Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonwood"" "subject:"goodwood""
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Ancient City ReservationJia, Daxin 04 February 2020 (has links)
The thesis started from the nostalgia for the historic district and the life within it. I don't agree with the radical method of reforming the historic district at the moment, which is rebuilding the whole district or demolishing it. I tried to find a new way to reform the historic district, so that the new project can blend into the habitats' lifestyle, in which way people can reconnect to their home land.
During the design process, there is movie scenes, kungfu novels, and the living moment from my childhood came to my mind. And I translate those scenes into the spaces in the project through an architectural language. / Master of Architecture / I tried to find a new way to reform the historic district, so that the new project can blend into the habitats' lifestyle, in which way people can reconnect to their home land.
During the design process, there is movie scenes, kungfu novels, and the living moment from my childhood came to my mind. And I translate those scenes into the spaces in the project through an architectural language.
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Creosoted Tamarisk Fence Posts and Adaptability of Tamarisk as a Fine Cabinet WoodSmith, G. E. P. 15 June 1941 (has links)
This item was digitized as part of the Million Books Project led by Carnegie Mellon University and supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Cornell University coordinated the participation of land-grant and agricultural libraries in providing historical agricultural information for the digitization project; the University of Arizona Libraries, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the Office of Arid Lands Studies collaborated in the selection and provision of material for the digitization project.
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Preserving and Surfacing Rotted Wood and CharcoalHall, E. T., Jr. 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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THE RHEOLOGY OF CONCENTRATED CELLULOSIC SLURRIES.Chehab, Mohamad Nabil. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization and azeotropic distillation of crude wood oilCranford, Richard John, 1960- January 1989 (has links)
The batch distillation of crude wood oil by direct liquefaction was studied; azeotropic distillations and some characterization were also performed. It was found that 26-33 percent of the crude wood oil could be distilled by simple batch vacuum distillations with pressures from 50-300 mm Hg. With the use of ethylene glycol and glycerol 29-85 percent more oil was distilled partly due to the azeotrope formed which allows the oil to boil at a reduced pressure. The water liberated and the polymerization which took place during the distillations were studied. It was found that fluid catalytic cracking bottoms eliminates polymerization when it is co-distilled with the crude wood oil. A novel scheme for the separation of the phenolic fraction by azeotropic distillation is presented.
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Forças em peças de contraventamento de treliças de madeira / Forces on bracing elements of timber trussesMedeiros, Rodolfo Costa de 08 March 2010 (has links)
O trabalho analisa as forças atuantes no contraventamento de treliças triangulares de coberturas de madeira por meio de modelos numéricos computacionais. Os modelos foram confeccionados no sistema de análise estrutural Strap e consideram o funcionamento do contraventamento na estrutura tridimensional. Os valores máximos das forças obtidas nos modelos tridimensionais foram comparados aos valores mínimos indicados pelo método de estimativa da NBR 7190 (1997), este, baseado na instabilidade lateral do elemento contraventado. Os valores dos modelos tridimensionais também foram comparados aos métodos do Eurocode 5, da norma sul-africana SABS 0163 e aos valores propostos por Underwood (2000), por apresentarem formulação semelhante ao da NBR 7190 (1997). Os modelos representam galpões usuais na prática, com dimensões variando de 12 a 24 metros de vão; 24 a 96 metros de comprimento; 3, 4 e 6 metros de altura do pilar. Foram analisados para os tipos de treliça Howe e Pratt, para as classes de madeira C30 e C50 e para os tipos de telhas fibrocimento, metálicas e cerâmicas, materiais mais utilizados no Brasil. Os resultados mostram que as forças atuantes no contraventamento dos modelos tridimensionais são superiores aos valores obtidos pelo método da NBR 7190 (1997) e que valores obtidos pelos métodos propostos pelo Eurocode 5 e por Underwood (2000) apresentam-se mais seguros diante do funcionamento global da estrutura. / This work analyzes the forces acting on the bracing bars of triangular timber trusses by computational numerical models. The models are produced in the system of structural analysis Strap and consider the operation of bracing in the three-dimensional structure. The maximum forces obtained in the three-dimensional models are compared to the minimum values indicated by the estimation method of the NBR 7190 (1997), which is based on the lateral instability of the braced element. The values of three-dimensional models are also compared to the methods of Eurocode 5, the South African standard SABS 0163 and the values proposed by Underwood (2000). The models represent sheds with usual dimensions ranging from 12 to 24 meters wide, 24 to 96 feet long, and pillar 3, 4 and 6 meters tall. Are analyzed the Pratt and Howe types of truss, the timber classes C30 and C50 and the types of tiles: cement, metal and ceramics, materials most used in Brazil. The results show that the forces acting on the bracing of the three-dimensional models are greater than those obtained by the NBR 7190 (1997) and values obtained by methods proposed by the Eurocode 5 and Underwood (2000) provides more insurance on the overall functioning structure.
