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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Near-surface hydrology and hydrochemistry under contrasting land-cover

Germer, Sonja January 2008 (has links)
Human transformation of the Earth’s land surface has far-reaching and important consequences for the functioning of hydrological and hydrochemical processes in watersheds. In nowadays land-use change from forest to pasture is a major issue in particular in the tropics. A sustainable management of deforested areas requires an in-depth understanding of the water and nutrient cycle. On this basis we compared the involved hydrological pathways for rainfall to reach streams and the nutrient budgets of a tropical rainforest and a pasture. In addition we studied the links of hydrochemical differences to differences of the relative importance of flowpaths. This study was conducted in the southwestern part of the Brazilian Amazon basin. An intensive hydrological and hydrochemical sampling and monitoring network was set up. The results indicate that the hydrology was modified in many ways due to land-use change. The most important alteration was the increased importance of the fast flowpath overland flow. Solute exports were in particular linked to the increased volume of overland flow that resulted from the land-use change. An additional reason for the increased nutrient exports from the pasture are the high concentrations of these nutrients in pasture overland flow probably as a due to cattle excrements. Tight nutrient cycles with minimal nutrient losses could not be maintained after the land-use change. This study provides the first attempt to quantify the respective nutrient losses. / Die Zerstörung von natürlicher Vegetation kann weit reichende Folgen auf den Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt von Ökosystemen haben. Der Landnutzungswandel vom Wald zur Weide ist heute in den Tropen ein wichtiges Thema. Eine nachhaltige Nutzung abgeholzter Gebiete setzt ein fundiertes Wissen des Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushaltes voraus. Darauf aufbauend wurden in dieser Studie das Abflussverhalten und die Nährstoffbilanzen von einem tropischem Regenwald und einer Weide verglichen. Außerdem wurde untersucht inwieweit die Nährstoffbilanzen vom Abflussverhalten abhängen. Die Untersuchungsgebiete liegen im südwestlichen brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet. Ein umfangreiches System zur Aufnahme von hydrologischen Daten und zum Sammeln von Wasserproben wurde aufgebaut. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass sich das Abflussverhalten durch die Landnutzung geändert hat. Die wichtigste Änderung vom Wald zur Weide war der gesteigerte Anteil des schnellen Wasserabflusses auf der Geländeoberfläche. Hieraus resultierten gesteigerte Nährstoffausträge aus der Weide gegenüber dem Wald. Ein weiterer Grund für die gesteigerten Nährstoffausträge sind die hohen Konzentrationen dieser Stoffe im Oberflächenabfluss der Weide, die vermutlich mit den Ausscheidungen des Viehs zusammenhängen. Es hat sich also gezeigt, dass der quasi-geschlossene Nährstoffkreislauf nach der Landnutzungsänderung nicht aufrecht erhalten werden konnte. Diese Arbeit liefert den ersten Versuch diese Nährstoffverluste zur quantifizieren.

Whole Farm Nutrient Budgets of Two Dairy Farms in Atlantic Canada

Nimmo, Jeffrey 05 October 2011 (has links)
Whole farm nutrient budgets (WFNB) enable producers to link dairy herd management with traditional field nutrient management plans. The objective of this study was to calculate WFNBs of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N, P, and K) at a commercial farm in New Brunswick and in Prince Edward Island. Reliable estimates of N fixation from alfalfa and red clover on the farms were obtained with adjustments to the Høgh-Jensen et al. (2004) dry matter conversion models. The farms had surpluses of N, P, and K. Both farms imported feed as well as nutrient inputs for crop production. Surpluses of all nutrients were typical in comparison to WFNBs of similar dairy farms; however, the nutrient use efficiencies were low. The imported manure and fertilizer used in the crop production components contributed to surpluses of N and P which could likely be reduced to improve overall farm nutrient use efficiency.

Phosphorus Cycling in Metropolitan Phoenix

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Phosphorus (P), an essential element for life, is becoming increasingly scarce, and its global management presents a serious challenge. As urban environments dominate the landscape, we need to elucidate how P cycles in urban ecosystems to better understand how cities contribute to — and provide opportunities to solve — problems of P management. The goal of my research was to increase our understanding of urban P cycling in the context of urban resource management through analysis of existing ecological and socio-economic data supplemented with expert interviews in order to facilitate a transition to sustainable P management. Study objectives were to: I) Quantify and map P stocks and flows in the Phoenix metropolitan area and analyze the drivers of spatial distribution and dynamics of P flows; II) examine changes in P-flow dynamics at the urban agricultural interface (UAI), and the drivers of those changes, between 1978 and 2008; III) compare the UAI's average annual P budget to the global agricultural P budget; and IV) explore opportunities for more sustainable P management in Phoenix. Results showed that Phoenix is a sink for P, and that agriculture played a primary role in the dynamics of P cycling. Internal P dynamics at the UAI shifted over the 30-year study period, with alfalfa replacing cotton as the main locus of agricultural P cycling. Results also suggest that the extent of P recycling in Phoenix is proportionally larger than comparable estimates available at the global scale due to the biophysical characteristics of the region and the proximity of various land uses. Uncertainty remains about the effectiveness of current recycling strategies and about best management strategies for the future because we do not have sufficient data to use as basis for evaluation and decision-making. By working in collaboration with practitioners, researchers can overcome some of these data limitations to develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of P dynamics and the range of options available to sustainably manage P. There is also a need to better connect P management with that of other resources, notably water and other nutrients, in order to sustainably manage cities. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Sustainability 2011

