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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Povišenje efikasnosti rada linearnih aktuatora primenom upravljanja baziranog na FPGA / Increasing efficiency of linear actuators by applying FPGA based control

Tarjan Laslo 09 October 2015 (has links)
<p>U tezi je analizirana opravdanost primene FPGA tehnologije za razvoj upravljačkog sistema za linearne aktuatore. Realizovan je upravljački sistem za servo upravljanje linearnim pneumatskim aktuatorom, čiji rad je eksperimentalno proveren. Razvijeni su i algoritmi za detekciju opterećenosti aktuatora, kao i za detekciju prepreke na nepoznatoj poziciji korišćenjem metode analize promene pritiska u komorama pneumatskog cilindra.</p> / <p>This thesis discusses the possibilities of FPGA technology application in<br />the development of a control system for linear actuators. A control system<br />for servo control of linear pneumatic actuators was realized, and<br />experimentally tested. Furthermore, algorithms were developed for<br />detection of actuator load, as well as for detection of an obstacle in<br />unknown position, by analysing pressure change in the pneumatic<br />cylinder chambers.</p>

The application of meta-heuristics to optimise load distribution in machine elements and assemblies / Примена метахеуристика на оптимизацију расподеле оптерећења код машинских елемената и склопова / Primena metaheuristika na optimizaciju raspodele opterećenja kod mašinskih elemenata i sklopova

Milojević Jevrić Marija 02 October 2015 (has links)
<p>In this Phd thesis, heuristic, meta-heuristic and predictive methods are<br />considered. Meta-heuristics optimisation of the transverse load distribution<br />factor of helical and spur gears is conducted. The multi-objective optimisation<br />problem of the planetary gear train is done using Genetic Algorithm method.<br />A comparative study of several meta-heuristic methods is given for solving<br />the problem of dynamic load capacity and working life at radial ball bearings.<br />Bayesian network, as a predictive method, is implemented in the software to<br />support the decision making in complex mechanical plants.</p> / <p>Докторска дисертација се бави темама везаним за хеуристичке,<br />метахеуристичке и предикционе методе. Извршена је метахеуристичка<br />оптимизација проблема трансверзалног фактора расподеле<br />оптерећења код цилиндричног зупчастог пара. Вишекритеријумски<br />проблем геометрије планетарног преносника је решаван применом<br />генетских алгоритама. Поређење неколико метахеуристичких метода је<br />дато на решавању оптимизационог проблема радног века и динамичке<br />носивости код котрљајних кугличних лежаја. Бајесове мреже, као<br />предикциона метода, су уграђене у софтвер за подршку одлучивању у<br />комплексним машинским постројењима.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija se bavi temama vezanim za heurističke,<br />metaheurističke i predikcione metode. Izvršena je metaheuristička<br />optimizacija problema transverzalnog faktora raspodele<br />opterećenja kod cilindričnog zupčastog para. Višekriterijumski<br />problem geometrije planetarnog prenosnika je rešavan primenom<br />genetskih algoritama. Poređenje nekoliko metaheurističkih metoda je<br />dato na rešavanju optimizacionog problema radnog veka i dinamičke<br />nosivosti kod kotrljajnih kugličnih ležaja. Bajesove mreže, kao<br />predikciona metoda, su ugrađene u softver za podršku odlučivanju u<br />kompleksnim mašinskim postrojenjima.</p>

Uticaj sila zakošenja na zamor noseće konstrukcije mosne dizalice pri njenom kretanju / On the influence of skewing forces upon the fatigue of a bridge cranestructure during travelling

