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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

International capital inflows in emerging markets: the role of institutions

Nxumalo, Immaculate Simiso 08 1900 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to examine the broader impact of institutional quality on enhancing foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) inflows in a sample of twelve emerging market economies for the period 2007 to 2017. We specifically sought to answer questions related to the key drivers of FDI and FPI inflows into emerging markets, with a particular emphasis on the role played by institutional quality factors. We further sought to interrogate the long-run and causal relationships between the key variables of FDI, FPI and institutional quality, in respect of the sample of emerging markets. The study employed the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to construct a composite index for institutional quality composed of the six Worldwide Governance Indicators. Various other econometric models were applied, including the dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) model, the panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model for dynamic heterogeneous panels, and the panel vector error correction model (VECM). The results revealed that FDI in the selected emerging markets was, in the main, attracted by economic growth and institutional quality. Institutional quality, economic rowth and capital account openness were positive determinants of FPI inflows; however, stock market development stood out as the foremost determinant factor. In addition to finding long-run, cointegrating relationships between the key variables, it emerged that there was bi-directional causality between FDI and FPI, as well as between FDI and institutional quality in the long run. Despite the latter findings, the results further suggested that the long-run relationship between the two foreign capital inflows, i.e. FDI and FPI, was more of a substitutability or trade-off nature in our sample of emerging markets. In light of these findings, we recommended that it would be in the best interests of these emerging markets if the responsible policymakers continued to liberalise these economies. Further, it was shown that in order to attract inward international capital flows, financial liberalisation should be coupled with the strengthening of the domestic institutional environment.Strengthening institutions could curtail the persistence of institutional weaknesses and insulate emerging market economies from the adverse effects of volatile capital flows, and in the long-run enhance international capital inflows. / Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwaye kuwukuhlola umthelela obanzi kwizinga leziko ekuqiniseni uhlelo lokutshalwa ngqo kwezimali ezweni langaphandle (foreign direct investment; FDI) kanye nemali engena mayelana nokuthengwa kwamagugu (shares, stocks and bonds) angenisa imali ezweni elingaphandle (foreign portfolio investment; FPI) kwizimakethe zamazwe eziyishumi nambili esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2007 ukufika ku 2017. Empeleni besifuna ukuphendula imibuzo emayelana nezikhwezeleli ezisemqoka eziheha uhlelo lwe-FDI kanye ne-FPI ezimakethe ezifufusayo, ikakhulu kugxilwe kwindima edlalwa yizinto ezihlobene nezinga leziko. Siqhubekela phambili nokuphenya izinhlobo zobudlelwano besikhathi esinde kanye nobudlelwano obuyimbangela phakathi kwamavarebuli asemqoka e-FDI, i-FPI kanye nezinga leziko, mayelana nesampuli yezimakethe ezisafufusayo. Ucwaningo lusebenzise uhlelo lwe-Principal Components Analysis (PCA) ukwakha imvange yezinkomba ukwenzela izinga leziko eliqukethe izinkomba eziyisithupha ezibizwa phecelezi nge-Worldwide Governance Indicators. Amanye amamodeli alinganisa ezomnotho asetshenzisiwe, kuxutshwa phakathi idatha yamaphaneli eguquguqukayo ebizwa nge-dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) model, uhlelo lwe-panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model ukwenzela amaphaneli ahlukahlukene futhi aguquguqukayo, kanye nohlelo lwe-panel vector error correction model (VECM). Imiphumela iveze ukuthi i-FDI ezimakethe ezikhethiwe ezisafufusa, esikhathini esiningi, iye yahehwa ukuhluma komnotho kanye nezinga leziko. Izinga leziko, ukuhluma komnotho kanye nokuvuleka kwe-akhawunti yemali bekuyizinto eziyizinkomba ezinhle zokungena kwe-FPI; yize-kunjalo, ukuthuthukiswa kwemakethe yesitoko kuvele kwagqama ngaphezulu njengenkomba ekhombisayo. Ukwengeza phezu kolwazi olutholakele esikhathini esinde, ukuhlangana kobudlelwano obuphakathi kwamavarebuli asemqoka, kuye kwavela ukuthi kwakunezimbangela ezikhomba izindlela ezimbili zokungena kwezimali ezitshalwa ngaphandle, zona yilezi i-FDI kanye nezinga leziko esikhathini esinde. Naphezu kolwazi olutholakele kamuva, imiphumela iqhubeka nokuphakamisa ukuthi ubudlelwano besikhathi eside obuphakathi kwezinhlelo zokutshalwa kwezimali ezivela emazweni angaphandle, lezo zinhlelo yilezi, i-FDI kanye ne-FPI, bezingendlela ikakhulukazi yokushintshana/yokumisela noma yokushintshelana ngokuhweba kwisampuli yethu 5 yezimakethe ezisafufusayo. Mayelana nalolu lwazi olutholakele, sincome ukuthi kuzohambisana nokuthandwa yilezi zimakethe ezisafufusa uma ngabe abenzi bemigomo ababandakanyekayo baqhubeke nokususa izihibe zomnotho kula mazwe asafufusa. