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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plánování a analýzy efektů podnikové informatiky / Planning and analysis of the effects of Enterprise Information Systems

Bauerová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, the issue which is discussed applies to effects of Business Intelligence (BI). They are described in more detail the benefits and potential use of BI in various application areas, namely finance, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, human resources, CI, web analytics, informatics, and CPM. There are a lot of effects which BI brings. They are divided into different categories, which are the effects of economic, customer, personnel and increasing the analytical process and performance. BI provides many benefits to all of mentioned application areas. But in each of them it may occurs some problems which may involves the introduction of BI into different areas. The main goal is to review the possibilities of planning and analysis of BI effects. I would like to make the readers acquainted with effects which are brought together with BI applications, with the structure based on the application areas and based on the categories mentioned here. All of the effects are collected from the case studies and others sources mentioned in the end. The main contribution is the unified view to the effects which brings the implementation of BI to the enterprise. At each of the effects are mentioned the main dimensions needed to monitor during analysis, and importance to the enterprise during its planning. This thesis can be used as a basis for the next topics connected with the effects of BI or with the application areas.

Populační perspektivy Kazachstánu do roku 2030 / Population perspects of Kazakhstan till 2030

Tolesh, Fariza January 2013 (has links)
Population prospects of Kazakhstan till 2030 Abstract Population change affects national income, national expenditure, and the demand for services such as education, health and transport. Therefore, information about future population size and structure obtained with the help of population forecasts, which can be used for a wide range of decision-making purposes, is of paramount importance. The primary aim of this dissertation is to produce three different types of population forecasts for Kazakhstan till 2030 and by comparing and analysing the differences to find out the most important factors determining the population development process in the country. Kazakhstan is a country with significant size and regional diversity which makes it relevant to consider those dimensions in population forecasting. Most southern oblasts of the country have a young population structure meaning that much of future population growth, particularly of working age, will come from these regions. Also, native population tends to concentrate in rural areas, while industrialized cities are mostly populated by non-natives with considerably different nuptiality and fertility behaviour. Despite such regional and residential demographic differences, presently the country is experiencing an overall increase in birth rates. Many claims...

Analýza nezaměstnanosti a jejích sociálních důsledků v Ústeckém kraji

Hrochová, Monika January 2006 (has links)
Ústecký kraj je jedním z krajů s nejvyšší mírou nezaměstnanosti v ČR. Mezi nejvíce postižené okresy patří okres Most a Chomutov, kde v minulosti došlo k uzavírání velkých podniků a kde je v současné době rozšířená tzv. "generační nezaměstnanost". Velkým problémem celého regionu je dlouhodobá nezaměstnanost, která v roce 2004 dosahovala 51,4 %.Mezi prokázané sociální důsledky nezaměstnanosti patří snížení životní úrovně a zhoršení zdravotního stavu jedinců bez práce.Jedno z možných řešení jsou nespecifické rekvalifakace,poradenství či legislativní změny v daňové olblasti.

Hodnocení vlivu realizace jednotné měnové politiky ECB na vztah k možné divergenci ekonomického vývoje členských zemí EMU / The Evaluation of Influence of the ECB Single Monetary Policy Realization on Relation to Possible Economic Development Divergence of the EMU Member States

Ptáček, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá možnostmi vlivu jednotné měnové politiky ECB na konveregnci ekonomik eurozóny prostřednictvím změn úrokových sazeb za daného stavu naplnění podmínek teorie optimální měnové oblasti, který tento vliv determinuje. Podrobněji rozebírá historické formování EMU a institucionální rámec rozhodovacího procesu ECB, které zásadním způsobem ovlivňují preference členů Rady guvernérů ECB. Preference ECB jako celku jsou popsány pomocí Barrova-Gordonova modelu, preference jednotlivých členů Rady guvernérů ECB představují žádoucí úrokové sazby počítané pomocí Taylorova pravidla.