Zelić Atila 02 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Disertacija obrađuje problematiku praktičnog uvođenja opterećenja izazvanih<br />zako&scaron;avanjem dizalice u normiranu proceduru dokaza zamorne čvrstoće njene noseće<br />konstrukcije. U prvom delu rada koncizno je izložena teorijska podloga zako&scaron;avanja<br />mosne dizalice, neophodna za potpunije razumevanje relevantnih obeležja predmeta<br />istraživanja. Predložene su metode za eksperimentalnu determinaciju bočnih sila u<br />interakciji točak &ndash; &scaron;ina, odn. vodeća rolna &ndash; &scaron;ina. Testiranje predloženih metoda<br />spovedeno je kroz eksperimente na realnom objektu &ndash; jednogredoj električnoj mosnoj<br />dizalici nosivosti 3,2 t i raspona 8,91 m. Komentarisani su reprezentativni rezultati i<br />date su smernice za sprovođenje dokaza zamorne čvrstoće detalja noseće konstrukcije<br />dizalice, uzimajući u obzir pri tom i spektre sila zako&scaron;enja. Takođe je ukazano i na<br />neke nejasnoće i nedorečenosti u važećim standardima, a u vezi proračunskog<br />određivanja sila zako&scaron;enja.</p> / <p>The dissertation deals with the problem of practical application of loadings caused by<br />crane skewing, in normative procedures of fatigue strength proof calculations of crane<br />supporting structure. In the first part, the theoretical framework of bridge crane<br />skewing, necessary for better understanding of relevant characteristics of the research<br />topic, has been concisely elaborated. Methods are proposed for experimental<br />determination of lateral forces in wheel/rail and guiding roller/rail contacts. These<br />methods were tested through a series of experiments on a real object &ndash; an electrically<br />driven single girder bridge crane with a capacity of 3.2 t, and span 8.91 m. Some<br />representative measurement results are discussed and guidelines are given for<br />performing the fatigue strength proof calculation of crane supporting structure details,<br />taking into account skewing forces spectra, too. Also, attention has been drawn to<br />certain unclear points and inconsistencies in norms in force, concerning calculative<br />determination of skewing forces.</p>

Varijabilnost srĉane frekvencije tokom oporavka od testova za procenu energetskih kapaciteta uaerobnim i anaerobnim sportovima / Heart rate variability during recovery from tests for the assessment of energy capacity in aerobic and anaerobic sports