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kuye kwavezwa ukuthi ukuze kuhehwe izimali zamazwe angaphandle, uhlelo lokususwa kwezihibe zomnotho lufanele luhambisane nokuqiniswa kwesizinda esiyiziko lasekhaya. Ukuqiniswa kwamaziko kungaqeda isimo esintengayo seziko futhi kungasusa izimakethe zamazwe asafufusayo kwisimo esingagculisi sezimali ezingenayo, kanti esikhathini eside lokhu kungaqinisa ukutshalwa ukungena kwezimali ezivela emzaweni angaphandle / Maikemisetso magolo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go tlhatlhoba ditlamorago ka bophara tsa boleng jwa ditheo mo go tokafatseng keleloteng ya dipeeletso tsa tlhamalalo tsa kwa dinageng tse dingwe (FDI) le dipeeletso tsa dipotefolio tsa kwa dinageng tse dingwe (FPI) mo sampoleng ya diikonomi tse somepedi tsa mebaraka e e tlhagelelang mo pakeng ya 2007 go fitlha 2017. Re ne re totile go araba dipotso tse di malebana le ditsamaisi tsa botlhokwa tsa keleloteng ya FDI le FPI mo mebarakeng e e tlhagelelang, go lebeletswe thata seabe sa dintlha tsa boleng jwa ditheo. Gape re ne re lebeletse go tlhotlhomisa go nna sebaka se se telele le sebako sa dikamano magareng ga dipharologantsho tsa botlhokwa tsa FDI, FPI le boleng jwa ditheo, malebana le sampole ya mebaraka e e tlhagelelang. Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse Tokololo ya Dintlha tsa Botlhokwa (PCA) go aga tshupane ya dikarolo ya boleng jwa ditheo e e nang le Disupi di le thataro tsa Lefatshe lotlhe tsa Bolaodi. Go dirisitswe gape dikao tse dingwe tse di farologaneng tsa ikonometiriki, go akarediwa sekao sa dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) sa data ya phanele e e farologaneng, sekao sa panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) sa diphanele tse di farologaneng le sekao sa panel vector error correction (VECM). Dipholo di senotse gore FDI mo mebarakeng e e tlhophilweng e e tlhagelelang e ne tota e ngokiwa ke kgolo ya ikonomi le boleng jwa ditheo. Boleng jwa ditheo, kgolo ya ikonomi le go bulega ga akhaonto ya kapitale e nnile diswetsi tse di siameng tsa keleloteng ya FPI; fela tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya setoko e tlhageletse jaaka ntlha e e kwa pele e e swetsang. Go tlaleletsa mo go fitlheleleng botsalano jwa pakatelele le jo bo kopanang jwa dipharologantsho tsa botlhokwa, go tlhageletse gore go na le go sebako sa dintlhapedi magareng ga FDI le FPI gammogo le magareng ga FDI le boleng jwa ditheo mo pakeng e e telele. Le fa go ntse go na le diphitlhelelo tse di kailweng la bofelo, dipholo gape di tshitshinya gore botsalano jwa paka e e telele magareng ga keleloteng ya kapitale ya kwa ntle k.g.r. FDI le FPI ke jwa mofuta wa go emisetsa se sengwe ka se sengwe mo sampoleng ya rona ya mebaraka e e tlhagelelang. Ka ntlha ya diphitlhelelo tseno, re atlenegisa gore go tlaa bo go le mo dikgatlhegelong tsa mebaraka eno e e tlhagelelang gore ba ba rweleng maikarabelo a go dira dipholisi ba ka tswelela go repisa diikonomi tseno. Mo godimo ga moo, go bonagetse gore go ngokela kelelo e e tsenang ya kapitale ya boditšhabatšhaba, go repisiwa ga merero ya ditšhelete go tshwanetse ga tsamaisiwa le maatlafatso ya tikologo ya ditheo tsa 7 selegae. Go maatlafatsa ditheo go ka fedisa go tswelela pele ga makoa a ditheo le go sireletsa diikonomi tsa mebaraka e e tlhagelelang mo ditlamoragong tse di maswe tsa dikelelo tse di maswe tsa kapitale, mme kwa bokhutlong, go tokafadiwe kelelo ya kapitale ya boditšhabatšhaba / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Financial Management)

A phenomenological study of an emerging financial value ecosystem: based on distributed ledger technology and novel peer to eer game structure / Ucwaningo olugxile ezigamekweni okuhlangatshezwane nazo maqondana neekhosistimu efufusayo yobunani-mali: olusekelwe phezu kwe-distributed ledger technology Kanye ne-novel peer-to-peer game structure

