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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche multi-échelle pour la prédiction de la tenue d'une aile caisson dédiée à l'aviation légère : expérimentation et simulation / Multi Scale Approach for the Prediction of the Hollow Box Wing Strength Dedicated to Light Aviation : Experimental and Simulation

Fleuret, Clément 26 May 2016 (has links)
Les ailes d’avion sont composées d’une part croissante de pièces composites. Afin de réduire les coûts de production et de certification des assemblages, une nouvelle architecture en caissons creux, en fabrication ‘one shot’, est proposée. Cette structure contient des liaisons en T entre des sections sandwichs. Le comportement et les modes de dégradation de cette structure sont méconnus. Une méthodologie multi-échelle est mise en place pour appréhender l’endommagement de la voilure et ainsi améliorer l’outil numérique de dimensionnement.Tout d’abord, des systèmes essai – éprouvette spécifiques sont conçus pour représenter les modes de sollicitation de la liaison dans la voilure. Une analyse fine des essais instrumentés permet d’appréhender les scénarios d’endommagement pour chaque mode. Les premiers stades sont principalement pilotés par le nid d’abeille (cisaillement, déchirement). Un modèle numérique 3D permet de représenter les premiers stades d’endommagement. Il est construit avec une représentation en coque du nid d’abeille intégrant les variabilités de la structure (collage, déformation de cellules). Egalement, une loi de comportement élasto-plastique endommageable des matériaux constitutifs de la voilure (plis unidirectionnels et tissés) est développée et implémentée pour les stratifiés multi-matériaux. Sur les bases de ce modèle, une modélisation simplifiée du comportement de la liaison est développée. Elle consiste à assembler des coques par des connecteurs avec des propriétés élasto-plastiques. La création d’un calcul prédictif de voilure intègre le modèle simplifié de comportement de la liaison. / Aircraft wings are composed of a growing composite part portion. To reduce production and assembly certification costs, a new hollow box architecture is proposed with a one shot manufacturing process. This structure includes T-connections between honeycomb sandwich panels. Mechanical behavior and degradation modes are unknown for this structure. A multiscale methodology is developed to deepen the wing damage knowledge and to improve the numerical sizing tool.Firstly, specimen-testing couples are designed to represent the loading modes of the T-connections. A detailed analysis of instrumented testing allows to understand the damage scenarios for each mode. The first damage stages are mainly driven by the honeycomb behavior (shear, tear). A 3D numerical model represents the first damage stages. It is built with a shell representation of the honeycomb which integrates the structure variability (bonding, deformation of cells). An elastic-plastic damage law (unidirectional and woven plies) is developed for the wing materials. Then, it is implemented for multi material laminate. Based on this model, a simplified modeling is realized for the connection behavior. It consists of assembling shells by connectors with elastic-plastic properties. Building a predictive wing simulation requires a simplified model integration of the T-bond behavior.

Contribution à la caractérisation des mécanismes dissipatifs sous sollicitation d'impact de structures composites sandwichs intégrant des fibres naturelles. Proposition d'une zone d'absorption pour siège pilote / Contribution to the Dissipative Mechanisms Characterization of Sandwich Composite Structures Incorporating Natural Fibers Subject to Impact Loading. Proposal of a Pilot Seat Absorption Zone

