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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new approach to the assessment of odour nuisance

Beaman, A. L. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Gene flow and insecticide resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens

Byrne, Katharine January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Privatization and regulatory oversight of commercial wildlife control activities in the United States

Lindsey, Kieran J. 15 May 2009 (has links)
Urbanization decreases the amount of natural habitat available to wildlife but some species are able to adapt to and even thrive in human-dominated landscapes. When humans and wildlife live in close proximity the number of conflicts increase. Natural resource and agricultural departments were not designed to handle urban problems or the number of complaints that arise in urban areas, and the nuisance wildlife control (NWC) industry has developed in response to the unmet demand for assistance. Members of the wildlife profession have expressed concerns over the impact the nuisance wildlife control industry may have on wildlife, the public, and wildlife management, but no national studies were found that examined the size, growth, and/or economic impact of the industry. The most recent national reviews of regulation and oversight took place ≥10 years ago. This study examines 2 broad features of the NWC industry: 1) size and economic impact of the industry in the U.S. (e.g., number of businesses, annual sales revenue generated); and 2) the national regulatory environment. A total of 3,153 NWC businesses were identified in the U.S., and a conservative annual sales figure of $140 million was estimated for the wildlife removal services only. Changes in the regulatory environment from 1997-2007 were examined using a 10-category scoring system developed during an earlier study, and comparing the results of both studies. Changes were observed (P ≤ 0.05) for 9 of 10 characteristics, and the average cumulative score rose from 2.20 to 4.28 out of 10.0.

Analyse de la nuisance des élevages à forte charge d'odeur dans la MRC de L'Érable cas des élevages porcins

Sarr, Joachim Honoré January 2007 (has links)
Avec des recettes de plus d'un milliard de dollars pour l'exercice 2004, l'industrie porcine est le deuxième pilier de la filière bioalimentaire au Québec. Cependant, le développement des entreprises porcines se traduit souvent par des conflits opposant les producteurs agricoles et les riverains à cause de la dispersion des fortes odeurs autour des élevages porcins. En effet, l'élevage porcin pratiqué au Québec est de type intensif, avec des bâtiments pouvant abriter jusqu'à 2995 têtes de porcs. Les déchets solides et/ou liquides générés par ces animaux contiennent des polluants dont les plus nocifs pour la santé humaine sont le sulfure d'hydrogène H[indice inférieur 2]S et l'ammoniac NH[indice inférieur 3], Sous l'effet des paramètres météorologiques et topographiques, ces polluants peuvent se propager et causer des nuisances sur un rayon d'action jusqu'à environ 1 km autour d'un élevage. Cette situation avait amené le gouvernement provincial à adopter un moratoire de deux ans et demi sur les mégaporcheries pour contenir le mécontentement des populations qui n'hésitent plus à organiser des marches de protestation contre des projets d'agrandissement et/ou de construction de nouvelles porcheries. Notre zone d'étude est la MRC de L'Érable. Elle est située dans la région centre du Québec.Avec soixante-huit fermes porcines, le secteur du porc est un de ceux qui ont affiché la plus forte progression depuis deux décennies dans l'économie de la MRC. Notre étude a pour objectif final de trouver les emplacements potentiels dans la MRC de L'Érable pour implanter des élevages porcins qui ne nuisent pas aux populations riveraines. En premier lieu, nous avons établi une zone tampon de 1 km autour de chaque élevage pour vérifier la vulnérabilité des bâtiments et des routes. Cette opération a montré que bon nombre de bâtiments et de portions de routes sont potentiellement soumis à la pollution issue des élevages voisins. Pour confirmer cette assertion, nous avons ensuite utilisé le modèle de dispersion AERMOD. Les concentrations maximales trouvées lors de la simulation du modèle sont confrontées aux normes de qualité de l'air du MDDEP pour trouver les distances sécuritaires autour des routes et des résidences. Ces distances sont utilisées conjointement avec les normes de protection de l'hydrographie, des zones humides, des prises d'eau potable dans un modèle spatial pour identifier les meilleurs emplacements. Comme résultats, les concentrations maximales issues du modèle de dispersion sont pour un élevage individuel de 283,2 [micro]g/m[indice supérieur 3] en NH[indice inférieur 3], et 32,4 [micro]g/m[indice supérieur 3] en H[indice inférieur 2]S. Ces valeurs maximales dépassent respectivement le descripteur de toxicité chronique qui est de 100 [micro]g/m[indice supérieur 3] en NH[indice inférieur 3], ainsi que la norme horaire de 14 [micro]g/m[indice supérieur 3] de H[indice inférieur 2]S définie par le MDDEP. Pour mettre les résidences et les routes à l'abri des nuisances des élevages, il faudra les placer au-delà de 800 m de l'élevage porcin. Les emplacements potentiels résultant du modèle spatial montrent que les problèmes de nuisance d'odeurs que vivent actuellement les populations de la MRC de L'Érable viennent du fait que les élevages actuels ne respectent pas les distances séparatrices du MDDEP et ne sont pas localisés dans les lieux adéquats. L'aspect innovateur de notre étude réside dans l'utilisation de six outils d'analyse spatiale supporté par un modèle de dispersion des odeurs et les résultats satisfaisants obtenus à l'échelle locale. De la sorte, nous pensons que notre étude va contribuer à réduire les tensions sociales reliées à la problématique de la nuisance d'odeur par les élevages porcins. En outre, notre méthodologie pourra être utilisée ailleurs en l'adaptant au milieu d'étude vu que les problèmes de pollution de l'air dépassent les frontières des pays.