Crafford, Francois 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The central research issue in this study is the third morphing of economies due to the externally available intelligent building blocks of technology. More specifically, it is anticipated that the widespread use of distributed ledger technology will transform the workings of organisations to such a degree that they will cease to exist in their current form. Hence, the use of distributed ledger technology is not merely a tame management problem; it poses a wicked strategic problem. Furthermore, natural explanations add to the confusion in relation to what managers should do with distributed ledger technology. A transcendental phenomenological attitude is required to transcend the multitude of natural explanations. Phenomenology is both the philosophy and method employed in this study, which questions what human engagement in the world is about. More specifically in this study engagement with distributed ledger technology. This study closes this gap in knowledge by giving an accurate description of the essence of the distributed value ecosystem phenomenon. The study makes a contribution to more coherent and fundamental understanding the essences of the distributed value ecosystem phenomenon is the nature of the relationship patterns that participants hold to distributed ledger technology. The central factual finding is the nature and pattern of these relationships is transactional and circular. The pattern preferred by most organisations is the bounded binary transactional pattern. Organisations seek primarily to have power over the socially complex aspects in transacting. However, the bounded binary transactional pattern may become an unbalanced and unfair value-subtract relationship over time. The response to unbalanced binary bounded value relationships is the unbounded transactional pattern, which gives participants greater autonomy and privacy pseudonymity, but not the transparency that is essential to transact seamlessly. The third value relationship pattern and novel idea presented is the folded value relationship pattern in which participants balance conflicts over socially complex aspects in relation to self and others by meeting narrow micro-level near interaction conditions. This is a more folded, novel strategic game that participants can pick. The key implication for society and organisations is that it presents an alternative approach to dealing with conflict in socially complex value relationships. In essence, with the folded transactional pattern, participants seek to trade up value relationships in relation to self and with others, as opposed to making value relationship trade-offs or sacrifices that lead to either compromises in relation to self or dominance over others. However, the practical managerial implication is truly folded value relationship pattern is not easy to create and is rare. / Umbandela ophambili wophando kwesi sifundo kukuzotywa ngokutsha kwesithathu kwezoqoqosho ngenxa yobukho bezakhi zobuchwepheshe ezinobukrelekrele. Eyona nto ingundoqo yeyokuba kucingelwa ukuba ukusetyenziswa kakhulu kobuchwepheshe bokubhala iingxelo mali buya kuyiguqula indlela asebenza ngayo amaqumrhu, ade ayeke ukusebenza ngale ndlela enza ngayo ngoku. Ukusetyenziswa kobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali (ngesiNgesi kusetyenziswa isishunqulelo esithi DLT) akuyongxakana nje yolawulo; kuyingxaki enkulu nekhohlakeleyo. Ngaphaya koko, iinkcazelo ezikhoyo zongeza ukubhideka malunga neyona nto emele ukwenziwa ngabaphathi ngobu buchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Into efunekayo kukusebenzisa indlela yophando ngokuphicotha amava nokufuna ukuqonda indlela acinga ngayo umntu, ngakumbi kumba omalunga nobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Esi sifundo sivala isikhewu solwazi esikhoyo ngokunika inkcazelo echanekileyo ngalo mbandela wokusasazwa kokuxabiseka kwentsebenziswano yendalo nomntu. Esi sifundo sinceda ekuqondeni iziseko zombandela wokusasazwa kokuxabiseka kwentsebenziswano yendalo nomntu neepatheni zolwalamano lwabathathi nxaxheba kwicandelo lobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Eyona nto ingundoqo efumanisekayo kukuba ubume nepatheni yolu lwalamano iquka intsebenziswano yorhwebo kwaye ifana nomjikelo. Ipatheni ekhethwa ngamaqumrhu amaninzi yileyo yentsebenziswano ephakathi kwesibini. Amaqumrhu afuna tanci ukuba nolawulo kwimiba enzima yezentlalo xa erhwebelana. Noxa kunjalo, ipatheni yokurhwebelana ngezibini isenokudala ukungalingani nokuqhathana ngokuhamba kwexesha. Usabelo kulwalamano lwezibini olungenalingano yiphatheni yorhwebelwano olungabekelwanga mida, apho abathathi nxaxheba bekwazi ukuzithathela izigqibo ekhusini bengazichazi ukuba bangoobani, nto leyo inqanda ukusebenza ekuhleni nokufunekayo ekusebenzisaneni ngaphandle kwamagingxigingxi. Ipatheni yesithathu kwixabiso lolwalamano kulapho ulwalamano lusongiwe, apho abathathi nxaxheba belungelelanisa iingxabano ezingemiba yezentlalo enzima ngokufezekisa iimeko ezilula nezincinane. Oku kufana nomdlalo osongeneyo nolicebo lobulumko onokukhethwa ngabathathi nxaxheba. Okubalulekileyo kukuba le yindlela eyenye enokukhawulelana neengxwabangxwaba eluntwini nakumaqumrhu. Eneneni, kwipatheni yentsebenziswano esongeneyo, abathathi nxaxheba bazama ukutshintsha ulwalamano oluphakathi komntu nabanye, endaweni yokuncama izinto ezithile ezinokukhokelela kwilahleko okanye ekonganyelweni ngabanye. Noxa kunjalo, ipatheni yolwalamano olusongeneyo kulwalamano lwabalawuli ayinto ilula kwaye inqabile. / Udaba olungumgogodla walolu cwaningo wukuguquka kwesithathu kweminotho ngenxa yamandla namakhono obuchwepheshe besimanjemane atholakala ngaphandle kwenhlangano. Ngokuqondileyo, kubhekeke ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kakhulu kwe-distributed ledger technology kusiguqule kakhulu isimo-sakhiwo sezinhlangano kanye nendlela ezisebenza ngayo, kangangukuthi zigcine sezingabonakali neze ukuthi zike zaba kulesi simo-sakhiwo ezikusona njengamanje. Ngakhoke ukusetshenziswa kwe-distributed ledger technology akuyona neze inkinga elula futhi abangayixazulula kalula abaphathi; kepha kuyinkinga eyinkimbinkimbi futhi eyimpicabadala okungelula nakancane ukuyixazulula. