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Flow-related threats to rare galaxiids in the upper Waitaki RiverHoward, Simon William January 2014 (has links)
Human activities are increasingly altering ecosystems, and are especially severe in streams where flow modification can affect environments far downstream and can interact with other pressures, such as species invasions. This has led to a disproportionately high number of threatened species in streams (e.g., native galaxiid fishes in New Zealand). I investigated how threatened bignose galaxias (Galaxias macronasus) and upland longjaw galaxias (Galaxias prognathus) were affected by flow-related influences in their habitats. A survey of sub-catchments in the Mackenzie Basin showed that flow regulation played a strong role in influencing fish occurrence; native fishes dominated unregulated rivers and introduced species dominated regulated rivers. Upland longjaw galaxias (ULG) were sparsely distributed and only found in unmodified braided rivers. Targeted surveys in these rivers indicated their habitat selection was weak, and although habitat availability was high, individual habitats were only occupied for short periods because floods frequently reconfigured the river bed. Thus, disturbances played a major role in ULG populations, forcing a strategy of weak habitat selection and frequent movement. This also makes them vulnerable to large-scale flow changes making the habitat more benign and potentially increasing competition (e.g., from invasive trout). Bignose galaxias were only locally abundant in very low discharge habitats lacking other fishes, so were restricted to very small parts of the river network. An experiment manipulating flows showed bignose galaxias moved into slower habitats over the short-term, suggesting a slow-flow preference, but not excluding the competitive influences of other fish like trout. Overall, this work shows these threatened fishes are susceptible to many of the current and future global changes affecting freshwaters like habitat alteration and invaders, but the above knowledge should allow targeted management of these influences for these highly threatened endemic fish.
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Fishways and freshwater fish migration on South-Eastern Australia.Mallen-Cooper, Martin January 1996 (has links)
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science. / In the last 100 years there have been dramatic declines in the range and abundance of native freshwater fish in south-eastern Australia. These declines have been attributed to habitat loss and degradation (including river regulation, water quality, erosion/siltation, instream cover and riparian vegetation), alien fish species, overfishing, and the obstruction of fish passage. In south-eastern Australia there are 86 species of freshwater fish and 36 of these have some migratory component of their life history that requires free passage along streams. The migrations of these fish in this region have been inhibited or prevented by the existence of more than 1500 dams and weirs. To mitigate this impact there are only 69 fishways. Most of these fishways are based on designs suitable for the swimming ability and behaviour of salmonids from the Northern Hemisphere. There are, however, no native salmonids in Australia. I assessed one of these salmonid fishways, at Euston on the Murray River, for its suitability for passing native fish. Fish were trapped at the top and bottom of the fishway over eight paired days. Although this fishway has one of the lowest slopes of the older fishways, and therefore potentially one of the easiest to ascend, very few of the fish that entered the fishway could get to the top. For example, 777 +/- 238 [x +/- s.e.] golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) per day entered the fishway but only 4 +/- 2 per day were collected at the top of the fishway. This and other data highlighted two points: i) the ineffectiveness of the salmonid-type fishways for native fish; and ii) assessing fishways by counting fish at the top only, although widely used throughout the world, is insufficient to assess the performance of a fishway. Counts of fish from the top of a fishway can, however, be useful to monitor fish populations over time. An excellent example of this is provided by long-term monitoring of the Euston fishway, which shows massive declines in the upstream movements of silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) and Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) between 1940-45 and 1987-90, indicating corresponding declines in the populations of these species. The failure of salmonid fishways for non-salmonid fishes has been a common experience throughout the world. It stems partly from a lack of knowledge of the migratory patterns of non-salmonid fish, and from a lack of quantitative experimental research into the swimming ability and behaviour of these fish in fishways. To redress this situation for south-eastern Australia, I tested fish in experimental fishways in a hydraulics laboratory. The fishway design tested was the vertical-slot fishway, which is a pool-type fishway where water flows between each pool via a vertical slot. The design was considered to potentially suit the hydrology of Australian rivers and the behaviour of native fish. For these experiments I selected fish species and life stages representative of the migratory fish fauna of the two major drainages of south-eastern Australia. For the south-eastern coastal rivers I chose juvenile Australian bass (Macquaria novemaculeata)[mean lengths of 40, 64 and 93 