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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sledování oxidační stability hřbetního tuku ve vztahu ke zdroji nenasycených mastných kyselin v krmné dávce / Monitoring of the backfat oxidative stability in relation to the source of unsaturated fatty acids in the feeding ration

Bezděková, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
Summary Pork is composed of 46 - 49 % of monounsaturated fatty acids, 40 % saturated fatty acids and 8 - 12 % of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The composition of fatty acids affects the strength of the tissues, their shelf life and quality (mainly taste). The development of fat tissues is characterized by hyperplasia and hypertrophy of fat cells. The quality of the adipose tissue associated with fatty acids. Monitored was 72 animals (36 of these pigs and 36 gilts). Pigs were divided into 2 experimental groups with 4 % addition of oil (rapeseed, soybean) and one control group, which was without the addition of oil. The animals were fed ad libitum complete feed mixtures, and for the whole period of fattening. In the control and experimental groups were used to compound feed for before fattening (P1) and fattening (P2). The pigs, which were in the experimental groups, was added to the feed mixture P2 oil (rapeseed or soybean), and 6 weeks before slaughter. In each group was assessed in 6 animals. Sampling was conducted from the backfat samples were homogenized and subjected to chemical analysis for the determination of fatty acids and oxidative stability. From the measurement results, it was found that rapeseed oil contained a fatty acids SFA, MUFA, n-3 PUFAs and higher ratios of S/P, M/P. Compared to the soybean oil contained more PUFA, n-6 PUFA, n-6/n-3 and M/P. In gilts was higher proportion of SFA in the fat of soybean oil and pigs to have more SFA from the oil of rapeseed. Oxidative stability of backfat increased tendences. Pigs had a higher oxidative stability of the fat in rapeseed oil compared to soybean, and gilts had higher values of oxidative stability of the fat in soybean oil. The measured values in the control group were lower in the oxidative stability of 0 compared to oils (rapeseed, soybean), but in the oxidative stability of 3 and 5 days were the highest.

Rozpad sedimentů díky kapilárně stlačenému vzduchu: přehlížený erozní mechanismus / Sediment disintegration due to air compressed by capillarity: overlooked erosion mechanism

Vaculíková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo orientačně otestovat, do jaké míry je rozpad díky vzduchu stlačovanému kapilární vodou nasávanou do sedimentu (kapilárně-pneumatický rozpad, KP rozpad) významným procesem při erozi různých sedimentů, jako jsou písky až slabě cementované pískovce, spraše, jíly, jílovce a případně i jílovité půdy. Dílčím cílem bylo především vytvořit a na několika vybraných materiálech otestovat jednoduchou metodiku, prokazující, zda sediment podlehne KP rozpadu, dále vypočítat destrukční tlak daný KP rozpadem v pórech sedimentu a porovnat ho s tahovou pevností materiálu a konečně posoudit vliv mineralogie a porosity sedimentů na KP rozpad. Pro odlišení KP rozpadu od jiných destrukčních procesů jsem zvolila pozorování rozpadu dvojic vzorků, kdy jeden byl saturován za běžného atmosférického tlaku vzduchu a druhý ve vakuu. Tato metoda je schopná odlišit KP působení od jiných erozních procesů a zároveň je přiměřeně rychlá a vhodná pro různé sedimenty a zeminy. Pozorování potvrzuje, že KP působení je schopno rozložit různé sedimenty a zeminy na jemné částice, jedná se o velmi důležitý proces rozpadu, který probíhá i ve stojaté vodě, může být iniciátorem pipingu a měl by být proto intenzivně studován. Srovnání vypočtených hodnot pórového tlaku s tahovou pevností ukázala, že vypočtené pórové tlaky...

Určení polohy dvojné vazby u voskových esterů pomocí dimethyldisulfidové derivatizace a hmotnostní spektrometrie / Determination of double bond position in wax esters by dimethyl disulfide derivatization and mass spectrometry

Háková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Wax esters are substantial constituents of natural waxes, which can be found in many living organisms. Properties of lipids, including wax esters, may be significantly influenced by the position of double bond. In this diploma thesis the location of double bonds was determined by dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) derivatization followed by detection using tandem mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and electrospray ionization (ESI). We managed to measure the APCI and ESI MS/MS spectra of 8 different wax esters with different position of double bond. Diagnostic ions determining double bond position were identified. This method could be used in HPLC/MS analysis of wax esters, which cannot be analyzed by GC/MS. It was shown that the DMDS derivatization reaction and mass detection with APCI ionization is also suitable for locating double bonds in alkenes.

Analýza vzájemného vztahu dvou metod terénního měření infiltrace vody do půdy / Analysis of the mutual relationship between two methods of field measurement of water infiltration into the soil

Larišová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the theoretical description of the infiltration process and field measurements of infiltration in the cadastral territory of Bohaté Málkovice. The research work carried out in 2011 in an experimental area on Haplic Chernozem/FAO, medium-heavy loam soil. The experimental area was divided into two parts, the topsoil layer on these surfaces was processed by both classic and minimization technologies. The plots were sown by spring barley. The applied measurements of water infiltration into the soil were two-cylinder method and MiniDisc. Within the vicinity of the infiltration experiments with intact soil were collected samples for laboratory determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity. From the field measurements and laboratory experiments were determined values of hydraulic conductivity (saturated and unsaturated), and other infiltration characteristics, the cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate. To evaluate the infiltration of the heats was used three-paramether Philp type equation that provides a good estimate of saturated hydraulic conductivity. For the evaluation of the MiniDisc there was used the Zangova method that provides the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The laboratory evaluation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity was compared with the estimated values obtained from the field measurements. The values of the saturated hydraulic conductivity from the laboratory measurements are closely comparable with estimates obtained from the steady infiltration rates from the field experiments. The research results also showed that medium-heavy loam soil, when being processed by minimization including modification of the soil surface by digging, have a positive effect on the infiltration of water into the soil. This fact leads to a higher protection plants in the vegetative period and improvement of the retention and storage capacity of soil.

Analýza reologických vlastností rostlinných olejů a jejich složek / Analysis of the rheological properties of vegetable oils and their components

Divílek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This Master’s thesis is dealing with theoretical analysis of vegetable, mineral oils and synthetic fluids, and with measuring of density and viscosity of selected samples of electric insulating fluids. The main part of the thesis is focused on vegetable oils and their elements called fatty acids. Those are more detail described in separate capitols. In those capitols is described their utilization in engineering practice with focus on energetics, where vegetable oils are used in larger scale. In experimental part of the work is measurement of density and dynamic viscosity. Viscosity was measured on two different machines, first the Hoppler viscometer and on vibrating viscometer. Results of these measurement are evaluated in tables and graphs.

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