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izincazelo zemvelo ziyengeza phezu kokudideka okuphathelene nalokho okumele kwenziwe ngabaphathi maqondana ne-distributed ledger technology. Ukuze kudlulelwe ngale kwenqwabanqwaba yezincazelo zemvelo ezikhona kudingeka indlela-kucabanga nendlelakubuka evulekile yokuqonda ulwazi oluphathelene nezimo kanye nezigameko okuhlangatshezwane nazo noma okudlulwe kuzona. Ifenomeloji iyikho kokubili ifilosofi kanye nendlela-kusebenza esetshenzisiwe kulolu cwaningo, okuphonsa umbuzo mayelana nokuthi kuphathelene nani ukuxhumana kanye nokubandakanywa kwabantu emhlabeni, ikakhulukazi maqondana nokubandakanywa okuphathelene ne-distributed ledger technology. Lolu cwaningo luvala igebe lokungabi khona kolwazi ngokuthi lunikeze incazelo enembayo yomongo we-distributed value ecosystem. Ucwaningo luyalekelela futhi lufake isandla ekutholakaleni kokuqonda okuhle nokuhleleke kahle futhi okuyisisekelo komongo we-distributed value ecosystem okungukuthi lokhu kuwuhlobo lwamaphethini obudlelwano obuboniswa ngababambiqhaza maqondana ne-distributed ledger technology. Umphumela osemqoka kakhulu futhi oyiqiniso otholakale ocwaningweni wukuthi ubunjalo kanye nephethini yalobu budlelwano ibandakanya izinhloso zokuzizuzela okuthile futhi okungubudlelwano obusasiyingi. Iphethini encanyelwa yiningi lezinhlangano yi-bounded binary transactional pattern. Izinhlangano zihlose ikakhulukazi ukuba namandla phezu kwezinto ezithile ezinobunkimbinkimbi emphakathini lapho zenza umsebenzi wazo. Kodwa-ke ngokuhamba kwesikhathi i-bounded binary transactional pattern kungenzeka ibonise ubudlelwano obungenakho ukulingana futhi obuchemile obungenabugugu. Impendulo yokubhekana nobudlelwano obungama-unbalanced binary bounded value relationships yi-unbounded transactional pattern, enikeza ababambiqhaza ukukhululeka nokuzimela okukhudlwana kanye nobumfihlo bokuthi bangazidaluli noma baziveze ukuthi bangobani, kodwa-ke lokhu akubanikezi ukusebenza ngendlela esobala okuyinto edingekayo ekusebenzeni ngaphandle kwezihibe. I-third value relationship pattern kanye nomqondo ophusile owethulwayo yi-folded value relationship pattern lapho ababambiqhaza beqinisekisa ukuthi kunokulingana phakathi kokungqubuzana noma udweshu oluphathelene nezinto eziyinkimbinkimbi emphakathini maqondana nabo uqobo kanye nabanye abantu, ngokuthi bahlangabezane nama-narrow micro-level near-interaction conditions. Lokhu kuwumdladlwana ofongqekile wesimanjemanje futhi okhethekile nosemqoka ongasetshenziswa ngababambiqhaza. Umthelela osemqoka walokhu emphakathini nasezinhlanganweni wukuthi lokhu kuhlinzeka ngendlela ehlukile yokubhekana nokungqubuzana nodweshu kubudlelwano obuyinkimbinkimbi emphakathini. Empeleni, ku-folded transactional pattern, ababambiqhaza bahlose ukuthola okungcono kubudlelwano phakathi kwabo bona uqobo lwabo kanye nabanye abantu esikhundleni sokwakha ubudlelwano lapho izinhlangothi zonke zithola ukushintshisana okulinganayo noma ukuzidela okuthile maqondana nobudlelwano, okuyinto eholela ekutheni kube nokuvumelana phakathi kwezinhlangothi okuhambisana nokuzidela komuntu uqobo lwakhe noma-ke ukukhonya phezu kwabanye. Kodwa-ke umthelela walokho oqondene nabaphathi wukuthi akulula neze ukwakha i-folded value relationship pattern yoqobo futhi lokhu kuyivela kancane. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

The application of family group conferencing as a child justice intervention in South Africa

Roy, Tarryn Jane 03 July 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sotho / The aim of this study is to consider the application of family group conferencing (FGC) as child justice intervention for children in conflict with the law. An exploratory qualitative approach was followed to provide insight into the perceptions of experts with regards to the suitability of FGC for South Africa and for children, as well as the current application of, and potential context and scope for the application of FGC as a South African justice intervention. Semi-structured interviews were used as the data collection tool. Accordingly, experts from diverse disciplines, to wit social work, psychology, criminology, law, and education (and sub-speciality in FGC and restorative justice), were interviewed telephonically, face to face or via video