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Způsoby měření efektivnosti a nárůstu nákladů při žádostech o prostředky z dotačních programů v ziskovém i neziskovém prostředí ČRDubská, Šárka Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá dotační problematikou v ČR se zaměřením na měřitelnost přínosů a efektivnosti získaných prostředků v ziskovém a neziskovém sektoru, kdy byly zpracovany 3 metodiky hodnotící efektivnost, přínosy a rovněž náklady jednotlivých podniků a neziskových organizací s průběhem grantových projektů souvisejících. Práce se opírá o data získaná empirickým výzkumem provedeným formou případových studií ve 4 podnicích a v 5 neziskových organizací. Pro získání dat byly použity 3 typy dotazníků, které byly s respondenty vyplňovány osobně.
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Faktory úspěšnosti neziskových organizacích v rámci ČSOPTejnická, Petra January 2007 (has links)
Cílem je analýza financování neziskové nestátní organizace ZO ČSOP. Druhým cílem bylo přispění do výzkumu, který probíhá na VŠE a je zaměřen na faktory úspěchu neziskových organizací. Vybrala jsem ve Středočeském kraji a v Praze 20 organizací, které jsem osobně navštívila a provedla u nich tento výzkum. Fundraising hraje klíčovou roli ve vývoji a růstu organizace. Přínosem pro organizaci bylo získání grantu od evropského sociálního fondu na doplnění sítě center environmentální výchovy, vzdělávání a osvěty. Dalším úspěšným projektem je grant na síť center pasivních domů. Mezi nejvýraznější schopnosti organizace patří flexibilita, přístup dobrovolníků, kvalitní informační činnost, zaměření se na kvalitu služeb a hlavně na ochranu přírody.Finanční zdraví celého Českého svazu ochránců přírody jsem hodnotila pomocí ukazatelů finanční analýzy.
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Vliv financování ze strukturálních fondů EU na finanční stabilitu, fungování a rozvoj nestátních neziskových organizací v ČRDvořáková, Jana January 2006 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit vliv financování ze strukturálních fondů EU na NNO v ČR v období 2004-2006. Nejprve práce charakterizuje nestátní neziskové organizace a jejich silné a slabé stránky. Dále je nastíněn mechanismus financování ze SF v ČR a jsou sledovány konkrétní programy, ve kterých se NNO mohly žádat o podporu ze SF, a jejich podmínky. V návaznosti na předchozí zjištění je analyzován vliv čerpání finančních prostředků ze SF na finanční stabilitu, chod, rozvoj a naplňování poslání NNO. Závěrečné hodnocení dopadů na NNO je podloženo dotazníkových šetřením.
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Činnost nízkoprahových zařízení pro děti a mládež: mezi servisní a expresivní funkcí / The activity of the youth clubs: between the service and the expressive functionBurešová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is based on the service non-governmental organizations (NGO) which provides mainly social services to the public. The master thesis focuses on the service and non-service activities of this organizations with an emphasis on the non-service activities. This thesis investigates how these NGO's theoretically realize the functions of NGO's through these activities and with what functions are the certain activities connected. The important element is to describe and categorize the non-service activities and explain how they were realized, why they were realized and if they are important for the head of these organizations. The master thesis also directs on financing of NGO's and on the problem, that service NGO's are very often dependent on the state financial sources. This thesis shows how the financial system of researched NGO's relates to the non-service activities of these organizations. The branch of my research are youth clubs. Key words: Functions of NGO's, groups of activities of NGO's, financing, youth clubs, problematic youth
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Ekonomika neziskové organizace - sociální podnikání / Economy of nonprofit organization - social entrepreneurshipMěkotová, Ludmila January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to bring conclusions, suggestions and recommendations for future development and stabilization of two selected non-profit organizations (Charita Opava and Green Doors z.ú.), based on their financial and non-financial analysis of 2009-2013 years. The theoretical part focuses on a characterisation of a non-profit sector, classification of legal forms, possibilities of their transformation, terminology in the field of social entrepreneurship, available methods for measuring productivity of NGOs and measuring an impact of social enterprises. The practical part describes two studied organizations, their targets, activities and organization structures. Moreover, technical-economic analysis, consisting of horizontal and vertical analysis of revenues and expenses and of calculation of financial indicators, have been completed. Further, the author says how both organizations meet a definition and characteristics of a social institution and assesses their unpriced impacts and proposes a method for quantification and calculation of modified indicators arising from them. At the end, the work brings conclusions, recommends specification of a social enterprise features and proposes changes which could help further development of the organizations.
