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Testování zranitelností v průmyslových sítích / Vulnerabilities assessment for industrial protocolsZahradník, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
Thesis deals with testing of selected vulnerabilities from the IEC 61850 standard and following design of mitigation measures for selected vulnerabilities. Author simulated vulnerabilities of the GOOSE protocol, NTP attack and attack ona MMS client. Those attacks were GOOSE stNum, GOOSE semantic, GOOSE test bit,GOOSE replay, GOOSE flood, NTP spoofing and MMS password capture. Attacks on protocols GOOSE and MMS were successful, attack on NTP was only partially successful since the device confirmed receiving spoofed time, however it did not change it’s inner clock. Author then designed possible mitigation measures. Tool for automatic testing of selected vulnerabilities, parser for the GOOSE protocol and lightweight multiplatform parser for configuration files were created as well.The outcome of this thesis allows the implementation of lager scale tool for penetration testing of industrial networks as well as it allows implementation of discussed mitigation measures.
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Time Synchronization In Measurement NetworksKaya, Zahit Evren 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
AMR (Automatic Measurement Reading) applications usually require measurement data to be collected from separate locations. In order to combine the data retrieved from separate sources into a meaningful result, all sources should share a common time sense. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a synchronization scheme in measurement networks. In this thesis, a synchronization scheme which combines GPS (Global Positioning System) and two high accuracy WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) time synchronization algorithms will be proposed and evaluated. The synchronization accuracy of the proposed method is compared to the accuracy of NTP (Network Time Protocol) by simulation. This research work is fully supported by the Public Research Grant Committee (KAMAG) of TUBiTAK within the scope of National Power Quality Project of Turkey with the project No: 105G129.
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Rozšíření nástroje JMeter / Implementation of plugins for JMeterŠvehlák, Milan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis discusses the load testing tool JMeter and its opportunities for expansion by modules carrying out cyber attacks of the type Denial of Service (DoS). To begin with, there is a theoretical overview of cyber attacks of this type. The following chapter, talks about the JMeter tool, namely its functions and expansion options. After that, it is proceeded to the actual design and realization of the modules. The module implementing the attack HTTP Flood is created first. This module uses internal functions of the program JMeter. This new module is tested. Next chapter folows the procedure of creating modules, that use external generator of network traffic. Modules SYN Flood, ICMP Flood and NTP Flood are implemented using the generator Trafgen. Module implementing attack Slowloris uses a Python script as a generator of the attack. Finally, all the new modules are tested.
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Adding NTP and RTCP to a SIP User AgentMayer, Franz January 2006 (has links)
With its enormous potential Voice over Internet Protocol is one of the latest buzzwords in information technology. Despite the numerous advantages of Voice over IP, it is a major technical challenge to achieve a similar call quality as experienced in the ordinary Public Switched Telephone Network. This thesis introduces standardized Internet protocols for Voice over IP, such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), in its background chapter. In order to provide better Quality of Service (QoS) Voice over IP applications should support a feedback mechanism, such as the Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP), and use accurate timing information, provided by the Network Time Protocol (NTP). Additionally this thesis considers synchronization issues in calls with two and more peers. After a rather academic overview of Voice over IP, the open source real-time application “minisip”, a SIP user agent, and its operation and structure for handling audio streams will be introduced. Minisip was extended by an implementation of NTP and RTCP to provide a test platform for this thesis. A clear conclusion is that the addition of global time helps facilitate synchronization of multiple streams from clients located any where in the network and in addition the ability to make one-way delay measurements helps SIP user agents to provide better quality audio to their users. / Röst över IP, eller Internettelefoni baserad på “Voice over Internet Protocol” (VoIP), har med sin stora potential blivit ett av de senaste modeorden inom informationsteknologin. Vid sedan av ett antal fördelar med VoIP så innebär det en stor teknisk utmaning att uppnå en likadan samtalskvalitet som i det vanliga, fasta, telenätet. I den här uppsatsen beskrivs hur tjänstevalitet för VoIP kan förbättras genom att noggrant tidssynkronisera de (två eller flera) klienter som deltar i ett telefonsamtal. För detta krävs dels en återkopplingsmekanism, såsom “Real-time Control Protocol” (RTCP), samt en gemensam tidsuppfattning i de inblandade klienterna, vilket kan uppnås med hjälp av “Network Time Protocol” (NTP). Dessa protokoll, liksom de övriga Internet-standarder som VoIP baseras på (såsom “Session Initiation Protocol” (SIP) och “Real-time Transport Protocol” (RTP), beskrivs inledningsvis i uppsatsen. För studien har en SIP-klient baserad på öppen källkod använts (“Minisip”), och utökats med NTP och RCTP funktionalitet för att testa den föreslagna förbättringen av VoIP. En tydlig slutsats är att kännedom om en “global tid” möjliggör synkronisering av multipla ljudströmmar från klienter som befinner sig på olika nätverk. Möjligheten att mäta paketfördröjningen (envägs) bidrar också till en förbättrad ljudkvalitet.
