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The impact of management practices on productivity in the Eritrean fishing industryGhebrit, Kibrom Shumdehan 27 August 2004 (has links)
In today’s highly competitive business environment where survival of the fittest is considered the norm, business managers are increasingly striving to attain a position of competitive advantage in order to excel their competitors by effectively and efficiently utilising their resources. A better management practice at all levels of an organisation is a method that is increasingly accepted as a single best way to improve productivity. Improved productivity enables firms to meet all their business obligations to employees, suppliers, stakeholders and the government and to still remain competitive. To take advantage of the benefits to be realised from improved productivity, managers are expected to deal thoughtfully with their internal and external business environment. Thus, unless they understand the effects of their actions on their companies. performances, all their day to day actions might end up counterproductive. The objective of this study was to determine the degree of application of certain management practices in the private companies of the Eritrean fisheries industry and to investigate whether a relationship exists between the management practices and total factor productivity. In doing so, six internal management practices were identified and examined in connection to their impacts on total factor productivity in the private companies operating in the Eritrean fisheries industry. The management practices identified are productivity measurement, employee training and participation, organisational communication, customer focus, product quality and leadership and competitive environment. In 2003, the industry consisted total of 12 companies of which eight were surveyed in this study. Through detailed examination of the primary and secondary empirical data collected, first, the companies were classified into two major groups as being the High and the Low - total factor productivity companies. Following the classification, whether the degree of application of the identified management practices by each company has an impact on the total factor productivity was examined. Data analysis was based on both descriptive and inferential statistics. The ITEMAN and computer software packages were used to analyse the survey responses of the 41 participating managers. The hypotheses were tested through a mean difference method and the Mann-Whitney U test statistics was utilised to analyse the significance of the differences in mean management practices (µMPs). The results of the study confirmed that each of the six - mean internal management practices (µMPs) for groups of companies classified as HTFP companies were significantly higher than for those groups of companies classified as LTFP companies. Thus, it was concluded that a direct and positive relationship exists between management practices and TFP in the surveyed companies. Besides, the results of percentage comparison of some external factors affecting productivity between the two groups of companies also confirmed a positive relationship to productivity. Generally, it was concluded that the companies in the Eritrean fisheries industry are low productive mainly because of the prevailing low level of management practices. The managerial implication of these findings is that the managers of the companies in the industry should give special attention to improve the identified internal management practices as they have direct impact on their performance. / Dissertation (MCom (Business Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Business Management / unrestricted
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Restructuring value-added tax in South Africa : a computable general equilibrium analysisKearney, Marna 03 September 2004 (has links)
no abstract available / Thesis (DCom)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Economics / DCom / Unrestricted
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Space, place and meaning in northern riverain SudanOsman, Amira 21 September 2004 (has links)
The main problem is the construction of an interpretative framework, intended to be a foundation for future research on the architecture of the Sudanese northern riverain region and for architectural education in Sudan. The research evolved out of issues pertinent to the area. Scant information exists on architecture of the area and there is no adequate theoretical base for research. The initial observations of the context led the author assume that there must be some reason for the frugality evident in the physical manifestations of the culture. Phenomenological interpretative research is attempted within an ecosystemic epistemology. The study pertains to postmodernist approaches in the use of language and blurring of boundaries between disciplines. An eco-systemic construct of the context is articulated to identify the milieu within which the artefact exists and how it developed within a framework of people's beliefs and social interaction systems. The term artefact is defined as any cultural agent and is not restricted to a physical object but includes ritual, social practice and linguistic agents. These are explored within their contextual settings. Space and place making are better understood by broadening conventional definitions of architecture. People, activities and networks are the basic canons of architectural place making. As pieces of a puzzle, the tangible and the intangible all address the theme of models of habitation. Traditional building practice and space use has been elevated and studied with respect to the knowledge embodied in it. Interdisciplinary interpretation is used to address the issue of how people interact with the environment and how they shape their spaces at the micro and macro levels. It has become evident that social structure, which greatly influences the configuration of built form, reflects the character of the natural environment to a large extent. Architectural expression takes on different forms through time, especially when comparing different eras with drastically different climates. Place making activities are guided by peoples’ ability to come to terms with their environment. This dissertation also studies the setting of one African interaction with Islam. Lived experience is prior to abstract reflection. Whenever we reflect intellectually on experience, we have to go back to the lived world of our experience prior to that reflection. On submitting that experience to reflection, we make it cognisant. It is acknowledged that on embarking with the study, it was not clear as to what would be achieved: An ecology as the one studied transcends a total understanding. Also, many aspects and relationships may remain concealed due to the limitations of any one analytical perspective or intellectual structuring device. This dissertation has been an attempt to partially expose what is concealed and to put it in a usable format for future researchers. / Thesis (PhD (Architecture))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Beyers Naude, Ekumeniese baanbreker in Suid-Afrika : 1960-1994 (Afrikaans)Heaney, Michael John 29 September 2004 (has links)