Plodnost dubu letního na území CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví - porostní variabilita a distribuce opadu

Sitta, Josef January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with fruitfulness and stand structure of Pedunculate oak mature stands (Quercus robur L.) in the Protected Landscape Area Litovelské Pomoraví. Aim of this thesis is to determine variability in stand structure and fruitfulness. A partial aim was to analyse a litter distribution under the single oak trees. In total 4 groups of stands and 3 single oak trees were analysed. Stand structure was detected by using Field Map technology on transects. This survey was representation of individual tree species, standing volume inventory, tree height, tree crown height, then positions of individual trees and their crown projection. Thereafter the indices of aggregation and competition were detected. Fruitfulness was studied in years 2013 and 2014 on plots about 1 m2 located in the center transect at intervals of 5 m. The seed containers were used as a control. Representation of oak according to the number spread over a 21 % to 38 %, according to breast-height circular base from 35% to 66 % and according to standing volume inventory from 40 % to 73 %. The fruitfull intensity in 2013 varied from 0 to 65 pcs and in 2014 from 0 to 31 pcs. The highest harvest was in stand with the largest number of oak trees. The abundance of acorns under the single oak trees from the bottom of the trunk to the edge of the crown was possible to describe by linear trend y=25,3926-0,0344×x in 2013 and y=2,2206-0,0047×x in 2014.

Cluster analysis of OCA Criteria in Euro zone

Korenko, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to examine the OCA (Optimal Currency Area) criteria via cluster analysis on the European countries and identify an existence of the "core group" and "periphery groups" within in a time. The data set is composed from 25 European countries which are divided in two groups and separately examined by cluster analysis as well. The first group is created from 15 Western European countries and the second group is created from 10 CEE (Central Eastern European) countries. There are three observation periods for applying the cluster analysis. The main and the longest period is 14 years (2000-2013), which is divided in two sub-periods in order to see the changes of clusters in a time. Hence, the second observation period is pre-crisis period (2000-2008) and the third observation period is after the crisis period (2008-2013).

Soudobé trendy teorie managementu a jejich průmět do strategického řízení

Pyšný, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
Management is one of the most important human inventions, which together with economics helps to strengthen the economic progression throughout the coexistence of these two disciplines. Dissertation thesis applies twenty-five contemporary challenges of management and ten characteristics of a viable business model in strategic management, seeking their use in analysis of internal and external environment of an organization in order to identify the important determinants and issues of strategic management of an organization, based on comparisons and disparity of perceptions of the importance of determinants identified by respondents across an organization. Among the traditionally perceived problem areas there belong the customer, the area of communication, innovation and others that are pointed out by defined determinants validated by questionnaire survey.

Vliv aktivit MAS Moravská cesta (Litovelsko-Pomoraví) na rozvoj regionu

Műllerová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of redistribution and utilization of financial support in member municipalities LAG Moravská cesta between years 2008 - 2013 within the Rural Development Programme, specifically axis IV LEADER. The aim of this work is the realization of analysis of approved and implemented projects in the territory of each member municipalities and the subsequent identification of previously inactive area. Work is methodically built on the evaluation method they developed and based on the number of completed projects. For inactive area, the appropriate measures will be proposed for future effective and efficient redistribution of funds in response to identified needs carried out via public hearings. The results of the performed analysis of the territory LAG Moravská cesta have brought six municipalities which are inactive due to their low involvement in cooperation with MAS. In conclusion, the outputs of work were compared with the findings of similarly oriented works.

Místní akční skupina jako iniciátor řešení lokálních problémů venkova

Trávníček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Topic of this diploma thesis is "The Local Action Group as an initiator of solving local problems in the countryside". Thesis describes action groups in a conception in programme LEADER and its reflection in their goals and activites. The main goal of this thesis is to present latest news of action group and evaluate its contribution to that region. Analyses requirements of progress in new Local Action Groups and suggests great solutions in specific region for which could LAG make new strategy. Thesis contains theoretical possibilities of using european funds. It is written for grant period 2014 -- 2020 with concrete goals LAG Podbrněnsko for this season. It suggests concrete solving actual problems of our society.

Možnosti aplikace vybraných odrůd chmele při výrobě piva

Písková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The Master thesis which is called ,,The possibilities of application of selected hop varieties in the manufacturing process of beer" deals with wide issued concerning hop varieties, which are used in beer production. The thesis is focused on the varieties which are used for brewing of beer in the Czech republic and also for beer from the other provenances. In my thesis, I examine the aromatic, bitter and special hops which are grown not only in the Czech republic but also in foreign countries. In the practical part, there were brewed 8 samples of beer in total by using different hop varieties. Subsequently, there was made analytical measurements and sensory analysis of these samples.

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