mm] and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) [43 mm]. These two species are catadromous, with the adults migrating downstream to the estuary to breed and the juveniles migrating upstream. For the large inland Murray-Darling river system I chose adult golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) [441 mm] and silver perch(Bidyanus bidyanus) [258 mm]. At the beginning of this study, adults of these two species were considered to be the main life stage migrating upstream. In the laboratory experiments fish were tested at different water velocities and probit analysis was applied to the proportion of fish that negotiated these velocities. I used this approach to produce values which I called the NV90 and the NV95, which are the maximum water velocities that 90% and 95% of the fish could negotiate in the fishway. For bass, barramundi and golden perch these values ranged from 0.7 to 1.8 m s-1. These values are well below the standard maximum water velocity for salmonid fishways of 2.4 m s-l. The silver perch results were too variable to analyse. The data obtained from the laboratory experiments were used by water resource agencies to build eight new vertical-slot fishways in coastal and inland rivers of southeastern Australia. One of the largest of these new fishways was at Torrumbarry Weir on the Murray River, which consists of 38 pools, each 3 m long, ascending a 6.5 m high weir. The fishway, if successful, would provide access to 350 km of habitat above the weir. To determine whether or not the fishway was successful in passing native migratory fish it was assessed for 2.5 years by: i) sampling monthly above and below the fishway with a standard set of independent, replicated nets; and ii) sampling within the fishway. The netting showed that there were major aggregations of migratory fish below the weir when the fishway was not operational. However, when the fishway was completed and operational, 13 months after the commencement of sampling, there were no further major aggregations of migratory fish below the weir. These data, combined with high numbers of fish successfully ascending the fishway, indicated the success of this vertical-slot fishway design. It was estimated that from February 1991 to June 1993 20,7 14 native fish and 16,595 alien fish (all carp [Cyprinus carpio]) had successfully ascended the fishway. Sampling at the top and bottom of the fishway showed that the fishway passed almost all the species and sizes classes of native migratory fish, except for Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni). The latter is a small species 15 to 40 mm long that only entered the lower few pools of the fishway. The widespread distribution of this species indicates the migration is facultative. Experiments within the fishway showed that the laboratory experiments had underestimated swimming ability. However, it was discovered that fish still needed over 1.5 hours to ascend the full length of the fishway. In addition, some species only migrated upstream during daylight and if their ascent of the fishway was not completed in daylight the fish moved back down the fishway. I concluded that the original water velocity criterion from the laboratory experiments was appropriate and that future fishways need to consider ascent time and fishway length as well as water velocity. I also concluded that it is more difficult to obtain realistic results from 'off-site' experiments, where fish are transported to a laboratory or other facility, than from in situ experiments where naturally migrating fish are used and are not handled until the end of the experiment. Sampling at Torrumbarry Weir provided detailed information on the biology of the migratory fish species, which is essential to designing effective fishways. Carp(Cyprinus carpio), an introduced or alien species, and bony herring were newly identified as migratory, and golden perch and silver perch were confirmed as migratory. A major finding was that 95% of golden perch and 87% of silver perch moving upstream were immature fish. Previously the upstream movement of immature fish in this river system was considered insignificant. Fortunately the conservative water velocities in the Torrumbarry fishway accommodated these smaller fish(approximately 100 to 300 mm in length). The reason for the large numbers of immature fish migrating upstream is not clear, but it may be to optimise feeding, enhance colonisation, or to compensate for the downstream drift of the pelagic eggs and larvae. Migration of all species was seasonal. Spring, summer and early autumn were the main periods of upstream movement for native fish, and carp moved upstream in spring and early summer. Migration of carp was stimulated by rising water temperature only, but golden perch and silver perch were stimulated to move upstream by small changes in river levels. This small scale variation in streamflow is frequently suppressed by river regulation, and this is likely to have contributed to the significant decrease in the numbers of migrating native fish. Upstream migration of all species often occurred during low flows, as well as higher flows. This also occurs in coastal rivers of southeastern Australia. For both the coastal and inland rivers of this region it will be important to design fishways and environmental flow releases to accommodate this aspect of fish migration and the often semi-arid hydrology of these streams. Golden perch and silver perch were aged using sagittal otoliths and validated using known-age fish. The data showed that the immature fish were all over one year old, suggesting that younger fish are not migrating upstream. More research is needed