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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obsah sacharózy v autentických medech z České republiky / Content of succrose in authentic honey from Czech Republic

Mrázková, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The work is focused on the analysis of data on sugar composition of honey coming from beekeepers in the Czech Republic. The database includes a number of years and several hundred locations. The aim is to test the hypothesis that sucrose content in honeys vary in individual years in connection with the course of the weather, especially the sufficiency or deficiency of rainfall, so that in rare cases it can even unadulterated honeys sucrose content exceed the limit specified standard. It will formulate recommendations for action at the findings of the high sucrose content of genuine honeys to prevent unauthorized punishment.

Těkavé sloučeniny v meruňkovém nektaru z různě zralé suroviny

Fibikarová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

How availability and quality of nectar and honeydew shape an Australian rainforest ant community

Blüthgen, Nico. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2003--Bayreuth.

Vliv použitých sladidel na senzorické vlastnosti nápojů z vybraných druhů ovoce / Effect of used sweeteners on sensory properties of fruit drinks

PRAYER, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The object of the study was a sensory evaluation of used sweetners in beverages from selected fruits. Within the sensory analysis apple juice and also pear, apricot, cherry and blackcurrant nectar were used. These drinks were subsequently diluted at two concentrations with drinking water: 1) in a ratio of 50 % of the original beverage and 50 % of drinking water; 2) in a ratio of 25 % of the original beverage and 75% of drinking water. Each of the concentrations were then divided into groups which were sweetened with white sugar, cane sugar, aspartame, sucralose or rebaudioside A. The performed sensory analyses show that rebaudioside A would have great potential to replace the commonly used white sugar in apple juice. Sucralose would have this potential in pear and cherry drinks. However, the use of other sweeteners in other types of beverages is also not excluded, because to prove a preference for white sugar failed in most cases.

Dynamics and Communication Structures of Nectar Foraging in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) / Dynamik und Kommunikation beim Nektarsammeln der Honigbiene

