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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyhodnocení reprodukčních ukazatelů ve vybraném stádě ovcí / The evalution of reproduction parametres in chosen herd of sheep

BENEŠOVÁ, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
It has been observed the breed herd of Texel sheep in the foothills area of Orlické mountains in the year 2005-2008. The base of herd was consisted of 374 ewes, 575 lambs and 6 rams in total. These parametres of reproduction {--} conception, fertility, rearing, empty ewes, abortions, lambing, stillborn, death after born, were monitored at ewes. For the parametres of reproduction at ewes were found significant effects of ewe´s age and ram´s line.

Porovnání chovu dvou plemen ovcí chovaných ve stejné oblasti / The comparison of two breed of sheeps reared in the same area

RAABOVÁ, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The comparison of two breed of sheeps reared in the same area. The aim of the master thesis was the evaluation of the level of the reproductive and the productive traits by the two breeds of sheeps in the area of Novohradské Hory Mts. The examination was conducted from 2006 to 2009. The farm recording and the author´s personal observation were both used for the evaluation. The following traits were recorded: insemination, fertility, intensity, lamb rearing, infertility, mortality. The production traits recorded were the weight of the wool and weight gain in 100 days after the birth. The following results (arithmetic means) were obtained: the rate of insemination by the Valaška breed was 94.3 %, fertility 168.4 %, intensity 158.5 % and the lamb rearing 150.2 %. The rate of infertility was 5.9 % and rate of mortality 5.1 %. The average wool weight was 2.21 kg and the weight gain 175.8 g day-1. By the Merinolandschaf breed, the rate of insemination was 87 %, fertility 134.4 %, intensity 116.1 % and the lamb rearing 101.5 %. The rate of infertility was 13.2 % and rate of mortality 8.8 %. The average wool weight was 4.2 kg and the weight gain 236.9 g day-1. The herd A revealed better results as regards the reproduction traits while the herd B revealed better results concerning the production traits. The significant differences between the examined herd of Valaška sheeps and the Czech population were found in the fertility, intensity and the lamb rearing (T test). By the Merinolandschaf herd, the significant differences from the Czech population were found by the weight gains (T test). The significant differences between the two breeds were found in the fertility, intensity and lamb rearing (T test).

Právní aspekty interupce, sterilizace a asistované reprodukce / Legal aspects of abortion, sterilization and assisted reproduction

Melčová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Název diplomové práce v anglickém jazyce: Legal aspects of abortion, sterilization and assisted reproduction Summary: The thesis deals with the three topics from the field of medical law, particularly abortion, sterilization and assisted reproduction. The issue of giving birth is the key here. The new Special Medical Services Act regulating, inter alia, some aspects of sterilization and assisted reproduction came into effect in April 2012. The previous regulation of these matters was outdated and some legal issues were not tackled at all. The first part of the thesis focuses on legal regulation of abortion, which is contained in the act from 1986 and in the implementing legislation. Especially the conditions of intervention itself, payments and intervention on juveniles (under 18) and foreigners in the Czech Republic are tackled. The regulation of other countries is mentioned and compared as well. The second part of the thesis deals with the legal regulation of sterilization, conditions of sterilization and contraindication as well. The specific problem of illegal sterilizations of gypsy women in the second half of the twentieth century is pointed out. These disputes were present even before the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg. The methods of assisted reproduction, as a modern way of resolving...

Analýza reprodukčních vlastností plemene valaška

VRŠECKÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the level of reproductive performance of Wallachian sheep. There were used data from the original kennel evidence and from the performance cracking. It is focused on fertilization, reproduction intensity, fertility and rearing lambs. Fertilization of Wallachian sheep was in between 89,5 99,4 percent. Reproduction was in between 141,4 158,1 percent. Level of rearing was in between 108,1 139,6 percent. There were born 972 lambs in years 2012 2016. The most lambs were born in the year 2016, it was 265 lambs. It is because there were the most ewes in the herd in the reporting period. There were born one lambs, twins and triplets. The most frequent were twins at a ratio of 49,9 percent. The less frequent were triplets at a ratio of 4,7 percent. Number of lambs does not depend on the age of ewes. The number of lambs in a the litter did not differ by lines.