to determine the location and habitats of the less than one year old fish. Ageing and examination of gonads indicated the size and age at maturity for these fish. This suggested that minimum size limits currently used to regulate the recreational fishery are not allowing fish to reach maturity. Golden perch and silver perch were found to be long-lived fish, up to 26 and 27 years respectively. Interestingly, samples of these two species from other rivers within the Murray-Darling river system show that the maximum sizes of these fish can vary significantly between rivers, suggesting that the ecology of different rivers within this large river system varies considerably. The development of fishways for non-salmonid fishes throughout the world has frequently met with failure. From the work in the present study and from reviewing other work I suggest there are five steps for the development of effective fishways. 1. Determine which fish species are migratory: - it is important to identify the smallest and largest fish that are migratory, as this affects the initial choice of the size of the fishway to test. 2. Test fish in an experimental fishway: - in situ experiments are recommended; - avoid handling of fish before and during experiments. 3 Design the fishway: - first decide on the location of the fishway entrance; - extrapolate research results with caution; - do not reduce pool sizes from the experimental model; - avoid tunnels; - design the fishway to operate over the full range of flows during which fish migrate. 4. Link the fishway with the operation of the dam or weir: - maintain flow and temperature regimes that stimulate migration; - manage flow releases over the spillway to guide fish to the fishway entrance. 5. Assess the fishway: - use quantitative and relevant performance criteria to assess the fishway and not only counts of fish from the top of the fishway. The most common strategy in the past has been to design the fishway and ignore steps 1, 2, 4 and 5. With fishways being increasingly recognised as important tools in the rehabilitation of aquatic biota in temperate river systems, and as a potential tool in the development of water resources in tropical rivers, it is essential that they are appropriately designed, constructed, and assessed. Otherwise the mistakes of the past will very likely be repeated.
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Fishways and freshwater fish migration on South-Eastern Australia.Mallen-Cooper, Martin January 1996 (has links)
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science. / In the last 100 years there have been dramatic declines in the range and abundance of native freshwater fish in south-eastern Australia. These declines have been attributed to habitat loss and degradation (including river regulation, water quality, erosion/siltation, instream cover and riparian vegetation), alien fish species, overfishing, and the obstruction of fish passage. In south-eastern Australia there are 86 species of freshwater fish and 36 of these have some migratory component of their life history that requires free passage along streams. The migrations of these fish in this region have been inhibited or prevented by the existence of more than 1500 dams and weirs. To mitigate this impact there are only 69 fishways. Most of these fishways are based on designs suitable for the swimming ability and behaviour of salmonids from the Northern Hemisphere. There are, however, no native salmonids in Australia. I assessed one of these salmonid fishways, at Euston on the Murray River, for its suitability for passing native fish. Fish were trapped at the top and bottom of the fishway over eight paired days. Although this fishway has one of the lowest slopes of the older fishways, and therefore potentially one of the easiest to ascend, very few of the fish that entered the fishway could get to the top. For example, 777 +/- 238 [x +/- s.e.] golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) per day entered the fishway but only 4 +/- 2 per day were collected at the top of the fishway. This and other data highlighted two points: i) the ineffectiveness of the salmonid-type fishways for native fish; and ii) assessing fishways by counting fish at the top only, although widely used throughout the world, is insufficient to assess the performance of a fishway. Counts of fish from the top of a fishway can, however, be useful to monitor fish populations over time. An excellent example of this is provided by long-term monitoring of the Euston fishway, which shows massive declines in the upstream movements of silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) and Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) between 1940-45 and 1987-90, indicating corresponding declines in the populations of these species. The failure of salmonid fishways for non-salmonid fishes has been a common experience throughout the world. It stems partly from a lack of knowledge of the migratory patterns of non-salmonid fish, and from a lack of quantitative experimental research into the swimming ability and behaviour of these fish in fishways. To redress this situation for south-eastern Australia, I tested fish in experimental fishways in a hydraulics laboratory. The fishway design tested was the vertical-slot fishway, which is a pool-type fishway where water flows between each pool via a vertical slot. The design was considered to potentially suit the hydrology of Australian rivers and the behaviour of native fish. For these experiments I selected fish species and life stages representative of the migratory fish fauna of the two major drainages of south-eastern