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Descriptive Study of the Views of Obstetricians and Doulas in New York CityMerrill, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Poor childbirth outcomes, and the disparities they highlight, continue to be of great concern in the United States. Birth doulas, professionals who provide support for pregnant people during the perinatal period, have been identified as a way to improve maternity outcomes while combating disparities in birth faced by marginalized groups of people. While existing research supports the positive benefits of doula care, limited research exists on the views and experiences of maternity care teams, specifically the relationship between obstetricians and doulas.
This project aimed to explore the views, knowledge, and experiences of both obstetricians and birth doulas in New York City. The data for this study comprised a sample of all obstetricians attending births in Manhattan, New York City (response rate 125 of 220, 57%) and interviews with a purposive sample of 27 experienced birth doulas. The positive themes that emerged centered on the benefits a supportive doula could provide, specifically assistance to people wanting a natural childbirth and those lacking support. Negative themes included the comparatively high cost of a doula as well as unprofessional doula behavior, most notably interfering with medical recommendations and acting out of their scope of practice.
Doulas reported that the obstetricians who do value their care are a “self-selecting” group, whereas those who do not tended to be controlling and unknowledgeable regarding the role of a doula. In addition to further exploration into the relationship between obstetricians and doulas, these findings indicate the need for more education in both groups, particularly if the goal is for a cooperative, integrated model of effective maternity care in which doula care is a component.
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Birth in an unfamiliar culture: The lived experienceOttani, Patricia A 01 January 2001 (has links)
A consistent trend in global migration has resulted in a rapidly growing multicultural population here in the United States. This trend highlights the importance of increasing nurses' cultural awareness since they will increasingly interact with the diverse populations migrating here from around the globe. This is particularly relevant for providers of obstetrical care since childbirth, being an experience fundamental to human existence and thus a most significant life event, is largely influenced by the culture in which the birthing woman is most familiar. The American Academy of Nurses and the American College of Nurse Midwives, recognize that there is yet no theoretical framework regarding migration and its implications for nursing care during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, this investigation seeks a greater understanding of the out-of-culture birth experience from the perspective of Cambodian mothers in the United States. It is hoped this research will contribute to nursing knowledge by extending one's understanding of childbirth as it occurs as an out-of-culture experience for women who have emigrated here from Cambodia.
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Environmental Factors Contributing to Gestational Weight Gain in Portage County, Ohio WomenKintner, Erin 13 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The IgG immunoglobulin of bovine lacteal secretion and a possible role of estrogen on IgG₁ concentration /Smith, Kenneth Larry January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Background and Objectives: To date, no research has examined the prevalence and management of suspected fetal macrosomia in midwifery care, which may provide an alternative approach to cesarean section and induction with improvements in maternal and infant outcomes. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the prevalence of fetal macrosomia and adverse outcomes that may result from a macrosomic birth in the MANAstats database; 2) identify the maternal characteristics which predict macrosomia; 3) determine the adverse maternal and infant outcome differences among macrosomic and normal weight infants in the MANAstats database. Methods: We analyzed 10,011 midwifery reported pregnancy and birth records from midwives across North America from January 2007- December 2009. After excluding for certain high-risk criteria, we compared the prevalence and adverse outcomes associated with macrosomic infants (4000-4499 grams, 4500-4999 grams, and >5000 grams) to non-macrosomic infants who weighed 3000-3000 grams. Results: The prevalence of macrosomia according to >4000 grams criteria was 24.7% and >4500 grams 5.53%. Maternal risk factors for macrosomia included: Caucasian race, married, maternal age between 15-34 years, and a gestational length greater than 40 weeks. The proportion of obstetric and infant complications showed a progressive and significant increase among the macrosomic birth weight categories with the highest risk at >5000 grams. The risk of shoulder dystocia (4000-4449-g infants: odds ratio, 4.08 [95% CI, 3.27-5.09]; 4500-4999-g infants: odds ratio, 8.31 [95% CI, 6.20-11.14]; and >5000-g infants: odds ratio, 29.92 [95% CI, 17.42-51.39]) and 5-minute Apgar scores 5000-g infants: odds ratio, 10.23 [95% CI, 2.32-45.13]) posed the highest risk in comparison to previous research on this topic. The prevalence of cesarean section among all groups was less than 9% and not found to be statistically significant by birthweight group. Conclusion: It is unclear if the risks shoulder dystocia and 5-minute Apgar scores < 3 outweigh the risks of prophylactic cesarean section on perceived macrosomic infants without jeopardizing maternal and infant health. Until further research regarding the risk versus benefit of alternatives to macrosomic vaginal birth, we recommend that strategies to prevent Grades II and III macrosomia need to be incorporated into the midwifery model of care. / Epidemiology
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"PBL on 'roids" : application of an adapted constructivist learning environment survey to investigate the perceptions of students in a community-based undergraduate obstetrics learning placementMarcus, J. K. (Jason Kirk) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhill)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Community-based placement of students provides an ideal opportunity to develop constructivist learning environments for learning. Students are placed in a low risk obstetric care facility where they required to interview, examine and manage uncomplicated pregnancies under supervision of a lecturer.
Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of using a validated Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) to gauge the perceptions of students in a community-based health sciences placement. A further aim of the study was to evaluate whether the learning environment was compliant with constructivism.
Methods: An adapted CLES was administered to 99 students and 44 students were interviewed using the instrument scales as a schema.
Results: The surveys were analysed and mean scores at or above 20 were obtained, where the 5 different scales would have a maximum score of 30 each. No gender or racial differences were elicited from the survey responses. Interview data supported the data of the survey that demonstrated the constructivist nature of the learning environment.
Conclusion: The CLES appears to be an appropriate and useful instrument in evaluating a community-based constructivist learning environment in low-risk obstetric care.
Practice Points: Learning environment research instruments developed for other settings may be appropriate to use in more specific training in health sciences education. The adapted CLES proved useful in evaluating a constructivist clinical learning environment.
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The obstetric outcome of women who had successful external cephalic version for breech presentation at termKader, Rahel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: AIM: Review outcome of pregnancies following successful external cephalic version (ECV) for breech presentation at term, particularly the caesarian section (CS) rate.
ECV is a safe procedure with a minimal cost implication that can reduce non-cephalic presentation at onset of labour at term. The outcome of pregnancies following successful ECV is certainly of interest. A meta analysis of studies done between 1997 and 2004, found that pregnancies after successful ECV at term were not the same as those with spontaneous cephalic presentations and was associated with a CS rate twice that in pregnancies with spontaneous cephalic presentations. The conclusion was that pregnancies after successful ECV should not be considered the same as normal pregnancies. In a matched retrospective analysis of CS risk after successful ECV, done in the USA, it was concluded that CS delivery and operative vaginal delivery rates following successful ECV, were not increased. To date there are no such studies in South Africa.
METHODOLGY: A retrospective descriptive study was done to audit all successful ECV’s done at the Fetal Evaluation Clinic (FEC) of Tygerberg Academic Hospital. The electronic data from the FEC was searched for successful ECV patients. The facilities where these patients delivered were identified. The outcome of the pregnancies was determined from patient files and/or the labor registers. The relevant information of each patient was captured. All file reviews and data capturing was done by the principal investigator.
RESULTS: A total of 78 patients were included in the study. The median age was 28.7 years with a range from 17 to 40 years, the median parity 1 and the range 0 to 6 and the median body mass index 27.2 and the range 18.2 to 45.0. The method of determining gestational age is known in 71 (91%) patients of whom 37 (52%) had an early ultrasound examination. The median gestational age at ECV was 37 weeks with the inter quartile range 36 to 38 weeks. The median ECV to delivery time was 2 weeks with the inter quartile range 1 to 4 weeks. Higher levels of care were required at time of delivery by 47 (60.3%) patients. Vaginal deliveries occurred in 49 patients and 29 (37.2%) had CS. The most common indications for CS were cephalo pelvic disproportion 8, fetal distress 6, reversion back to breech presentations 4 and other abnormal presentations 4 (2 face presentations and 2 transverse lies). The mean birth weight of the babies was 3360g and the range 2100 to 4655g. On comparing the groups that had vaginal deliveries and CS, only nulliparous patients had a significantly (p=0.02) higher risk for CS.
CONCLUSIONS: Following successful ECV all patients need to be carefully followed up for possible reversion to breech presentation or transverse lie. Nulliparous and gravid 2 para 1 patients with a previous CS need to be delivered in hospitals with CS facilities. Further studies are required to assess whether successful ECV results in more face presentations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DOELWIT: Om die uitkoms van swangerskappe na suksesvolle eksterne kefaliese kerings (EKK) vir stuit presentasies op voltyd, spesifiek die keisersnit (KS) insidensie te bepaal.