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A importância da arquitetura hidráulica para a compreensão do padrão de distribuição de árvores em uma floresta de terra firme na Amazônia CentralCosme, Luiza Helena Menezes 31 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Gizele Lima (gizele.lima@inpa.gov.br) on 2017-06-19T13:53:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-31 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Environmental filters act directly on the distribution and composition of species. However, it
is not known how soil and belowground hydric conditions are related to hydraulic
characteristics of the xylem, branches and of the whole plant on a local scale. We examined
wood density and anatomy, height, leaf area, specific leaf area, and the leaf area:sapwood area
ratio at the branch level in valleys and plateaus of the terra-firme forest in Central Amazonia.
These environments present contrasting table water depths and soil textures. We measure 20
traits related to branches, stem, and whole plant in 28 congeneric species pairs from 12
genera, each containing one valley and one plateau species. Species associated with the
plateaus or valleys showed trait differences that indicate distinct investments in prevention
against hydraulic failure and driving efficiency, respectively. On plateaus, species had higher
wood density, lower averages of vessel size and hydraulic diameter of the vessel, smaller stem
sapwood area and smaller specific leaf area. Some correlations between traits change
according to the contrasting environmental conditions, demonstrating that species have
different investments in traits according to the water conditions in the soil. The maximum
adult stature in contrast environments was associated with different investing in conductivity
efficiency through the xylem anatomy.We conclude that even in a fine scale, with few meters
separating contrasting soil texture and water table depth conditions, environmental filters may
impose ecological restrictions on trees that could explain species complementary distribution
in Central Amazonia. These filter may be stronger in phylogenetically closely related species,
which show more similarities and compete for the same resources. Thus, contrasting soil
texture and water table depth conditions may be important determinants of species
composition and diversity . Thus, we suggest that hydraulic attributes and their relationships
with the environment must be better understood, especially on a local level. / Filtros ambientais atuam diretamente sobre a distribuição e composição de espécies. No
entanto, não se sabe como solo e as condições hídricas abaixo do solo estão relacionados às
características hidráulicas do xilema. Nós examinamos a densidade da madeira e anatomia da
madeira, altura, área foliar, área foliar específica e a razão entre área foliar:área de xilema
ativo no nível do ramo em espécies de árvore que ocorrem no baixio e platôs em uma floresta
de terra-firme. Esses ambientes apresentam diferenças na profundidade do lençol freático e
textura do solo. Nós medimos 20 traços funcionais em 28 pares de espécies congenéricas de
12 gêneros. Cada par com uma espécie associada a baixio e uma espécie associada platô.
Espécies associadas aos platô ou baixios mostraram diferenças que indicam investimentos
distintos na prevenção contra a falha hidráulica e eficiência de condução, respectivamente.
Em platôs, as espécies apresentaram maior densidade da madeira, as médias mais baixas de
diâmetro do vaso e diâmetro hidráulico do vaso, menor área de xilema ativo no caule e menor
área foliar específica. A relação entre alguns atributos se alterou nas condições ambientais
contrastantes, e espécies de diferentes alturas nos diferentes ambientes parecem investir em
eficiencia e segurança hidráulica de maneiras distintas. Concluímos que mesmo em uma
escala fina, com poucos metros separando ambientes com condições contrastantes de textura
do solo e profundidade do lençol freático, filtros ambientais podem impor restrições
ecológicas em árvores que poderiam explicar espécies de distribuição complementar na
Amazônia Central. Estas restrições podem ser mais fortes em espécies filogeneticamente
relacionadas, que mostram mais semelhanças e competem pelos mesmos recursos. Sugerimos
que os atributos hidráulicos e suas relações com o meio ambiente devem ser melhor
compreendidos, especialmente a nível local.
