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Sediment Provenance using Detrital-Zircons, Nd-Sr Isotopes, and Bulk Rock Geochemistry: Implications for Sediment Routing in the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Southern Canadian CordilleraPipe, Alexandra 30 March 2023 (has links)
High-resolution sampling of Neoproterozoic basin-floor to slope deposits in the Windermere Supergroup, east-central British Columbia indicates three distinct stratigraphically ascending clusters suggesting temporal changes in sediment provenance. Assemblage 1 has a characteristic northwestern Laurentia bimodal detrital zircon distribution with low εNd values, and intermediate to mafic igneous provenance as indicated by discriminant function analysis of major elements, low Th/Sc and Zr/Sc, high Co/Th, and high Cr abundance. This suggests derivation from western Laurentia basement rocks and Archean mafic and ultramafic suites from the Central Hearne province supracrustal belt. Assemblage 2, although compositionally similar, has an additional 655 Ma detrital zircon age population, higher εNd values, and felsic igneous to recycled provenance, suggesting a significant Neoproterozoic igneous rift-related source. Assemblage 3 marks the end of input from the juvenile ca. 655 Ma source and felsic igneous to recycled provenance, suggesting a return to western Laurentian cratonic sources.
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Sedimentology of the Squantum ‘Tillite’, Boston Basin, USA: Modern Analogues and Implications for the Paleoclimate during the Gaskiers Glaciation (c. 580 Ma)Carto, Shannon 05 January 2012 (has links)
The Gaskiers glaciation (c. 580 Ma) has been classically traced along the Neoproterozoic Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes, which are now found scattered around the North Atlantic Ocean. Around 625 Ma these terranes were composed of volcanoes and arc-type basins. ‘Till-like’ diamictite horizons identified within these basins have been used as evidence for a ‘Snowball Earth-type’ glaciation at 580 Ma. However, others argue that these deposits are non-glacial debris flow deposits. To test the non-glacial interpretation of these deposits, a detailed sedimentological and basin analysis was conducted on the Neoproterozoic Squantum Member that occurs conformably with the volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Boston Bay Group (eastern Massachusetts); this deposit is one of the most referenced ‘tillite’ deposits for the Gaskiers glaciation. This thesis shows that the ‘tillites’ of this succession are volcanically-influenced non-glacial debrites. Using the Lesser Antilles Arc and the adjacent Grenada Basin in the Caribbean Sea as a modern depositional analogue for the Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes, this study further reveals that debris flow facies types (diamicts) comparable to those of the Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes are produced at this modern arc and are recorded in the fill of the Grenada Basin. A similar study was conducted on the modern diamicts produced at the heavily glaciated Mount Rainier volcano (Washington, USA), revealing that despite the presence of local glaciers, debris flow is the dominant process depositing diamicts due to eruptions and flood events. The major thrust of this thesis is that it highlights the key role of tectonics and volcanism, not glaciation, in producing the diamictites of the Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes, and the importance of examining Neoproterozoic diamictite facies in their wider sedimentary, stratigraphic and tectonic context.
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Sedimentology of the Squantum ‘Tillite’, Boston Basin, USA: Modern Analogues and Implications for the Paleoclimate during the Gaskiers Glaciation (c. 580 Ma)Carto, Shannon 05 January 2012 (has links)
The Gaskiers glaciation (c. 580 Ma) has been classically traced along the Neoproterozoic Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes, which are now found scattered around the North Atlantic Ocean. Around 625 Ma these terranes were composed of volcanoes and arc-type basins. ‘Till-like’ diamictite horizons identified within these basins have been used as evidence for a ‘Snowball Earth-type’ glaciation at 580 Ma. However, others argue that these deposits are non-glacial debris flow deposits. To test the non-glacial interpretation of these deposits, a detailed sedimentological and basin analysis was conducted on the Neoproterozoic Squantum Member that occurs conformably with the volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Boston Bay Group (eastern Massachusetts); this deposit is one of the most referenced ‘tillite’ deposits for the Gaskiers glaciation. This thesis shows that the ‘tillites’ of this succession are volcanically-influenced non-glacial debrites. Using the Lesser Antilles Arc and the adjacent Grenada Basin in the Caribbean Sea as a modern depositional analogue for the Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes, this study further reveals that debris flow facies types (diamicts) comparable to those of the Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes are produced at this modern arc and are recorded in the fill of the Grenada Basin. A similar study was conducted on the modern diamicts produced at the heavily glaciated Mount Rainier volcano (Washington, USA), revealing that despite the presence of local glaciers, debris flow is the dominant process depositing diamicts due to eruptions and flood events. The major thrust of this thesis is that it highlights the key role of tectonics and volcanism, not glaciation, in producing the diamictites of the Avalonian-Cadomian Terranes, and the importance of examining Neoproterozoic diamictite facies in their wider sedimentary, stratigraphic and tectonic context.
