Spelling suggestions: "subject:"narration"" "subject:"narrations""
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\'Historia Magistra Vitae\': história e oratória em Cícero / \'Historia Magistra Vitae\': history and oratory in CiceroPavez, Leonardo Acquaviva 22 September 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do presente mestrado é examinar as relações entre escrita da história e oratória na obra de Marco Túlio Cícero, considerando, sobretudo, as reflexões acerca da historiografia grega e romana arcaica, que foram tecidas nos seus tratados retóricos e filosóficos, com base na terminologia própria da doutrina retórica ciceroniana, presente nessas mesmas obras. Assim, mostra-se indispensável, primeiramente, acentuar o uso dessa terminologia retórica para a compreensão dos ajuizamentos de Cícero acerca da relevância do estudo da história e da historiografia em Roma, para somente então, com base na apreensão preliminar do aparato conceitual e metodológico empregado pelo filósofo, examinar de que forma ele concebia a história e a prática historiográfica romana. A partir da análise de trechos das obras de Cícero, especialmente, De Inventione, De Oratore, Ad Familiares V, 12, De Legibus, De Re Publica, Brutus e De Officiis, poder-se-á precisar quão ligadas estão história e oratória no pensamento ciceroniano, estabelecendo-se, ao fim do percurso investigativo, o esboço da concepção ciceroniana da história. / Through deep analysis of the textual context within which Cícero have woven his opinions about the knowledge and writing of historia, specially those focused on by Cicero in De Inventione, De Oratore, Ad Familiares V, 12, De Legibus, De Re Publica, Brutus and De Officiis, in which the rhetorical terminology and philosophical treatment appear as a pre-condition to the range of the meaning of his words about historia, we aim to sketch the outlines of his conception of history both as a matter of knowledge necessary to the orator and as a function of the vir dicendi peritus.
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\'Historia Magistra Vitae\': história e oratória em Cícero / \'Historia Magistra Vitae\': history and oratory in CiceroLeonardo Acquaviva Pavez 22 September 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do presente mestrado é examinar as relações entre escrita da história e oratória na obra de Marco Túlio Cícero, considerando, sobretudo, as reflexões acerca da historiografia grega e romana arcaica, que foram tecidas nos seus tratados retóricos e filosóficos, com base na terminologia própria da doutrina retórica ciceroniana, presente nessas mesmas obras. Assim, mostra-se indispensável, primeiramente, acentuar o uso dessa terminologia retórica para a compreensão dos ajuizamentos de Cícero acerca da relevância do estudo da história e da historiografia em Roma, para somente então, com base na apreensão preliminar do aparato conceitual e metodológico empregado pelo filósofo, examinar de que forma ele concebia a história e a prática historiográfica romana. A partir da análise de trechos das obras de Cícero, especialmente, De Inventione, De Oratore, Ad Familiares V, 12, De Legibus, De Re Publica, Brutus e De Officiis, poder-se-á precisar quão ligadas estão história e oratória no pensamento ciceroniano, estabelecendo-se, ao fim do percurso investigativo, o esboço da concepção ciceroniana da história. / Through deep analysis of the textual context within which Cícero have woven his opinions about the knowledge and writing of historia, specially those focused on by Cicero in De Inventione, De Oratore, Ad Familiares V, 12, De Legibus, De Re Publica, Brutus and De Officiis, in which the rhetorical terminology and philosophical treatment appear as a pre-condition to the range of the meaning of his words about historia, we aim to sketch the outlines of his conception of history both as a matter of knowledge necessary to the orator and as a function of the vir dicendi peritus.