Abundance and control of nuisance watershield (Brasenia schreberi) populations in Mississippi

Lee, MacKenzie M. 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Aquatic nuisance plants (ANS), like watershield (Brasenia schreberi), negatively affect water chemistry, ecosystem ecology, and human uses of waterbodies if not properly managed. Understanding ecological predictors as well as efficient control strategies is needed for successful control of ANS. This research assessed 1) potential environmental and ecological predictors of watershield prevalence along with 2) submersed injections of flumioxazin herbicide for watershield control. Twenty-one lakes in the state of Mississippi were surveyed for watershield presence. Watershield prevalence was not correlated to water clarity or plant diversity suggesting these are not drivers of watershield prevalence. A series of mesocosm and field trials were conducted to assess flumioxazin rate reductions for watershield control. In the mesocosm study, 100 ppb flumioxazin injections reduced water shield biomass to >70% 8 weeks after treatment (WAT). This was validated on a field population (>88% reduction) and provides a new control measure for Mississippi resource managers and landowners.

Právní úprava včelařství. / Legal regulation of beekeeping

Prášil, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis summarizes the current legislation regarding beekeeping in the Czech Republic. The thesis aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the legal regulations of beekeeping. The thesis itself is divided into two chapters. The former chapter describes the beekeeping legislation from the point of view of the private law and the latter from the point of view of the public law. The centerpiece law regarding the first chapter is the Civil Code. The Civil Code contains the adjustment of nuisance, neighbourly relations, swarm legislation and damages. From the public law standards, beekeeping is affected by the Law on Veterinary Care, the Phytosanitary Care Act, the Breeding Act, the Food Law, the Income Tax Act, the Law on Damages from Specially Protected Animals, and many others. The Veterinary Care Act, together with the implementing legislation, sets out procedures for combating honeybee diseases and the conditions for traveling with bees. The Phytosanitary Act contains provisions under which bees are protected from the effects of the use of substances viewed as threatening to them. The Food Act and subsequent decrees contain a definition of honey. The breeding law sets the rules for the record keeping of bee colonies. The Income Tax Act exempts beekeepers who have fewer...

