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Vizualizace zvuku / Sound VisualizationŠvihálek, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with computing parameters of sound signal. It includes methods for describing and implementing these parameters. In the practical part, the main programm is created which is computing and visualizing parameters. The program mis implemented in Microsoft Visual Studio with cooperation of Freeglut and BASS libraries.
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Raytracing pro GPUEngine / Raytracing for GPUEngineNovák, David January 2019 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is ray tracing optimization, especially with the use of acceleration data structure. It'll be focused on discretion about various structure build strategies and their traversal. Different algorithms on the CPU and on the GPU will be implemented and compared in the thesis, specifically will be compared the speed of build and final structure quality, which have a direct influence on ray tracing performance. A ray tracing application will be implemented for the purpose of the acceleration structure quality test. A part with acceleration structure building will be added to GPUEngine library.
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Výpočet viditelnosti v 3D bludišti / Visibility Determination in 3D MazePetruželka, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to present methods for visibility determination and to design and implement an application to demonstrate visibility determination in a 3D maze.
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Plánování pohybu objektu v 3D prostoru / Path Planning in 3D SpaceSasýn, Radek January 2013 (has links)
This work describes path finding among obstacles in 3D space using probabilistic algorithms. Users can create scene in application GUI - define start object, obstacles, goal position and run probabilistic algorithm. The finding path is visualized. The work describes probabilistic algorithm, collision detection and the basics of 3D graphics and shows design and implementation of an application created.
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Augmented Reality for Mobile Devices for Precise Urban Navigation / Augmented Reality for Mobile Devices for Precise Urban NavigationMurín, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřená na rozšířenou realitu a její realizaci pro mobilní platformu Android. V teoretické části je kladen důraz na obeznámení se s principy rozšířené reality, možnostmi její realizace pro mobilní platformu Android, která je také podrobněji představena. V praktické části se dále zaměřuje na návrh a realizaci knihovny a aplikace využívající tuhle knihovnu pro tvorbu rozšířené reality na platformě Android pomocí GPS a polohových senzorů. Aplikace slouží jako navigace a zobrazuje cestu ke konkrétnímu cíly, jak v podobě rozšířené reality, tak i na klasické dvourozměrné mapě. Práce podrobně popisuje navrhované řešení knihovny a aplikace a jejich implementaci. Nakonec popisuje testování, zhodnocuje dosažené výsledky a diskutuje nedostatky výsledného řešení a možnosti jeho vylepšení, respektive rozšíření.
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Ladicí nástroj pro shadery / Debugging Tool for ShadersKonečný, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with implementation of a debugging and development tool for GLSL shader programming. In the text, you will find design of the application and it's implementation in Qt library. The thesis also includes performance testing with GLSL shaders. Experiments were focused on commands of application control flow in GLSL and texturing commands used in shaders. In the thesis, you will find explanation of the functionality of some shaders used in OpenGL. Application developed in this thesis, is meant to help with implementation of graphic programs programmed in OpenGL 3.3 or higher.
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Implementace algoritmu LoD terénu / Terrain LoD Algorithm ImplementationRadil, Přemek January 2012 (has links)
This thesis discusses implementation of LoD terrain visualization algorithm Seamless Patches for GPU-Based Terrain Rendering as extension for Coin3D library. It presents procedures which this algorithm uses for displaying large terrain datasets. Entire terrain is composed of patches that are stored in patch hierarchy. Patch hierarchy is traversed during runtime to generate active patches based on observer's position. Each patch consists of predefined tiles and connection strips so it doesn't need to store any geometry. During render of tiles and strips, displacement shader is applied. This thesis also evaluates results achieved in sample application and suggests some modifications to further increase algorithm performance.
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Visualizace cyklických motorů / Cyclic Engine VisualizationFajkus, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with application design and implementation. Application is designed for composition of gears. It is built as a simple computer game. It also contains 3D model renderer, which shows the movement of gears in gearbox. Program is implemented in C language using OpenGL library.
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Využití Vertex a Pixel shaderu v OpenGL pro 3D zobrazení 3D obrazových dat v medicíně / Vertex and Pixel Shaders OpenGL Visualisation of Medical 3D Image DataVaďura, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with accelerated 3D rendering of medical data, e.g. computed tomography, using a graphics processor and OpenGL library. Raw data slices are send to graphic memory and rendered by a ray-casting algorithm. The goal of this project is high quality visual output and full user interaction at the same time. Multiple rendering modes are avaiable to the user: MIP, X-Ray simulation and realistic shading.
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Modelování realistické postavy / Realistic Figure ModellingPalguta, Miloš January 2009 (has links)
This document discusses making of masters thesis, which is devoted to modeling of realistic human character. The goal of this thesis is to introduce process of making a 3D realistic character. It contains quick review of todays computer graphic industry, theoretical preparation for making this character and a review of few different modeling techniques. Mesh Flow theory is explained in detail, which is fundamental for todays organic modelling. In process of making character, all acquired knowledge will be used. In stages all theoretical and practical processes of mapping, texturing and skinning will be explained. Demonstration of how junction of different applications may achieve greater speed, effectiveness and quality during process of making model and textures will be presented. Last chapter of this thesis is devoted to programming an application to display character in OpenGL.
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