Australia. For the south-eastern coastal rivers I chose juvenile Australian bass (Macquaria novemaculeata)[mean lengths of 40, 64 and 93 mm] and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) [43 mm]. These two species are catadromous, with the adults migrating downstream to the estuary to breed and the juveniles migrating upstream. For the large inland Murray-Darling river system I chose adult golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) [441 mm] and silver perch(Bidyanus bidyanus) [258 mm]. At the beginning of this study, adults of these two species were considered to be the main life stage migrating upstream. In the laboratory experiments fish were tested at different water velocities and probit analysis was applied to the proportion of fish that negotiated these velocities. I used this approach to produce values which I called the NV90 and the NV95, which are the maximum water velocities that 90% and 95% of the fish could negotiate in the fishway. For bass, barramundi and golden perch these values ranged from 0.7 to 1.8 m s-1. These values are well below the standard maximum water velocity for salmonid fishways of 2.4 m s-l. The silver perch results were too variable to analyse. The data obtained from the laboratory experiments were used by water resource agencies to build eight new vertical-slot fishways in coastal and inland rivers of southeastern Australia. One of the largest of these new fishways was at Torrumbarry Weir on the Murray River, which consists of 38 pools, each 3 m long, ascending a 6.5 m high weir. The fishway, if successful, would provide access to 350 km of habitat above the weir. To determine whether or not the fishway was successful in passing native migratory fish it was assessed for 2.5 years by: i) sampling monthly above and below the fishway with a standard set of independent, replicated nets; and ii) sampling within the fishway. The netting showed that there were major aggregations of migratory fish below the weir when the fishway was not operational. However, when the fishway was completed and operational, 13 months after the commencement of sampling, there were no further major aggregations of migratory fish below the weir. These data, combined with high numbers of fish successfully ascending the fishway, indicated the success of this vertical-slot fishway design. It was estimated that from February 1991 to June 1993 20,7 14 native fish and 16,595 alien fish (all carp [Cyprinus carpio]) had successfully ascended the fishway. Sampling at the top and bottom of the fishway showed that the fishway passed almost all the species and sizes classes of native migratory fish, except for Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni). The latter is a small species 15 to 40 mm long that only entered the lower few pools of the fishway. The widespread distribution of this species indicates the migration is facultative. Experiments within the fishway showed that the laboratory experiments had underestimated swimming ability. However, it was discovered that fish still needed over 1.5 hours to ascend the full length of the fishway. In addition, some species only migrated upstream during daylight and if their ascent of the fishway was not completed in daylight the fish moved back down the fishway. I concluded that the original water velocity criterion from the laboratory experiments was appropriate and that future fishways need to consider ascent time and fishway length as well as water velocity. I also concluded that it is more difficult to obtain realistic results from 'off-site' experiments, where fish are transported to a laboratory or other facility, than from in situ experiments where naturally migrating fish are used and are not handled until the end of the experiment. Sampling at Torrumbarry Weir provided detailed information on the biology of the migratory fish species, which is essential to designing effective fishways. Carp(Cyprinus carpio), an introduced or alien species, and bony herring were newly identified as migratory, and golden perch and silver perch were confirmed as migratory. A major finding was that 95% of golden perch and 87% of silver perch moving upstream were immature fish. Previously the upstream movement of immature fish in this river system was considered insignificant. Fortunately the conservative water velocities in the Torrumbarry fishway accommodated these smaller fish(approximately 100 to 300 mm in length). The reason for the large numbers of immature fish migrating upstream is not clear, but it may be to optimise feeding, enhance colonisation, or to compensate for the downstream drift of the pelagic eggs and larvae. Migration of all species was seasonal. Spring, summer and early autumn were the main periods of upstream movement for native fish, and carp moved upstream in spring and early summer. Migration of carp was stimulated by rising water temperature only, but golden perch and silver perch were stimulated to move upstream by small changes in river levels. This small scale variation in streamflow is frequently suppressed by river regulation, and this is likely to have contributed to the significant decrease in the numbers of migrating native fish. Upstream migration of all species often occurred during low flows, as well as higher flows. This also occurs in coastal rivers of southeastern Australia. For both the coastal and inland rivers of this region it will be important to design fishways and environmental flow releases to accommodate this aspect of fish migration and the often semi-arid hydrology of these streams. Golden perch and silver perch were aged using sagittal otoliths and validated using