chat. The sample was collected using purposive sampling through perusal of research articles and academic electronic sites, as well as snowball sampling whereby potential participants were identified. The findings show that FGC is an ideal intervention within the South African criminal justice context, and more particularly for child justice. The inclusion of family was noted as specifically important in dealing with children, and within an Afrocentric, Ubuntu-laden, socio-cultural environment. Furthermore, the suitability of FGC to the South African child justice context was linked to victim support and inclusivity, reconciliation aims, cultural flexibility, and ability to support offenders yet hold them accountable without criminalisation. Findings reiterated that FGC is inclusive of support persons, whilst Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) is not. Resultantly, and with due consideration for the importance of support persons in child related interventions, the necessity of an amendment to the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 (CJA) - pertaining specifically to VOM - is advocated. Provisions for the implementation of FGC in a child appropriate manner were recommended, namely, adequate preparation; age, needs, and context consideration; maintenance of safety and respect of all parties; and adequate facilitation. The findings regarding the current application of FGC as a child justice intervention in South Africa evinced that it is rarely implemented due to a lack of funding and resources, hesitancy of criminal justice professionals, and a decrease in diversion referrals due to a lack of knowledge and poor performance of the South African Police Services (SAPS). With the aim of extending and promoting FGC, findings noted the necessity for awareness and educational campaigns for both community and criminal justice persons; a multi-dimensional approach whereby various disciplines, societal sectors, government, and civil society work collaboratively; and lastly the importance of the launch of South African Restorative Justice Accreditation Board (SARJAB), an accreditation board for restorative justice practitioners was noted. Recommendations with regards to the findings were made with calls for advocation, action and further research. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukubheka ukusebenza kwenqubo ye-family group conferencing (FGC) njengendlela yokungenelela ukusizana nezingane ezinqubuzana nomthetho. Kulandelwe inqubo ye-exploratory qualitative approach, ukuhlinzeka ngemibono yochwepheshe ngendlela ababona ngayo ukufaneleka kwe-FGC eNingizimu Afrika kanye nezingane, kanye nokusetshenziswa kwale nqubo manje, nokumumethwe yisimo kanye nokwendlaleka kwe-FGC njengenqubo yokusiza kwezomthetho nezinkantolo eNingizimu Afrika. Kusetshenziswe ama-semi-structured interviews njengethuluzi lokuqoqa ulwazi. Ngakho-ke, ochwepheshe bemikhakha ehlukene, efana neye-social work, isayikholoji, i-criminology, umthetho nemfundo (umkhakhana kwi-FGC kanye nenqubo yokulungisa nokubuyisela kahle kwisimo kulabo abonelwe kwezobulungisa, kwenziwe ama-interview ngezingcingo, ukubhekana ubuso nobuso kanye nokwenza izingxoxo ngamavidiyo. Kuqokelelwe isampuli ngokusebenzisa i-purposive (ukufunda ama-atikili ezocwaningo kanye nama-sayiti esiakhademiki ngendlela ye-elektroniki) kanye nokwenza amasampuli ngendlela ye-snowball, lapho khona okwaphawulwa khona ababambi qhaza kucwaningo. Okutholakele kukhombisa ukuthi inqubo ye-FGC yiyo elungile kwinqubo yezomthetho nezinkantolo zobugebengu eNingizimu Afrika, ikakhulukazi lapho kubhekwane nomthetho nezinkantolo nobulungisa maqondana nezingane. Ukubandakanywa komndeni kuqashelwa njengento ebalulekile ekubhekaneni nezingane, kanti futhi kwinqubo ebonelela indlela yobu-Afrika, indlela egxile kubuntu kanye nokubonelela amasiko endabuko yesintu. Kanti futhi okunye, ukufaneleka kwenqubo ye-FGC kwisimo seNingizimu Afrika sokubhekana nenqubo yomthetho yobulungisa maqondana nezingane, kuxhumene nokusekelana nabonelwe zingane ngendlela eyongamelayo, izinhloso zokubuyisana, ukuguquguquka kwezendabuko kanye nekhono lokusekela abonile, kodwa ngendlela yokuqikelela ukuthi izingane zibhekana nezenzo zazo ngaphandle kokuzibona njengezigebengu. Lezi zinto ezitholakele ngocwaningo, ukuthi inqubo ye-FGC ibandakanya ukusekela abantu, kodwa inqubo yokuqikelela ukuthi kube nokubonisana nabonelwe ngenqubo ye-victim-offender mediation (VOM) ayikuboneleli lokhu. Ngenxa yalokhu, kanti futhi ngokubonelela ukubaluleka kokusekela abantu kwinqubo yokungenelela ukusizana nezingane, umcwaningi uphakamisa ukuthi kuchitshiyelwe umthetho wokubhekana nezinkantolo nezingane, umthetho we-Child Justice Act (CJA) 75 ka 2008 – oqondene nenqubo ye-VOM. Kunconywa izindlela zokusebenza nge-FGC ngendlela ebonelela izingane, ngokwenza amalungiselelo afanele; ukubonelela iminyaka yobudala, izidingo kanye nezimo; ukuqikelela ukuphepha kanye nenhlonipho yazo