Právní a etické aspekty asistované reprodukce / Legal and ethical aspects of assisted reproduction

Součková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with legal and ethical aspects of assisted reproduction. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the current legal regulation of assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic, in comparison with the legal system of selected countries. Further aim is to expose the legal regulation's deficits and suggest possible solutions de lege ferenda, particularly with regard to scientific developments and ethical attitudes of the current society. The thesis is divided into six chapters, including the introduction and conclusion. The introductory chapter outlines the issue of assisted reproduction and denotes individual areas on which the thesis will focus. The first chapter deals with the various methods of assisted reproduction and with the term of infertility from the perspective of medical and historical perspective. The second chapter focuses on the legal regulation of individual areas of assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic. Among others, these areas consist of the constitutional protection of the human embryo, the determination of parenthood, the issue of surrogacy, gamete donation and disposition of embryos. The third chapter deals with a comparison of legal framework in selected states. As a representative of the Anglo-American system was chosen United Kingdom of Great Britain and...

Statusové poměry stejnopohlavních párů / Status relations of the same sex couples

Štýbnarová, Nicole January 2016 (has links)
Summary: The goal of this thesis is to monitor legal rights available to homosexual couples in order to establish a family. In the first part, I am trying to clarify what kind of social unit is currently considered to be called a family. Further in the first part I am analysing the most common means of getting an offspring available for homosexual couples. I also analyse the way those means are regulated in Czech Republic, prospectively I am presenting influence of the Strasbourg court on the evolution of subject legal frame in Europe. The main mean of gay couples to obtain a descendant, for the purpose of this thesis, is the artificial insemination method, which is analyzed in detail in the second part. I am both concerned about the historical evolution of it and its social picture and acceptation. Further I narrow my focus to application of this method for lesbian couples and I present studies to show how families with two mothers are working. Presented studies are held in both psychological and sociological point of view and they show, if and how the child is affected with growing up with homosexually oriented parents. In the third part I analyze artificial insemination from the legal point of view. First I introduce legal regulation in liberal European countries which I consequently compare with the...

Vliv latentní toxoplazmózy na plodnost člověka / Influence of latent toxoplasmosis on human fertility

Hlaváčová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most widespread parasitic protozoa in humans in developed countries. It has a wide range of hosts including various warm-blooded animals and humans. Recent studies suggest that it could influence the fertility of humans. The aim of this work was to find out, what is the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in groups of women and men with fertility problems and whether Toxoplasma gondii has an effect on specific fertility parameters. In women, Significant positive correlation between toxoplasmosis and the percentage of oocytes in the follicles was found among women. Group of men with semen pathology diagnosis revealed a statistically significant negative association between toxoplasmosis and the percentage of morphologically normal sperm. It seems that latent toxoplasmosis in men can also worsen the negative effect of tobacco smoking on fertility. The impairment of fertility in men could be the result of the manipulation activity of Toxoplasma gondii, which leads to more frequent sexual intercourse due to decreased ability to conceive. This could increase the likelihood of sexual transmission, which is currently suggested as one of the possible ways of transmission of toxoplasmosis.

Otázky rodičovství homosexuálů / Same-sex parenting matters

Šádková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the adoption possibilities for same-sex couples. The main aim is to investigate and assess which opinion is prevailing in our society. Each term related to same-sex partnerships or marriages is defined in particular theoretical parts. The subsequent chapter deals with homosexuality and family. In the empirical part, the data collected in the quantitatve survey have been analysed and interpreted. The survey has been conducted through questionnaires designated for general public as well as homosexuals.