Phosphorus Fractionation and Distribution across Delta of Deer Creek Reservoir

Casbeer, Warren C. 16 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Eutrophication of reservoir systems, which causes deterioration of water quality through increased algal growth, is detrimental to our sustainable water supply and additionally impairs other beneficial reservoir uses. Limiting the amount of phosphorus (P) entering the system has been the key management tool for this problem, as P is the main limiting nutrient for plant and algal growth. These efforts have focused on controlling input of P from point sources, such as effluents from wastewater treatment plants, dairies, and industrial factories. Even in systems (such as reservoirs) with significantly reduced external P loading, however, there has been continued eutrophication and slower than expected recovery of reservoirs in water quality restoration projects. Other nutrient sources have been studied to explain this phenomenon. The continual eutrophication has been potentially attributed to availability of nutrients from deposited sediments. This is referred to as nutrient recycling, as nutrients previously trapped within sediments may become available within the water column. Deer Creek Reservoir (DCR), a significant water supply in Utah, has had greatly improved water quality after reduction of external P loading. However, there are still large algal blooms at times as well as other water quality issues without clearly attributable causes. Part of the explanation might lie within the deposited sediments, which are present both on the sediment delta and within the reservoir. This thesis provides data that can help researchers understand what role sediment has in the continuation of water quality problems at DCR. Sediment samples were taken across the delta to define both the spatial extent and distribution of P and chemical form, or ‘pool’, of the P. The pools can be used to estimate the ability of the sediment-bound P to move into the water column under various conditions. Results reported here indicate that significant amounts of P are found within these sediments, though not all of it can easily become available for algal growth. We characterized P distribution by taking 91 samples on 6 transects across the exposed delta. Transects were separated by 200 m and samples were taken eery 100 m along the transects. The samples were all analyzed for water soluble P content, and 19 samples were additionally characterized for KCl-, NaOH-, HCl-, and organic (by digestion) P fractions. Total P was determined for these as well by summation. The data showed that water soluble P ranged from 2.28E-03 and 9.81E-03 mg P g−1 dry sediment and showed a decreasing trend along the reservoir. KCl-P ranged from 2.53E-03 and 1.10E-02, NaOH-P from 5.30E-02 to 4.60E-01, HCl-P from 1.28E-01 and 1.34E+00, and organic (residual) P from 8.23E-01 to 3.23E+00 mg·g−1.