zonke izinhlangothi ezithintekayo, kanye nosizo ngokuxhumanisa. Okutholakele maqondana nokusetshenziswa kwamanje kwenqubo ye-FGC njengendlela yokungenelela ukusizana nezingane kwinqubo yezomthetho nezinkantolo eNingizimu Afrika kuyinqubo engasetshenziswa ngokwanele ngenxa yokusweleka kwezimali neminye imithombo yosizo, ukungabaza kulabo ababhekene nenqubo yezinkantol o nobulungisa; kanye nokuncipha kwenqubo yokubonelela ezinye izindlela ezakhaya ngaphandle kokusebenzisa izinkantolo maqondana nezingane, ngenxa yokusweleka kolwazi, ukungasebenzi ngezinga elifanele kwenqubo yezamaphoyisa aseNingizimu Afrika, abe-South African Police Services (SAPS). Ngenhloso yokunabisa kanye nokuqhubela phambili i-FGC, umcwaningi, uphawula isidingo sokuqwashisa kanye nemikhankaso yemfundo emiphakathini kanye nakubantu abasebenza ezinkantolo ezibhekana nobulungisa; inqubo enezinhlaka ezehlukahlukile, lapho kusetshenziswa khona imikhakha ehlukene, abantu besizwe, uhulumeni, izinhlangano zemiphakathi, ukuthi yonke le mikhakha isebenzisane; kanti okokugcina, ukusungula inhlangano yaseNingizimu Afrika ye-South African Restorative Justice Accredidation Board (SARJAB) ukuze abasebenza ngenqubo yobulungisa nokubuyisela okulungile kulabo abonelwe basebenzise yona. Izincomo maqondana nokutholakele kucwaningo kwenziwa ngokwenza isimemezelo sokugqugquzelela ukwenziwa kwenqubo, izinyathelo kanye nolunye ucwaningo. / Maikemisetso a patlisiso ena ya boithuto ke ho shebana le tshebediso ya seboka sa sehlopha sa lelapa (family group conferencing (FGC)) jwalo ka mohato ho toka ya ngwana bakeng sa bana ba iphumanang ba le kgahlano le molao. Ho latetswe katamelo ya phuputso ka boleng, ho fana ka lesedi mabapi le maikutlo a ditsebi hodima ho tshwaneleha ha FGC bakeng sa Afrika Borwa le bana ba yona, hammoho le tshebediso ya hajwale, le dikateng le bophara bo ka bang teng ba FGC jwalo ka mohato wa toka wa Afrika Borwa. Ho sebedisitswe diinthavu tse sa hlophiswang ka botlalo ho bokelletsa datha. Ka mokgwa oo, ditsebi ho tswa makaleng a fapaneng, a jwalo ka tshebeletso ya setjhaba, dithuto tsa kelello ya motho le mesebetsi ya yona, dithuto tsa botlokotsebe, molao le thuto (lekala le tlasana la FGC le toka ya puseletso), di ile tsa botswa dipotso ka mohala, mahlong kapa ka puisano ya vidiyo. Sampole e bokelleditswe ka mokgwa wa thero (purposive) (ho balwa ha dingolwa tsa dipatlisiso le diwebosaete tsa elektroniki tsa dithuto) hammoho le mokgwa wa disampole o bitswang snowball, moo teng bao e ka bang bankakarolo ba ileng ba hlwauwa. Diphetho di supa hore FGC ke mohato o loketseng boemo ba Afrika Borwa ba toka ditlolong tsa molao, haholo bakeng sa toka baneng. Ho kenyelletswa ha lelapa ho bonwa ho le bohlokwa ho fetisisa tshebetsanong le bana, le tikolohong ya boAfrika, e kgannwang ke setso le bophelo ba ubuntu. Ho feta moo, ho tshwaneleha ha FGC ditabeng tsa toka ya bana Afrika Borwa ho hokahanngwa le tshebetso ya mahlasipa le kenyelletso, maikemisetso a tshwarelano, ho fetoha ha setso le bokgoni ba ho tshehetsa batlodi ba molao, empa ba ntse ba jariswa maikarabello ntle le ho ba etsa ditlokotsebe. Diphetho di netefatsa hore FGC e kenyeletsa batho ba tshehetsang, ha puisano pakeng tsa lehlasipa le motlodi wa molao (VOM) ese jwalo. Ka lebaka leo, mme le ka ho nahanela bohlokwa ba batho ba fanang ka tshehetso mehatong e amanang le bana, mofuputsi o buelella ho fetolwa ha Molao wa Toka ya Bana (CJA) 75 ya 2008 – e amanang ka kotloloho le VOM. Ho kgothaletswa maemo a ho kenya FGC tshebetsong ka tsela e loketseng bana, ka boitokiso bo lekaneng; kamohelo ya dilemo, ditlhoko le dikateng; poloko ya tshireletseho le hlompho ya baamehi bohle; le tataiso e loketseng. Diphetho tse mabapi le tshebediso ya hajwale ya FGC jwalo ka mohato wa toka baneng Afrika Borwa di supa hore hase hangata e sebediswang ka lebaka la tlhokeho ya tjhelete le disebediswa, qeyaqeyo hara ditsebi tsa toka botlokotsebeng, le phokotseho ya diphetiso ka lebaka la ho hloka tsebo le tshebetso e mpe lehlakoreng ya South African Police Services (SAPS). Ka maikemisetso a ho atolosa le ho phahamisa FGC, mofuputsi o lemosa tlhoko ya tsebo le matsholo a thuto bakeng sa setjhaba le batho ba sebetsang ka toka botlokotsebeng; katamelo ya makala a mangata moo makala a fapaneng, dikarolo tsa setjhaba, mmuso le setjhaba ba sebetsang mmoho; mme qetellong, bohlokwa ba ho theha Boto ya Toka ya Puseletso le Tlhwao ya Afrika Borwa (South African Restorative Justice Accreditation Board (SARJAB)) bakeng sa basebeletsi ba toka ya puseletso. Dikgothaletso tse mabapi le diphetho di etswa ho ntse ho kotjwa tshehetso, ketso le dipatlisiso tse eketsehileng. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

The design and effects of a catch-up reading intervention for grade 5 teachers and learners in Namibia

Liswaniso, Belden 04 1900 (has links)