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Calligraphy in the context of woodblock-printed books.January 2009 (has links)
Wang, Wenjia. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-173). / In English with some Chinese; abstract also in Chinese. / Abstract of Calligraphy in the Context of Woodblock-printed Books: --- p.1 / Table of Contents: --- p.5 / List of illustration: --- p.7 / Acknowledgement: --- p.17 / Introduction --- p.18 / Chapter 1. --- Song Dynasty --- p.20 / Chapter 1.1 --- The Universal Acceptance of Yan Zhenqing´ةs Style 顔真卿 and Song-edition Books --- p.20 / Chapter 1.2 --- Liu Gongquan 柳公權 and Fujian Edition --- p.28 / Chapter 1.3 --- Ouyang Xun 歐陽詢 and Jiangzhe Edition --- p.33 / Chapter 1.4 --- Song Xieke Editions 宋寫刻本 --- p.37 / Chapter 1.5 --- The Collection of Eulogies on Kunshan 崑山雜詠 and Huang Tingjian 黃庭堅 --- p.37 / Chapter 1.6 --- Su Shi 蘇軾 and the Literary Anthology of Tao Yuanming 陶淵明集 --- p.39 / Chapter 2. --- Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫 and Yuan Book Production --- p.42 / Chapter 3. --- Ming Dynasty --- p.51 / Chapter 3.1 --- Palace Edition Books and Zhao Mengfu's Lingering Influence in the Early Ming --- p.51 / Chapter 3.2 --- Wu School Calligraphy and Popular Typeface in the Mid-Ming --- p.52 / Chapter 3.3 --- Shen Zhou´ةs Calligraphy in his Manuscript and the Later Edition of Shen's Anthology --- p.52 / Chapter 3.4 --- "Wu Kuan's Calligraphy, Handwritten Book and His Published Anthology" --- p.56 / Chapter 3.5 --- The Rise of the so-called Song-style Printing Script 宋體字 and Xieke Editions 寫刻 in the Late Ming --- p.62 / Chapter 3.6 --- Liu Rushi´ةs (1618 -1664) Wuyin cao 戊寅草 and the Standard Song-style Printing Script --- p.62 / Chapter 3.7 --- Liu Rushi´ةs Letters 尺牘(1639-40),“Carved as Written´ح Preface and Mid- and Late Ming's Frenzy for Su Shi's Style --- p.64 / Chapter 3.8 --- Liu Rushi´ةs Hus hang cao 湖上草(1639) and Mid-Ming's Revival of Zhong Yao´ةs 鍾縣 Style --- p.65 / Chapter 3.9 --- Wang Ranming 汪然明 and Liu Rushi´ةs Publication --- p.69 / Chapter 4. --- Qing Dynasty --- p.73 / Chapter 4.1 --- Quange Ti 館閣體 and Siku Quanshu 四庫全書 --- p.73 / Chapter 4.2 --- Zheng Xie's 6 1/2 Script 六分半書 and His Self-designed Books --- p.75 / Chapter 4.3 --- "The Rise of Evidential and Epigraphical Studies and its Impact on Calligraphy and Printing, Wu Dacheng & the Analects in Seal Script" --- p.83 / Chapter 5. --- Conclusion --- p.86 / Chapter 6. --- Illustrations --- p.88 / Chapter 7. --- Bibliography --- p.163
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Transient flow inverse study calculation of unsaturated permeability of woodPiroozmandi, Farid 01 January 1985 (has links)
One of the major processes in lumber industry is wood drying. This process consumes large amounts of energy and capital, and due to the length of time it takes, it acts as a governing factor in lumber production levels. Development of improvements in processes and equipment used in wood drying can be expedited through computer simulation of various drying procedures. These numerical simulations depend on the accuracy of numerical models representing wood transport properties, including functional dependency of liquid permeability through wood with respect to local saturation level. Data available in the literature mainly represent wood permeability properties at fully saturated levels. This is an indication of steady state flow methods used in determining these values which are based on wide spread use of similar methods utilized in studies on fluid flow through soil. This research determines unsaturated wood permeability using transient liquid flow methods that are more representative of actual drying process. Initially saturated wood samples are spun in a low speed centrifuge to induce liquid migration through the cell structures. Transient local moisture profiles along the sample are measured using a scanning gamma ray densitometer. Numerical integration and curve fitting procedures are used to process these data. Finally, utilizing liquid continuity equation the functional dependency of permeability with respect to saturation is calculated. Some permeability results appear to be reasonable when compared with actual wood behavior during drying. Measurement procedures prove to yield accurate results for moisture content and saturation levels in wood with less than 5% relative error in average saturation level of .75. However, due to natural inhomogeneities in wood cellular structure, the final calculated results for unsaturated permeability show high levels of uncertainty (up to 112% relative error).
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Strain Rate-Dependent Behavior of Laminated Strand LumberSyron, William Donald January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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