EKK is ‘n veilige prosedure wat teen minimale koste die nie-kefaliese presentasies op voltyd kan verminder. Die uitkoms van swangerskappe na suksesvolle EKK is van belang. ‘n Meta-analise van studies gedoen tussen 1997 en 2004 vind dat swangerskappe na suksesvolle EKK op voltyd nie dieselfde is vergeleke met spontane kefaliese presentasies nie en gepaard gaan met ‘n KS koers tweekeer hoër as dié met spontane kefaliese presentasies op voltyd. Die gevolgtrekking was dat swangerskappe na suksesvolle EKK nie as normale swangerskappe beskou moet word nie. In ‘n gepaarde retrospektiewe ontleding van die KS risiko wat in die VSA gedoen is, word gevind dat die KS en operatiewe vaginale verlossing koerse na suksesvolle EKK, nie verhoog is nie. Tot op hede is daar geen studies hieroor in Suid-Afrika gedoen nie.
METODE: ’n Retrospektiewe beskrywende studie is gedoen om all suksesvolle EKK wat by die Fetale Evaluasie Kliniek (FEK) gedoen is te oudit. ‘n Elektroniese data soektog van suksesvolle EKK by die FEK is gedoen. Die instellings waar die pasiënte verlos is, is vasgestel. Die uitkoms van die swangerskappe is bepaal deur pasiënt lêers en/of die kraamregisters na te gaan. Die relevant inligting oor elke pasiënt is versamel.
RESULTATE: ‘n Totaal van 78 pasiënte is by die studie ingesluit. Die mediane ouderdom was 28.7 jaar met ‘n reikwydte van 17 tot 40 jaar, die mediane pariteit was 1 met ‘n reikwydte van 0 tot 6 en die mediane liggaamsmassa indeks 27.2 met ‘n reikwydte van 18.2 tot 45.0. Die metode waavolgens swangerskapsduurte bepaal is, was bekend in 71 (91%) van pasiënte, waarvan 37 (52%) vroeë ultraklank ondersoeke gehad het. Die mediane swangerskapsduurte tydens die EKK was 37 weke met die interkwartiele interval 36 tot 38 weke. Die mediane EKK tot verlossing tydsverloop was 2 weke met die interkwartiele interval 1 tot 4 weke. Hoër vlakke van sorg was nodig ten tye van die verlossing by 47 (60.3%) van pasiënte. Van die pasiënte het 49 vaginale verlossings en 29 (37.2%) KS gehad. Die mees algemene indikasies vir KS was skedel-bekken disproporsie 8, fetale nood 6, terugkeer na stuitpresentasie 4 en abnormale presentasies 4 (2 aangesigsliggings en 2 transversliggings). Die gemiddelde geboorte gewig van die babas was 3360g en die reikwydte 2100 tot 4655g. Wanneer die groep wat vaginale verlossing en KS gehad het vergelyk word, het slegs nullipareuse pasiënte ‘n betekenisvolle (p=0.02) hoër risiko vir KS gehad.
GEVOLTREKKING: Na suksesvolle EKK moet alle pasiënte noukeurig opgevolg word vir terugkeer na ‘n stuit presentasie of transversligging. Nullipareuse en gravida 2 para 1 pasiënte met ‘n vorige KS moet in hospitale met KS fasiliteite verlos word. Verdere studies is nodig om te bepaal of suksesvolle EKK meer aangesig presentasies tot gevolg het.
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The effect of misoprostol on fetal heart rate parameters during induction of labour from 38 weeks gestation : a retrospective auditFeketshane, Anthony M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Misoprostol is often used for the purpose of induction of labour. However, its effect on fetal heart rate has not been systematically studied. Objective
To assess the effect of misoprostol on fetal heart rate parameters during induction of labour from 38 completed weeks in women with previous intrauterine death or postterm pregnancy.
Study design
A retrospective descriptive study of 127 women for a period of 18 months.
Women who underwent induction of labour with misoprostol for either previous intrauterine death or postterm pregnancy at Tygerberg hospital were eligible.