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Multibranched rangeomorphs from the Ediacaran Mistaken Point assemblage, Newfoundland, CanadaBamforth, EMILY 10 February 2010 (has links)
Rangeomorphs are a distinct group of millimeter- to meter-scale soft-bodied macrofossils that are restricted to the latter half of the late Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Period (635Ma- 542Ma). These fossils represent an extinct higher level taxon characterized by a modular construction based on a single architectural unit: the centimeter-scale, chevron-shaped rangeomorph element which displays several orders of self-similar branching. These elements could be arranged in a variety of different ways, constituting the wide array of gross morphologies found within the Group Rangeomorpha. The largest and most diverse assemblage of rangeomorph fossils in the world is found at Mistaken Point, on the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland, Canada, where these organisms are preserved within their original, in situ paleocommunities. Multibranched rangeomorphs are typified by bush-, comb- and network-shaped fossils which display multiple rangeomorph-bearing structures attached to an untethered basal stolon or central attachment point.
Multibranched, comb-shaped rangeomorphs are endemic to Mistaken Point, and are represented by fossils displaying multiple parallel struts emerging along one side of an elongate, curved pedicle rod. Morphological and taphonomic evidence suggests that, in life, this organism had two rows of struts, each bearing a rangeomorph frondlet, arranged in an alternating pattern along the curved, tubular pedicle rod. Biometric analyses imply that the struts were added to both ends of the pedicle rod throughout the organism’s lifetime, with later inflation of the rangeomorph frondlets. Each comb-shaped rangeomorph locality likely represents a different age cohort within the organism’s lifecycle, providing rare evidence for spatfall reproduction in Ediacarans, which is similar to that found in modern macrobenthic organisms with pelagic larvae.
Network-shaped multibranched rangeomorphs, represented by symmetrical to asymmetrical net-like fossils, are also endemic to Mistaken Point. This genus is reconstructed as having a symmetrical arrangement of flexible, rangeomorph-bearing leaflets that were, in part, neutrally buoyant with respect to the seawater. This flexible leaflet structure is unique, and shared only with a rare, previously undescribed, Ediacaran frond-like organism. It is suggested that the enigmatic leaflet structures shared by these two morphologically distinct taxa represent a new type of rangeomorph branching architecture, and therefore constitute a new type of rangeomorph. / Thesis (Master, Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2008-07-25 11:01:43.469
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A Climate Model of the Deep (Neoproterozoic) PastLiu, Yonggang 31 August 2011 (has links)
It has been commonly recognized that a series of global glaciation events occurred during the late Neoproterozoic Era (800 - 540 million years ago (Ma)). However, the extent of these glaciations continues to be hotly debated, namely whether the whole Earth was ice covered (ie. a “hard snowball”) or only the continents were fully ice covered but the oceans were not (“slushball/soft snowball”). Through a combination of climate modeling and carbon cycle modeling, I have investigated the plausibility of the “soft snowball”
Earth hypothesis. It is demonstrated that the flow of land ice is critical to the formation of a “soft snowball”, such that low latitude land ice must be generated through ice transported from high latitudes. In order for a climate state of this kind to be realizable, continental fragments at low latitude must be well connected to those at high latitude, and the high latitude continents must be sufficiently extensive that a large ice sheet may initiate and subsequently flow to low latitude. It is found that these constraints are satisfied by the most accurate available continental reconstruction for both the initial Sturtian glaciation of the late Neoproterozoic and the subsequent Marinoan event.
It is furthermore proposed that the alternative “hard snowball” hypothesis would have been prevented by a negative feedback due to the enhanced remineralization of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ocean due to increased oxygen solubility in seawater at lower temperature. This process would release CO2 to the atmosphere, thus counteracting the initial climate cooling. I have also carried out detailed simulations in which an explicit model of the carbon cycle is coupled to the ice-sheet coupled climate model to investigate this feedback quantitatively. It is found that the remineralization of the DOC does indeed
provide a strong negative feedback that counteracts climate cooling. The action of this feedback not only prevents the descent of the climate into a hard snowball state, but also enables the model to re-produce the δ13C carbon isotopic anomalies observed to
accompany Neoproterozoic glacial events. The resistance of this carbon cycle coupled
climate system to descent into a “hard snowball” state is further tested against stochastic perturbations, and shown to be robust in the presence of such influence.