Ranzini, Maurício 17 August 1990 (has links)
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito de preparos de solo diferenciados, aplicados em duas bacias hidrográficas experimentais reflorestadas com eucalipto, sobre o balanço hídrico, o escoamento direto, a qualidade da água, a ciclagem de nutrientes e as perdas de solo. As microbacias estão localizadas no Vale do Paraíba, Município de Santa Branca, Estado de São Paulo. Fazem parte da Fazenda Bela Vista III, que pertence à empresa FLORIN - Florestamento Integrado S.A. A microbacia A tem uma área de 7,2 ha, sendo 239 m2 (3,3% da área) de mata ciliar, com uma declividade média de 19, 6%; enquanto a área da microbacia B é de 5,5 ha, com 117 m2 (2,1% da área) de mata ciliar e a declividade média de 28,9%. As duas áreas foram plantadas com Eucalyptus saligna Smith, porém tiveram preparos de solo diferenciados: na microbacia A, o preparo de solo consistiu em roçada, queimada, e aração a 20 cm de profundidade com arado de disco; na microbacia B, o preparo de solo consistiu apenas em roçada, queimada, e coveamento manual. As microbacias tiveram as matas ciliares preservadas. A precipitação foi medida com um pluviógrafo tipo Helmann, de rotação semanal, que propiciou a tabulação dos dados de precipitacão diária, para as duas microbacias, três pluviômetros tipo Ville de Paris e um pluviômetro de acrílico marca Fretin, que contituiram a rede para a determinação, pela média aritmética, da precipitação semanal para as bacias. Para a amostragem de água das chuvas visando as análises físico-químicas foram instalados cinco coletores apropriados ao longo das duas microbacias. O deflúvio das microbacias foi obtido através da medição contínua da vazão, sendo utilizados dois linígrafos modelo Hidrologia, instalados um em cada estação fluviométrica. As amostras do deflúvio, em ambas microbacias, foram coletadas no vertedouro, com garrafas de polietileno, em intervalos semanais. As determinações dos elementos K+, Ca++ , Mg++, Fe++ e Na+, como parte da análise da água da chuva e do deflúvio, foram realizadas por meio de espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica. O N03- e P04-3 foram analisados por colorimetria, pelos métodos da brucina e do fosfomolibdato, respectivamente . O NH4+ foi determinado por titulação pelo método da destilação. Seguindo-se as normas da AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION (1976), foram realizadas as análises de turbidez, condutividade elétrica e pH. Os valores da alcalinidade foram obtidos por titulação, e os valores de cor, por colorimetria, tendo-se como escala colorimétrica uma solução de platino-cobalto. A perda de solo foi calculada a partir da concentração semanal de sedimento, mais aquelas oriundas de chuvas isoladas. O material sedimentado, por ter se mostrado em muita pequena quantidade e de difícil quantificação, não foi mensurado. No entanto, acredita-se que a sua ausência na totalização da perda de solo não interfira, de forma significativa, na análise da comparação relativa das perdas de solo entre as duas microbacias estudadas. A microbacia B apresenta condições que favorecem o escoamento superficial, possibilitando a existência de áreas passiveis de erosão e formação de voçorocas. Já a microbacia A possui condições mais permeáveis do solo, as quais favorecem o escoamento subsuperficial. A evapotranspiração para a microbacia A foi de 82,8%, enquanto a microbacia B, durante o período estudado, mostrou uma taxa de 44,4%. Os fluxos mensais de nutrientes mostraram que existe um ganho de NH4+, NO3- e PO4-3 para ambas microbacias. O Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ e o Na+ apresentaram um balanço negativo . Já o K+ revelou um ganho na microbacia A, ao contrário da microbacia B. A contribuição relativa da precipitação ocorrida na área experimental em relação ao teor de nutrientes contidos numa árvore inteira, num tronco com casca e noutro sem casca, mostrou que a entrada de nitrogênio via precipitação foi significativa, enquanto as entradas de P04-3, K+, Ca++ e Mg++ estiveram abaixo do requerido, principalmente, se a exploração da árvore inteira for considerada. A produção de sedimento em suspensão foi 2,5 vezes maior na microbacia B do que