Thom, Corinna January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, I examined honey bee nectar foraging with emphasis on the communication system. To document how a honey bee colony adjusts its daily nectar foraging effort, I observed a random sample of individually marked workers during the entire day, and then estimated the number and activity of all nectar foragers in the colony. The total number of active nectar foragers in a colony changed frequently between days. Foraging activity did not usually change between days. A honey bee colony adjusts its daily foraging effort by changing the number of its nectar foragers rather than their activity. I tested whether volatiles produced by a foraging colony activated nectar foragers of a non-foraging colony by connecting with a glass tube two colonies. Each colony had access to a different green house. In 50% of all experiments, volatile substances from the foraging colony stimulated nectar foragers of the non-foraging colony to fly to an empty feeder. The results of this study show that honey bees can produce a chemical signal or cue that activates nectar foragers. However, more experiments are needed to establish the significance of the activating volatiles for the foraging communication system. The brief piping signal of nectar foragers inhibits forager recruitment by stopping waggle dances (Nieh 1993, Kirchner 1993). However, I observed that many piping signals (approximately 43%) were produced off the dance floor, a restricted area in the hive where most waggle dances are performed. If the inhibition of waggle dances would be the only function of the brief piping signal, tremble dancers should produce piping signals mainly on the dance floor, where the probability to encounter waggle dancers is highest. To therefore investigate the piping signal in more detail, I experimentally established the foraging context of the brief piping signal, characterized its acoustic properties, and documented for the first time the unique behavior of piping nectar foragers by observing foragers throughout their entire stay in the hive. Piping nectar foragers usually began to tremble dance immediately upon their return into the hive, spent more time in the hive, more time dancing, had longer unloading latencies, and were the only foragers that sometimes unloaded their nectar directly into cells instead of giving it to a nectar receiver bee. Most of the brief piping signals (approximately 99%) were produced by tremble dancers, yet not all tremble dancers (approximately 48%) piped. This suggests that piping and tremble dancing have related, but not identical functions in the foraging system. Thus, the brief piping signals may not only inhibit forager recruitment, but have an additional function both on and off the dance floor. In particular, the piping signal might function 1. to stop the recruitment of additional nectar foragers, and 2. as a modulatory signal to alter the response threshold of signal receivers to the tremble dance. The observation that piping tremble dancers often did not experience long unloading delays before they started to dance gave rise to a question. A forager’s unloading delay provides reliable information about the relative work capacities of nectar foragers and nectar receivers, because each returning forager unloads her nectar to a nectar receiver before she takes off for the next foraging trip. Queuing delays for either foragers or receivers lower foraging efficiency and can be eliminated by recruiting workers to the group in shortage. Short unloading delays indicate to the nectar forager a shortage of foragers and stimulate waggle dancing which recruits nectar foragers. Long unloading delays indicate a shortage of nectar receivers and stimulate tremble dancing which recruits nectar receivers (Seeley 1992, Seeley et al. 1996). Because the short unloading delays of piping tremble dancers indicated that tremble dancing can be elicited by other factors than long unloading delays, I tested whether a hive-external stimulus, the density of foragers at the food source, stimulated tremble dancing directly. The experiments show that tremble dancing can be caused directly by a high density of foragers at the food source and suggest that tremble dancing can be elicited by a decrease of foraging efficiency either inside (e.g. shortage of receiver bees) or outside (e.g. difficulty of loading nectar) the hive. Tremble dancing as a reaction to hive-external stimuli seems to occur under natural conditions and can thus be expected to have some adaptive significance. The results imply that if the hive-external factors that elicit tremble dancing do not indicate a shortage of nectar receiver bees in the hive, the function of the tremble dance may not be restricted to the recruitment