Summaries In English, Xhosa and Afrikaans / The aim of this study was to carry out a reading comprehension intervention to empower teachers with knowledge and strategies for teaching reading, with the ultimate goal of improving the low reading comprehension of Upper Primary learners in Grade 5. The intervention was carried out for about four months, in which teachers were provided with teaching and learning resources, guidance on how to utilise the resources, and coaching on instructional practices. The intervention involved two control and two intervention schools. A modest interventionist approach was applied in which the six quality criteria for formative assessment as proposed by Nieveen (2007) were adopted to guide the study. The study was carried out in three phases. Phase 1 was concerned with the context and problem identification in which the relevance of the study, the first quality criterion, was addressed. A baseline study was conducted and the results showed that learners had low decoding and reading comprehension skills. The baseline study also revealed that teachers and principals had limited knowledge about reading and comprehension and how to teach them, and the schools were poorly resourced. Considering the low reading levels and academic performance of the learners, there was a need to improve the learners’ reading comprehension levels through teacher empowerment to enhance their literacy practices and change their attitudes. The study was underpinned by two theories of change, namely Guskey’s (1986, 2002) theory of teacher change and Fishbein’s (2000) Integrative Model of Behaviour Prediction. Phase 2 was concerned about the design, development and implementation of the intervention in which four quality criteria were addressed: the consistency, expected practicality, actual practicality, and the expected effectiveness of the intervention. Phase 3 addressed the actual effectiveness of the intervention, and the analysis of the pre- and post-intervention scores showed that the intervention schools improved significantly more than the control schools in decoding tests. The results also showed that the grade-appropriate age groups (10 and 11-yearolds) performed significantly higher than the older learners, and that girls had a slightly better performance than boys in all the assessments. The findings suggest that quality teaching and learning can happen if teachers receive ongoing support to enhance their instructional practices. / Injongo yolu phando ibe ikukuqhuba umsebenzi wokungenelela kufundo ngokuqiqa kwanokuqonda intsingiselo equlethwe kumagama abhaliweyo, ukuze kuxhotyise ootitshala ngezakhono nangeendlela emabafundise ngazo abafundi, khon’ukuze bakwazi ukufunda nokuqonda okubhaliweyo. Eyona nto lujonge kuyo olu phando, kukukhuphula izinga lesakhono sokufundwa kwamagama abhaliweyo ngabafundi bebanga lesi-5, ukuze bafunde ngomoya wengqiqo nokuqonda intsingiselo yoko bakufundayo. Olu phando lulungenelelo olwaaqhutywa isithuba esingangeenyanga ezine, apho ootitshala baanikwa izixhobo zokufundisa, kunye nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kwazo, baza baqeqeshelwa ukumilisela imiyalelo yokwenza oko bakufundisiweyo. Olu phando lubandakanya amaqela amabini ezikolo. Elokuqala, lelezikolo ezimbini apho abafundi bebandakanywe kuphando njengokuba benjalo. Oko kuthetha ukuthi, aba bafundi abanalo ifuthe longenelelo esingalo esi sifundo. Elesibini, lelezikolo ezimbini ekwenziwe kuzo ungenelelo. Xa kwakuqhutywa olu phando, kwaasetyenziswa uhlobo longenelelo oluzothileyo (i-modest intervention approach). Kulapho kwaaphakanyiswa khona ukuba kusetyenziswe imigaqo emithandathu ekumgangatho ophezulu, apho kuqhutywa uvavanyo olusekwe phezu kweentlobo-ntlobo zeemvavanyo, ngokwengcebiso kaNieveen (2007). Olu phando lwaaqhutywa kwizigaba ezintathu. Kwisigaba soku-1, lwalujongene nokubona ingxaki kunye neemeko eyenzeka phantsi kwazo, Kulapho olu ngenelelo lufuneka khona, nalapho umgangatho ophezulu nowokuqala waathi waphicothwa ngokubanzi. Isiseko sophando saaqhutywa, zaza iziphumo zaso zabonisa okokuba izinga lesakhono sokufunda kwabafundi liphantsi ngokubhekiselele kufundo lwamagama abhaliweyo, kuba bengenaso isakhono sokuhlalutya ngokupheleleyo instingiselo yamagama abhaliweyo, nesakhono sokufunda amagama ngomoya wengqiqo. Isiseko sophando sikwadize okokuba iititshala neenqununu azinalwazi luphangaleleyo malunga nendlela ekufundwa nekuhlalutywa ngayo amagama izivakalisi kunye neentetho ezibhaliweyo. Kananjalo, isiseko sophando sikwadize okokuba iititshala neenqununu azinazo izakhono zokufundisa abafundi ukufunda nokuhlalutya okubhaliweyo ngengqiqo, kwaye izikolo ziswele izixhobo zokukhuphula izinga lokufunda okubhaliweyo ngabafundi. Ngelokuthathela ingqalelo amazinga aphantsi ngokubhekiselele kwizakhono zabafundi ekufundeni amagama abhaliweyo, nakwimpumelelo yabafundi kwizifundo zabo ngokubanzi, kwaabakho imfuneko yokokuba kuphuculwe amazinga ekufundwa ngawo ngabafundi xa befunda okubhaliweyo. Ngokolu phando, konke oku kuyakwenzeka ngokuthi kuxhotyiswe ootitshala ngezakhono zokuphucula indlela