na microbacia A. Já a contribuição média devida às chuvas, nas perdas totais de solo da microbacia A atingiu apenas 4,89%; na microbacia B esta contribuição chegou a 40,56%. As medidas de preparo de solo e de cultivo mínimo, baseados na declividade média do terreno e na textura de solo; além da preservação das matas ciliares, adotadas previamente pela empresa, estão, aparentemente, sendo eficientes na conservação do solo, conforme os dados analisados no presente estudo. / The goal of this study is to estimate the effects of different managements applied to two experimental catchments with eucalypt plantations over the water balance, the nutrient cycling and the soil loss. The small catchments are located in Paraíba River Valley, in the Municipatily of Santa Branca, São Paulo State. They are part of III Bela Vista Forest Farm, from FLORIN - Integrated Forested company S. A. The A catchment has an area of 7.2 ha, with an average slope of 19.6%, while the area of the B catchment is 5.5 ha, and its average slope is 28.9%. Both areas were planted with Eucalyptus saligna Smith, but they had different site preparation: at catchment A, the plantation was preceded by a mechanical method of site preparation (plowing without harrowing); at catchment B. the plantation was established manually without soil preparation (slash burning). The small catchment the had riparian ecosystem preserved. The precipitation was measured with a Helmann type recording gage, with a week rotation, and four non-recording raingages. Average by arithmetic mean precipitation for the catchments was determined. Five adequate collectors were installed for the rainfall sampling aiming at the physical-chemical analysis. Streamflow was measured with 90° V-notch weirs containing a stage recorders installed one in each gaging station. The streamflow samples, in both small catchments, were collect weekly at the weir with polyethylene bottles. The determinations of K+, Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ and Na+ elements, as part of the rainfall and of the streamflow analysis, were made by spectrophotometry. N03- and P04-3 were analysed by colorimetry, using the brucina and phosphomolybdate methods, respectively. The NH4+ was analyzed by the distillation method. The loss of soil was calculated from the weekly sediment concentration. Additionally, the weirs were adapted with a semi-automatic sampling device to collect samples from higher stage to storm discharge. The sedimented material, being very tiny and in small quantity, was not measured. However, we believe that the absence at this part in the totalization of soil loss does not interfere in an essencial way in the comparative analysis of the soil loss between the two catchments. Catchment B presents conditions that favors surface runoff, allowing the existence of possible areas of erosion and gully formation. But catchment A has more permeable soil, which are favourable to the subsurface runoff. Evapotranspiration was 82.8% of the annual precipitation in catchment A, while for catchment B this percentage was 44.4%. The monthly flows of nutrients showed a gain of NH4+, N03- and P04-3 in both catchments. For Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ and the Na+ the balance was negative. But for K+ there was a gain in catchment A, and a loss in catchment B. The relative contribution of nutrient input in precipitation measured in this experimental area, in comparison with the nutrient contents of a whole tree, a trunk with bark, and a trunk without bark, showed that the input of nitrogen by precipitation was significant, while the inputs of P04-3, K+, Ca++ and Mg++ were below required amount, mainly if the exploration of the whole tree was considered. The production of suspended sediment was 2.5 times greater in the catchment B than in catchment A. But the average contribution due to the rain, in the total loss of the soil in catchment A reached only 4.89%; in the catchment B this contribution reached 40.56%. The method of site preparation and minimal cultivation, besides the policy of preserving riparian ecosystem, used routinely by the company are apparently being confirmed as adequate for soil and water conservation in the region.