Audibert, Clément 11 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans la problématique de réduction de masse, de sécurité inhérent au domaine aéronautique, il concerne plus spécifiquement les sièges de pilotes d’avion de ligne. Un nouveau concept d’assise composite sandwich multifonctionnel est proposé. Il est composé d’une peau carbone, d’une âme nid d’abeille Nomex et d’une peau hybride Kevlar/lin. L’assemblage de plusieurs matériaux engendre des comportements parfois complexes et rend difficile la prédiction de la ruine de la structure. Une démarche expérimental/numérique est mise en place pour appréhender l’endommagement de l’assise et ainsi permettre un pré-dimensionnement via un outil numérique.Tout d’abord, des essais de caractérisation permettent d’élaborer les lois de comportement des différents matériaux constituant le sandwich. Le composite hybride présente un comportement élasto-plastique-endommageable-anisotrope. Le nida Nomex est représenté par un réseau de ressort et une loi couplant le comportement en compression et en cisaillement qui est implémentée dans ABAQUS. Des essais d’impacts permettent d’évaluer les modes de rupture et l’énergie dissipée par les concepts d’assises réalisés. Des simulations numériques intégrant les comportements matériaux identifiés sont mises en places pour corréler l’essai d’impact. L’analyse couplée des résultats expérimentaux et numériques permet d’identifier les couplages entre les différents mécanismes. Enfin, le modèle est utilisé pour dimensionner une assise composite qui s’avère sans optimisation fine, comparable à une assise existante en aluminium de l’A350. / This work is part of the problem of mass reduction, safety inherent in the aeronautical field, it concerns more specifically the seats of pilots of airliner. A new multi-functional sandwich composite seat pan is proposed, composed by a carbon skin, a Nomex honeycomb core and a Kevlar/flax hybrid skin. The assembly of several materials generates complex behaviors and makes the ruin of the structure difficult to predict. An experimental/numerical approach is used to understand the damage mechanism of the seat and to create a pre-dimensioning numerical tool.Firstly, characterization tests allow identifying the mechanical behaviors of each material and constituting a database for the creation of material laws. The hybrid composite shows an elastoplastic-damaging-anisotropic behavior. The honeycomb is represented by a spring network and a law coupling the compression and shear behavior is implemented. Impact tests are used to evaluate the failure modes and the energy dissipated by the different concepts. The impact tests are correlates by numerical simulation using the identified material behaviors. The analysis of the experimental and numerical results makes it possible to identify the coupling between the different mechanisms. Finally, the model is used to design a new composite seat pan. This one is comparable to the existing aluminum seat pan without optimization phase.

Истраживање динамике и развој машина вертикалног транспорта применом нумеричко-експерименталних поступака / Istraživanje dinamike i razvoj mašina vertikalnog transporta primenom numeričko-eksperimentalnih postupaka / Dynamics researching and development of vertical transport machines using numerical-experimental procedures

Đokić Radomir 22 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Дефинисани су експeримeнтaлни поступци за oдрeђивaњe губитака и стeпeнa искoришћeњa пoстрojeњa у зaвиснoсти oд рeлaтивнoг oптeрeћeњa кaбинe (кoшa) у експлоатационим условима, као и за oдрeђивaњe мeхaничких кaрaктeристикa чeличних ужaди.<br />Дата је мoгућнoст примeнe мeтoдa нумeричкe aнaлизe зa рeшaвaњe систeмa ПДЈ хипeрбoличнoг типa са константним параметрима и граничним условима што одговара случајевима осциловања кабине (коша) након заустављања (кочења) погонског мотора.<br />Развијени су aдeквaтни прoрaчунски мoдeли који омогућују комплексну динaмичку aнaлизу лифтoвa и извoзних пoстрojeњa у функцији прoмeнљиве крутoсти и граничних услова. Дефинисан је утицај променљиве крутости нa стaбилнoст крeтaњa, кроз прoмeну слободне дужине ужади.</p> / <p>Definisani su eksperimentalni postupci za određivanje gubitaka i stepena iskorišćenja postrojenja u zavisnosti od relativnog opterećenja kabine (koša) u eksploatacionim uslovima, kao i za određivanje mehaničkih karakteristika čeličnih užadi.<br />Data je mogućnost primene metoda numeričke analize za rešavanje sistema PDJ hiperboličnog tipa sa konstantnim parametrima i graničnim uslovima što odgovara slučajevima oscilovanja kabine (koša) nakon zaustavljanja (kočenja) pogonskog motora.<br />Razvijeni su adekvatni proračunski modeli koji omogućuju kompleksnu dinamičku analizu liftova i izvoznih postrojenja u funkciji promenljive krutosti i graničnih uslova. Definisan je uticaj promenljive krutosti na stabilnost kretanja, kroz promenu slobodne dužine užadi.</p> / <p>We have defined the experimental procedures for defining the dissipation and the utility factor of vertical transport machines depending on the relative loading of the cabin (cage) in exploiting conditions, as well as for the setting the mechanical charactristics of the steel ropes.<br />There is given the option of applying the numerical analyses methods for solving the PDE systems of the hyperbolic type with constant parameters and boundary conditions, which is suitable for the cases when there are oscillations of the cabin (cage) after stopping (braking) the driving motor.<br />The adequate calculation models have been developed and they enable a complex dynamic analyses of elevators and mine elevators in the function of variable stiffness and boundary conditions. We also defined the influence of the variable stiffness on the stability of movement, through a change in the ropes&rsquo; free length.</p>