Sediment remediation as a technique for restoring eutrophic wetlands and controlling nuisance Chironomidae

jchen1232005@yahoo.com.au, Juan Chen January 2004 (has links)
Eutrophication is a global problem affecting many inland and estuarine waters. Many wetlands on the Swan Coast Plain, in Western Australia, have undergone increasing nutrient enrichment since European settlement of the region in the 1850’s. Problems such as algal blooms and nuisance swarms of non-biting midges (Diptera; Chironomidae) are the consequence of nutrient enrichment in many of these wetlands. The restoration of these degraded wetlands, especially with respect to reducing nutrient enrichment, requires a range of comprehensive and effective techniques including catchment management, diversion or treatment of surface inputs and treatment of enriched sediments. Nitrogen and phosphorus, especially phosphorus, are not the only factors controlling algal biomass in water bodies, but they are the only elements that can be removed efficiently and economically. Internal P cycling from wetland sediments can initiate and sustain eutrophication and related algal blooms and nuisance midge problems even after external sources are diverted or reduced. The aim of this study was to identify an effective material to reduce sediment phosphorus release and thereby the phosphorus concentration of the water column. It was also important to determine the impact of the selected amendment material on phytoplankton and larval midge (chironomid) communities. A range of experiments at increasing scales, from bench-top, to microcosm to outdoor mesocosm experiments were designed to test three hypotheses: 1) Materials which have a high P sorption capacity, over a wide range of P solution concentrations, and low P release rate, are potentially suitable agents to reduce P in wetlands with enriched sediments by inactivating sediment P; 2) A reduction in the abundance of cyanobacteria caused by increasing the N:P ratio of an aquatic ecosystem results in a reduction in the density of nuisance species of Chironomidae. 3) Successful amendment of enriched sediments reduces P in the water column thereby reducing the total phytoplankton biomass and the related density of nuisance species of Chironomidae. The adsorption and desorption experiments were carried out under a range of pH values and P concentrations, with a number of materials including fly ash, red mud, precipitated calcium carbonate, crushed limestone and lime to determine the maximum adsorption capacity and affinity of these materials. A rang of P concentrations (0-1000 µg/L) simulated the P concentration of the water column in a range of wetlands of differing trophic status. Poor fits to the Langmuir equation occurred with both red mud and fly ash due to their high P content. A good fit occurred with lime, with a high P removal rate (90%-96%) over the same range. Fly ash and red mud were eliminated from further investigation due to the possibility that they might release phosphorus rather than absorb when P concentrations in surrounding environment were less than 300 µg/L or 200 µg/L respectively (concentrations which can occur in eutrophic systems). Among the three lime-based, redox-insensitive materials tested in the second mesocosm experiments, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) possessed the highest maximum adsorption capacity and lowest desorption rate under a range of pH values (6.2, 7.2 and 10) and P concentrations (0-12 000 µg/L), followed by crushed limestone and lime. The different maximum absorption capacities of the three materials appears to be mainly attributed to their particle size (surface area). Lime was chosen as the amendment material for further investigation because it was the only one of the three available in sufficient quantities within the timeframe of this study. Microcosm experiments showed that lime was effective in reducing sediment P release from intact sediment cores, and the ratio of TN:TP in the treatment cores increased over time compared to the control cores (in which TN: TP decreased slightly). In the first mesocosm experiment a significantly higher density of larval midges was found in the treatments than in the controls. The treatments were aimed to increase N:P ratio in the systems to reduce cyanobacteria and, subsequently, larval midge densities. However even though cyanobacteria were eliminated from the treatments, the nitrogen addition appeared to result in higher phytoplankton biomass overall, which fuelled an increase in larval midge densities. In the second mesocosm experiment, the addition of lime to enriched sediments resulted in a reduction in P in the water column. This reduction was accompanied by a reduction in total phytoplankton biomass, the absence of cyanobacteria, and a less abundant and more species - diverse chironomid fauna in the treatment mesocosms. Sediment P fractionation undertaken for both the microcosm and mesocosm experiments showed that most of the phosphorus adsorbed by lime was in the labile fraction (NH3Cl extractable P and NaOH extractable P). Phosphorus in the HCl extractable fraction was also found to be higher in the treatments due to the presence of inert mineral P in the lime than the formation of new hydroxyapatite from adsorbed P. The two mesocosm experiments suggested that larval midges were non-selective feeders, responding to total phytoplankton biomass, rather than the presence of cyanobacteria. Dissolved oxygen and predation also influenced larval midge densities. In summary, although lime appeared to be a useful material for reducing P release from enriched sediments under controlled laboratory conditions, the effect under field conditions was not as definitive. Further work is required to more fully determine the conditions under which sediment remediation may be used as a means of controlling sediment P release and associated high densities of larval chironomids.

