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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scaling Nature-based Solutions in Urban Areas: Assessment Methods and Insights for Planning and Design

Orta Ortiz, Maria Susana 21 October 2022 (has links)
Nature-based solutions, through the protection, restoration, management, and creation of new and novel urban ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services, constitute a promising option for pursuing urban sustainability. Despite the scientific evidence of numerous environmental, social, and economic benefits, pilot projects remain the dominant implementation mechanism of NbS in urban contexts. Considering this, the EU policy and scientific community promote scaling NbS, that is, their systematic integration in urban planning and other decision-making processes to impact more people over a longer time frame. This thesis addresses three main scaling mechanisms that can contribute to mainstream NbS in urban areas: the application of NbS in multiple contexts (scaling out), changes in planning regime (scaling up), and new thinking and values (scaling deep). The first part of the thesis assessed the three scaling mechanisms through a qualitative content analysis of policy and planning documents in a real-life Spanish multilevel planning and governance context. Several scaling patterns were identified, upon which planning characteristics that hinder signs of progress on the scaling out, scaling up, and scaling deep of NbS, as well as opportunities, emerged. The rest of the thesis focused on the key challenges of the scaling-out mechanism. The implementation of multiple NbS was simulated stepwise for the case study of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and curves of cumulative impacts were quantified in terms of ES supply and beneficiaries. The non-linear relationships between NbS implementation and impacts served to discuss critical issues for planning NbS scaling-out strategies. The last study of the thesis investigated the design of specific NbS at the local scale for urban stormwater management, considered a determinant issue for ensuring the adaptability and efficiency of scaled-out NbS. A review of the scientific literature identified a broad set of design variables, related impacts on runoff mitigation and stormwater treatment, and assessment indicators. By critically analyzing the relationship between design variables and impacts, the thesis drew some NbS design recommendations for practitioners. The thesis concluded by providing several insights for the NbS planning and design that can facilitate pursuing scaling goals in urban areas. Finally, further research opportunities emerged concerning assessment methods in various urban contexts and how actions across governance levels and sectors, the role of actors’ coalitions, and co-production/co-learning of knowledge can aid in supporting the flourishment of NbS in cities.

Characterisation, biophysical modelling and monetary valuation of urban nature-based solutions as a support tool for urban planning and landscape design