Caracterização da manobrabilidade de embarcações em áreas restritas, baixa velocidade e operação em regime transitório. / Characterization of vessel mancerability in restricted areas, low speed and transitional operation.

Masetti, Felipe Ribolla 27 July 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo a validação do modelo numérico de manobras para navios utilizado pelo simulador chamado SMH - Simulador Marítimo Hidroviário, que foi desenvolvido no laboratório Tanque de Provas Numérico. Para tanto foram realizados ensaios experimentais de manobras com um modelo em escala reduzida da embarcação Alpha Crucis com o objetivo de criar dados de manobra que serviram como referência para validação do modelo numérico. Foram selecionados diversos tipos de manobras com o propósito de criar uma caracterização da manobrabilidade da embarcação em baixas velocidades e regime transitório, permitindo a medição de diversas características, que permitem quantificar as capacidades de manobra da embarcação. Através de experimentos numéricos foram, então, realizadas as mesmas manobras executadas pelo modelo físico em escala reduzida, de forma a reproduzir as mesmas condições iniciais e os mesmos comandos, procurando reproduzir as manobras para validação do modelo implementado no SMH. Os resultados obtidos apresentam a aderência das características de manobras do modelo implementado no SMH, através da comparação das características de manobra obtidas pelo modelo físico em escala reduzida e das obtidas pelo modelo numérico. A dissertação apresenta ainda um estudo de sensibilidade que mostra o efeito dos principais fatores utilizados no laboratório Tanque de Provas Numérico para a calibração dos modelos de embarcações, mostrando que para as manobras consideradas neste trabalho alguns dos efeitos possuem pouca influência nos resultados. Por fim o trabalho conclui que o modelo matemático utilizado pelo SMH representa a capacidade de manobra da embarcação de forma consistente para diversos tipos de manobra, e com um grau de aderência satisfatório. / This research aims to present a validation for the ship maneuvering simulator named SMH, anachronym in Portuguese for Maritime and Waterway Simulator, developed on Tanque de Provas Numérico laboratory. For this propose small scale tests were performed with a model of Alpha Crucis ship aiming to create maneuver data that was used as reference for the numerical model validation. Several types of maneuver where selected to create a characterization of the maneuverability of the ship at low speeds and transient regime, and the parameters that quantify the maneuverability were measured. Then were performed numerical experiments recreating the same maneuver executed with the experimental model, with the same initial conditions and propulsion/rudder controls, trying to reproduce the maneuvers to validate the model implemented on the SMH. The results showed that the maneuvering characteristics predicted by the SMH simulator are similar to measured values in the experiment. The dissertation also presents a sensitivity study that shows the effect of the main parameters used in the laboratory Tanque de Provas Numérico for the vessel model calibration, This study showed that for some maneuvers, the tuning parameters have less influence on the results. Finally, the work concludes that the mathematical model used by the SMH represents the ability of the vessel to maneuver consistently for several types of maneuvers, and with a satisfactory degree of accuracy.

Caracterização da manobrabilidade de embarcações em áreas restritas, baixa velocidade e operação em regime transitório. / Characterization of vessel mancerability in restricted areas, low speed and transitional operation.