Balanço e evolução temporal de teores de fósforo e potássio no solo em áreas manejadas com agricultura de precisão / Soil phosphorus and potassium levels budget and temporal evolution farming management areas

Montiel, Luis Ramiro Samaniego 31 August 2011 (has links)
The need for improving nutrient use efficiency and increase savings demand a better knowledge of soils and production systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil P and K budget and its relationships with their temporal evolution on site-specific management areas. The experiments were carried out in four cropland areas from the Medium Plateau region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, located at the cities of Almirante Tamandaré do Sul, Tio Hugo, Não-Me-Toque and Vitor Graeff. Soil tests were used to verify the spatial variability, budget and temporal evolution of soil P and K levels by the comparison of the years of 2005 and 2009. Regression analysis was performed by the software JMP IN v.3.2.1 to evaluate the relationship between P and K budget and the temporal evolution of soil P and K levels. Cropland areas showed high spatial variability for P and K soil test levels at the beginning of the study, which was decreased by applying precision farming techniques. Relationships between P and K budget and the temporal evolution of soil P and K test levels were positive with the exception of the Vitor Graeff area which showed negative P and K budget. P and K fertilization were 30 and 25% higher in relation to their exportation, respectively. On average, soybean extracted 44 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 63 kg K2O ha-1, while the maize exported 78,5 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 59 kg K2O ha-1. Temporal evolution of soil P and K test levels was high when P and K budget was low and there was a low temporal evolution when the P and K budget was high. On the average of the four cropland areas there were necessary the input of 12,0 kg P2O5 ha-1 to increase 1 mg dm-3 of soil P test levels and the input of 4,1 kg K2O ha-1 to increase 1 mg dm-3 of soil K test levels. / A necessidade de aproveitar melhor os insumos e economizá-los na maior medida possível leva à obrigação de conhecer a fundo os solos e sistemas de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o balanço nutricional de fósforo (P) e potássio (K) no solo e sua relação com a evolução temporal, em áreas manejadas com auxilio da agricultura de precisão. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, em quatro áreas situadas nos municípios de Almirante Tamandaré do Sul, Tio Hugo, Não-Me-Toque e Vitor Graeff. Por meio da análise das amostras de solo foi verificada a evolução dos teores de P e K comparando os anos de 2005 a 2009. Análises de regressão realizadas pelo software JMP IN v.3.2.1 foram utilizadas para avaliar a relação entre saldo e evolução de P e K. Determinaram-se a variabilidade espacial, o balanço nutricional e a evolução temporal de P e K no solo. As áreas apresentaram no inicio do estudo uma grande variabilidade espacial, as quais foram reduzidas mediante uso de práticas de agricultura de precisão. As relações entre os saldos e as exportações foram positivas em todos os locais com exceção da área situada em Vitor Graeff onde também se obtiveram saldos negativos. As fertilizações fosfatadas e potássicas foram 30 e 25 % superiores em relação as exportações, respectivamente. A soja extraiu em média 44 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e 63 kg ha-1 de K2O já o milho exportou 78,5 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e 59 kg ha-1 de K2O. A evolução dos teores foi alta quando os saldos eram baixos e, baixa quando o saldo se encontrava em níveis altos. Em média para os quatro locais foram necessários aplicar 12,0 kg ha-1 de P2O5 para elevar 1 mg dm- 3 de P no solo, assim como 4,1 kg ha-1 de K2O para elevar 1 mg dm-3 de K no solo.


