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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Logistics outsourcing for economies in business networks

Juntunen, J. (Jouni) 10 August 2010 (has links)
Abstract The fundamental choice among governance mechanism is whether to externally organize transactions outside the boundary of the firm in the market, or whether to internally organize transactions within the firm's boundaries. In other words, major decision which is made on the firm's organizational strategy culminates in the make-or-buy decisions. In business and especially in the context of logistics, the worldwide usage and importance of outsourcing has grown dramatically over the last decades and researchers have reported on the outsourcing of logistics functions from several perspectives and a growing interest towards outsourcing is indicated by the volume of writings on the subject in scholarly journals, trade publications and popular magazines. The theoretical framework in outsourcing studies has commonly been the theory of the firm in microeconomics, transaction cost theory, agency theory, marketing or strategic management. However, according to recent studies it seems that several perspectives are needed when studying the development of relationships and the antecedents that underlie outsourcing decisions. Hence, in this study, concepts will be used from several theoretical backgrounds to get an eclectic view of outsourcing. The main research question is to study how the buyers' logistics outsourcing decisions contribute to the accomplishment of goals in business networks. Empirical part of thesis contains two data sets. First data were collected in November 2005 and the target group in this data was northern Finnish companies. Totally 161 acceptable responses were received, corresponding to a 27.4 percent response rate. The second data were collected from industrial companies in Finland during spring 2008. In the second data, 235 acceptable responses were returned, representing a response rate of 22.5 percent. As a result, a two dimensional model was created for describing outsourcing relationships in the logistics service markets. On the one hand, network economies can be gained through horizontal mode of outsourcing, where focus is in unit costs of services and the way to achieve lowest possible unit costs are short-term bidding games among service providers. On the other hand, network economies can be achieved through vertical mode of outsourcing with cooperation and strategic partnership where all participants concentrate on their core competences and thus create network economies through transactional value in long-term. In the middle are hybrid modes of outsourcing where focus is on both unit costs of services and transaction costs. These outsourcing modes are where the outsourcing strategies arise and in this way, the thesis contributes to theoretical development of outsourcing phenomenon and concepts behind logistics outsourcing decision making.

Enhancing organizational ambidexterity of the Finnish Defence Forces’ supply chain management

Juntunen, J. (Jouni) 05 August 2014 (has links)
Abstract Strategy is the use of combats to accomplish the goal of the war, but because each war differs in terms of its background and motives, creating a universal strategy for military purposes may not be possible. The military can have one peacetime sourcing strategy, but their wartime strategy is highly situation dependent. If resources are not available in wartime, there may be enormous losses. Resources must be secured through an efficient peacetime sourcing strategy, which demands a high level of organizational ambidexterity. The military in Finland are known collectively as the Finnish Defence Forces, although here we refer to the organization here in the singular as the FDF. The FDF is highly dependent on private transportation, but is also an important driver trainer and buyer of logistics services. Because a transportation system is central to society’s basic services, and its functionality is important for citizens, the private sector, securing vital functions of the nation and for emergency supply security. There is strong mutual dependency between the private transportation sector and the FDF, which makes for an interesting context in which to study also strategic partnerships. The articles included in this thesis consist of two quantitative data sets. The first empirical data set was gathered from the LSP members of the Finnish Transport and Logistics (460 acceptable responses, 17.7 per cent). The second data set was collected from the military, the security-related public sector and private industrial companies (149 acceptable responses, 18.01 per cent). The analyses include descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The purpose of this study is to reveal possible problems and offer insights into the cooperation between the private transportation sector and the FDF, and the development of organizational ambidexterity in the FDF’s supply chain management. From a game theory perspective, how the FDF enhance supply security is important because the private transportation sector is extremely important for the FDF and vice versa. Logistics strategy influences direct logistics costs, so the FDF has a lesson to learn from its own practices, concentrating on quality instead of direct cost reductions considerably reduces total logistics costs while improving domestic transportation resources. / Tiivistelmä Strategia on taistelujen ohjausta sodan tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi, mutta koska jokainen sota eroaa taustoiltaan ja motiiveiltaan, lienee universaalin strategian luominen sotilaallisiin tarkoituksiin mahdotonta. Armeijalla voi olla yksi rauhanajan hankintastrategia, mutta sota-ajan hankintastrategia on voimakkaasti olosuhteista riippuvainen. Sota-ajan resurssien saanti on kuitenkin pyrittävä turvaamaan jo rauhanajan hankintastrategialla, mikä vaatii korkeaa organisaatiollista kaksikätisyyttä, koska sota-ajan puuttuvan resurssit voivat aiheuttaa valtavia menetyksiä. Suomessa Puolustusvoimat on erittäin riippuvainen yksityisen sektorin kuljetusyrityksistä, mutta toisaalta Puolustusvoimat on erittäin merkittävä kuljettajien kouluttaja sekä kuljetusyritysten asiakas. Suomessa kuljetukset ovat myös keskeisessä asemassa yhteiskunnan julkisten perustoimintojen turvaamisessa, lisäksi ne ovat erittäin tärkeitä kansalaisten, yksityisen sektorin ja huoltovarmuuden kannalta. Näin ollen kuljetusyritysten ja Puolustusvoimien välillä on vankka keskinäinen riippuvuus, jonka vuoksi ne ovat hyvä konteksti tutkia strategisia kumppanuuksia. Tähän väitöskirjaan sisältyvät tieteelliset aikakausilehtiartikkelit rakentuvat kahden tutkimusaineiston ympärille. Ensimmäinen tutkimusaineisto on kerätty Suomen Kuljetus ja Logistiikka (SKAL ry) yhdistyksen jäseniltä (460 hyväksyttyä vastausta edusten 17.7 prosenttia valitusta kohderyhmästä). Toinen tutkimusaineisto on kerätty Puolustusvoimien ja muun julkisen turvallisuussektorin (poliisi, sairaanhoito ja palolaitokset) logistiikkapalveluiden hankinnasta vastaavilta henkilöiltä sekä soveltuvilta yksityisen sektorin toimijoilta (149 hyväksyttyä vastausta edustaen 18.0 prosenttia valitusta kohderyhmästä). Molemmat tutkimusaineistot ovat analysoitu kuvailevilla tilastollisilla menetelmillä sekä rakenneyhtälömallinnuksella. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää mahdolliset ongelmat ja tarjota alalla toimivien henkilöiden näkemys Puolustusvoimien ja yksityisten kuljetusyritysten yhteistyöstä. Näiden myötä pyritään kehittämään Puolustusvoimien toimitusketjun hallinnan organisaatiollista kaksikätisyyttä. Peliteoreettisesta näkökulmasta on tärkeää kuinka puolustusvoimat parantamaan huoltovarmuutta koska kuljetusala ja Puolustusvoimat ovat erittäin merkittäviä toimijoita toisilleen. Koska ilmeisesti Puolustusvoimien logistiikkastrategia pyrkii vaikuttamaan pääasiassa suoriin kuljetuskustannuksiin, on Puolustusvoimilla opittavaa omista käytännöistään. Keskittymällä kuljetusten laatuun suorien kuljetuskustannusten sijasta voidaan logistiikan kokonaiskustannuksia alentaa ja samalla turvata kotimaisten kuljetusresurssien säilymistä.

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