no abstract available / Thesis (PhD (Science of Religion and Missiology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted
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Narratiewe pastorale egskeidingsmediasie : stories van hoop (Afrikaans)Botha, Jan Adriaan 29 September 2004 (has links)
This research has been conducted from a post modern, pastoral-narrative point of view. The focus is on action stories in a narrative pastoral divorce mediation situation. From these stories my co-researchers and I have tried to discover new stories of hope. Chapter 1 focuses on action (the problem) and action stories that have been the object of the research. The research has been approached from five ‘movements’ (Müller 199:77). It can be explained in the following way: the story of the problem, the story of the past, the story of the clouded future, the re-authoring of the problem past story and the imaginary (hopeful) story of the future. The main theme for the organising of my research was inspired or motivated by an article, written by Müller (2001:64): “Therapy as Fiction writing”. In her book, “Bird by bird” (1995) Anne Lamott quotes a formula created by Alice Adams to explain the process of writing a story. Keeping this in mind, Müller, Van Deventer and ‘Human (2001) wrote an article: ”Fiction writing as metaphor for research: A narrative approach”. This article partly led to the creation of the ABDCE formula for writing. Hence the ideal opportunity was created for researching the method or therapy-based narrative principle. My research has been undertaken with ‘action’ as backdrop and to use the ‘background’ to explore the action and then to develop it, looking for a possible ‘climax‘ as well as a process or developing to an ‘ending’ was developed. Chapter 2 discusses the detail of background terms and their developing. The focus is on an essential shift of paradigm that should be exploited in view of the following three themes: post modernism: a new era has dawn, the scientific-philosophical foundation for the research and the narrative paradigm. Chapter 3 revolves around the family, the divorce process, the children as marginalised and the process of divorce mediation. These themes are explained and developed with the use of the necessary background. Chapter 4 is a theological and pastoral verification of the research. The focus is theology, practical theology, narrative practical theology, the role of the researcher/therapist in the research process and the narrative pastorate. The most important terms are discussed from several angles and the field of research is extended. Chapter 5 consists of a summary of the action stories. Seven co-researchers take turns in telling their story. In the discussion we look for possible stories of hope. The research has to be evaluated against the identified terms and the possible development of stories of hope. As a team the co-researchers and I will look for a climax in our research process. Is a “successful” divorce possible by means of narrative, pastoral divorce mediation? Chapter 6 discusses a possible ending … a time to reflect … a critical reflection on the research is essential. Conclusions are made and recommendation are suggested. I share my personal experience about the research process. The ending stays an open process. New questions arise which might lead to new research. This research does not end with a full stop, but with a comma, … / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Jesus The Prophet: Maps and MemoriesDannhauser, Estelle Henrietta 29 September 2006 (has links)
There is no Abstract / Thesis (PhD (New Testament Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted
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Verbeelding as verhaalskeppende aktiwiteit in narratiewe pastorale terapie (Afrikaans)Laas, Johannes Jurgens 30 September 2004 (has links)
In this thesis fiction writing is being used as metaphor for doing research and presenting the research results. A story, entitled ‘the appointment’ gives content to the metaphor and bears the evidence of the research results throughout the thesis. As practical theology is a border science, the research utilizes insights from psychology, sociology, pedagogy and philosophy. The theology used can be described as cultural linguistic theology, with a strong metaphoric element. The African, South African and therapeutic contexts form the backdrop of the study. A postfoundationalist theology is proposed rather than a fundationalist or non-fundationalist approach. As a practical theological paradigm a narrative, eco-hermeneutic frame of reference is used while imagination is regarded as a human interest, or action. This interest is correlated with the Christian tradition of stories about the action. A constructive postmodern approach that has three main points of departure is followed, i.e. the end of the credibility of the metanarratives, as well as a sensitivity for the unrepresentable and the sublime. In addition to this deconstruction and social constructionism are used as positive components of a postmodern paradigm. Five verbatim, unstructured conversations about imagination as story generating activity in narrative therapy forms the basis of the research. The climax of the research portrays imagination as the one who helps us see reality differently, and to see a different reality. Reality creation, through story creation, is not only possible, but also imperative in therapy. It opens our lives for the aesthetic and the ethical. Imagination reflects an unutilized potential, she can contribute greatly, but is seldom asked to participate. She is politically and academically marginalized. The research has an open conclusion that calls for dialogue and the possibility of further study… / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Nietzsche’s impulse towards the development of a concept of God that transcends modern atheism and theism: a philosophical theological studyGroenewald, Andre Johannes 05 October 2004 (has links)