Fault-based and strict liability in the law of neighbours

Gatica Rodríguez, María Paz January 2017 (has links)
By the end of the twentieth century, and after a long line of conflicting case law, the question about the basis of liability in nuisance was settled: in Scotland, damages are awarded only upon proof of fault (RHM Bakeries (Scotland) Ltd v Strathclyde Regional Council 1985 SC (HL) 17). Fault, in turn, can adopt many forms: malice, intention, recklessness, negligence, and conduct causing a special risk of abnormal damage (Kennedy v Glenbelle Ltd 1995 SC 95). Many aspects of this seemingly clear picture, however, remain problematic. On the one hand, the way in which this model is interpreted and applied gives place to particular forms of liability that can actually be characterised as strict. On the other hand, two other areas of the law of neighbours that overlap with the scope of nuisance do not fit entirely this model, namely the regulation of disputes over uses of water and of those arising from withdrawal of support. The main argument of this thesis is that damages claims in the context of neighbourhood are governed by two distinct rules: a general fault-based liability rule for nuisance, and an exceptional strict liability rule for abnormally dangerous conduct. For the first of these rules, the thesis offers an evaluation of the fault model adopted in Kennedy v Glenbelle Ltd, explaining the interaction between its different elements and highlighting the developments that can result in forms of strict liability. For the second of these rules, the thesis develops an analysis of its elements and nature, as well as a proposal that delineates its scope of application. This two-rule model offers a justification for the current structure of the law applicable to disputes over uses of water. The strict liability rule applicable to interferences with the natural flow of watercourses, traditionally explained as based upon the infringement of property rights, is better explained as danger-based. The regulation of disputes arising from withdrawal of support, however, is not consistent with this model, even though they have also been characterised as nuisances. It is argued that this framework entails unjustified inconsistencies, both internal and by reference to the model proposed, and that it should be adjusted accordingly.

Caractérisation des émissions gazeuses et des odeurs en compostage : étude de la corrélation entre la concentration d'odeur et la composition chimique des émissions / Characterization of gas emissions and odors upon composting : study of the correlation between the odor concentration and chemical composition