Babi Almenar, Javier 27 January 2021 (has links)
The recognition of nature in the resolution of societal challenges has been growing in relevance. This recognition has been associated with the development of new concepts from science and policy such as natural capital, ecosystem services, green infrastructure, and more recently Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). NBS intends to address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive form providing economic, social, and environmental benefits. The overall aim of this PhD thesis is to develop an environmental and economic assessment of NBS for highly urbanised territories based on rationales and models underpinning ecosystem services, urban/landscape ecology, and life cycle thinking approaches. This combined evaluation approach would help to better understand if NBS are cost-effective or not. The aim is developed according to four specific objectives. The first objective corresponds to the characterisation of NBS in relation to urban contexts and the problematics that they can help to address or mitigate. To achieve this objective a critical review on the study of the relationship between NBS, ecosystem services (ES) and urban challenges (UC) was developed. As a main output, a graph of plausible cause-effect relationships between NBS, ES and UC is obtained. The graph represents a first step to support sustainable urban planning, moving from problems (i.e. urban challenges) to actions (i.e. NBS) to resolutions (i.e. ES). The second objective corresponds to the definition of an adequate set of biophysical and monetary assessment methods and indicators to evaluate the value of NBS in urbanised contexts. To achieve this objective, a review of existing methods on ecosystem services valuation, life cycle cost analysis and life-cycle assessment are developed. The review takes into account specific constraints such as easiness to use and availability of data. At the end, potential methods and indicators were selected, which will be later integrated in the combined assessment framework. The third objective corresponds to the design of a combined assessment framework integrating methods from life cycle assessment, landscape/urban ecology and ecosystem services that quantifies the environmental and economic value of NBS informing about the cost-effectiveness of its entire life cycle. To achieve this objective, a conceptual framework is developed. From it, a system dynamics model of ecosystem (dis)services is developed and coupled with a life cycle assessment method. The combined evaluation is tested with a relevant NBS type (i.e. urban forest) in a case study in the metropolitan area of Madrid. The fourth objective is the development of a decision support (DSS) tool that integrates the assessment framework as part of iterative design processes in urban planning and landscape design. The DSS intends to enhance the interrelation between science, policy and planning/design. To achieve this objective a user-friendly web-based prototype DSS on NBS, called NBenefit$®, is developed. The prototype DSS provides the user a simple form of quantifying the provision of multiple ES and costs over the entire life cycle (implementation, operational life, and end-of-life) of NBS. This thesis contributed to the characterisation of NBS and its environmental and economic assessment to inform urban planning and landscape design processes, allowing decisions that are more informed. / Il riconoscimento della natura nella risoluzione delle sfide sociali è diventato sempre più importante. Questo riconoscimento è stato associato allo sviluppo di nuovi concetti provenienti dalla scienza e dalla politica, come il capitale naturale, i servizi ecosistemici, le infrastrutture verdi e, più recentemente, le soluzioni basate sulla natura (NBS). NBS intende affrontare le sfide della società in una forma efficace e adattabile fornendo benefici economici, sociali e ambientali. Lo scopo di ricerca di questa tesi di dottorato è quello di sviluppare una valutazione ambientale ed economica delle NBS per territori altamente urbanizzati basata su logiche e modelli che hanno alla base i servizi ecosistemici, l'ecologia urbana e paesaggistica e degli approcci di approcio life cycle. Questo quadro di valutazione combinato aiuterebbe a capire meglio se le NBS sono costo effetive e se contribuiscono a uno sviluppo resiliente e sostenibile. Questo scopo di ricerca è sviluppato secondo quattro obiettivi specifici. Il primo obiettivo corrisponde alla caratterizzazione delle NBS in relazione ai contesti urbani e alle problematiche che possono aiutare ad affrontare o mitigare. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo è stata sviluppata una revisione critica dell letteratura sullo studio della relazione tra NBS, servizi ecosistemici (ES) e sfide urbane (UC). Come risultato principale, si ottiene un grafico delle relazioni causa-effetto plausibili tra NBS, ES ed UC. Il grafico rappresenta un primo passo per supportare la pianificazione urbana sostenibile, passando dai problemi (es. UC) alle azioni (es. NBS) alle risoluzioni (es. ES). Il secondo obiettivo corrisponde alla definizione di un set di metodi e indicatori di valutazione biofisica e monetaria adeguate per valutare il valore della NBS in contesti urbanizzati. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, viene sviluppata una revisione dei metodi esistenti sulla valutazione dei servizi ecosistemici, l'analisi dei costi del ciclo di vita e la valutazione del ciclo di vita. La revisione tiene conto di vincoli specifici come la facilità d'uso e la disponibilità dei dati. Alla fine, sono stati selezionati potenziali metodi e indicatori, che saranno successivamente integrati nel quadro di valutazione combinato. Il terzo obiettivo corrisponde alla progettazione del quadro di valutazione combinato, integrando metodi di valutazione del ciclo di vita, ecologia paesaggistica / urbana e servizi ecosistemici che quantifica il valore ambientale ed economico della NBS informando sull'efficacia in termini di costi del suo intero ciclo di vita. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, prima viene sviluppato un quadro concettuale. Da esso, viene sviluppato un modello di dinamica di sistemi per calcolare i servizi (e disservici) ecosistemici, il quale è interrelazionato con un metodo di valutazione life cycle. Questa valutazione combinata viene testata con un tipo di NBS pertinente (foresta urbana) in un caso di studio nell'area metropolitana di Madrid. Il quarto obiettivo è lo sviluppo di uno strumento di supporto decisionale (DSS) che integri il quadro di valutazione come parte dei processi di progettazione iterativa nella pianificazione urbana e nella progettazione del paesaggio. Il DSS intende migliorare l'interrelazione tra scienza, politica e pianificazione / progettazione. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo è stato sviluppato Nbenefit$® un prototipo di DSS online per la valutazzione NBS di facile uso. Il prototipo DSS fornisce all'utente una forma semplice per quantificare multipli ES e costi (internalizatti o no) durante l'intero ciclo di vita (implementazione, vita operativa e fine vita) del NBS. In conclusione, questa tesi ha contribuito alla caratterizzazione di NBS e alla sua valutazione ambientale ed economica per informare i processi di pianificazione urbana e progettazione del paesaggio, consentendo decisioni più informate.

Přírodě blízká opatření v intravilánu města Brna / Nature-friendly measures in the urban city of Brno

Svobodová, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
The thesis is focused on climate change impact in cities. In its first general section various nature-based adaptation solutions for urban areas are presented. Functional instances of finished implementations from city of Brno are named. The second, practical, section a particular proposal of nature-based solution for Brno by partial revitalization of Svratka river and its surrounding area is shown. The feasibility is supported by 1D and 2D numerical models. Crucial output of the work are technical drawings and flood simulation maps.

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