Nietzsche did not, per se, deny or acknowledge the existence of God with his statement: “Gott ist todt [sic]!” His was a reaction to the concept of God held in his time, namely the modernistic period’s belief in a concept of God tied to the progress in history, rationality and morality. To Nietzsche the god of his time was dead (atheism). He spelt out an important consequence of this death, namely nihilism. His philosophy needs to be interpreted as an impulse towards the development of a concept of God that transcends modern atheism and theism. Barth, Moltmann, Pannenberg and Peters responded to Nietzsche’s problem with regard to the concept of God and its relation to history, rationality and morality. Other postmodern philosophers such as Foucault, Derrida, Levinas and theologians such as Bultmann, Tracy and Van Huyssteen also have a significant contribution to make with regard to the concept of God and its relation to history, rationality and morality. Their thinking assists the four theologians in formulating the concept of God that Nietzsche wanted to develop – a concept of God that transcends modern atheism and theism. / Thesis (DD (Dogmatics and Christian Ethics))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted
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Policy and governance issues impacting on Nigeria's globalization initiativesIjeoma, Edwin Okey Chikata 11 October 2004 (has links)
This research examines the role of the Government of Nigeria in the implementation of the new Globalization Policy Program the new world order is embracing. It is worthy to note that the democratic government has eluded Nigeria over the decades and that the advent of a new democratic government on May 29th 1999, led by President Olusegun Obasanjo, has prompted a creative and strategic view on how the government should deal with the policy issues that Globalization may bring (Nigerian Economic Policy, 1999-2003:3). The governance of Nigeria, as provided for in the 1999 Constitution, requires that it should be democratic, flexible, complementary, transparent, and accountable and development oriented. These criteria point towards sustainable, self-reliant and people-centered economic development. Thus, a new approach to the governance of this country in the context of globalization, must conform with the government’s objectives that are aimed at legitimizing the initiatives of grass-roots economic development. There is no room for promoting a vulnerable posture that would make economic activities more dependent on foreign economies than on the locally driven economy. Similarly, a broad view on sustainable and self-reliant local policy initiatives is suggested as a capable alternative to counter-balance any negative trend, which might emerge in the new global order. / Thesis (DPhil (Public Affairs))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / Unrestricted
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Die nooit-getroude vrou sonder kinders : 'n pastoraal narratiewe benadering met besondere verwysing na diskoerse (Afrikaans)Steyn, Hilda Magdalene 11 October 2004 (has links)
The traditional female life course is normative, socialized and supported by the ecology of compulsory marriage and motherhood. (Allen 1989:116) When the above mentioned quotation is studied, it seems that this statement is not valid anymore in the times where we find ourselves in. Unfortunately, singles have been looked upon with curiosity and suspicion. In the beginning of the nineteenth century never-married women were seen as someone with at least some kind of disability or a disastrous engagement to explain the fact that they are not married (Dorsman 1993:14). During modern times it seems that not much has changed with regard to perceptions about never-married women. Although the discourse in the church is that it is God=s will that people (men and women) will find fulfillment in each other in marriage, it does not seem to happen because of the broken reality that we find ourselves in. In this study the focus will be on the stories never-married women tell about themselves as well as stories from literature. It is an effort to address the ignorance and lack of understanding with regard to never-married women. Another aim is to guide never-married women by means of the narrative paradigm to develop their problem-saturated stories of doubt and pain into new stories of hope. These women should see themselves as complete and acceptable in society. The model that was chosen for the journey is the narrative approach within the social-constructionism paradigm. The researcher or therapist accompanies the never-married woman on the journey. She in turn becomes the co-researcher and the co-therapist. The influence and impact of discourses on the identity and worlds of the never-married woman will form part of this study. The research will culminate in the point where the narrative approach as an alternative therapeutic approach will be discussed. The research does not in any way claim to have come to any conclusions or truths as found during the research process. There are no easy answers or guidelines to help solve the problems of never-married women. In this research the never-married women are the partners or companions who have the outcomes of this research in their hands. The therapist is there to listen, to ask questions and to support. These women are seen as people with the inner potential to go about their lives with purpose and meaning. The purpose of the narrative approach is to help people to live (Louw 1993:38). The purpose of this study is not to uplift being never-married as the ultimate way of living, but to show that to be never-married can be a legitimate and positive alternative way of living. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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