known-age fish. The data showed that the immature fish were all over one year old, suggesting that younger fish are not migrating upstream. More research is needed to determine the location and habitats of the less than one year old fish. Ageing and examination of gonads indicated the size and age at maturity for these fish. This suggested that minimum size limits currently used to regulate the recreational fishery are not allowing fish to reach maturity. Golden perch and silver perch were found to be long-lived fish, up to 26 and 27 years respectively. Interestingly, samples of these two species from other rivers within the Murray-Darling river system show that the maximum sizes of these fish can vary significantly between rivers, suggesting that the ecology of different rivers within this large river system varies considerably. The development of fishways for non-salmonid fishes throughout the world has frequently met with failure. From the work in the present study and from reviewing other work I suggest there are five steps for the development of effective fishways. 1. Determine which fish species are migratory: - it is important to identify the smallest and largest fish that are migratory, as this affects the initial choice of the size of the fishway to test. 2. Test fish in an experimental fishway: - in situ experiments are recommended; - avoid handling of fish before and during experiments. 3 Design the fishway: - first decide on the location of the fishway entrance; - extrapolate research results with caution; - do not reduce pool sizes from the experimental model; - avoid tunnels; - design the fishway to operate over the full range of flows during which fish migrate. 4. Link the fishway with the operation of the dam or weir: - maintain flow and temperature regimes that stimulate migration; - manage flow releases over the spillway to guide fish to the fishway entrance. 5. Assess the fishway: - use quantitative and relevant performance criteria to assess the fishway and not only counts of fish from the top of the fishway. The most common strategy in the past has been to design the fishway and ignore steps 1, 2, 4 and 5. With fishways being increasingly recognised as important tools in the rehabilitation of aquatic biota in temperate river systems, and as a potential tool in the development of water resources in tropical rivers, it is essential that they are appropriately designed, constructed, and assessed. Otherwise the mistakes of the past will very likely be repeated.
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A microchemical analysis of native fish passage through Brandon Road Lock and Dam, Des Plaines River, IllinoisSnyder, Claire 01 August 2019 (has links)
Modifications to Brandon Road Lock and Dam (BRLD), located on the Des Plaines River in northeastern Illinois, have been proposed to prevent the upstream transfer of aquatic invasive species, particularly Asian carps, into the Great Lakes Basin. These modifications, including the installation of an electric barrier, acoustic fish deterrent, and air bubble curtain, are designed to completely eliminate all upstream fish passage and may negatively impact native fish populations in the Des Plaines River by reducing upstream movement and potentially fragmenting populations. BRLD is situated just 21 km upstream of the Des Plaines River mouth, and fish are only able to pass upstream via the lock chamber. Fish species richness within the Des Plaines River watershed has increased over the last 35 years. It has been suggested that the majority of new species to the upper Des Plaines River have migrated upstream past Brandon Road Lock and Dam (BRLD), from the Illinois, Kankakee, and lower Des Plaines rivers. However, documentation of emigration needed to support that contention is lacking and there is limited knowledge of the current rate of BRLD passage by native species. To assess native fish passage through the lock, a microchemical study was conducted using fin rays from fish collected from the Des Plaines, Illinois, and Kankakee Rivers. The edge of each fin ray, which contained the most recently deposited material, was assumed to contain a microchemical signature reflective of residency in the river where the fish was sampled. Fin ray edge strontium:calcium ratio (Sr:Ca) was used to define taxonomic and river-specific signature ranges for four taxonomic groups: centrarchids, catostomids, ictalurids, and lepisosteids. Fin ray edge Sr:Ca data were input into a random forest classification model, and the classification accuracy of fish to their river of capture based on their fin ray edge Sr:Ca was > 97% in each taxonomic group. The classification model was then applied to the entire fin ray of each fish sampled upstream of Brandon Road to infer retrospective environmental history. Upstream BRLD lock passage was suggested by the presence of Sr:Ca signatures indicative of prior downstream residency in the Illinois or Kankakee rivers in a fish sampled upstream of BRLD. Results indicated some evidence of downstream residency that suggested upstream BRLD lock passage for centrarchids, catostomids, ictalurids, and lepisosteids, ranging from 15 – 37% of individuals sampled depending on taxa. An additional 19 – 80% of individuals within each taxonomic group were classified as fish with uncertain downstream residency, whereby the possibility of BLRD lock passage could not be rejected, but there was higher uncertainty in establishing downstream residency in the Illinois or Kankakee rivers. The impact of BRLD modifications and passage restriction on Des Plaines River fish populations is unknown and merits further investigation.