Maurício Ranzini 17 August 1990 (has links)
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito de preparos de solo diferenciados, aplicados em duas bacias hidrográficas experimentais reflorestadas com eucalipto, sobre o balanço hídrico, o escoamento direto, a qualidade da água, a ciclagem de nutrientes e as perdas de solo. As microbacias estão localizadas no Vale do Paraíba, Município de Santa Branca, Estado de São Paulo. Fazem parte da Fazenda Bela Vista III, que pertence à empresa FLORIN - Florestamento Integrado S.A. A microbacia A tem uma área de 7,2 ha, sendo 239 m2 (3,3% da área) de mata ciliar, com uma declividade média de 19, 6%; enquanto a área da microbacia B é de 5,5 ha, com 117 m2 (2,1% da área) de mata ciliar e a declividade média de 28,9%. As duas áreas foram plantadas com Eucalyptus saligna Smith, porém tiveram preparos de solo diferenciados: na microbacia A, o preparo de solo consistiu em roçada, queimada, e aração a 20 cm de profundidade com arado de disco; na microbacia B, o preparo de solo consistiu apenas em roçada, queimada, e coveamento manual. As microbacias tiveram as matas ciliares preservadas. A precipitação foi medida com um pluviógrafo tipo Helmann, de rotação semanal, que propiciou a tabulação dos dados de precipitacão diária, para as duas microbacias, três pluviômetros tipo Ville de Paris e um pluviômetro de acrílico marca Fretin, que contituiram a rede para a determinação, pela média aritmética, da precipitação semanal para as bacias. Para a amostragem de água das chuvas visando as análises físico-químicas foram instalados cinco coletores apropriados ao longo das duas microbacias. O deflúvio das microbacias foi obtido através da medição contínua da vazão, sendo utilizados dois linígrafos modelo Hidrologia, instalados um em cada estação fluviométrica. As amostras do deflúvio, em ambas microbacias, foram coletadas no vertedouro, com garrafas de polietileno, em intervalos semanais. As determinações dos elementos K+, Ca++ , Mg++, Fe++ e Na+, como parte da análise da água da chuva e do deflúvio, foram realizadas por meio de espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica. O N03- e P04-3 foram analisados por colorimetria, pelos métodos da brucina e do fosfomolibdato, respectivamente . O NH4+ foi determinado por titulação pelo método da destilação. Seguindo-se as normas da AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION (1976), foram realizadas as análises de turbidez, condutividade elétrica e pH. Os valores da alcalinidade foram obtidos por titulação, e os valores de cor, por colorimetria, tendo-se como escala colorimétrica uma solução de platino-cobalto. A perda de solo foi calculada a partir da concentração semanal de sedimento, mais aquelas oriundas de chuvas isoladas. O material sedimentado, por ter se mostrado em muita pequena quantidade e de difícil quantificação, não foi mensurado. No entanto, acredita-se que a sua ausência na totalização da perda de solo não interfira, de forma significativa, na análise da comparação relativa das perdas de solo entre as duas microbacias estudadas. A microbacia B apresenta condições que favorecem o escoamento superficial, possibilitando a existência de áreas passiveis de erosão e formação de voçorocas. Já a microbacia A possui condições mais permeáveis do solo, as quais favorecem o escoamento subsuperficial. A evapotranspiração para a microbacia A foi de 82,8%, enquanto a microbacia B, durante o período estudado, mostrou uma taxa de 44,4%. Os fluxos mensais de nutrientes mostraram que existe um ganho de NH4+, NO3- e PO4-3 para ambas microbacias. O Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ e o Na+ apresentaram um balanço negativo . Já o K+ revelou um ganho na microbacia A, ao contrário da microbacia B. A contribuição relativa da precipitação ocorrida na área experimental em relação ao teor de nutrientes contidos numa árvore inteira, num tronco com casca e noutro sem casca, mostrou que a entrada de nitrogênio via precipitação foi significativa, enquanto as entradas de P04-3, K+, Ca++ e Mg++ estiveram abaixo do requerido, principalmente, se a exploração da árvore inteira for considerada. A produção de sedimento em suspensão foi 2,5 vezes maior na microbacia B do que na microbacia A. Já a contribuição média devida às chuvas, nas perdas totais de solo da microbacia A atingiu apenas 4,89%; na microbacia B esta contribuição chegou a 40,56%. As medidas de preparo de solo e de cultivo mínimo, baseados na declividade média do terreno e na textura de solo; além da preservação das matas ciliares, adotadas previamente pela empresa, estão, aparentemente, sendo eficientes na conservação do solo, conforme os dados analisados no presente estudo. / The goal of this study is to estimate the effects of different managements applied to two experimental catchments with eucalypt plantations over the water balance, the nutrient cycling and the soil loss. The small catchments are located in Paraíba River Valley, in the Municipatily of Santa Branca, São Paulo State. They are part of III Bela Vista Forest Farm, from FLORIN - Integrated Forested company S. A. The A catchment has an area of 7.2 ha, with an average slope of 19.6%, while the area of the B catchment is 5.5 ha, and its average slope is 28.9%. Both areas were planted with Eucalyptus saligna Smith, but they had different site preparation: at catchment A, the plantation was preceded by a mechanical method of site preparation (plowing without harrowing); at catchment B. the plantation was established manually without soil preparation (slash burning). The small catchment the had riparian ecosystem preserved. The precipitation was measured with a Helmann type recording gage, with a week rotation, and four non-recording raingages. Average by arithmetic mean precipitation for the catchments was determined. Five adequate collectors were installed for the rainfall sampling aiming at the physical-chemical analysis. Streamflow was measured with 90° V-notch weirs containing a stage recorders installed one in each gaging station. The streamflow samples, in both small catchments, were collect weekly at the weir with polyethylene bottles. The determinations of K+, Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ and Na+ elements, as part of the rainfall and of the streamflow analysis, were made by spectrophotometry. N03- and P04-3 were analysed by colorimetry, using the brucina and phosphomolybdate methods, respectively. The NH4+ was analyzed by the distillation method. The loss of soil was calculated from the weekly sediment concentration. Additionally, the weirs were adapted with a semi-automatic sampling device to collect samples from higher stage to storm discharge. The sedimented material, being very tiny and in small quantity, was not measured. However, we believe that the absence at this part in the totalization of soil loss does not interfere in an essencial way in the comparative analysis of the soil loss between the two catchments. Catchment B presents conditions that favors surface runoff, allowing the existence of possible areas of erosion and gully formation. But catchment A has more permeable soil, which are favourable to the subsurface runoff. Evapotranspiration was 82.8% of the annual precipitation in catchment A, while for catchment B this percentage was 44.4%. The monthly flows of nutrients showed a gain of NH4+, N03- and P04-3 in both catchments. For Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ and the Na+ the balance was negative. But for K+ there was a gain in catchment A, and a loss in catchment B. The relative contribution of nutrient input in precipitation measured in this experimental area, in comparison with the nutrient contents of a whole tree, a trunk with bark, and a trunk without bark, showed that the input of nitrogen by precipitation was significant, while the inputs of P04-3, K+, Ca++ and Mg++ were below required amount, mainly if the exploration of the whole tree was considered. The production of suspended sediment was 2.5 times greater in the catchment B than in catchment A. But the average contribution due to the rain, in the total loss of the soil in catchment A reached only 4.89%; in the catchment B this contribution reached 40.56%. The method of site preparation and minimal cultivation, besides the policy of preserving riparian ecosystem, used routinely by the company are apparently being confirmed as adequate for soil and water conservation in the region.