Andrić Lana 16 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Kardiovaskularni odgovor na različite fiziolo&scaron;ke stimuluse moguće je pratiti putem analize razlika utrajanju srčanih ciklusa &ndash; varijabilnosti srčane frekvencije (VSF). Ona ima &scaron;iroku primenu u oblasti sporta budući da je monitoring putem VSF krajnje bezbedan, jeftin i jednostavan za izvođenje. Njeni indeksi se razlikuju između treniranih i netreniranih, uvećavaju se u odgovoru na trening izdržljivosti, a padaju ukoliko dođe do pojave zamora i pretreniranosti. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika između sportista iz grupe dominantno anaerobnih sportova (AN), sportista iz grupe dominantno aerobnih sportova (AE) i nesportista (NS) u VSF u miru i u autonomnom odgovoru nakon testova za ispitivanje aerobnog i anaerobnog energetskog kapaciteta, kao i da li postoji povezanost između rezultata ovih testova i parametara VSF unutar grupa. Ispitivanju je pristupilo 75 sportista koji su zatim razvrstani na osnovu dominantnih metaboličkih zahteva treniranog sporta tako da ih je u AN grupi bilo 36 (20.7&plusmn;2.4 god., 1.83&plusmn;0.07 cm, 83.5&plusmn;12.3 kg), a u AE grupi 39 (20.5&plusmn;1.9 god., 1.79&plusmn;0.06 cm, 75.6&plusmn;8.1 kg). U NS grupi bilo je 39 ispitanika (21.4&plusmn;1.8 god., 1.82&plusmn;0.06 cm, 83.1&plusmn;11.2 kg) iste uzrasne dobi i sličnih demografskih karakteristika sa sportistima. Ispitanici su u različitim danima bili podvrgnuti anaerobnom Vingejt testu (WanT) i inkrementalnom testu za određivanje maksimalne aerobne potro&scaron;nje (VO₂max). VSF je registrovana Polar pulsmetrom, a podaci su obrađeni u Polar ProTrainer 5 softveru. Sportisti iz AE grupe imali su vi&scaron;e vrednosti parametara SDNN (standardna devijacija NN intervala (interval između R zubca jednog do R zubca narednog, normalnog QRS kompleksa)) i RMSSD (kvadratni koren srednje vrednosti sume kvadrata razlika) merene u mirovanju u odnosu na ostale grupe. Razlike u VSF između grupa tokom oporavka od WanT i VO₂max testa nije bilo. U AN grupi parametar SDNN umereno negativno je korelirao sa vrednostima prosečne snage (eng. mean power, MP) i maksimalne snage (eng. peak power, PP) u VSF u miru i tokom oporavka od WanT. Parametar lnLF (prirodni logaritam vrednosti niskofrekventnog opsega spektra) pokazivao je istovetnu korelaciju u miru sa MP i PP, a tokom oporavka od Want umereno negativno je korelirao samo sa vrednosti PP. Parametar VSF u miru &ndash; lnHF (prirodni logaritam vrednosti visokofrekventnog opsega spektra) umereno negativno je korelirao sa MP. Odnos niskofrekventnog prema visokofrekventnom opsegu spektra (LF/HF) pokazivao je umerenu pozitivnu povezanost sa vrednosti maksimalne snage prema kilogramima telesne teţine (PP/kg) i u miru i tokom oporavka od WanT. U AE i NS grupi nisu uočene povezanosti sa rezultatima WanT u miru i oporavku. Kod AE sportista u miru vrednost prosečnog NN intervala (NNRR) umereno pozitivno je korelirala sa vr&scaron;nom vredno&scaron;ću VO₂ (VO₂ pik), a umerena negativna povezanost ispoljena je za vrednost maksimalnog broja otkucaja na kraju VO₂max testa (HRmax) sa SDNN, SD1 (kratkoročna varijabilnost Poenkareovog zapleta), RMSSD, pNN50 (procentualni udeo NN intervala duţih od 50 ms u ukupnom broju NN intervala), ukupnom snagom spektra (TP), vrednosti opsega spektra vrlo niskih frekvencija (VLF), vrednosti niskofrekventnog opsega spektra (LF), lnLF, vrednosti visokofrekventnog opsega spektra (HF) i lnHF. Umerena negativna korelacija postojala je i za vrednost srčane frekvencije na ventilatornom pragu (HRvt) sa vrednostima SDNN, SD1 i RMSSD. Tokom oporavka od VO₂max testa kod ovih sportista postojala je umerena negativna povezanost vrednosti VO₂pik sa lnHF, vrednosti visokofrekventnog opsega spektra izraženu u normalizovanim jedinicma (HFnu) i LF/HF, a VO₂pik je i umereno pozitivno korelirao sa HF. U NS grupi nagla&scaron;eni parasimpatički (PNS) markeri VSF (NNRR i pNN50) u miru dovođeni su u negativnu vezu sa progesijom srčanog ritma tokom VO₂max testa, a dominacija u niskofrekventnom opsegu spektra bila je u direktnom odnosu sa ostvarenim vr&scaron;nim vrednostima VO₂. U aerobnim sportovima u VSF u miru dominiraju PNS obeležja. Niska VSF u miru i u uslovima oporavka od WanT karakteristika je sportista iz anaerobne grupe sportova. Nagla&scaron;enost pojedinih PNS markera u miru i uslovima oporavka od VO₂max testa moguće ukazuje na bolji aerobni kapacitet u sportovima izdržljivosti. Među nesportistima bolju aerobnu izdržljivost imaju oni kod kojih u miru postoji dominacija u niskofrekventnom opsegu spektra.