Felipe Ribolla Masetti 27 July 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo a validação do modelo numérico de manobras para navios utilizado pelo simulador chamado SMH - Simulador Marítimo Hidroviário, que foi desenvolvido no laboratório Tanque de Provas Numérico. Para tanto foram realizados ensaios experimentais de manobras com um modelo em escala reduzida da embarcação Alpha Crucis com o objetivo de criar dados de manobra que serviram como referência para validação do modelo numérico. Foram selecionados diversos tipos de manobras com o propósito de criar uma caracterização da manobrabilidade da embarcação em baixas velocidades e regime transitório, permitindo a medição de diversas características, que permitem quantificar as capacidades de manobra da embarcação. Através de experimentos numéricos foram, então, realizadas as mesmas manobras executadas pelo modelo físico em escala reduzida, de forma a reproduzir as mesmas condições iniciais e os mesmos comandos, procurando reproduzir as manobras para validação do modelo implementado no SMH. Os resultados obtidos apresentam a aderência das características de manobras do modelo implementado no SMH, através da comparação das características de manobra obtidas pelo modelo físico em escala reduzida e das obtidas pelo modelo numérico. A dissertação apresenta ainda um estudo de sensibilidade que mostra o efeito dos principais fatores utilizados no laboratório Tanque de Provas Numérico para a calibração dos modelos de embarcações, mostrando que para as manobras consideradas neste trabalho alguns dos efeitos possuem pouca influência nos resultados. Por fim o trabalho conclui que o modelo matemático utilizado pelo SMH representa a capacidade de manobra da embarcação de forma consistente para diversos tipos de manobra, e com um grau de aderência satisfatório. / This research aims to present a validation for the ship maneuvering simulator named SMH, anachronym in Portuguese for Maritime and Waterway Simulator, developed on Tanque de Provas Numérico laboratory. For this propose small scale tests were performed with a model of Alpha Crucis ship aiming to create maneuver data that was used as reference for the numerical model validation. Several types of maneuver where selected to create a characterization of the maneuverability of the ship at low speeds and transient regime, and the parameters that quantify the maneuverability were measured. Then were performed numerical experiments recreating the same maneuver executed with the experimental model, with the same initial conditions and propulsion/rudder controls, trying to reproduce the maneuvers to validate the model implemented on the SMH. The results showed that the maneuvering characteristics predicted by the SMH simulator are similar to measured values in the experiment. The dissertation also presents a sensitivity study that shows the effect of the main parameters used in the laboratory Tanque de Provas Numérico for the vessel model calibration, This study showed that for some maneuvers, the tuning parameters have less influence on the results. Finally, the work concludes that the mathematical model used by the SMH represents the ability of the vessel to maneuver consistently for several types of maneuvers, and with a satisfactory degree of accuracy.

Contribution à l’étude et à l’optimisation du procédé de thermographie active appliquée à la détection de défauts surfaciques / Contribution to the study and to the optimization of active thermographic process applied to surface crack detection