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A Climate Model of the Deep (Neoproterozoic) PastLiu, Yonggang 31 August 2011 (has links)
It has been commonly recognized that a series of global glaciation events occurred during the late Neoproterozoic Era (800 - 540 million years ago (Ma)). However, the extent of these glaciations continues to be hotly debated, namely whether the whole Earth was ice covered (ie. a “hard snowball”) or only the continents were fully ice covered but the oceans were not (“slushball/soft snowball”). Through a combination of climate modeling and carbon cycle modeling, I have investigated the plausibility of the “soft snowball”
Earth hypothesis. It is demonstrated that the flow of land ice is critical to the formation of a “soft snowball”, such that low latitude land ice must be generated through ice transported from high latitudes. In order for a climate state of this kind to be realizable, continental fragments at low latitude must be well connected to those at high latitude, and the high latitude continents must be sufficiently extensive that a large ice sheet may initiate and subsequently flow to low latitude. It is found that these constraints are satisfied by the most accurate available continental reconstruction for both the initial Sturtian glaciation of the late Neoproterozoic and the subsequent Marinoan event.
It is furthermore proposed that the alternative “hard snowball” hypothesis would have been prevented by a negative feedback due to the enhanced remineralization of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ocean due to increased oxygen solubility in seawater at lower temperature. This process would release CO2 to the atmosphere, thus counteracting the initial climate cooling. I have also carried out detailed simulations in which an explicit model of the carbon cycle is coupled to the ice-sheet coupled climate model to investigate this feedback quantitatively. It is found that the remineralization of the DOC does indeed
provide a strong negative feedback that counteracts climate cooling. The action of this feedback not only prevents the descent of the climate into a hard snowball state, but also enables the model to re-produce the δ13C carbon isotopic anomalies observed to
accompany Neoproterozoic glacial events. The resistance of this carbon cycle coupled
climate system to descent into a “hard snowball” state is further tested against stochastic perturbations, and shown to be robust in the presence of such influence.
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Two Scenes from Utah's Stratigraphic Record: Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth, Before and AfterHayes, Dawn Schmidli 01 August 2013 (has links)
This research is focused on strata deposited in northern Utah during the Cryogenian Period (850 – 635 Ma) of the Neoproterozoic Era, a period that derives its name from the widespread evidence for multiple, likely global, glacial events during this time, commonly referred to as “Snowball Earth” glaciations. This dissertation includes detailed studies of two Cryogenian successions in northern Utah that bracket potential “Snowball Earth” events: the upper part of the Uinta Mountain Group (deposited prior to the glaciations) and the dolomite member of the Kelly Canyon formation (hypothesized to have formed in the aftermath of a global glaciation that terminated at either 665 or 635 Ma). Both successions contain a lithostratigraphic, geochemical, and biotic record of the Earth’s oceans before and after the largest-magnitude glaciations in the history of our planet.
The pre-glacial upper part of the Uinta Mountain Group in the area mapped for this study contains evidence of several (at least three) relatively short periods of ocean anoxia in which ferruginous conditions dominated and euxinia did not occur. There is no evidence that biota (organic-walled microfossil assemblages) were influenced by these brief anoxic events, but evidence from the composite Uinta Mountain Group stratigraphic record does suggest a gradual change in biota similar to that in the Chuar group. It is likely this biotic transition is related to nearshore eutrophication in the oceans, but additional redox geochemical information is needed to fully support this conclusion.
The dolomite member of the Kelley Canyon Formation on Antelope Island (post-glacial component of this study) contains idiosyncratic lithologic features thought to be characteristic of 635 Ma deglacial strata, yet its C-isotope values do not lend unequivocal support to this global correlation, and regional correlations and U-Pb zircon ages suggest it is ~30 million years older. These results challenge the popular notion that Neoproterozoic post-glacial cap carbonates can be correlated based upon their lithologic “style,” and they also lend additional support to the possibility of a “Snowball Earth” event at ~665 Ma.