Porovnání reprodukce koz na ekologické a konvenční farmě / Comparison of the reproduction of the goats on the ecological and the conventional farm

PRAVDOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is comparison and evaluation of reproduction of goats on an eco-farm and on a conventional farm. Measures of reproduction of observed herds were assessed in the years of 2009 and 2010 on an eco-farm Hana Langová and on a conventional farm Bára Schneedorferová. On an eco-farm, a herd of 20 does was observed. Crossbreeds of White shorthaired goat, Brown shorthair goat, Boer goat and Anglo-Nubian goat; all bred with a White shorthaired buck and a Boer buck. On a conventional farm, a herd of 24 White shorthaired does and two crossbred does of White and Brown shorthaired goat was observed in 2009. In 2010, only 18 does were observed. In both years the does were bred with two Brown shorthair bucks. The measured results were compared with milk efficiency results between the two years and also between the farms. In both years, higher fertility was discovered on an eco-farm. On a conventional farm, very low fertility was observed in 2009 (116 %). On the other hand, fertilization was higher than on an eco-farm in both years. Very big difference was also observed in the ratio of male kids, which was in both years higher on a conventional farm, where all the bred animals (apart from one) are hornless. Reproduction is to a high extent influenced by external environmental factors and to a very small extent by genetics. A whole range of possible effects was omitted from the observations, however, the main ones were noted. Of all the observed measures of reproduction, the only one which could be substantially influenced by the breeding method is fertility.

Aplikované aspekty kryokonzervace rybích spermií

HOROKHOVATSKYI, Yevhen January 2018 (has links)
Fish sperm cryopreservation becomes highly attractive due to increasing number of potential applications and it has been considerably developed over the past decades. Cryopreservation of fish sperm is expected to improve the broodstock management in hatcheries, simplify hybridization and selective breeding, and serve as a useful tool for biodiversity and conservation of endangered species programs. Nevertheless, its status nowadays is highly contentious due to absence of specific techniques and standardization in the developed protocols. Moreover, the heterogeneity of cryoresistance in sperm of some fish individuals and, strong impairment of the sperm quality and survival after cryopreservation, to date, present some challenges inhibiting wide applicability of this approach. Therefore, a better understanding of the mechanisms of spermatozoa cryo-injuries and the development of new and more effective methods for cryopreservation of fish sperm are of primary importance. In the current work, the causes of individual variability in sperm cryoresistance, influence of cryopreservation process on sperm quality parameters regarding application of uncontrolled cooling devices were investigated. One of the study outputs is the founding the possible causes of sperm cryoresistance heterogeneity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) males. As a result, a negative correlation between changes in the contents of major lipid classes and sperm motility after cryopreservation was found. In particular, the increased level of phospholipid, cholesterol and free fatty acid in samples with low post-thaw motility percentage were observed and related to decrease in sperm cryoresistance in common carp sperm. In the investigation of the consequence of the application of uncontrolled cooling devices on post-thaw sperm parameters of sterlet sperm, it has been shown that sterlet sperm could be cryopreserved by both Styrofoam box and dry shipper devices studied. However, due to inability to precisely control cooling process in these devices, the cooling conditions can be changed by varying straw number during freezing in Styrofoam box or by straw position during freezing in dry shipper. As a consequence, these changes shift the optimal freezing rates needed for successful sturgeon sperm cryopreservation resulting in decrease in post-thaw sperm motility and fertilization ability. These results suggest the way of standardization of fish sperm cryopreservation protocols by selecting appropriate straw number or straws position when uncontrolled cooling devices are used. Finally, to explore the cryopreservation effects on fish spermatozoa, the Percoll density gradient centrifugation technique was elaborated and applied for the first time to sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) sperm. That technique allows to select and analyse only the sperm population that survived cryopreservation procedure and saved high motility parameters. It was found that this spermatozoa subpopulation possesses minimal changes in protein profile in comparison to native sperm. Moreover, the differences in many proteins which were found in sperm suspension after cryopreservation without separation is related to the presence of non-viable and sperm wreckage subpopulations in the frozen-thawed sperm suspension. Collectively, all of these detected changes in sperm motility parameters, viability, and protein profiles of viable spermatozoa after freeze-thaw process suggest some explanations for the mechanism responsible for cryodamage of sperm and provides the background for further development of an efficient cryopreservation protocols. However, it should be also further studied if the Percoll separation technique could serve as a useful tool for both better understanding of non-lethal sperm cryodamages and improvement of assisted reproduction practice in sturgeon species.

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