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Plánování a analýza pohybu zařízení pro absolutní kalibraci GNSS antén / Movement planning and analysis of device for absolute GNSS antenna calibrationHynčicová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at movement analysis and planning of a robotic device for absolute GNSS antenna calibration, which is developed at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Geodesy. The first section is devoted to independent verification of the temporal synchronization of the robotic device’s movement, which is a prerequisite for the successful antenna calibration. The following section is focused on analysis of moveable characteristics since their knowledge is crucial for the following movement planning. Method of the device’s movement shooting by camera and evaluation its position based on gained photographs is used for both testing measurements. The final part is dedicated to movement planning, especially to calibrated antenna weighting influence on device’s movement characteristics, test results implementation into the observation program and arm movement planning considering the homogeneous calibration measurement layout.
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Microbial contamination in the surface water in the Ba Vi National Park, Ha NoiLe, Nhu Da, Phung, Thi Xuan Binh, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh 07 February 2019 (has links)
Ba Vi National Park, one of 28 Vietnam National parks, is currently preserved and exploited for a variety of purposes, including the preservation of intact natural forest ecosystems and genetic resources of rare plants and animals. This paper presents the monitoring results of microbial contamination in surface water environment of the Ba Vi National Park (Ha Noi) in the period 2013-2014 and 2018. The results showed that total coliform (TC) density varied from 23 to 11,000 MPN/100ml in bimonthly observation in 2013-2014 which was lower than that one of sampling campaign in 2018, from 900 MPN/100ml to 8,100 MPN/ml. Fecal coliform (FC) densities vaired from 0 to 110 MPN/100ml in 2013 -2014 were lower than that in 2018, from 0 MPN/100ml to 600 MPN/100ml. At several observation time, both TC and FC were higher than the allowable values of the Vietnam national technical regulation QCVN 08-MT: 2015/BTNMT column A1 for surface water quality. The exceeded values of TC and FC than the allowable values and the increase trend from the 2013 to 2018 periods indicated the potential risks to the public health in this region when people use water for domestic and agricultural purposes. Our results provide dataset for environmental management in the Ba Vi National Park in order to protect the eco-environment in parallel with economical-social development. / Vườn Quốc gia Ba Vì, một trong 28 vườn quốc gia của Việt Nam hiện đang được bảo tồn và khai thác cho nhiều mục đích, trong đó có bảo tồn nguyên vẹn các hệ sinh thái rừng tự nhiên, các nguồn gen động, thực vật quý hiếm, các đặc sản rừng và các di tích lịch sử, cảnh quan tự nhiên trong vùng. Bài báo trình bày kết quả quan trắc, đánh giá mức độ ô nhiễm vi sinh vật trong môi trường nước mặt tại Vườn Quốc Gia Ba Vì, Hà Nội giai đoạn 2013-2014 và 2018. Kết quả cho
thấy mật độ coliform tổng số (TC) biến đổi trong khoảng từ 23 – 11.000 MPN/100ml trong các đợt quan trắc định kỳ 2 tháng/lần trong hai năm 2013 - 2014 và trong khoảng từ 900 – 8.100 MPN/100ml trong một đợt quan trắc năm 2018. Mật độ fecal coliform (FC) biến đổi trong khoảng từ 0 - 110 MPN/100ml năm 2013 -2014 và từ 0 - 600 MPN/100ml vào năm 2018. Vào một số thời điểm quan trắc, mật độ FC và TC vượt giá trị cho phép của quy chuẩn kỹ thuật Quốc Gia QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT cột A1 về chất lượng nước mặt. Các giá trị TC và FC vượt quá giá trị cho phép và xu hướng gia tăng TC và FC từ 2013 -2018 cho thấy nguy cơ tiềm tàng khi người dân sử dụng nguồn nước này cho các mục đích sinh hoạt và nông nghiệp. Như vậy, kết quả của nghiên cứu này nhấn mạnh nhu cầu giám sát thường xuyên chất lượng nước và cần thực hiện các giải pháp hiệu quả để xử lý và quản lý nguồn gây ô nhiễm trong khu vực nhằm bảo vệ môi trường sinh thái song song với phát triển kinh tế - xã hội của khu vực.