The selected process of induction of labour happened according to the departmental protocol. The primary outcomes were changes in fetal heart rate (variability, accelerations and decelerations) pre-and post-administration of misoprostol. Secondary outcomes were neonatal highcare or intensive care unit (ICU) admissions.
There was no statistical difference in the mean fetal heart rate and baseline variability in relation to time recordings after administration of misoprostol. There were no statistically significant differences in the distribution of accelerations and decelerations in different time intervals before and after administration. There were more reactive patterns at all time intervals after the administration of misoprostol, but these differences did not quite reach statistical significance. In both study groups no neonatal complications or intensive care admissions were reported.
In the absence of contra indications, 50mcg of oral misoprostol can be given to mothers for induction of labour as no harmful fetal heart tracing abnormalities were found for 45 minutes; however large prospective randomized controlled trials are still needed to confirm effectiveness and evaluate further maternal and neonatal safety issues. Optimal dose and frequency also still need robust interrogation. Based on this thesis it does appear that misoprostol is probably not harmful to the fetus under these circumstances. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Misoprostol word dikwels gebruik vir induksie van kraam. Die effek daarvan op fetale hartspoed is egter nie sistematies ondersoek nie.
Om die effek van misoprostol op fetale hartspoedparameters gedurende die induksie van kraam van 38 voltooide weke in vroue met vorige intra-uteriene dood or oortyd swangerskap te evalueer.
„n Retrospektiewe beskrywende studie van 127 vroue oor „n periode van 18 maande.
Vroue wat induksie van kraam met misoprostol ondergaan het vir of vorige intra-uteriene dood of oortyd swangerskap by Tygerberg Hospitaal is ingesluit.
Die proses van induksie van kraam is volgens departementele protokol uitgevoer. Die primêre uitkomste was veranderinge in fetale hartspoed (variasie, versnellings en verstadigings) pre- en post-toediening van misoprostol. Neonatale hoësorg of intensiewe sorg toelatings was sekondêre uitkomste. Resultate
Ons het geen statistiese verskille in gemiddelde fetale hartspoed en basislynvariasie in verhouding tot die tyd na toediening van misoprostol gevind nie. Daar was geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille in die verspreiding van versnellings en verstadigings in verskillende tydsintervalle nie. Daar was meer reaktiewe patrone gedurende alle tydsintervalle na die toediening van misoprostol, maar hierdie verskille was nie statisties betekenisvol nie. In beide studiegroepe was daar geen neonatale komplikasies of intensiewe sorg toelatings nie.
In die afwesigheid van kontra-indikasies kan 50 mcg misoprostol aan moeders toegedien word vir induksie van kraam aangesien geen skadelike fetale hartsped abnormaliteite gevind is nie. Groot prospektiewe gerandomiseerde gekontroleerde studies word steeds benodig om effektiwiteit te bevestig en om moederlike en fetale veiligheidskwessies verder te evalueer. Optimale dosis en frekwensie benodig ook robuuste ondersoek. Gebaseer op hierdie tesis kom dit voor of misoprostol waarskynlik nie skadelik vir die fetus onder hierdie omstandighede nie.
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The episiotomy crusadeGraham, Ian D. (Ian Douglas), 1961- January 1994 (has links)
This thesis traces and analyses the evolution of obstetrical and midwifery doctrine and use of episiotomy in the United States and United Kingdom. In the U.S., the routinization of episiotomy resulted from strenuous lobbying efforts of a small group of obstetrician/gynecologists between 1915 and 1935. These physicians claimed episiotomy prevented perineal lacerations, infant mortality and morbidity, and gynecological problems. In the U.K., the liberal use of episiotomy came about during the 1970s from pressure from obstetricians although no overt campaigning for the practice occurred. In both countries adoption of routine episiotomy was encouraged by social forces which involved changes occurring in the dominant belief system in obstetrics, maternity care practices, and the obstetrics and midwifery professions. Questioning of the practice by childbirth activists and others eventually led to declines in episiotomy. This was facilitated, particularly in Britain, by midwifery interest in resisting obstetrical control. Neither the adoption nor rejection of routine episiotomy was informed by scientific evidence. This study contributes to understanding the process of innovation in maternity care.
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Factors associated with maternal mortality in South Africa (2003-2008)Mukondeleli, Livhuwani Ellen 02 March 2015 (has links)
MSc (Statistics) / Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
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