Conversion of lowland forests to rubber and oil palm plantations changes nutrient leaching and nutrient retention efficiency in highly weathered soils of Sumatra, Indonesia

Kurniawan, Syahrul 07 March 2016 (has links)
In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden in Sumatra (Indonesien) große Regenwaldflächen für den Anbau von Kautschuk- und Palmölplantagen zerstört. Dies zeigt sich in der Abnahme Waldfläche in dieser Region um 36% zwischen 1990-2010. Eine solch schnelle Landnutzungsänderung hat Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt: Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Zerstörung von Regenwald und die Etablierung von Kautschuk- und Palmölplantagen aufgrund von Einflüssen auf die Bodenoberfläche, Veränderungen von Streufall, Nährstoffverfügbarkeit und Management in den Plantagen zu erhöhter Nährstoffauswaschung und einer verminderten Nährstoffretentionseffizienz führt. Diese Arbeit stellt zwei Studien vor, die sich mit den Auswirkungen der Regenwaldzerstörung - und der einhergehenden Kultivierung von Kautschuk und Ölpalmenbäumen - auf Nährstoffauswaschung und Nährstoffretentionseffizienz beschäftigt. Außerdem untersucht sie Unterschiede in der Nährstoffauswaschung zwischen gedüngten und mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen in Palmölplantagen. Beide Studien wurden in zwei Landschaften der Provinz Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesien) mit stark verwitterten Acrisol-Böden durchgeführt, die sich in der Bodenart unterscheiden (lehm- bzw. tonhaltiger Acrisol). Die Nährstoffauswaschung im Boden wurde mit Saugkerzen-Lysimetern gemessen, die in 1,5m Tiefe im Boden installiert wurden. Beprobt wurde von Februar bis Dezember 2013 zweiwöchentlich bis monatlich. Die erste Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Nährstoffauswaschung und Nährstoffretentionseffizienz im Boden vierer verschiedener Landnutzungsarten. Dabei handelt es sich um die zwei Referenznutzungsformen Tieflandregenwald sowie Sekundärwald durchsetzt mit Kautschukbäumen, als auch um die veränderten Landnutzungsformen kleinbäuerlicher Kautschuk- und Ölpalmplantagen. Jede Landnutzung, ausgenommen der Palmölplantagen mit drei Wiederholungen, wurde durch vier Wiederholungsflächen innerhalb jeder Landschaft repräsentiert. Somit wurde die Studie auf insgesamt 30 Flächen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für den lehmigen Acrisol-Boden der Referenzflächen eine höhere Auswaschung und eine niedrigere N-Retentionseffizienz für Stickstoff (N) und basische Kationen, verglichen mit dem tonigen Acrisol-Boden bestanden. In den Palmölplantagen zeigte sich, dass Düngung und Kalkung zu erhöhter Auswaschung von gelöstem N, gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff (DOC) und basischen Kationen führte, sowie zu einer geringeren Retentionseffizienz von N und basischen Kationen im Boden. In den ungedüngten Kautschukplantagen dagegen waren die Auswaschungsverluste von gelöstem N, DOC und basischen Kationen geringer als in den Palmölplantagen. Zusammenfassend zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass Nährstoffverluste und Nährstoffretentionseffizienz in Kautschuk- und Palmölplantagen auf stark verwitterten Acrisolen primär von Tongehalt und Management abhängen. In der zweiten Studie wurde die Nährstoffauswaschung in den gedüngten und mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen in Palmölplantagen von Kleinbauern in lehm- bzw. tonhaltigen Acrisolen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten höhere Auswaschverluste (d.h. N, basische Kationen, Gesamt-Aluminium, Gesamt-Mangan, Gesamt-Schwefel und Chlor) in den gedüngten Bereichen als in den mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen aufgrund der Frequenz des Mineraldünger- und Kalkeinsatzes. Auf Landschaftsebene wurden die höheren Bodennährstoffvorräte und eine niedrigere Nährstoffauswaschung im Ton-Acrisol im Vergleich zum Lehm-Acrisol sowohl in den gedüngten als auch in den mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen durch die höhere Nährstoffretention (als Ergebnis höheren Tongehaltes) verursacht. Die Kombination von Nährstoffauswaschung und Nährstoffeintrag (d.h. Gesamtniederschlag und Dünger) mit zusätzlichen Informationen über den Nährstoffaustrag durch die Ernte, geben uns umfassendere Informationen über die Veränderungen im partiellen Nährstoffhaushalt von N, Phosphor (P), und basischen Kationen bei Waldumwandlung zu Palmöl- und Kautschukplantagen. Gedüngte Palmölplantagen hatten aufgrund der hohen jährlichen Nährstoffauswaschung und des Ernteexports das niedrigste jährliche Teilbudget an N, Kalzium (Ca) und Magnesium (Mg). Dennoch verringerten die hohen negativen Teilbudgets von N, Ca und Mg in den Palmölplantagen nicht deren Vorräte in 1m Bodentiefe verglichen mit den anderen Landnutzungsformen - außer für austauschbares Mg im Lehm-Acrisol. Obwohl ungedüngte Kautschukplantagen geringere Auswaschung zeigen als der Wald (z.B. für P), führte der Ernteexport zu einem geringeren jährlichen P-Teilbudget. Insgesamt implizieren die Ergebnisse der beiden Studien folgende verbesserte Managementverfahren für diese hochverwitterten Böden: eine Synchronisation der Düngermenge mit der Pflanzenaufnahme sowie eine Anpassung der Düngungshӓufigkeit.

Fluxo de nutrientes em um fragmento de mata ciliar no estado de Rondônia, Brasil / Nutrient fluxes on a riparian forest fragment in the Rondônia State, Brazil