Thiam, Abdoulahad 19 October 2017 (has links)
Les travaux que nous avons menés concernent la modélisation de l’interaction laser-matière couplée à de la thermographie infrarouge, pour la détection de défauts débouchants et sous-jacents dans des matériaux métalliques. A terme, ce procédé de thermographie se veut être une alternative possible à la magnétoscopie et au ressuage dans le domaine des contrôles non destructifs. Ces travaux se sont déroulés en trois phases. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation des propriétés optiques et thermophysiques des matériaux, pour alimenter le modèle de simulation numérique mais également pour les besoins des mesures de validation du modèle numérique. La deuxième partie de l’étude a permis la mise en place d’un modèle de simulation numérique représentatif de la réalité avec une approche en deux étapes : une première consistant à calculer des champs de températures éléments finis et une seconde à modéliser la caméra de thermographie infrarouge représentatif de celle utilisée dans le projet. Des solutions innovantes ont été utilisées pour obtenir un modèle qui intègre tous les paramètres, avec des temps de calculs faibles. Ce modèle a été ensuite validé par des mesures comparatives des champs de températures numériques et expérimentaux. Enfin, nous nous sommes appuyés sur ce modèle pour rechercher les paramètres optimaux de ce procédé, grâce à la méthode des plans d’expériences numériques. / The aim of this work is the detection of open and subjacent defects in metallic materials using laser-material interaction coupled with infrared thermography. This process is a possible alternative for magnetic particles testing and dye penetrant testing in the field of non-destructive testing. This work is divided into three main parties. At first, we have been interested in the characterization of optical and thermophysical properties of materials we used, in order to have good boundary conditions and also for the needs of temperatures fields measurements for validation. The second part concern the development of a numerical simulation model with two step approach: the first involves modelling temperature field with finite element method and the second details the infrared camera modelling. Innovative solutions were used to obtain model which integrates all parameters, with low time calculation. After validated temperature field, this model allows us to look for the process optimal parameters through numerical experimental designs.

Confrontação numérico-experimental da dinâmica de sistema flutuante, considerando seu acoplamento com linhas de produção. / Comparison between numerical and experimental results on the dynamics of floating system coupled with risers.

Pereira, Felipe Rateiro 09 April 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo fundamental a apresentação de análises e comparações, que visam fazer parte do processo de aprimoramento constante do método numérico de simulação de unidades flutuantes produtoras de petróleo, chamado TPN Tanque de Provas Numérico. Para tanto, foram executados ensaios com modelo em escala reduzida, cujos resultados foram comparados com o modelo numérico do TPN. A unidade padrão utilizada nos ensaios foi a plataforma semi-submersível ITTC-SR192, escala 1:105, ensaios estes realizados no tanque de provas do IPT Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo. Por meio de comparação com os resultados dos ensaios, foram verificadas as habilidades do TPN em reproduzir os movimentos do casco, a tração no topo das linhas de produção e o amortecimento induzido pelas mesmas. Importante destacar que os parâmetros verificados tiveram a finalidade adicional de confrontar os resultados numérico-experimentais com foco na investigação da influência das linhas de produção na própria dinâmica do sistema flutuante. Tendo em vista esse objetivo complementar, todos os ensaios foram realizados com e sem a presença de linhas de produção, no texto referenciadas apenas por risers, modeladas como um grupo de estruturas bastante flexíveis e de grande diâmetro, a fim de prover um aumento significativo no amortecimento do sistema. Sendo assim, o comportamento dinâmico dos casos com e sem risers foram comparados buscando observar as diferenças nos movimentos do sistema em ondas e correnteza. Além disso, utilizando o método recomendado pela API, referência [3] , doravante denominado apenas por método Near and Far, a tração de topo de um dos risers foi simulada numericamente com a imposição de movimentos obtidos nos experimentos, dando assim meios para comparação dos critérios de projeto, considerando a influência das linhas conectadas nas plataformas de petróleo. / This research aims to present analysis and comparisons, intended to make part of the constant improvement of the oil platform analysis software, called Numerical Offshore Tank (Tanque de Provas Numérico - TPN). For this purpose, small-scale model tests were performed, and the results compared with the numerical model in TPN. The standard unit used in these model tests was the semisubmersible ITTC-SR192, at scale 1:105, and the tests were performed at IPT (State of São Paulo Institute for Technological Research) towing tank. By means of the model tests results comparisons, the ability of the TPN in reproduce the hull motions, the risers top tensions and damping induced by these lines was evaluated. Importantly, these parameters were verified with the further purpose of comparing the numerical and the experimental results, focusing on the influence of the production lines in the dynamics of the floating system. Taking into account this additional objective, all the model tests were performed with and without production lines, i.e. risers, modeled as a group of highly flexible and large diameter structures, in order to provide a significant increment in the damping of the system. Thus, the dynamic behaviors of the cases with and without risers were compared, giving means to observe motion differences in waves and current. Moreover, using the method recommend by API, reference [3], hereinafter called Near and Far, the top tension of one riser was numerically simulated with the imposition of the motions obtained in the experiments, giving means to compare the riser design criteria, considering the influence of lines attached to the oil platforms.