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Financování neziskových organizací v oblasti ochrany spotřebitele / Funding of non-profit organization of consumer protectionKRCHOVÁ, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Financing of Non-profit Organisations in Consumer Protection. Its aim was to analyse forms and possibilities of financing non-profit organisations in this area and to compare consumer protection in the Czech Republic and in selected EU countries. The first part of the thesis contains a literary search that defines non-governmental non-profit organisations (NPOs) in general, their visions, functions, aims and position in market economy. Furthermore, it describes the system of consumer protection in the Czech Republic, introduces particular organisations working in this sector and outlines their financial management and fund-raising. Czech consumer sector is compared to consumer sectors of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Slovak Republic. They differ from the Czech Republic especially in tax assignments system and in higher degree of governmental support. The following practical part analyses the forms of financing non-governmental non-profit organisations in consumer protection sector in two ways. The first one examines data from annual reports of three selected consumer protection NPOs. The other one analyses primary data from questionnaires completed by the same selected organisations. The results of the two forms of examination, independent of each other, confirmed the fact that consumer protection NPOs are forced to function with insufficient funding, the amount of which fluctuates year by year, having a tendency to decrease. A tendency to grow can only be observed with a few types of income sources, such as membership fees and private donations. One of the selected organisations makes earnings from its own activities a substantial part of its revenues. On the contrary, grants from Ministry of Industry and Trade show a tendency to decrease in the long term. To support the research, a questionnaire for consumers was analysed in practical part of this thesis. It was aimed to examine consumers´ awareness of activities, importance and funding of consumer protection NPOs and their willingness to financially support these organisations. The questionnaire analysis yielded a clear result that the public is not sufficiently informed of the function and importance of consumer protection NPOs, and this fact brings low willingness to participate on running or financing these organisations in general. To conclude, there is a relation between poor awareness of the public, not able to appreciate the value of NPOs, and long-lasting underfunding of these organisations as the outsiders of public interest. The reasons for this situation can be seen in combination of several factors: development of civil society being interrupted by decades of totalitarian regime, generally low public interest in community activities, lack of information about this part of community life, poor access to information about these organisations, vague conception of NPOs´ Public Relations and their insufficient cooperation with the media, and last but not least, unsystematic governmental support.
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Využití internetu ve fundraisingu nestátních neziskových organizací / Use of the internet for fundraising in non-governmental organizationsApoštol, Ladislav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s Thesis is to analyse the way in which non-governmental organizations approach the use of the internet for fundraising. The Master´s Thesis explores attitudes of non-governmental organizations towards this medium as well as the factors that motivate these organizations to use the internet. In order to achieve the aim the author carried out qualitative research based on semi-structured interview attended by representatives of a total of ten selected non-governmental organizations. The results show that non-governmental organizations use the internet for fundraising, however there are considerable gaps in their effectiveness. Online fundraising does not entail a significant financial source. Non-governmental organizations use the internet mainly to build a relationship with their supporters. Online fundraising is therefore seen as a complement to classic fundraising methods that still dominate in case of Czech non-governmental organizations.
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Projekty nestátních neziskových organizací financovaných ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie v období 2004 - 2006 v kraji Vysočina / Projects NGOs financed from the Structural funds of the EU for programming period 2004-2006 in the Vysocina RegionKremláčková, Mirka January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the function of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and their position in the development programmes and activities of the Vysocina Region. Non-governmental segment is a significant area of the civil society's development which faces to problems of funding of their activity. NGOs use more-resources for funding. As The Czech republic entered into the European Union on 1. May 2004, the Structural Funds are by one of the important foreign financial resources for funding activities NGOs. The diploma thesis give her attention to specific features NGOs of the Vysocina Region and their wants. The main goal of the diploma thesis is estimation success of NGOs in the Vysocina Region while generating projects financed from the SF of the EU for short programming period 2004-2006. The particular goal is estimation of problems and shortcomings NGOs of Vysocina in the process of production, projects approval and execution of projects. There will be made recommendations for current data of programming period 2007-2013 to take away shortcomings on the basis of made research between NGOs of the Vysocina Region.
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Posouzení faktorů úspěšnosti NNO / Assessment of the Success Factors of NGOsFaiglová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is the processing and evaluation of information gained from the questionnaire survey, which took place within the University research. The work is focused on factors that influence the success of NGOs in particular in the areas of activities of organizations and their financing. NGOs are first grouped according to age, geographical scope and legal status. It is also being considered with a vision and mission of their short-term and long-term goals. Another chapter examines the importance of volunteers and their application in different areas of operation. Here is an analysis of the internal control situation, the quality of services and use of information systems. The last task is focused on the allocation of financial resources and evaluation of NGO work with the financial plans.
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Činnost NNO zaměřená na integraci čínské menšiny na území České republiky. / NGO activities aimed at the integration of the Chinese minority in the Czech Republic.Pražáková, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the topic of nonprofit organizations that are oriented on integration of the Chinese minorities in the Czech Republic. The thesis is focused on description of activities that are used by NGO's for integration of the Chinese minorities in the Czech Republic. In theoretical part is definition of key words. Especially it is definition of non-profit sector, NGO's, integration and theory of integration and the Chinese minorities. A qualitative method of data obtaining is used in the empirical part of the thesis. It is possible to describe integration activities of NGO's that are focused on the Chinese minorities in the Czech Republic from interviews with the respondents.
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