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Cassirer och argumentationens myter : En introduktion till förståelsen av mŷthos och narratio i argumentationStagnell, Alexander January 2010 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur det är möjligt att med hjälp av bland annat Ernst Cassirers teorier kring myter och genom att se hur dessa tar sig i uttryck i ett narratio, nå en utökad förståelse för argumentation genom att ta fasta på det som ligger utanför logikens och det rationella förnuftets område. Med utgångspunkt i Cassirer, kompletterad av Jean-Pierre Vernant, Cornelius Castoriadis och Jesper Svenbro, visar jag hur mŷthos hela tiden är närvarande i vårt tänkande, hur mŷthos skapar och omskapar mening samtidigt som denna mening sätts i spel genom olika myter. I argumentation tar dessa myter formen av det som i den antika dispositionen för ett argumenterande tal kallades narratio. En av de viktigaste funktionerna för narrationen är att skapa trovärdighet åt ett mŷthos och detta sker på fyra olika sätt: prosans genrekarakteristiska, diakrona handlingskopplingar, anagnorisis, samt den synkrona sammanlänkningen. Den sistnämnda ger också övergången till en annan viktig aspekt av trovärdighetsskapandet; elocutio, där jag undersöker två typer av figurer och troper: överförande och förstärkande. I de överförande figurerna kan vi se hur mŷthos bricoleras av betydelser hämtade från andra fält, medan vi i de förstärkande figurerna kan se vad som skapat ett specifikt mŷthos och vilket pathos som varit viktig för mytskaparen. Uppsatsens slutsats blir därmed att människan, trots vår uppfattning om argumentation som en rationell företeelse byggd på logik, istället alltid är, med Derridas ord, mytopoetiska bricoleurer. Vi kan därmed inte bortse från myterna när vi undersöker argumentation samtidigt som vi därmed också måste lämna önskan om att värdera, rangordna och systematisera all argumentation, en tro som ur detta perspektiv bara blir till en myt. För denna argumentationssyn med grunden i retoriken blir istället Aristoteles ideal fronesis viktigt, då detta synsätt innebär förståelse, som i förlängningen ger en klokhet om vilka handlingsval som i slutändan gör gott. / In this essay I examine how we, with the help of Ernst Cassirers theories concerning myths and by examining how these are expressed in a narratio, can achieve an expanded understanding of argumentation by also taking to account that which lies beyond the area of reason and logic. By building on Cassirer, complemented with the thinking of Jean-Pierre Vernant, Cornelius Castoriadis and Jesper Svenbro, I’m able to show how mŷthos always is present in our thinking, and how mŷthos always creates and recreates meaning while at the same time putting that meaning to use in various myths. In argumentation these myths take the form of the roman concept narratio. One of the key features of the narrative is to provide credibility to mŷthos, and this is done in four ways: through the characteristics of the prosaic genre, the diachronic linking of events, anagnorisis and the synchronic linking of events. The latter also provides the transition to another of the vital parts in the process of credibility¸ elocutio, where I examine two types of figures and tropes: transferring and emphasizing. The transferring figures gives us an insight of how we create mŷthos by taking in meaning from other fields, while the emphasizing figures show us how pathos always is important to the myth-maker. The conclusions of this essay is thus that man, despite our conception of argumentation as a rational phenomenon based on reason and logic, rather is, in Derrida’s words, a mythopoetic bricoleur. We can not ignore this when we set out to investigate argumentation and we have to abandon our wish to evaluate, rank and systematize all argumentation. Instead Aristotle provides us with an answer in his rhetorical ideal fronesis, because when we reach understanding of our myth-making it’s also possible for us to make decisions that will hopefully do good.
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La politica ecclesiastica dell'Imperatore Maurizio (582-602) in Armenia/The ecclesiastical policy of the Emperor Maurice (582-602) in ArmeniaDe Siena, Alessio Antonio 09 May 2008 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche est double: a) essayer de soustraire le schisme de l’Église arménienne de la fin du VIe siècle (591) à une vision uniquement ‘arménienne’, c’est-à-dire périphérique et isolée par rapport aux affaires contemporains de l’Empire Romain; b) identifier les orientations et l’évolution de la politique ecclésiastique de Maurice (582-602), qui - comme montre le cas, à notre avis paradigmatique, de l’Arménie - a pris soin de l’organisation administrative et de la définition théologique de l’Église impériale, tout en assurant, d’une manière plus générale, la défense et la gestion des territoires de l’Empire.
On a donc d’abord donné un aperçu de la situation de l'Empire Romain à la fin de l’antiquité tardive et souligné comment il a évolué - en particulier après Justinien – à l’intérieur, et par rapport aux peuples extérieurs avec lesquels il avait des relations diplomatiques, militaires ou de commerciales, c’est-à-dire avec les peuples germaniques, les nomades de la steppe, les Arabes et les Ethiopiens, les Chinois; ainsi que les populations caucasiennes, mais surtout le grand rival Sassanide.
Puis, on a décrit les grandes lignes de la stratégie romaine le long des frontières: pendant l’antiquité tardive, elle vise, par une sage et habile diplomatie, à attirer dans l’orbite des Romains les gens aux frontières, et à les associer à la cour impériale par l'octroi de titres de grand prestige, comme patricius ou kouropalatēs. Dans ce sens, on a constaté le rôle diplomatique joué, en particulier en Orient, par les commerçants et la haute hiérarchie ecclésiastique.
Ensuite, on a décrit les deux événements qui illustrent le mieux la politique ecclésiastique romaine à la fin du VIe siècle et annoncent le schisme arménien: les unions du 572 d’abord et de 591 ensuite entre l’Église Impériale et l’Église (perse-)arménienne. Dans les deux cas on a cherché à mettre en évidence les raisons christologiques (c’est-à-dire de l’orthodoxie de Chalcédoine), mais aussi politiques, militaires, stratégiques et commerciales qui déterminé les choix des Romains et des Arméniens. On a aussi prêté une attention particulière au rôle des Perses, surtout pour l'union de 591. Celle-ci a été créée après les accords entre l’Empire romain et l’État persan, et suivie par l'alliance qui permit à Khosro II, presque ‘fils adoptif’ de l'empereur Maurice, de regagner le trône qui avait été volé par l’usurpateur Bahrām Chubīn.
