co-workers, present pay notch, nature of work, and opportunities for promotion) among line managers in the CoW, and how such facets affected their overall job satisfaction.
The non-probability sampling technique was adopted to collect data from 102 respondents from nine different departments by means of a structured questionnaire, resulting in a response rate of (N = 76), 75%. The study was, however, limited to the line managers in the CoW Municipality. Following on which the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to determine the internal consistency or average correlation of items in the survey instrument. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (Spearman’s rho) analysis was used to analyse the data with the aid of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 16. In addition, the independent-samples t-test and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed to empirically test the relationships between the employees’ job satisfaction and their gender and age.
The findings showed a significant linear relationship between the existing levels of job satisfaction and job performance. Furthermore, the findings suggested that the employees were significantly satisfied with certain aspects of their jobs (the nature of the work, and their salary, supervision and co-workers), but not with the one aspect of their job (opportunity for promotion). They were, however, significantly satisfied with their jobs in general, with there being no significant difference between the male and female employees’ levels of job satisfaction. The analysis showed that promotion has a modest and positive effect on job satisfaction. The study concluded that the line managers were, in general, satisfied with their jobs. Thus, the results cannot be generalised to other departments and Local Authorities. The study needs to be replicated in other departments and Local Authorities, using the same method.
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Building cultural capital through value-driven leadership: a case study in an international finance companyAckerman, Mariana January 2006 (has links)
Today, organizations are placed under extreme pressure to adapt to the ever-increasing changes in their environments in order to survive. Research proves that corporate culture has the ability to either blunt or aid change. Past research conducted in Z-Nam, a subsidiary of an international finance company situated in Namibia, indicated that a divided culture resulted in limitations in their functioning, including their adaptability. Pressure was placed on Z-Nam by its majority shareholder to internalise a set of core values into its daily functioning in order to build a strong adaptable culture. This objective called for values-driven leadership. The four core values identified by Head Office were integrity, respect, accountability and pushing beyond boundaries. In becoming more values-driven, values theory posits that Z-Nam will build its cultural capital and so reap the benefits of higher performance, talent retention and adaptability. In this way Z-Nam will be able to combat the weaknesses in its current culture. Leadership adaptability and the capacity to lead change were seen to distinguish cultural changes that succeed from those that do not. Principles inherent in the field of OD were also considered, as they are seen to assist in the effective management of change. The methodology involved a purposive sample being drawn that included the top leadership team and internal OD consultant. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and thematic analysis employed in analysing the resultant data with three main aims in mind. Firstly, to assess Z-Nam's top management's perception of the current set of values being lived in the organization, to establish their level of support for the desired set of values proposed by Head Office and lastly to establish whether the leadership team is ready to promote the adoption of a new set of core values. Through comparing the themes that emerged from the data with literature on OD, values, culture and change, the researcher was able to make inferences as to the leadership's readiness and capacity to successfully lead cultural change. These findings were substantiated with secondary data from previous research activities. It was found that Z-Nam was not utilising its culture as an asset and that several barriers existed to adopting and implementing the desired values. It was concluded that Z-Nam will not be able to successfully embark on cultural change until its leadership recognises the importance of culture and their personal responsibility in bringing about the desired change, adequately assimilates information from past research and comes to a consensus as to the necessary accommodations that need to be made.
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An organisation development intervention in a rural school in the Omusati region of NamibiaPerestrelo, Helena Ndeyatila January 2008 (has links)
Organizations globally are challenged with a very volatile, fast changing environment. It is only those organizations that develop the capacity to change timeously that will survive in this millennium. (Meyer & Botha, 2000, p.23) Organizational development (OD) is a planned change approach aimed at changing behaviour and enhancing organizational effectiveness. Central to such an approach is continuous business process improvement. OD rests on the foundation of values and assumptions about people and organizations, and it is imperative that organizations adopt systematic methodologies in introducing business improvement interventions. The study introduced an OD approach to one of the rural primary schools in the Omusati region of Namibia, with the purpose of examining if it would bring change in the school. My goal was to explore participants' experience and perception of the OD process and to investigate the possible short term outcome of such an intervention. The case study involved 16 staff members made up of a principal, one head of department and 14 teachers. Data was gathered through formal interviews with the principal, head of department and three teachers, through a focus group interview with teachers, and through observation and observation note entries. The study found that OD was a new concept approach to the participants which differs completely from the way that change processes are introduced in the schools. Participants felt that introducing change in an organization using an OD approach can bring effective change, but it can also place huge demands on participants' commitment. This is particularly so if they do not adopt it as an internal process of business improvement. The OD approach is a long-term change process and not a quick fix. Finally, the outcome of the intervention indicated enthusiasm for the school to continue addressing the prevailing challenges despite various obstacles that they do not have control over.