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Ediacaran Depositional Age and Subsequent Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Mutual and Browns Hole Formations of Northern UtahProvow, Ashley W. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Constraining the depositional age of Neoproterozoic stratigraphy in western North America has implications for correlating global glaciation and tectonic events. The depositional ages of the Neoproterozoic Mutual and Browns Hole formations of northern Utah are controlled by two conflicting datapoints. However, new U-Pb geochronological data from 95 detrital apatite grains refines the maximum depositional age of the volcanic member of the Browns Hole Formation to 613 ± 12 Ma (2σ). This places new restrictions on the time available for the deposition of underlying units. Due to debate regarding the age models for underlying stratigraphy, two scenarios for sediment accumulation rates are explored. These results highlight a need for further exploring regional unconformities.
Evidence for several post-depositional fluid-rock interaction events are observed in the Mutual and Browns Hole formations. Cross-cutting relationships identified via petrography, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis show at least seven fluid mediated events: (1) early grain-rimming hematite cement, (2) quartz overgrowth and cement development, (3) feldspar dissolution, (4) phosphate dissolution, (5) partial quartz dissolution, (6) authigenic mineral precipitation in cluding clays, sericite, monazite, and apatite cement, and (7) later hematite cementation. Constraining the timing of these events is challenging due to a limited of datable material. Using basic geochemical modeling and consideration of expected mineral formation conditions, a paragenetic sequence is placed into context of the known geologic history.
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Neoproterozoic low latitude glaciations : an African perspectiveStraathof, Gijsbert Bastiaan January 2011 (has links)
The Neoproterozoic is one of the most enigmatic periods in Earth history. In the juxtaposition of glacial and tropical deposits the sedimentary record provides evidence for extreme climate change. Various models have tried to explain these apparent contradictions. One of the most popular models is the Snowball Earth Hypothesis which envisages periods of global glaciations. All climatic models are dependent on palaeogeography which as yet remains poorly constrained for the Neoproterozoic. This thesis presents a multidisciplinary study of two Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins on the Congo and West Africa cratons including radiometric dating of glacial deposits themselves. In the West Congo Belt, western Congo Craton, a new U-Pb baddeleyite age for the Lower Diamictite provides the first high quality direct age for the older of two glacial intervals. This age is significantly different from previously dated glaciogenic deposits on the Congo Craton. This result strongly suggests that the mid-Cryogenian was a period during which several local glaciations occurred, none of which were global. While the palaeomagnetic results from carbonates around the younger glacial interval are probably remagnetised, detrital zircon and chemostratigraphic results allow correlation with numerous late-Cryogenian glaciogenic deposits worldwide and a Snowball Earth scenario is favoured here. In the Adrar Sub-Basin of the vast Taoudéni Basin, West Africa, the terrigenous Jbeliat glacial horizon has been studied in great detail. Detrital zircon geochronology reveals large changes in provenance through this glacial unit with implications for sedimentological approaches and techniques for provenance characterisations based on one sample alone. Together with recently published U-Pb data these results constrain the age of the Jbeliat Group to a narrow window providing vital geochronological information for this younger glacial event. Combining provenance geochemistry, chemostratigraphy and U-Pb dating has greatly improved our understanding of two of the largest Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins. The dominance of Mesoproterozoic detrital material, for which no source has been reported near either of the field areas, has consequences for the proximity of other cratons at the time of deposition, prior to the final amalgamation of Gondwana.
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New CA-ID-TIMS Detrital Zircon Constraints on Middle Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Successions, Southwestern United StatesBullard, Abigail R. 01 December 2018 (has links)
Three related sedimentary successions located in Arizona, Utah, and California were deposited in basins on proto-North America during the early rifting of Rodinia (~780 Mya). Previous detrital zircon U-Pb maximum ages for the units are inexact, making it difficult to piece together what happened at this point in Earth history.
We report better maximum age constraints on these units obtained by subjecting detrital zircons to high-precision CA-ID-TIMS analysis, which provide more exact 206 Pb/238U ages. These new data significantly improve the precision for the base of the ChUMP units, with an average age of 775. 63 ± 0.27 Ma acquired for the bottom of the Chuar Group, where earlier work put the age at 782 Ma. An average age of 775.44 ± 0.73 Ma for the bottom of the Pahrump Group is also younger than the previously reported 787 ± 11 Ma. Zircons of the Uinta Mountain Group provided ages of about 766.88 ± 2.31 Ma, which is on par with an earlier age of 766.4 ± 4.8 Ma. These high precision ages for the young detrital zircons in the ChUMP units improve links between the units and provide better context for geochemical, isotopic, and biological events that occurred during the initial rifting of Rodinia.
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