Études expérimentales de l'interaction fluide-structure sur surface souple : application aux voiles de bateaux / Experimental studies of the Fluid Structure Interaction on a soft surface : application to yacht sails

Augier, Benoît 04 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique du voilier et à la validation des outils numériques de prédiction de performances et d’optimisation par l'étude expérimentale in situ du problème aéro-élastique d'un gréement. Une instrumentation est développée sur un voilier de 8m de type J80 pour la mesure dynamique des efforts dans le gréement, de la forme des voiles en navigation, du vent et des attitudes du bateau. Un effort particulier est apporté à la mesure des caractéristiques géométriques et mécaniques des éléments du gréement, la calibration des capteurs et au système d'acquisition des données. Les principaux résultats montrent que le voilier instrumenté est un outil adapté pour les mesures instationnaires et soulignent l'amplitude de variation d'effort rencontrée en mer (20 à 50% de l'effort moyen dans une houle modérée). En outre, les variations du signal d'effort sont déphasées avec l'angle d'assiette, créant un phénomène d'hystérésis. Le comportement dynamique d'un voilier en mouvement diffère ainsi de l'approche quasi-statique. Les simulations numériques proviennent du code ARAVANTI, couplage implicite d’un code structure éléments finis ARA et d’un code fluide parfait, limitant son domaine de validité aux allures de près Les résultats de simulation sont très proches des cas stationnaires et concordent bien avec les mesures en instationnaire dans une houle de face. L'expérimentation numérique d'un gréement soumis à des oscillations harmoniques en tangage souligne l'importance de l'approche Interaction Fluide Structure (IFS) et montre que l’énergie échangée par le système avec la houle est reliée à la fréquence réduite et l'amplitude du mouvement. Certaines informations n'étant pas disponibles sur le voilier instrumenté, une expérience contrôlée en laboratoire est développée. Elle consiste en un carré de tissu tenu par deux lattes en oscillation forcée. Les mesures sur cette « voile oscillante » permettent d'étudier les phénomènes IFS avec décollement et sont utilisées pour la validation du couplage ARA-ISIS entre un code fluide Navier-Stokes (RANS) et le même code structure. / This work presents a full scale experimental study on the aero-elastic wind/sails/rig interaction in real navigation condition with the aim to give a reliable database of unsteady measurement. This database is used for the investigation of the dynamic behavior and loads in the rigging and for an experimental validation of an unsteady Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) model. An inboard instrumentation system has been developed on a 8 meter yacht (J80 class) to simultaneously and dynamically measure the navigation parameters, yacht's motion, sails flying shape, wind and loads in the rigging. A special effort is made on mechanical and geometrical characteristics measurement, sensors calibration and data acquisition system synchronization. Results show that the instrumented boat is a reliable tool to measure the unsteady phenomena in navigation. Dynamic measurements at sea underline the load variation encountered, which represent 20 to 50% of the mean value in a moderate sea state. Oscillations of loads exhibit phase shift with the trim angle, reason for an hysteresis phenomenon, which shows that the dynamic behavior of a sail plan subject to yacht motion clearly deviates from the quasi-steady theory. Simulations are made with ARAVANTI, an implicit coupling of a Finite Element Method structural model ARA and an inviscid fluid model which restricts the simulation domain to upwind conditions. The simulation results compare very well with the experimental data for steady sailing conditions and show a good agreement in unsteady conditions (head swell). Numerical investigation of a sail plan submitted to harmonic pitching motion underlines the importance of FSI modeling and shows that the energy exchanged by the system with the swell increases with the motion reduced frequency and amplitude. Some information is not accessible on the instrumented boat and requires developing a controlled test case in laboratory. The experiment consists of a spinnaker fabric square mounted on two carbon battens moved in forced oscillation. This test case is used to study FSI phenomena with a separated flow and gives experimental results for the validation of the coupling ARA-ISIS of a RANS fluid model with the same structure model.