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Teachers' leadership roles at a public rural school in the Ohangwena Region, NamibiaNauyoma-Hamupembe, Ladipaleni Ndadiinina January 2012 (has links)
The changing global and local circumstances and shift for democracy posed particular problems for school administration and leadership and made it difficult for principals to fulfil leadership responsibilities in schools alone. Hence principals require the assistance of all stakeholders in the school, and teachers in particular, to work together as a team and share the diverse leadership load for the improvement of schools. Thus, leadership in schools needs to be shared and distributed in a collaborative manner among teachers and principals working as a group to accomplish the primary objective of their schools, which is to improve learners’ achievement. For this idea to be embraced, I suggest it may require an urgent need for advanced knowledge and understanding of teacher leadership in schools, among teachers and principals, if schools are to thrive. This research studied the phenomenon of teacher leadership at a public rural school in the Ohangwena region of Namibia. It explored the teachers’ experiences of their leadership roles, and specifically the challenges inherent within the practice of teacher leadership in a school. A qualitative interpretive case study was conducted, employing document analysis, semi‐structured interviews and observations to produce data with regard to teachers’ experiences of their leadership roles, challenges inherent within its practice and possible strategies to promote teacher leadership. The analysis and the triangulation across the data sets suggested that teacher leadership existed in the case study school where it appeared in four different areas of leadership practice. These areas of leadership practices (Grant, 2008, p. 93) were, for example, in the classroom, outside the classroom in curricular and extra‐curricular activities, in school‐wide leadership development and between other neighbouring schools in the community. The school had a view of teacher leadership which was strongly located within the classroom and outside the classroom in curricular and extra‐curricular activities where teachers worked and interacted with their colleagues and learners. Teacher leadership was severely limited in the area of whole school development and almost non‐existent in the area outside the school between teachers across neighbouring schools, at circuit or district level and in the community. The study suggested that the nature of teacher leadership in the case study school was a restricted form of teacher leadership (Harris and Muijs, 2005) due to a range of factors which impeded its practice. The factors were, for example, a lack of involvement of all teachers in whole school leadership and school‐wide decision‐making. Other factors were limited time for teachers in the school, a lack of leadership development amongst the principal and teachers as well as resistance for teachers to leadership in the case study school.
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An investigation into how Grade 11 Biology teachers mediate learning through code-switching from English to Oshiwambo : a case studyKanime, Justina Kashuupulwa January 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate how Grade 11 Biology teachers mediate learning through code-switching from English to Oshiwambo. It was triggered by my experience as a teacher when I came to observe that the majority of teachers still use the home language during their lessons though the language policy for schools in Namibia clearly states that English should be used as a medium of instruction from Grade Four onwards. The research was carried out at Happy Secondary School (pseudonym), a rural government school in Omusati Region, Namibia. It was a qualitative case study underpinned by an interpretive paradigm. The unit of analysis was the mediation of learning through codeswitching from English to Oshiwambo. Document analysis, questionnaires, interviews (semistructured, focus group, stimulated recall interviews) and lesson observations were used as data gathering techniques, to ensure adequate coverage, validity and trustworthiness of the data gathered. The study adopted Vygotsky’s social constructivism and the socio-cultural perspective in conjunction with Shulman’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) as the theoretical frameworks. The data analysis process entailed organising data into themes from which four analytical statements were then derived in relation to the research questions. The study found that both Biology teachers and learners view code-switching as a useful tool in making learners understand the biological concepts. The study revealed that Biology teachers code-switch from English to Oshiwambo to make learners understand better, increase participation, explain concepts, elaborate, for disciplinary purposes, when giving examples of everyday knowledge events and when asking questions. The study also revealed that learners code-switch mainly for good communication, easier self-expression, due to loss of words, when unprepared to explain concepts and due to fear of making mistakes. It emerged, however, that both teachers and learners experience some challenges when codeswitching from English to Oshiwambo is used to mediate learning in Biology lessons. These include time constraints, lack of biological terms in Oshiwambo, different Oshiwambo dialects and the language policy. In addition, learners also lose the opportunity to learn English and find it difficult to answer questions in the examinations. The study revealed that Biology teachers and learners try to overcome these challenges by good lesson preparation, mini-teaching, using English/Oshindonga dictionaries or simply by adhering to the language policy.
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Assessment of the Lake Liambezi fishery, Zambezi region, NamibiaSimasiku, Evans Kamwi January 2014 (has links)
Lake Liambezi in the Zambezi Region of Namibia, formerly known as the Caprivi Region, is shallow (<6m deep) and characterised by cyclic episodes of filling and drying. When full the lake supports a highly productive fishery and when dry the lake is completely dry and used for agriculture and grazing. In 2000 the lake filled, and between May 2011 and April 2012 was surveyed using beach seine, experimental gillnets and catch landing surveys to obtain information for conservation and management recommendations for the fishery. Littoral fishes in Lake Liambezi and the Kavango floodplain were sampled using seine net and physicochemical properties were measured. Seine net surveys demonstrated that Lake Liambezi littoral zones were dominated by fishes of the family Alestidae (59.7%) while Cichlids constituted the most diverse family. Juvenile Tilapia rendalli and Oreochromis macrochir were among the five most important species in the littoral zone, indicating that these commercially important species use the littoral zone as a nursery ground. Since T. rendalli and O. macrochir are commercially important species, because of this, it is advised that seine nets should not be used. Catch efficiency between monofilament and multifilament gillnets in Lake Liambezi offshore waters were assessed. Catch efficiency experimental fishing trials showed that monofilament gillnets catch per unit effort (CPUE) was three times higher than that of multifilament gillnets for Oreochromis andersonii, O. macrochir, T. rendalli, Serranochromis macrocephalus and Clarias spp. Oreochromis andersonii comprised over 66% of the overall CPUE for both net types combined indicating the importance of this species in the gillnet fishery on the lake. A fishery has been established on the lake with more than 300 canoes and 120 fishermen using monofilament and multifilament gillnets. CPUE was 15 kg/canoe/day and was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with monthly temperature and moon phase parameters indicating that the fishery of Lake Liambezi may be altered by climate and environmental factors. Annual catch from Lake Liambezi was estimated at 3193t with an estimated productivity of 106kg/ha, suggesting that Lake Liambezi makes a significant contribution to the fish supply in the Zambezi Region. Recommendations were made to manage the Lake Liambezi fishery by imposing restrictions on effort (number of fishing boats), gear type, mesh sizes and access. Proper fisheries management and monitoring should incorporate climatic and environmental factors such as temperature and moon phase to meet the challenges of global climatic changes as well as other environmental issues.
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