Leite, Nei Kavaguichi 29 November 2011 (has links)
Para identificar a importância ecológica das matas ciliares é essencial conhecer a interação entre sua hidrologia e ciclagem de nutrientes. Isto se torna ainda mais crucial diante das crescentes transformações na paisagem causadas pelo homem, que têm promovido forte antropização destas formações florestais. O estudo foi conduzido em uma floresta ribeirinha sazonalmente alagada na região sudoeste da Amazônia entre os anos de 2005 e 2007. Foram medidas as principais vias hidrológicas: chuva, precipitação interna, escoamento pelo tronco, escoamento superficial, solução do solo e água subterrânea, além do rio Urupá. Em todas foram realizadas análises químicas para determinação das concentrações de C, N e macronutrientes (cátions/ânions). A mata ciliar apresenta solos ácidos, bem estruturados, pobres em nutrientes e com um eficiente mecanismo de retenção nas camadas superficiais, associado à distribuição da matéria orgânica, absorção por raízes finas ou retenção pelos complexos de troca do solo. Os estoques de nutrientes no solo estão dentro da faixa de valores observada em outros estudos na Amazônia, apresentando baixa fertilidade. A região estudada apresenta altos índices pluviométricos (em torno de 2125 mm), com um regime de sazonalidade bem definido (apresentando déficit hídrico entre maio e setembro). A partição da chuva na mata ciliar ocorre com 15% de interceptação pelo dossel e o restante sendo distribuído entre a precipitação interna (83%) e escoamento pelo tronco (2%). A lixiviação de nutrientes pelo dossel foi observada para a maioria dos elementos avaliados, excetuando Na+ e Cl-, confirmando o importante papel do dossel em suprir nutrientes para a mata ciliar. Este enriquecimento também é influenciado pela queima de biomassa durante a transição do período seco para o chuvoso. A contribuição do escoamento pelo tronco foi essencial, principalmente para NO3- e cátions básicos, evidenciando a importância da inclusão desta via hidrológica na rotina de amostragens em estudos de ciclagem de nutrientes em florestas. Os fluxos no solo foram maiores na camada superficial, principalmente em função da entrada da rica solução da precipitação interna, sendo sua contribuição extremamente alta para K+, Carbono Orgânico Dissolvido (COD), PO43-, NH4+ e SO42-. Alguns elementos apresentaram indícios de lixiviação durante os meses mais chuvosos, enquanto o Na+ apresentou lixiviação durante o ano inteiro, em função da natureza conservativa deste elemento. A retenção das bases observada no solo pode estar associada com a absorção pelas raízes, adsorção pelas fases minerais e orgânicas do solo ou ainda pela retenção de ânions, que também foi observada. A relação entre os íons e a descarga do rio Urupá gerou uma histerese em sentido horário, indicando uma importante contribuição do fluxo lateral (escoamento superficial), e evidenciando a importante conectividade entre a mata ciliar e o rio Urupá. A maioria dos elementos apresentou balanço positivo (Ca2+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42- e COD) ou próximo do equilíbrio (Mg2+, NH4+, NO3-, PO43-), com exceção do Na+. Estes resultados indicam que a floresta estudada apresenta um eficiente mecanismo de conservação dos nutrientes em seus solos, uma baixa contribuição da ciclagem geoquímica (intemperismo de rochas) e forte controle da atmosfera e dossel florestal caracterizando um ciclo relativamente fechado / To identify the ecological importance of riparian forests is crucial to evaluate the interactions between its hydrology and nutrient cycling. This becomes more important due to fast changes in landscape promoted by mankind, which has been causing strong anthropization of these forests. The present study was conducted on a seasonal flooded riparian forest in the Southwestern Amazonia between 2005-2007. Main hydrological flowpaths (rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, overland flow, soil solution, groundwater and the Urupá riverwater) were sampled and posteriorly analyzed for C, N and macronutrients (cations/anions). Riparian forest soils are acid, well structured, poor in nutrients and with an efficient retention mechanism at the surface layers, which is linked to organic matter distribution, fine roots absorption, or retention by soil exchange complexes. Soil nutrient stocks are within the range of values usually observed in other studies in the Amazon region, revealing low fertility. The studied region exhibit high annual rainfall (around 2125 mm), with a marked seasonality (drought stress from May to September) and rain partitioning in the riparian forest divided into 15% of canopy interception and the remaining distributed between throughfall (83%) and stemflow (2%). Nutrient leaching from the canopy was observed for most elements, except Na+ and Cl-, confirming the important role of the canopy in supplying nutrients to the riparian forest. This enrichment is also influenced by biomass burning during the transition between dry to wet season. Stemflow contribution was essential, especially for NO3- and base cations, showing the necessity to include this flowpath in routine sampling in nutrient cycling studies. The highest soil fluxes were observed at the surface layer as a result of enriched inputs from throughfall, especially for K+, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), PO43-, NH4+ e SO42-. Some elements exhibited leaching during wetter months, whereas Na+ has leached throughout the year, as a function of the conservative nature of this element. Base retention in soils may be linked to root absorption, sorption by organic and mineral soil phases, or anions retention, which was also observed in this study. The relation between ions and Urupá river discharge exhibited a clockwise hysteresis, suggesting an important lateral flow (overland flow) contribution and the connectivity between the riparian forest and Urupá River. Most elements had positive budgets (Ca2+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42- e COD) or were close to neutral balance (Mg2+, NH4+, NO3-, PO43-), except Na+. The results point out efficient nutrient retention mechanisms in these soils, low contribution from geochemical cycling (rock weathering) and a strong control from the atmosphere and forest canopy, characterizing a relatively close nutrient cycling

Einfluss der Landnutzung auf den Nährstoffhaushalt im Teileinzugsgebiet des Hana an der Grenze des Tai-Nationalparks (Côte d'Ivoire) / Ein Vergleich zwischen Wald und Kakaoplantagen / Influence of agriculture on the nutrient budget of a Hana sub-catchment at the border of Tai National Park (Ivory Coast) / A comparison between forest and cocoa plantations

Fischer, Elke 21 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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