Confrontação numérico-experimental da dinâmica de sistema flutuante, considerando seu acoplamento com linhas de produção. / Comparison between numerical and experimental results on the dynamics of floating system coupled with risers.

Felipe Rateiro Pereira 09 April 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo fundamental a apresentação de análises e comparações, que visam fazer parte do processo de aprimoramento constante do método numérico de simulação de unidades flutuantes produtoras de petróleo, chamado TPN Tanque de Provas Numérico. Para tanto, foram executados ensaios com modelo em escala reduzida, cujos resultados foram comparados com o modelo numérico do TPN. A unidade padrão utilizada nos ensaios foi a plataforma semi-submersível ITTC-SR192, escala 1:105, ensaios estes realizados no tanque de provas do IPT Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo. Por meio de comparação com os resultados dos ensaios, foram verificadas as habilidades do TPN em reproduzir os movimentos do casco, a tração no topo das linhas de produção e o amortecimento induzido pelas mesmas. Importante destacar que os parâmetros verificados tiveram a finalidade adicional de confrontar os resultados numérico-experimentais com foco na investigação da influência das linhas de produção na própria dinâmica do sistema flutuante. Tendo em vista esse objetivo complementar, todos os ensaios foram realizados com e sem a presença de linhas de produção, no texto referenciadas apenas por risers, modeladas como um grupo de estruturas bastante flexíveis e de grande diâmetro, a fim de prover um aumento significativo no amortecimento do sistema. Sendo assim, o comportamento dinâmico dos casos com e sem risers foram comparados buscando observar as diferenças nos movimentos do sistema em ondas e correnteza. Além disso, utilizando o método recomendado pela API, referência [3] , doravante denominado apenas por método Near and Far, a tração de topo de um dos risers foi simulada numericamente com a imposição de movimentos obtidos nos experimentos, dando assim meios para comparação dos critérios de projeto, considerando a influência das linhas conectadas nas plataformas de petróleo. / This research aims to present analysis and comparisons, intended to make part of the constant improvement of the oil platform analysis software, called Numerical Offshore Tank (Tanque de Provas Numérico - TPN). For this purpose, small-scale model tests were performed, and the results compared with the numerical model in TPN. The standard unit used in these model tests was the semisubmersible ITTC-SR192, at scale 1:105, and the tests were performed at IPT (State of São Paulo Institute for Technological Research) towing tank. By means of the model tests results comparisons, the ability of the TPN in reproduce the hull motions, the risers top tensions and damping induced by these lines was evaluated. Importantly, these parameters were verified with the further purpose of comparing the numerical and the experimental results, focusing on the influence of the production lines in the dynamics of the floating system. Taking into account this additional objective, all the model tests were performed with and without production lines, i.e. risers, modeled as a group of highly flexible and large diameter structures, in order to provide a significant increment in the damping of the system. Thus, the dynamic behaviors of the cases with and without risers were compared, giving means to observe motion differences in waves and current. Moreover, using the method recommend by API, reference [3], hereinafter called Near and Far, the top tension of one riser was numerically simulated with the imposition of the motions obtained in the experiments, giving means to compare the riser design criteria, considering the influence of lines attached to the oil platforms.