Enfin, on a mis en évidence que cette politique ecclésiastique de Maurice est dictée par des raisons idéologiques. Entre aussi en ligne de compte la nécessité de gérer la difficile unité de l’Empire autour de la Méditerranée , unité qui avait été rétablie seulement sous Justinien. L’expansion considérable des zones frontalières, la crise économique et démographique et les événements de l’empire persan ont rendu cette réalisation difficile, de sorte que, paradoxalement, c’est bien Maurice qui donne à son État, de manière de plus en plus évidente, les traits d’un Empire de moins en moins ‘romain’ et de plus en plus ‘byzantin’.
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The ancient Narratio as an ecclesial participation in the divine pedagogy: a study of its sources and proposal for its current applicationInnerst, Sean 11 1900 (has links)
This study represents a work of practical narrative
theology which originates in the notable prominence of an ancient
form of catechesis in a modern document, the General Directory
for Catechesis (GDC), issued in 1997 by the Sacred Congregation
for the Clergy in the Vatican. The GDC first mentions narratio
explicitly in number 39 in the form of an imperative:
"Catechesis, for its part, transmits the words and deeds of
Revelation; it is obliged to proclaim and narrate them and, at
the same time, to make clear the profound mysteries that they
contain." It is under the weight of that obligation that this
study came to be.
Narratio, or the narration of salvation history, which was
a standard part of the catechesis of the Church of the fourth and
fifth centuries gave way to the exigencies of a changing Church
in which the catechetical focus turned from adults, who needed a
Judeo-Christian worldview to replace a Greco-Roman one, to
children who had grown up in communities shaped by a Christian
This doctoral thesis proceeds by, first, surveying Roman
Catholic magisterial teaching immediately preceding the issuance
of the GDC to trace the roots of this apparent innovation within
an institution which is otherwise noted for its conservatism.
After establishing the context and character of the GDCs call
for revival of narratio, this thesis examines the historical
setting, rhetorical structure, and function of narratio in
Augustine of Hippo's De catechizandis rudibus, and then its
scriptural precursors in the two Testaments in order to discover
how this narration functioned in the Jewish and Christian
communities which practiced haggadic and anamnetic recitals of
God's saving works as a means to the formation and maintenance of
communal identity.
This study seeks to establish that a positive response to
the GDC's call is as much warranted by the evidence provided in
the biblical and post-biblical Jewish and Christian practice of
ritual/covenantal remembrance as by the Catholic magisterial
imperative in the GDC. In this, it may aid to inform and direct
such a positive response to the GDC for the revival of the
catechetical narratio. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Church History)
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The ancient Narratio as an ecclesial participation in the divine pedagogy: a study of its sources and proposal for its current applicationInnerst, Sean 11 1900 (has links)
This study represents a work of practical narrative
theology which originates in the notable prominence of an ancient
form of catechesis in a modern document, the General Directory
for Catechesis (GDC), issued in 1997 by the Sacred Congregation
for the Clergy in the Vatican. The GDC first mentions narratio
explicitly in number 39 in the form of an imperative:
"Catechesis, for its part, transmits the words and deeds of
Revelation; it is obliged to proclaim and narrate them and, at
the same time, to make clear the profound mysteries that they
contain." It is under the weight of that obligation that this
study came to be.
Narratio, or the narration of salvation history, which was
a standard part of the catechesis of the Church of the fourth and
fifth centuries gave way to the exigencies of a changing Church
in which the catechetical focus turned from adults, who needed a
Judeo-Christian worldview to replace a Greco-Roman one, to
children who had grown up in communities shaped by a Christian
This doctoral thesis proceeds by, first, surveying Roman
Catholic magisterial teaching immediately preceding the issuance
of the GDC to trace the roots of this apparent innovation within
an institution which is otherwise noted for its conservatism.
After establishing the context and character of the GDCs call
for revival of narratio, this thesis examines the historical
setting, rhetorical structure, and function of narratio in
Augustine of Hippo's De catechizandis rudibus, and then its
scriptural precursors in the two Testaments in order to discover
how this narration functioned in the Jewish and Christian
communities which practiced haggadic and anamnetic recitals of
God's saving works as a means to the formation and maintenance of
communal identity.
This study seeks to establish that a positive response to
the GDC's call is as much warranted by the evidence provided in
the biblical and post-biblical Jewish and Christian practice of
ritual/covenantal remembrance as by the Catholic magisterial
imperative in the GDC. In this, it may aid to inform and direct
such a positive response to the GDC for the revival of the
catechetical narratio. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Church History)
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