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Effects of trout on galaxiid growth and antipredator behaviourHoward, Simon William January 2007 (has links)
The introduction of trout has been implicated in the declines in native fish fauna in New Zealand and worldwide. Since the introduction of brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) trout to New Zealand in 1867, their distribution has spread and they have been implicated in the fragmentation of native fish distributions, particularly native non-migratory galaxiids. However, in the Upper Waimakariri basin the co-occurrence of trout and galaxiid populations is relatively common, even in streams where trout reach sizes known to be piscivorous. To investigate mechanisms that may regulate trout and galaxiid co-occurrence, I investigated differences in antipredator behaviour and growth rate between stream types with varying levels of trout presence. Using quantitative survey data collected between 1997 and 2006, I found that trout abundance was low and varied annually in frequently disturbed sites compared their high abundance in stable streams. This finding was used to classify streams into three population types, barrier (trout absent), disturbed (trout presence intermittent) and sympatric (constant trout presence). Using this classification, I tested the effects of trout chemical cues on galaxiid activity and refuge use in artificial channels. There were no differences in activity or refuge use between trout odour and there were no effects of population type or galaxiid size during both the day and the night. Using otolith weight-fish length relationships in galaxiids collected from each population type, I found that galaxiid growth rate was higher in disturbed streams than in stable streams either with or without trout. An experiment manipulating trout size and presence, over two months in a natural stream, found galaxiids from treatments without trout grew slower than those with trout. Slow growth rates in galaxiids above trout-migration barriers and in sympatry, combined with low growth rates in treatments without trout suggest that the mechanisms that regulate galaxiid growth are more complex than previously thought.
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Have Introduced Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) Affected Native Aquatic Vertebrates in Western United States Streams?Burbank, Nora K. 01 December 2011 (has links)
The introduction of exotic species is one of the greatest threats to freshwater biodiversity. Brown trout are native to Eurasia, but have been introduced to much of the rest of the world, including the United States. In other parts of their introduced range, brown trout have caused substantial negative effects to native species‟ abundances and distributions, and have altered the structure of some aquatic communities. In the United States, studies of some streams and watersheds have shown that brown trout can negatively affect native species, but I found no study that considers the effect of brown trout across a large portion of their introduced range.
For this study, I examined if (1) the abundance and distribution of two ecologically different native fish taxa (sculpins and speckled dace) and (2) the structure of entire stream vertebrate assemblages were negatively associated with the presence and abundance of brown trout. I based my analyses on existing, standardized survey data collected across streams of the western United States. I found no relationship between brown trout and the abundance, presence-absence, or probability of detection of sculpins or speckled dace. I also found that brown trout were not associated with the structure of native stream vertebrate assemblages. My results imply that native stream vertebrates in western US streams are able to coexist with brown trout across the western United States, despite the negative effects brown trout can have on some taxa in individual watersheds or rivers.
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Effects of trout on galaxiid growth and antipredator behaviourHoward, Simon William January 2007 (has links)
The introduction of trout has been implicated in the declines in native fish fauna in New Zealand and worldwide. Since the introduction of brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) trout to New Zealand in 1867, their distribution has spread and they have been implicated in the fragmentation of native fish distributions, particularly native non-migratory galaxiids. However, in the Upper Waimakariri basin the co-occurrence of trout and galaxiid populations is relatively common, even in streams where trout reach sizes known to be piscivorous. To investigate mechanisms that may regulate trout and galaxiid co-occurrence, I investigated differences in antipredator behaviour and growth rate between stream types with varying levels of trout presence. Using quantitative survey data collected between 1997 and 2006, I found that trout abundance was low and varied annually in frequently disturbed sites compared their high abundance in stable streams. This finding was used to classify streams into three population types, barrier (trout absent), disturbed (trout presence intermittent) and sympatric (constant trout presence). Using this classification, I tested the effects of trout chemical cues on galaxiid activity and refuge use in artificial channels. There were no differences in activity or refuge use between trout odour and there were no effects of population type or galaxiid size during both the day and the night. Using otolith weight-fish length relationships in galaxiids collected from each population type, I found that galaxiid growth rate was higher in disturbed streams than in stable streams either with or without trout. An experiment manipulating trout size and presence, over two months in a natural stream, found galaxiids from treatments without trout grew slower than those with trout. Slow growth rates in galaxiids above trout-migration barriers and in sympatry, combined with low growth rates in treatments without trout suggest that the mechanisms that regulate galaxiid growth are more complex than previously thought.