of additional nectar receivers, but might be the inhibition or re-organization of nectar foraging. / In meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich die Charakteristika des Nektarsammelns bei Honigbienen mit spezieller Betonung des zugehörigen Kommunikationssytems untersucht. Im Einzelnen habe ich die täglichen Änderungen in der Aktivität und Anzahl der Nektarsammlerinnen einer nicht- manipulierten Kolonie verfolgt, habe getestet, ob Nektarsammlerinnen durch ein chemisches Signal aktiviert werden können, und habe die Auslöser und Charakteristika zweier Signale des Nektarsammelkommunikationssytems, dem kurzen Pipingsignal und dem Zittertanz der Nektarsammlerinnen untersucht. Um die täglichen Änderungen des Sammelaufwandes einer Kolonie zu dokumentieren, habe ich an verschiedenen Tagen die Anzahl und Aktivität (Anzahl Fouragierflüge pro Tag und Biene) der Nektarsammlerinnen einer Kolonie gemessen. Dafür beobachtete ich jeweils den ganzen Tag eine zufällig ausgewählte Gruppe von individuell markierten Arbeiterinnen. Aufgrund der so gewonnen Daten konnte ich die Anzahl und Aktivität aller Nektarsammlerinnen in der Kolonie schätzen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die absolute Anzahl von Nektarsammelerinnen regelmässig von Tag zu Tag änderte wahrscheinlich zurückzuführen auf die täglichen Änderungen im Nektarangebot, während sich die Aktivität der Sammlerinnen gewöhnlich nicht änderte. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Arbeiterin eher die Entscheidung trifft zu sammeln oder nicht zu sammeln, statt eine abgestufte Entscheidung über die Anzahl ihrer Sammelflüge. Für eine Honigbienenkolonie bedeutet dies, das ihre Sammeleffizienz stärker durch die Anzahl der Sammlerinnen als durch deren Aktivität reguliert wird. Möglicherweise kann eine vergängliche Nektarquelle besser von vielen Sammlerinnen, die zeitgleich arbeiten, ausgebeutet werden als von weniger Sammlerinnen die zwar ihre Aktivität steigern, aber sequentielle Sammelflüge machen müssen und damit die Quelle vor ihrem Verschwinden nicht vollständig ausbeuten können. Es ist seit langem bekannt, das der Schwänzeltanz der Honigbienen Sammlerinnen aktivieren kann. Ich habe untersucht, ob die flüchtigen Substanzen einer fouragierenden Kolonie die Sammlerinnen einer nicht-fouragierenden Kolonie aktivieren können. Um dies zu testen, verband ich die Eingangsbereiche zweier Kolonien mit einer Glasröhre, so das flüchtige Substanzen von einer zur anderen Kolonie geleitet werden konnten. Jede Kolonie hatte Zugang zu einem separaten Gewächshaus. Während eine der Kolonien gefüttert wurde, wurde die Aktivität der nicht- gefütterten Kolonie gemessen. In 50% der Experimente wurden die Sammlerinnen der Kolonie, die kein Futter zur Verfügung hatte, durch die flüchtige Substanzen aus der fouragierenden Kolonie zu dem Besuch Ihrer leeren Futterstation aktiviert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen damit, dass Honigbienen eine flüchtige Substanz produzieren können, die Sammlerinnen aktiviert. Die Fragen, ob es sich bei dieser Substanz um ein ‘signal’ (speziell für die Situation entwickelt) oder einen ‘cue’ (nicht speziell für die Situtation entwickelt, wirft aber brauchbare Information als Nebenprodukt ab) handelt, sowie die Bedeutung der Substanz für die Sammeleffizienz einer Honigbienekolonie, müssen jedoch noch etabliert werden. Das Pipingsignal der Nektarsammlerinnen stoppt Schwänzeltänze (Nieh 1993, Kirchner 1993). Ich beobachtete, dass viele der kurzen Pipingsignale (ca. 43%) unerwartet nicht auf dem Tanzboden produziert wurden. Die Beobachtungen deuten darauf hin, dass das kurze Pipingsignal nicht nur Schwänzeltänze stopt, sondern auch die Reaktionsschwelle für den Zittertanz senkt. Pipende Zittertänzerinnen fingen sehr frueh nach ihrer Rückehr in den Stock an zu tanzen. Daher untersuchte ich, ob die Zustände an der Futterstelle Zittertänze auslösen kann. Die Experimente zeigen, dass Zittertänze eine direkte Reaktion auf eine hohe Dichte von Sammlerinnen an der Futterstelle sein können. Dies lässt vermuten, dass Zittertänze eine generelle Reaktion sind auf Faktoren, die entweder innerhalb (z.B. durch lange Wartezeit) oder ausserhalb (z.B. durch Schwierigkeiten beim Trinken) des Stockes die Sammeleffizienz senken. Unter natürlichen Umständen scheinen Zittertänze regelmässig eine direkte Reaktion auf Stock-externe Faktoren zu sein, und werden daher einige Bedeutung im Sammelkommunikationssytem haben. Sofern die Stock-externen Faktoren nicht einen Mangel an Nektarabnehmerinnen im Stock anzeigen, könnte es sein, dass der Zittertanz nicht nur Nektarabnehmerinnen rekruitiert, sondern, ähnlich wie die kurzen Pipingsignale der Zittertänzerinnen, der Hemmung oder Re-organisation der Sammelaktivität einer Honigbienen Kolonie dient.

