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Development and Commissioning of a DP system for ROV SF 30kBerg, Viktor January 2012 (has links)
This Master thesis details the development of a mathematical model of ROV SF30k, and its implementation into a DP control system developed by Espen Tolpinrud.The project was performed as a part of the Applied Underwater Robotics atNTNU.A 6DOF model of the ROV was developed. The parameters of the model werefound using both the 3D model of the ROV provided by Sperre AS, and based onthe parameters found previously for ROV Minerva. Both ROVs were developedby Sperre AS and share many similarities. Thrust configuration was developed forthe ROV based on the geometric positions and orientations of its thrusters, whilethrust coefficients were found using propeller data provided by Sperre AS. The DPcontrol system was configured to operate SF 30k by using a configuration file basedon the found parameters.A number of modules were ported from the old DP system, which was tailormadefor ROV Minerva, to the new one. This includes the Kalman Filter, controllersand thrust allocation. An adaptive passive nonlinear observer was developedand implemented.The existing simulator model for ROV Minerva was modified to be able tosimulate ROV SF 30k. This was done by changing the parameters of the processplant model and thrust dynamics.The parameters in the configuration file for the new control system were verifiedduring sea trials onboard R/V Gunnerus on May 29-30th 2012. The thrust allocationparameters were found to be satisfactory during ROV operation, however, themathematical model of the ROV could not be verified due to the small window ofoperation during the sea trials.
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