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Solubilité du sodium dans les silicates fondus / Sodium solubility in silicate meltsMathieu, Romain 04 September 2009 (has links)
Les alcalins, généralement lithophiles à basse température, deviennent volatils à haute température et/ou sous des conditions réductrices. Il existe peu de données expérimentales sur les relations activité-composition dans les silicates fondus et aucun modèle thermodynamique ne permet de prédire leur comportement dans les liquides silicatés. Pour acquérir une base de données cohérente sur ces relations, nous avons développé un nouveau système expérimental permettant d'imposer et de contrôler, à haute température, une pression partielle de sodium sous des conditions d'oxydoréduction fixées. Une cellule thermochimique originale, simple de mise en œuvre et efficace a été conçue pour contraindre l’ensemble de ces paramètres thermodynamiques. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les processus de condensation et de volatilisation du sodium dans les liquides silicatés du système CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 peuvent être décrits par une équation simple de type : Na(gaz) +1/2 O2(gaz) = Na2O(liq). Les données obtenues à l'équilibre sur des liquides de compositions différentes ont permis de dériver un modèle permettant de prédire la solubilité et les coefficients d’activité (aNa2O et ?Na2O) dans un liquide silicaté du système CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, à différentes températures et différentes PNa, en fonction de la composition de ce dernier. Ce modèle est basé sur la détermination de la basicité optique du liquide sans sodium, c'est-à-dire suivant l’état de polymérisation du liquide et suivant ses interactions acide-base entre oxydes. Par ailleurs, ces travaux ont permis la détermination d’un nouveau type de diagramme de phase à isoPNa. Enfin cette étude a de nombreuses applications en cosmochimie, sidérurgie et magmatologie / Alkalis in molten silicates have a complex behaviour, changing from lithophile to volatile elements depending on temperature and/or reducing conditions. However, due to the lack of experimental data concerning activity/composition relationships, there is no thermodynamic model available to describe alkali solubility in silicate melts, and their partitioning between melts, minerals and gases. In order to tackle this issue, we have developed a new device for the determination of sodium oxide activity in silicate melts by equilibration of melts with gaseous environment of known Na partial pressure at high temperature and fixed oxygen fugacity (PO2) following: Na(gaz) +1/2 O2(gaz) = Na2O(liq). Using equilibrium data we have establish a model able to predict the sodium solubility and activity in silicate melt belonging CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system, at differents PNa and temperatures, as a function of optical basicity, i.e. melt composition. These results have allowed us to determine new type of phase diagram at isoPNa. Finally, this study have to many applications in cosmochemistry, steel and magmatic process
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-26 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / In this work, the correlation between the structural morphology with thermal, optical and mechanical properties of (1 – x – y)TeO2-xLi2O-yMoO3 glasses was studied. The analysis was divided into three sets of samples, varying according to the composition for technique. The results reveal different behaviors for each set vitreous stabilities. The Raman spectroscopy and FTIR results showed a similar structural change between each set with decrease NBOs and new peaks position. The Raman and FTIR spectra results showed that with increasing content x and y, concomitantly, occur the conversion of TeO4 to TeO3+1 units, then, in addition to TeO3 units. Furthermore occurs change coordination in the structural units Mo atoms 4 to 6 and these structural changes. Li addition causes these structural changes. This fact confirmed by the Band Gap energy values, which increase with the increase of x and y, it decreases the optical basicity and refractive index values. By optical absorption measurements determined the Band Gap energy values of all samples. It was concluded that occur direct transitions allowed in all sets. The behavior of increasing Band Gap values and decreasing Optical basicity confirmed the decreasing in the NBO content leading to an indication of a more polymerized network for a variation of x mol%. Finally the behaviors elastic modulus and hardness, which shows decreased stiffness of the material with the incorporation of Li2O and MoO3 concomitantly, is presented. x / Este trabalho apresenta as correlações entre a morfologia estrutural e as propriedades térmicas, ópticas e mecânicas nos vidros (1 – x – y)TeO2 – xLi2O – yMoO3. Dividiram-se as análises em três conjuntos de amostras, de acordo com variação da composição, para cada técnica utilizada. Os resultados revelam diferentes comportamentos de estabilidades vítreas para cada conjunto. As medidas por espectroscopia de Raman e FTIR mostram mudanças estruturais similares entre cada conjunto com diminuição dos NBOs e novas posições de picos. Os resultados de Raman e FTIR mostram que com o aumento em conteúdo x e y ocorre a transformação de unidades TeO4 para TeO3 + 1 e, em seguida, para TeO3 além disso ocorre a mudança de coordenação do átomo de Mo de 4 para 6 e estas alterações estruturais têm sido relacionados com a adição de átomos de Li. Este fato é confirmado pelos valores de energia de Band Gap, que aumentam com o incremento de x e y, e diminuição dos valores de basicidade óptica e índice de refração. As energias de Band Gap, para todas as amostras, foram determinadas por medidas de absorção óptica na região do Ultravioleta. Foi concluído que ocorrem transições diretas permitidas em todos os conjuntos. E por fim apresenta-se os comportamentos de dureza e Módulo elástico, o que revela diminuição da rigidez do material com a incorporação de Li2O e MoO3 concomitantemente.
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Effect of iron redox state on crystallization behaviour of Fayalite slagsMai, Paolo January 2020 (has links)
In the copper smelting processes, the viscosity of the matte and the slag is an important factor for establishing efficiency. Impurities in the concentrates affect the viscosity not only by changing the melt structure but also by promoting precipitation of solid phase which sharply rises it. In this master thesis, a comprehensive methodology was established to study the MgO effects on the properties of a copper smelting slag. Thus, glassy samples were obtained and after confirmation of the composition and the glassy structure with EDS, SEM, and XRD analysis, they were examined through Ramanspectroscopy to study their glassy structure. Moreover, Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to determine the amount of Fe3+ in the samples. Models from the literature were compared to the experimental data. Coherence with the literature was found with the effect of MgO as a network modifier of the oxide melt structure and a promoter of high coordinated structures. Estimations through models were performed to study the iron redox equilibria of the melt and were compared with experimental data, but it was not possible to find the limit of Fe3+ at which precipitation of solid phase initiates. / I kopparsmältningsprocesserna är mattans och slaggens viskositet en viktig faktor för att uppnå effektivitet. Föroreningar i koncentraten påverkar viskositeten inte bara genom att ändra smältstrukturen utan också genom att främja utfällning av fast fas som kraftigt höjer den. I denna magisteruppsats fastställdes en omfattande metod för att studera MgO-effekterna på egenskaperna hos en kopparsmältningsslagg. Således erhölls glasiga prover och efter bekräftelse av kompositionen och den glasiga strukturen med EDS-, SEM- och XRD-analys undersöktes de genom Ramanspektroskopi för att studera deras glasstruktur. Dessutom användes Mössbauerspektroskopi för att bestämma mängden Fe3+ i proverna. Modeller från litteraturen jämfördes med experimentella data. Överensstämmelse med litteraturen hittades med effekten av MgO som ett nätverksmodifierare av oxidsmältstrukturen och en promotor för högkoordinerade strukturer. Uppskattningar genom modeller utfördes för att studera smältans järnredoxjämvikter och dessa jämfördes med experimentella data, men det var inte möjligt att hitta gränsen för Fe3+ vid vilken utfällning av fast fas initierades.
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