abaqhuba ngayo xa befundisa abafundi ukubhala nokufunda okubhaliweyo, ukuze kananjalo batshintshe indlela ababona ngayo. Olu phando luxhaswe ngemibono emalunga notshintsho, nekuyimibono yeengcali ezimbini, u-Guskey’s (1986, 2002) ngombono wakhe osihloko sawo sithi “Utshintsho kwititshala” ‘Teacher change’ kunye no-Fishbein’s (2000) ngombono wakhe omalunga nokuphicotha ngokubanzi indlela zokutshintsha okanye ekunokwakhiwa ngazo izimilo okanye indlela ezithile zokuziphatha (NgesiNgesi yi-“Integrative Model of Behaviour Prediction). Isigaba sesi-2 sasijongene noku kulandelayo: izicwangciso zokungenelela kwingxuba kaxaka ethe yaphawulwa kolu phando, ukusebenzisa olu phando njengelinge lokungenelela ekukhuphuleni izinga lokufunda okubhaliweyo, nasekumiliseleni olu ngenelelo kwinkqubo zokufundisa okubhaliweyo. Kwesi sigaba kuyakuphicothwa ngokwemigqaliselo emine ekudidi oluphezulu ekuyile ilandelayo: Ungenelelo lwenziwa rhoqo okanye ngamaxesha athile; kulindeleke ukuba lwenzeke kangakanani olu ngenelelo? Kanti lona eneneni lwenzeke kangakanani? Utshintsho olulindelekileyo ngenxa yolu phando olungenelele kwingxaki ekhoyo yezinga eliphantsi lokufundwa kwamagama okanye okubhaliweyo ngokubanzi. Kwisigaba sesi-3, kuphicothwe kwabekwa elubala eyona nto iye yenzeka okanye umahluko oye wabonakala ngenxa yolu ngenelelo xa abafundi befunda amagama abhaliweyo. Ukuze kubonakale oku, kuphicothwe amanqaku athathwe phambi kokuba kungenelelwe nasemva kokuba kungenelelwe. Laa manqaku aye abonakalisa okokuba kwizikolo ebekwenziwe kuzo uphando longenelelo, inqanaba lokufunda amagama abhaliweyo ngomoya wokutolika ngengqiqo, likhuphuke ngaphandle kwamathandabuzo, laba ke ngoko libhulele amasaka ezo zikolo bezingakhange zichatshazelwe lungenelelo. Iziphumo zolu phando zikwabonakalisa okokuba amaqela abafundi (abaminyaka ili-10 ne-11 leminyaka ubudala) ngokwamabanga abakuwo esikolweni ngokufanelekileyo, bababhulele amasaka abafundi abadala kunabo ngeminyaka xa kuthelekiswa amanqaku angokufunda ngengqiqo. Ngaphezu koko, amanqaku amantombazana abe bukhuphuka xa kuthelekiswa nawamakhwenkwe kuyo yonke imisebenzi yokuvavanywa kwabo. Iziphumo zophando zibonakalisa okokuba ukufundisa nokufunda okusemgangathweni kungenzeka xa iititshala zisoloko zifumana inkxaso engagungqiyo ukuze zikwazi ukukhuphula nokuphucula imisebenzi yabo yemihla ngemihla, yokufundisa abafundi. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n leesbegripsintervensie uit te voer om onderwysers te bemagtig met kennis en strategieë vir leesonderrig, met die uiteindelike doel om die lae leesbegrip van Hoër Primêre leerders in graad 5 te verbeter. Die intervensie is vir ongeveer vier gedoen maande, waarin onderwysers onderrig- en leerhulpbronne, leiding oor hoe om die hulpbronne te benut, en afrigting oor onderrigpraktyke voorsien is. Die intervensie het twee beheer- en twee intervensieskole behels. 'N Beskeie intervensionistiese benadering is toegepas waarin die ses kwaliteitskriteria vir formatiewe assessering, soos voorgestel deur Nieveen (2007), gebruik word om die studie te lei. Die studie is in drie fases uitgevoer. Fase 1 het gehandel oor die konteks en probleemidentifisering waarin die relevansie van die studie, die eerste kwaliteitskriterium, aangespreek is. 'N Basisstudie is uitgevoer en die resultate het getoon dat leerders oor lae vaardighede beskik oor dekodering en leesbegrip. Die basisstudie het ook aan die lig gebring dat onderwysers en skoolhoofde beperkte kennis gehad het oor lees en begrip en hoe om dit te onderrig, en dat die skole nie genoeg hulpbronne gehad het nie. Met inagneming van die lae leesvlakke en akademiese prestasie van die leerders, was dit nodig om die leerders se leesbegripsvlakke te verbeter deur bemagtiging van onderwysers om hul geletterdheidspraktyke te verbeter en hul houding te verander. Die studie is ondersteun deur twee teorieë oor verandering, naamlik Guskey (1986, 2002) se teorie oor onderwyserverandering en Fishbein (2000) se integrerende model van gedragsvoorspelling. Fase 2 was besorg oor die ontwerp, ontwikkeling en implementering van die intervensie waarin vier kwaliteitskriteria aangespreek is: die konsekwentheid, verwagte praktiese, werklike praktiese en die verwagte effektiwiteit van die intervensie. Fase 3 het die werklike effektiwiteit van die intervensie behandel, en die ontleding van die voor- en na-intervensie-tellings het getoon dat die intervensie-skole aansienlik meer verbeter het as die beheerskole in dekoderingstoetse. Die resultate het ook getoon dat die graadtoepaslike ouderdomsgroepe (10 en 11-jariges) beduidend hoër presteer as die ouer leerders, en dat meisies in al die assesserings effens beter presteer as seuns. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat gehalte-onderrig en -leer kan gebeur as onderwysers deurlopend ondersteuning kry om hul onderrigpraktyke te verbeter. / Linguistics and Modern Languages

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