Polinační ekologie \kur{Impatiens sakeriana} / Pollinatieon biology of \kur{Impatiens sakeriana}

PATÁČOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The pollination biology of Impatiens sakeriana was studied in Northwest province, Cameroon. The most efficient way of reproduction was examined, futhermore nectar production was neasured and bird pollinators was observed.

Numerické modelování proudění stlačitelných tekutin metodou spektrálních elementů / Numerical modelling of compressible flow using spectral element method

Jurček, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The development of computational fluid dynamics has given us a very powerful tool for investigation of fluid dynamics. However, in order to maintain the progress, it is necessary to improve the numerical algorithms. Nowadays, the high-order methods based on the discontinuous projection seem to have the largest potential for the future. In the work, we used open-source framework Nektar++, which provides the high-order discretization method. We tested the abilities of the framework for computing the compressible sonic and transonic flow. We successfully obtained simulations of the viscous and inviscid flow. We computed the lift and the drag coefficients and showed that for a higher polynomial order we can obtain the same accuracy with less degrees of freedom and lower computational time. Also, we tested the shock capturing method for the computation of the inviscid transonic flow and confirmed the potential of the high order methods. 1

Das Blüte-Bestäuber-Netz auf Brachflächen : biozönologische Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Brachen in einer intensiv genutzten Agrarlandschaft

Hahn, Robert January 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Bedeutung von Brachen für Artenvielfalt und Stabilität von Blüte-Bestäuber-Nahrungsnetzen in agrarisch genutzten Landschaften anhand ausgewählter blütenbesuchender Insektengruppen (Syrphidae, Lepidoptera) untersucht. Die Freilandarbeiten fanden von 1998-2000 im Raum der Feldberger Seenlandschaft, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, statt. Es werden die beiden Hauptnahrungsquellen Nektar und Pollen betrachtet, dabei fanden Untersuchungen zur Intensität der Blüte-Bestäuber-Interaktion auf Stilllegungsflächen, zum flächenbezogenen quantitativen Nektarangebot im Jahresverlauf, zur individuellen Pollennutzung bei Syrphiden und zur Breite und Überlappung der Nahrungsnischen bei den dominanten Arten Episyrphus balteatus, Metasyrphus corollae, Syritta pipiens und Sphaerophoria scripta statt.<br /> <br /> Im Ergebnis zeigt sich eine hohe Bedeutung der Brachflächen für die Stabilität des Blüte-Bestäuber-Netzes, während die Diversität von anderen, eher landschaftsbezogenen Faktoren abhängig ist. / This dissertation examines the importance of fallow land for the diversity and stability of pollination webs in agricultural landscapes as exemplified by selected groups of anthophilous insects (syrphidae and lepidoptera). The field studies were carried out between 1998 and 2000 in the Feldberg lakeland area in the north-east German State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Observations were made of nectar and pollen as the two main sources of food. Studies were conducted into the intensity of plant-pollinator interaction in set-aside areas, the site-specific quantity of nectar available during the vegetation period and the individual pollen intake of syrphid flies. Different methods were employed to establish the breadth of the trophic niches among the predominant species (Episyrphus balteatus, Metasyrphus corollae, Syritta pipiens and Sphaerophoria scripta) and the extent to which they overlapped. <br /> <br /> The studies showed that, while fallow land is very important for the stability of plant-pollinator food webs, their diversity depends on other factors that are more closely related to the landscape.

Atraktivita výsadeb druhů potencionálně rozšiřujících včelí pastvu pro včely / Attractive planting of species of potentially expanding bee pastures for bees

ŠEBESTA, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis entitled "Attractiveness of Planting Species with a Potential to Extend Bee Forage for Bees" discusses pollen and nectar plants planted in the Brník municipality in the Central Bohemian Region. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part describes honeybees, bee plants and their pollen- and nectar production ability as well as bee forage from early spring until late autumn so as to reflect the needs of pollinators as best as possible. The practical part uses pollen analysis to microscopically analyse the representation of pollen grains of plants in the honey produced by local bee colonies. Pollen analyses of honey from own bee colonies are compared with that from bee colonies belonging to neighbouring beekeepers.

Atraktivita porostů pohanky pro včely / Atractivity of buckwheat for bees

KOSCHANT, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis ,,buckwheat attractivity for bees" deals mainly with native nectar plants for the processing of bees to honey. Work is folded in two parts. The theoretical part deals with the migration of colonies, both for nectar crops and plants with bee pollination needs. In ractical part of this thesis microscopic pollen analysis were performed and contents of pollen grains in honey from colonies, which were relocated to buckwheat growth was evaluated. Comparison of this honey with honey from the hives with similaar location, but without access to buckwheat growth was done.

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