Fluid-structure interaction on yacht sails : from full-scale approach to wind tunnel unsteady study / Interaction fluide-structure sur voiles de bateau : de l’approche in situ à l’étude instationnaire en soufflerie

Aubin, Nicolas 25 January 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le projet VOILENav qui vise à améliorer la compréhension des phénomènes d’Interaction Fluide-Structure appliqués aux voiles. Des comparaisons numériques expérimentales sont réalisées sur des mesures « in situ » au près à l’aide d’un code fluide parfait. Un critère, fondé sur l’équilibre du couple aérodynamique avec le couple de redressement, est proposé, permettant de vérifier l’hypothèse d’un écoulement attaché. Les précédentes études sur un voilier instrumenté ont montré les limites d’une approche « in situ » de par l’instationnarité naturelle liée aux évolutions du vent et de l’état de mer. Les autres limites résident dans la mesure de ces dernières – et tout particulièrement la mesure du vent réel – ainsi que dans le spectre des conditions rencontrées au réel. Des essais en soufflerie sont ainsi réalisés dans le cadre de ces travaux pour répondre, par une approche systématique et contrôlée, aux interrogations soulevées par les mesures « in situ ». Deux campagnes expérimentales successives, soutenues par le programme d’échange Sailing Fluids ont été menées dans la soufflerie du Yacht Research Unit de l’Université d’Auckland se focalisant sur les essais de voiles au près puis au portant. Les essais au près sont réalisés sur trois modèles réduits de grand-voiles d’IMOCA60 dans des conditions de réglages statiques et dynamiques. Le meilleur réglage statique est obtenu grâce à l’utilisation d’un algorithme d’optimisation original puis l’influence de l’amplitude et de la fréquence du « pumping » sont étudiés. Les performances aérodynamiques du système soumis à un réglage dynamique sont supérieures à celles du réglage optimum statique et un maximum est observé autour d’une fréquence réduite de 0.25 à 0.3. Au portant, les effets de l’instationnarité naturelle du spinnaker connue sous le terme « curling » (repliement du bord d’attaque) sont étudiés. Quatre modèles de spinnakers de J80 de forme identique sont testés pour différents matériaux et différentes coupes. Les mesures en soufflerie montrent que, pour des angles de vent apparent supérieurs à 100°, l’apparition du « curling » conduit à une augmentation de la force propulsive pouvant atteindre 10%. Les effets de la vitesse et de l’angle de vent apparent sont également étudiés et permettent d’extraire une fréquence réduite de curling indépendante de la vitesse de l’écoulement de 0.4 pour un vent apparent de 120°. L’étendue de la gamme de mesures explorées et le soin particulier apporté aux données expérimentales font de ces travaux une base de données remarquable pour des comparaisons avec des simulations de l’Interaction Fluide-Structure. / This work is part of the VOILENav project which aims to improve the understanding of Fluid-Structure Interaction applied to sails. Full-scale numerical experimental comparisons are achieved in upwind conditions with an inviscid flow code. A criterion using the equilibrium between the righting and heeling moment is suggested to check the attached flow hypothesis. Previous fullscale studies on instrumented boat are limited by the natural unsteadiness of wind and sea conditions and the measurement of these conditions. True wind computation and the wide range of encountered sailing conditions are still challenging. Complementary wind tunnel tests are carried out in this PhD project, using controlled conditions, to address some issues observed at full-scale. Thanks to the Sailing Fluids collaboration, two experimental campaigns in the Twisted Flow Wind Tunnel of the Yacht Research Unit of the University of Auckland have investigated upwind and downwind conditions. Upwind tests investigate static and dynamic trimming on three model IMOCA60 mainsails. The optimum static trim is determined thanks to an innovative optimization algorithm then the pumping amplitude and frequency are investigated. Aerodynamic performances under dynamic trimming are better than the optimum static trim with a maximum located for a reduced frequency about 0.25 to 0.3. For the downwind test, the natural unsteadiness known as curling (repeated foldingunfolding of leading edge) is studied. Four model J80 spinnakers with identical design shape are tested with different materials and cuts. Wind tunnel measurements show that for apparent wind angles higher than 100°, the curling apparition increases the drive force by up to 10%. Wind speed and wind angle effects are investigated and show a reduced curling frequency of 0.4 independent from the flow velocity for an apparent wind angle of 120°. The variety of the experimental conditions tested makes this work a precious database for Fluid Structure Interaction numerical-experimental comparison in the future.

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