</p> / <p>Cardiovascular response to various physiological stimuli is possible to monitor through heart cycle length analysis &ndash; heart rate variability (HRV). HRV has a vast application in sport concerning that monitoring via HRV is absolutely safe, cheap and simple for use. HRV indexes are different among trained and untrained subjects, they are augmented in response to endurance training and lowered in the case of fatigue and overtraining. The goal of this research was to determine if there is a difference between athletes from dominantly anaerobic sports (AN), athletes from dominantly aerobic sports (AE) and non-athletes (NA) in resting HRV and in autonomic response after tests for determination of anaerobic and aerobic capacity, and also to examine if there is a correlation of results of these tests and HRV parameters intra-group. The research included 75 athletes who were classified in two groups according to the dominant metabolic demands of the trained sport &ndash; the AN group consisted of 36 athletes (20.7&plusmn;2.4 yrs, 1.83&plusmn;0.07 cm, 83.5&plusmn;12.3 kg), and the AE group consisted of 39 athletes (20.5&plusmn;1.9 yrs, 1.79&plusmn;0.06 cm, 75.6&plusmn;8.1 kg). In the NA group there were 39 participants (21.4&plusmn;1.8 yrs,1.82&plusmn;0.06 cm, 83.1&plusmn;11.2 kg) who were of same age and similar demographic characteristics as athletes. The examinees were subjected to anaerobic Wingate test (WanT) and incremental test for maximal aerobic expenditure (VO₂max) in different days. HRV was registered with Polar heart rate monitor and the data were analyzed in Polar Pro Trainer 5 software. Athletes from AE group had higher values of resting SDNN (standard deviation of NN intervals (normal-to-normal intervals &ndash; intervals from the peak of one R wave to the peak of subsequent R wave of normal QRS complexes) and RMSSD (root mean square of the successive squared differences) in regard to other two groups. We did not find any differences in HRV between groups during the recovery from WanT and VO₂max test. SDNN parameter correlated moderately negatively with mean power (MP) and peak power (PP) in rest and during recovery from WanT in AN group. The natural logarithm of low frequency spectral band (lnLF) showed the same type of correlation in rest with MP and PP, and it correlated moderately negatively with PP in recovery from WanT. The resting HRV parameter &ndash; lnHF (natural logarithm of high frequency spectral band) moderately negatively correlated with MP. The low frequency spectral band to high frequency spectral band relation (LF/HF) showed moderately positive correlation with PP in respect to kilograms of body weight (PP/kg) in rest and during recovery from WanT. In AE and NA group no correlations were seen with the results of WanT in HRV at rest and during recovery. In AE group resting NNRR (average NN interval) moderately positively correlated with peak VO₂ value(VO₂peak), and moderate negative correlation existed for maximal heart rate at the end of VO₂max test (HRmax) with SDNN, SD1 (short time variability of Pointcare plot), RMSSD, pNN50 (the percentage of NN intervals longer than 50 ms in overall number of NN intervals), total spectral power (TP), very low frequency spectral power (VLF), low frequency spectral power (LF), lnLF, high frequency spectral power (HF) and lnHF. Moderate negative correlation existed for heart rate at ventilatory treshold (HRvt) with the values of SDNN, SD1 and RMSSD. During recovery from VO₂max test athletes from AE group had moderately negative correlation of VO₂peak with lnHF, high frequency spectral power expressed in normalized units (HFnu) and LF/HF, аnd VO₂peak did moderately positively correlate with HF. In NA group augmented resting parasympathetic HRV markers (NNRR and pNN50) were in negative relation with heart rate progression during VO₂max test, and a dominance in low frequency spectral band was in direct relation with achieved values of VO₂peak. In aerobic sports PNS tone is marked. Reduced HRV in rest and during the recovery from WanT is seen in athletes from anaerobic sports. Augmentation of some PNS parameters in rest and recovery conditions from VO₂max test possibly suggests better aerobic capacity in endurance sports. Among non-athletes better aerobic endurance was reserved for the ones who showed dominance in low frequency spectral band in resting-state HRV.</p>

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