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Měřič odstupu signálu od šumu obrazových signálů / BER Meter for Video SignalsŠimoník, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The diplomma thesis is dealing with possibilities of Signal to noise ratio measurement by method, which is based on direct measurement. It is chosen the most suitable method – signal and noise separation to two different parallel signal branches, where is measured signal strength in one branch and root mean square value in the other. The thesis is consisted of a concept of detail block scheme of Signal to noise ratio meter, which was designed in terms of theoretical knowledge. Particular functional blocks were circuit-designed, the active and passive parts were chosen and their function were described. There were made simulation and displayed input and output time flows. There is designed the whole connection of engineered Signal to noise ratio meter in the last part of my thesis. The double-sided board of printed circuit is contained too. It was created simple programme for supervisor micro-processor. Thereby were constructed complete bases for realization.
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Návrh vnitřního optického spoje / Indoor optical wireless link designKaňa, Leoš January 2011 (has links)
In last years phenomena of wireless communication technologies became a primary interest of big development laboratories whole world. Domain of point to point links which are realized by laser technology with narrow beam divergence and very sensitive photo-detectors is ordinarily used these days. This trend of using light waves as carrier medium turned interests of scientist to the sphere of wide area networks which is domain of wi-fi radio technologies. One of new trends in this sphere is also in-door free space optics. With expansion which leads to using LED's in everyday applications and with technological progress of last years, also grows tendency of most effective utilization of LED systems. The result of this effort is thought which considerate LED as source of artificial lighting and source of carrier medium for modulated signal. This kind of device must fulfill hygienic standards for illumination and also must be able to work with high frequency by which is signal modulated. These systems can provide links with sufficient capacity in order of hundred megabits.
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Akvizice a předzpracování MRI obrazových sekvencí pro klinické perfusní zobrazování / MRI Acquisition and Preprocessing of Image Sequences for Clinical Perfusion ImagingKrchňavý, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the theory for static and dynamic magnetic-resonance imaging using contrast agents affecting T1 relaxation time. The available acquisition methods in the specified facility of Masaryk Oncological Institute in Brno are described. The sequences for subsequent experimental measurements are selected. The used phantoms are described. Acquisition protocol for measuring is described briefly and the evaluation method for the measured data is suggested. The best acquisition sequence and a method of measurements is chosen influenced by estimation of relaxation time T1, sensitivity and signal to noise ratio. Perfusion analysis is executed and perfusion parameters are calculated. The work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic (RECAMO, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101).
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Phase Unwrapping MRI Flow Measurements / Fasutvikning av MRT-flödesmätningarLiljeblad, Mio January 2023 (has links)
Magnetic resonance images (MRI) are acquired by sampling the current of induced electromotiveforce (EMF). EMF is induced due to flux of the net magnetic field from coherent nuclear spins with intrinsic magnetic dipole moments. The spins are excited by (non-ionizing) radio frequency electromagnetic radiation in conjunction with stationary and gradient magnetic fields. These images reveal detailed internal morphological structures as well as enable functional assessment of the body that can help diagnose a wide range of medical conditions. The aim of this project was to unwrap phase contrast cine magnetic resonance images, targeting the great vessels. The maximum encoded velocity (venc) is limited to the angular phase range [-π, π] radians. This may result in aliasing if the venc is set too low by the MRI personnel. Aliased images yield inaccurate cardiac stroke volume measurements and therefore require acquisition retakes. The retakes might be avoided if the images could be unwrapped in post-processing instead. Using computer vision, the angular phase of flow measurements as well as the angular phase of retrospectively wrapped image sets were unwrapped. The performances of three algorithms were assessed, Laplacian algorithm, sequential tree-reweighted message passing and iterative graph cuts. The associated energy formulation was also evaluated. Iterative graph cuts was shown to be the most robust with respect to the number of wraps and the energies correlated with the errors. This thesis shows that there is potential to reduce the number of acquisition retakes, although the MRI personnel still need to verify that the unwrapping performances are satisfactory. Given the promising results of iterative graph cuts, next it would be valuable to investigate the performance of a globally optimal surface estimation algorithm.
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Koexistence mobilních komunikačních systémů GSM-EDGE a UMTS / GSM-EDGE and UMTS Systems CoexistenceGleissner, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the investigation of the coexistence of GSM–EDGE and UMTS systems with focus on the physical layer of the systems. The aim is to provide a set of recommendations for practical cooperation while the systems operate in both the separated and the common radio bands. A detailed description of signal processing of both the systems on the physical layer is presented. On the basis of this description, models of both systems were created and implemented in the MATLAB environment. The simulations are focused on the physical layer quality parameters, especially the bit error ratio evaluation for various ratios of useful signal power to noise power during the transmission over the radio channel. Simulation is also used to examine the quality of received useful signal while it is interfered by signals from the same and adjacent channels. The purpose is to determine the isolation between these adjacent channels, when the bit error ratio of the useful signal does not exceed a certain reference value. The simulation results are subsequently subjected to comparison with the results of the experimental measurements in laboratory conditions. Before the measurements are carried out, a study of possible interference types is performed. Consequently, the crucial parameters of the measuring equipment used are verified. From the results of simulations and measurements, the proposal of a minimum and recommended carrier separation between both the systems is presented in order to efficiently utilize the assigned frequency spectrum. Furthermore, for the cooperation in both the separated and the common radio bands, the necessary precautions are given for reaching the required isolation and thereby inter-system interference minimization.
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