Rincon Mejia, Carlos Andrés 04 April 2019 (has links)
La valorisation des déchets par le compostage et la méthanisation est encouragée par les politiques de l'UE. Cependant, ces technologies de recyclage des déchets sont confrontées à un défi crucial en matière de libération et de contrôle des émissions de gaz odorants. En effet, la pollution par les odeurs est la principale cause d'opposition du public au traitement des déchets, ce qui a entraîné la fermeture et des poursuites en justice pour les unités de traitement des déchets. À l'heure actuelle, les inventaires des émissions d'odeurs et de produits chimiques pour appuyer les plans de gestion des odeurs et de la pollution atmosphérique font défaut, en raison de la complexité des évaluations des odeurs, impliquant généralement des analyses sensorielles et chimiques. L'objectif de cette thèse était donc de caractériser de manière détaillée les émissions de gaz et les odeurs lors du processus de compostage. À cette fin, les émissions d’odeurs et de polluants ont tout d’abord été étudiées au cours des différentes étapes opérationnelles du processus de compostage, à savoir le stockage, la phase active, le retournement et la maturation. Les résultats ont montré que la phase active et le retournement jouent un rôle essentiel dans les générations de nuisances olfactives causées principalement par les composés soufrés volatils (CSV). Des efforts supplémentaires ont ensuite été consacrés à la caractérisation des émissions de gaz au cours de la phase active de compostage de quinze déchets solides et du digestat, permettant ainsi de corroborer l’importance des CSV sur la production d’odeurs lors du compostage et de différencier l’impact des émissions de gaz sur les odeurs en fonction des matières premières des déchets. La dernière partie de ce travail de recherche a été consacrée à la corrélation des mesures sensorielles et chimiques, par le biais de méthodes de régression simple et multiple visant à faciliter et à renforcer le contrôle des odeurs dans les unités de traitement des déchets. Notamment, un modèle des moindres carrés partiels améliore la prévision de la concentration d'odeurs grâce à la composition chimique des gaz émis. / Waste valorization through composting and methanization are actively promoted by the EU policies. However, these waste recycling technologies face a crucial challenge regarding the release and control of odorous and hazardous gas emissions. Indeed, odor pollution is the principal cause for public opposition to waste processing, leading to the closure and lawsuits for waste treatment units. Currently, there is a lack of odor and chemical emissions inventories to support odor and air pollution management plans due to the complexity of odor assessments, generally involving sensory and chemical analysis. Hence, the aim of this PhD thesis was to characterize extensively the gas emissions and odors released during the composting process. To this end, the patterns of odor and pollutant emissions were first traced throughout different operational stage of composting process, namely, storage, active phase, turning and curing. The results showed that the active phase and turning played a pivotal role in odor nuisance generations which were mainly caused by volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). Then, further efforts were focused on characterizing the gas emissions released along the composting active phase of fifteen solid wastes and digestate. The results corroborated the relevance of VSC on odors production during composting and enabled to differentiate the odor impact of gas emissions as a function of the wastes’ feedstock. The last part of this research work was devoted to correlate both, sensory and chemical measurements, through univariate and multivariate regression analysis to ease and strength odor monitoring in waste treatment units. Notably, a partial least squares model improved odor concentration prediction based on the chemical composition of emitted gases.

Airports and territory : emergence of a new strategic actor in the air transport system / Aéroports et territoire : emergence of a new strategic actor in the air transport systeml'émergence d'un nouvel acteur stratégique dans le système de transport aérien

Horn, Catharina 02 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l'émergence de l'aéroport comme nouvel acteur stratégique dans le système de transport aérien qui a connu de vastes changements depuis sa libéralisation et au sein duquel l'aéroport est devenu un acteur majeur. En considérant l'aéroport comme acteur du transport aérien, bien qu'il soit affecté par son environnement au sens large, ce travail propose une contribution à la discussion récente sur la question des aéroports. Cette contribution se réfère à deux niveaux : une analyse du système de transport aérien européen dans lequel l'aéroport émerge comme partenaire à part entière et une analyse détaillée du lien entre stratégies aéroportuaires et l'ancrage de l'aéroport dans l'espace et dans le territoire. En partant de la différentiation des stratégies aéroportuaires avec des aéroports qui se spécialisent dans un certain ou plusieurs segments de marché, l'analyse du contexte spatial et territorial, dans lequel les aéroports sont ancrés, a révélé son influence sur le développement des aéroports mais a confirmé aussi que ce dernier n'est pas un résultat mécanique mais est soumis aux dynamiques résultant du jeu d'acteurs. L'émergence de l'aéroport comme nouvel acteur stratégique dans le système de transport aérien met en lumière les rapports complexes entre aéroports et territoire qui se reflètent dans un certain nombre d'aspects discutés dans ce travail / This thesis deals with the emergence of the airport as a new strategic actor in the air transport system which has undergone profound changes since its liberalisation and within which the airport turned out to be a major player. Considering the airport as an actor in the air transport system, even if it is affected by its environment in a large sense, this work proposes a contribution to current discussion about airport economics. This contribution refers to two levels : an analysis of the European airport business within which the airport emerges as a full player and an analysis of the link between airport strategy and the spatial and territorial context into which the airport is embedded. Based on the differentiation of airport strategies according to the airports' commitment to certain market segments, the analysis of the spatial and territorial context into which the airports are embedded showed its influence on the development of airports but confirmed also that the latter is not automatic but subject to the dynamics arising from the interactions between the different actors. The emergence of the airport as a new strategic player in the air transport system places the emphasis on the complex relation between airport and territory which is reflected in a number of issues connected with the airport activity

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