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Movement and consumptive demand of the introduced flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris in the upper Gila River basin, New Mexcio, and potential impacts on native fishesHedden, Skyler C. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Biology / Keith B. Gido / Negative interactions with nonnative fish are often cited as a leading cause of declining native fish populations, but quantifying these interactions is difficult. Movement ecology and consumptive demand estimates of nonnative fish predators is needed to better understand potential impacts these organisms are having on native species. The objective of this thesis were to estimate the consumptive demand of Flathead Catfish Pylodictis olivaris on native fishes across an elevational gradient, and characterize the movement at hourly, daily, and seasonal scales of this introduced predator. This research was conducted in the upper Gila River basin of southwestern New Mexico. Bioenergetics modeling was used to estimate consumptive demand; model results were coupled with measured densities and size structure of Flathead Catfish populations, and water temperatures, to predict its predatory threat. Potential consumption was highest at lower elevation sites because of higher water temperatures, but actual consumption was highest at mid-elevation sites because of the prevalence of large-bodied individuals. Potential annual consumptive demand of Flathead Catfish on native fish across our nine sampling sites ranged from 0.0 to 3.1 g/m²/yr, which exceeded native fish productivity at one site. To characterize the movement of Flathead Catfish, we used radio telemetry and tracked individuals from May 2014 to June 2015. Movement behaviors varied among individuals with a majority moving <150 m from capture location and some more mobile, moving substantial distances (692-42,840 m). During the course of the study, activity was greatest in summer and fall, and individuals moving substantial distances moved downstream to warmer river reaches before the winter. Nightly movements only involved short distances (5 m) and no fish exceeded a single movement >80 m. Daily activity was greatest during evening but late afternoon activity was observed in summer and fall. Results from this study identify areas within the upper Gila River where introduced Flathead Catfish consumption is likely to negatively impact native fish populations and managers can use this information to understand potential overlap with native species, target future removal efforts in areas where these fish are concentrated, and avoid stocking native fishes in reaches where Flathead Catfish tend to aggregate.
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Food web structure and variation in the Gila river, USAPilger, Tyler Jess January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Keith B. Gido / The upper Gila River basin in southwest New Mexico, USA is one of the few unimpounded drainage basins in North America and is a stronghold for the unique and endemic fishes west of the Continental Divide. Multiple non-indigenous fishes have been introduced to the Gila River and are a potential threat to native fishes, yet very little is known of the trophic ecology of the native and nonnative fishes. We used diet and stable isotopes collected from native and nonnative fishes to identify their trophic relationships and evaluate potential interactions in the upper Gila River basin during June-July, 2007 and 2008. Diet and stable isotope data indicated aquatic invertebrates were the primary food for both native and nonnative fishes. Native large-bodied fishes were mainly algivore/detritivores and native small-bodied fishes were primarily insectivores. Small-bodied nonnative fishes fed on detritus and aquatic invertebrates. Nonnative predators preyed on small-bodied fishes and predaceous aquatic invertebrates and had higher trophic positions than all native fishes. Although nonnative predators did not rely exclusively on native fishes as prey, their presence extended community food-chain lengths, and the combined predation on juvenile native fishes by multiple apex predators may threaten persistence of native fishes. The lack of concise evidence for negative effects suggested that impacts of nonnative predators were more subtle and confirmed the underlying complexity of a relatively simple community
The extensive database on feeding relations of Gila River fishes allowed us to further understand how energy moves through ecosystems. Specifically, the goal of chapter two was to characterize variation in fish-community food web structure within and among study reaches on the Gila River using [superscript]13C and [superscript]15N stable isotopes. We hypothesized that food web structure would reflect variation in fish community structure, resource availability and environmental conditions across habitats. Food web structure in isotope bi-plot space was estimated using community-wide measures of trophic structure, mean trophic position, and food-chain length. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance indicated that indices of food web structure were more variable among than within reaches and this pattern was primarily associated with variation in trophicl area occupied by taxa in isotope bi-plot space and mean trophic position of those taxa. Variation in food web structure was significantly associated with fish species richness across macrohabitats but was weakly associated with abiotic reach-scale factors. Variation in food web structure was concordant with variation in fish community composition and suggested that factors influencing the distribution of fishes also influence food web structure.