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Synchronizace času v počítačových sítích / Time Synchronization in Computer NetworksMatoušek, Denis January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with design of a solution for time synchronization in computer networks that is a crucial problem of many network applications. Based on analysis of protocols for time synchronization, PTP protocol was chosen as an appropriate candidate. The thesis describes the implementation of the design for a special network interface card and demonstrates features of the solution in several tests. A part of the solution processing precise timestamps was implemented in FPGA chip on the network card while PTP messages are processed in a software application. Values of configurable parameters of the application were determined based on analysis of the network card properties and results of particular tests. It was achieved accuracy in order of tens of nanoseconds.
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Targeting the nucleotide metabolism of the mammalian pathogen Trypanosoma bruceiVodnala, Munender January 2013 (has links)
Trypanosoma brucei causes African sleeping sickness in humans and Nagana in cattle. There are no vaccines available against the disease and the current treatment is also not satisfactory because of inefficacy and numerous side effects of the used drugs. T. brucei lacks de novo synthesis of purine nucleosides; hence it depends on the host to make its purine nucleotides. T. brucei has a high affinity adenosine kinase (TbAK), which phosphorylates adenosine, deoxyadenosine (dAdo), inosine and their analogs. RNAi experiments confirmed that TbAK is responsible for the salvage of dAdo and the toxicity of its substrate analogs. Cell growth assays with the dAdo analogs, Ara-A and F-Ara-A, suggested that TbAK could be exploited for drug development against the disease. It has previously been shown that when T. brucei cells were cultivated in the presence of 1 mM deoxyadenosine (dAdo), they showed accumulation of dATP and depletion of ATP nucleotides. The altered nucleotide levels were toxic to the trypanosomes. However the salvage of dAdo in trypanosomes was dramatically reduced below 0.5 mM dAdo. Radiolabeled dAdo experiments showed that it (especially at low concentrations) is cleaved to adenine and converted to ATP. The recombinant methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (TbMTAP) cleaved methylthioadenosine, dAdo and adenosine into adenine and sugar-1-P in a phosphate-dependent manner. The trypanosomes became more sensitive to dAdo when TbMTAP was down-regulated in RNAi experiments. The RNAi experiments confirmed that trypanosomes avoid dATP accumulation by cleaving dAdo. The TbMTAP cleavage-resistant nucleoside analogs, FANA-A and Ara-A, successfully cured T. brucei-infected mice. The DNA building block dTTP can be synthesized either via thymidylate synthase in the de novo pathway or via thymidine kinase (TK) by salvage synthesis. We found that T. brucei and three other parasites contain a tandem TK where the gene sequence was repeated twice or four times in a single open reading frame. The recombinant T. brucei TK, which belongs to the TK1 family, showed broad substrate specificity. The enzyme phosphorylated the pyrimidine nucleosides thymidine and deoxyuridine, as well as the purine nucleosides deoxyinosine and deoxyguanosine. When the repeated sequences of the tandem TbTK were expressed individually as domains, only domain 2 was active. However, the protein could not dimerize and had a 5-fold reduced affinity to its pyrimidine substrates but a similar turnover number as the full-length enzyme. The expressed domain 1 was inactive and sequence analysis revealed that some active residues, which are needed for substrate binding and catalysis, are absent. Generally, the TK1 family enzymes form dimers or tetramers and the quaternary structure is linked to the affinity for the substrates. The covalently linked inactive domain-1 helps domain-2 to form a pseudodimer for the efficient binding of substrates. In addition, we discovered a repetition of an 89-bp sequence in both domain 1 and domain 2, which suggests a genetic exchange between the two domains. T. brucei is very dependent on de novo synthesis via ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) for the production of dNTPs. Even though T. brucei RNR belongs to the class Ia RNR family and contains an ATP-binding cone, it lacks inhibition by dATP. The mechanism behind the RNR activation by ATP and inactivation by dATP was a puzzle for a long time in the ~50 years of RNR research. We carried out oligomerization studies on mouse and E. coli RNRs, which belongs to the same family as T. brucei, to get an understanding of the molecular mechanism behind overall activity regulation. We found that the oligomerization status of RNRs and overall activity mechanism are interlinked with each other. / Targeting the nucleotide metabolism of the mammalian pathogen Trypanosoma brucei.
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Trends in the presenting clinical profile of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the Western Cape, 1991 - 2009de Jager, Veronique Rejean January 2017 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH (Public Health) / Over the past two decades, despite a growing tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, the South African
health system and National TB Programme (NTP) have taken significant steps to ensure
improved clinical awareness, early diagnosis, prompt treatment initiation and follow-up of
treatment outcomes in cases of TB. The effects of these programmatic measures over time on
changes in the severity of disease and presenting clinical profile of patients with pulmonary
TB have not been studied. Doing so may provide another window on the impact of TB control
initiatives in South Africa.
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Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Cool-Down Phase Optimization Through Quasi-Steady Computational Analysis, and the Effect of Auxiliary Heat Removal SystemsPlank, Jack R. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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