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Tempo de digest?o e caracteriza??o do trato digest?rio de larvas de pacam? (Lophiosilurus alexandri) / Food and initial development of pacam? larvae (Lophiosilurus alexandri)Pereira, Daiane Kelly Alves 29 August 2016 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Aquicultura. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-04-24T17:45:26Z
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Previous issue date: 2016 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. (BNB) / A aquicultura ? uma pr?tica brasileira que cresceu expressivamente nas ?ltimas d?cadas, contudo, a produ??o de pescados ainda ? insuficiente para atender a demanda interna. Na ?sia, maior produtor mundial de pescados, 95% das esp?cies produzidas s?o nativas, enquanto no Brasil, esse percentual est? abaixo de 20%. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o tempo de digest?o e avaliar o trato digest?rio de larvas de Lophiosilurus alexandri, uma esp?cie nativa do Rio S?o Francisco. As larvas foram avaliadas com 12 e 19 dias de vida, alimentadas com n?uplios de art?mia salina. Para avalia??o do tempo de digest?o nos diferentes dias de amostragem foi utilizada uma regress?o linear. Ao t?rmino do experimento foram aferidas as medidas de peso (g), e comprimento total (CT), comprimento de boca (CBO) e largura de boca (LBO) (mm). Para caracteriza??o do trato, al?m das j? citadas, foram tomadas medidas de comprimento total, comprimento boca/es?fago, comprimento do est?mago, comprimento do intestino, comprimento da boca, largura de boca e quociente intestinal para 12 e 19 dias de vida. As larvas apresentaram nos diferentes dias de amostragem peso, CT, CBO, LBO e QI de 41,18 mg e 76,88 mg, 17,78 mm e 20,98 mm, 0,42 mm e 0.73 mm, 2,71 mm e 3,57 mm, 0,29 mm e 0,32 mm aos 12 e 19 dias respectivamente. Foi verificado para os par?metros observados um maior desenvolvimento das larvas com 19 dias em rela??o as de 12 dias. Os par?metros de qualidade de ?gua mantiveram-se est?veis durante todo o per?odo experimental, permanecendo dentro dos valores aceit?veis para a larvicultura da esp?cie, assim como o crescimento em peso e comprimento. A avalia??o do desenvolvimento do sistema digest?rio das larvas foi realizada atrav?s de an?lises histol?gicas. O tempo de digest?o em larvas com 12 dias de vida foi menor (2 h 39 min 18 s) do que as de 19 dias (3 h 5 min 50 s). Por outro lado, larvas com 19 dias de vida apresentam trato digest?rio mais diferenciado em rela??o a 12 dias, permitindo assimilar melhor o alimento, aumentando assim a probabilidade de sobreviv?ncia dos indiv?duos. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / Aquaculture is a Brazilian practice that has grown significantly in the last decades, however, fish production is still insufficient to meet domestic demand. In Asia, the world's largest fish producer, 95% of the species produced are native, while in Brazil, this percentage is below 20%. This study aimed to verify the digestion time and to evaluate the digestive tract of larvae of Lophiosilurus alexandri, a species native to the S?o Francisco River. The larvae were evaluated at 12 and 19 days of age, fed with Artemia salina nauplii. To evaluate the digestion time on the different sampling days a linear regression was used. At the end of the experiment, the measurements of weight (g), total length (CT), length of mouth (BOD) and mouth width (LBO) (mm) were measured. For characterization of the tract, in addition to those already mentioned, measurements were taken of total length, mouth length / esophagus, length of the stomach, length of the intestine, length of mouth, mouth width and intestinal quotient for 12 and 19 days of life. The larvae presented, on the different days of sampling, weight, CT, CBO, LBO and IQ of 41.18 mg and 76.88 mg, 17.78 mm and 20.98 mm, 0.42 mm and 0.73 mm, 2.71 mm And 3.57 mm, 0.29 mm and 0.32 mm at 12 and 19 days respectively. It was verified for the observed parameters a greater development of the larvae with 19 days in relation to the 12 days. The water quality parameters remained stable throughout the experimental period, remaining within acceptable values for the species larviculture, as well as growth in weight and length. The evaluation of the development of the digestive system of the larvae was performed through histological analysis. The digestion time in larvae with 12 days of life was lower (2 h 39 min 18 s) than those of 19 days (3 h 5 min 50 s). On the other hand, larvae with 19 days of life present digestive tract more differentiated in relation to 12 days, allowing assimilating the food better, thus increasing the probability of survival of the individuals.
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