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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Refinamento fenotípico da disostose mandibulofacial tipo Bauru / Phenotypic refinement of the mandibulofacial dysostosis Bauru type

Moura, Priscila Padilha 05 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A DMF tipo Bauru (OMIM 604830 é uma condição genética caracterizada por hipoplasia malar, fissura orofacial, micrognatia, fendas palpebrais inclinadas para baixo e anomalia auricular. Herança autossômica dominante tem sido sugerida. Até o momento, seis casos com DMF tipo Bauru tem sido relatados e, ainda, pouco se conhece sobre os aspectos clínicos e radiológicos dessa condição. Objetivos: refinar o fenótipo da síndrome disostose mandibulofacial tipo Bauru; caracterizar clinicamente uma amostra de indivíduos com DMF tipo Bauru; investigar e caracterizar as alterações de mandíbula, maxila, arco zigomático e côndilo mandibular, presentes na amostra, por meio de avaliação radiológica. Pacientes estudados e métodos: foram incluídos neste estudo 11 indivíduos com diagnóstico clínico de DMF tipo Bauru. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação genético-clínica e, aqueles que ainda não tinham realizado TC foram submetidos à TC cone beam de face ou telerradiografia, dependendo da idade. As imagens de TC cone beam foram reconstruídas em terceira dimensão (3D) e obtidas telerradiografias em norma lateral, de face completa. Resultados: todos os indivíduos foram do gênero feminino. Levantamento da história familial foi observada em duas famílias, uma com padrão sugestivo de herança autossômica dominante e outra, sugestivo de herança autossômica recessiva Os principais achados clínicos incluíram frontal curto (63,6%), estreitamento bitemporal (90,9%), fácies alongado (63,6%), sobrancelhas arqueadas (90,9%), pálpebras superiores inclinadas para baixo (90,9%), ponte nasal alta (90,9%), hipoplasia de face média (100%), lábio inferior grosso e evertido (72,7%), micrognatia (100%), orelhas pequenas (54,5%), implantação baixa de orelhas (72,7%), orelhas posteriormente rodadas (81,8%), tragus hipoplásico (72,7%), lobo hipoplásico (72,7%) e perda auditiva condutiva (100%). A TC cone beam foi realizada em 8 dos 11 indivíduos e os principais achados observados na análise morfológica foram: assimetria facial (87,5%), órbitas assimétricas (100%), arco zigomático inclinado para baixo (100%), hipoplasia de maxila (100%), cavidade glenóide hipoplásica (62,5%), côndilos mandibulares hipoplásicos (75%), processo coronóide anômalo (37%), profundidade da incisura da mandíbula reduzida (62,5%), assimetria mandibular (100%), micrognatia e retrognatia (100%), meato acústico externo atópico (100%). Análise cefalométrica mostrou padrão de crescimento vertical (87,5%), dimensão da maxila reduzida (60%), mandíbula pequena (100%), ramo mandibular curto (100%), altura facial total reduzida (50%), altura facial ântero-inferior aumentada (70%). Conclusões: o padrão facial típico da DMF tipo Bauru incluiu: frontal curto, pálpebras superiores inclinadas para baixo, ponte nasal alta, hipoplasia de face média e de região zigomática, fissura orofacial, lábio inferior grosso e evertido e micrognatia acentuada. Radiograficamente é caracterizada por arco zigomático inclinado para baixo, hipoplasia de maxila, micrognatia e retrognatia, assimetria mandibular, ramo mandibular curto bilateralmente, altura facial reduzida, relação maxilomandibular deficiente, altura facial total reduzida, base anterior do crânio curto, altura facial ântero-inferior aumentada, cavidade glenóide hipoplásica, côndilos mandibulares hipoplásicos e meato acústico externo atópico. Há desvio da razão sexual para gênero feminino e a etiologia é genética com provável heterogeneidade. As alterações radiográficas são compatíveis com o observado em outras DMFs e podem auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial. Ramo mandibular curto difere a DMF tipo Bauru da Sequência de Robin. / Introduction: The MFD Bauru type (OMIM 604830) is a genetics condition characterized by malar bone hypoplasia, orofacial cleft, micrognathia, downslanting palpebral fissure and auricular anomalies. Dominant autosomal inheritance has been suggested. Up to now, six cases of MFD Bauru type have been reported and yet, it is known very little about the clinical and radiologic aspects of this condition. Purpose: refine the DMF Bauru type syndrome phenotype; clinically characterize the mandible alterations from the MFD type Bauru individuals; investigate and characterize the mandible, maxilla, zigomatic arch and mandibular condyle alterations, presented on the sample, using the radiological evaluation. Studied patients and methods: 11 subjects were included on this study with the clinical diagnosis of MFD type Bauru. All the subjects were submitted to genetics and clinical assessment and, those that have not been submitted to CT Scanning were submitted to face CT cone beam or teleradiography, depending on the age. The CT cone beam images were reconstructed in third dimension (3D) and teleradiography obtained in lateral standard. Results: all the subjects were from the female gender. Recurrence was observed in two families, one with suggestive dominant autosomal inheritance and the other suggestive recessive autosomal inheritance. The main clinical finds included narrow forehead (63.6%), bitemporal narrow (90.0%), long face (63.6%), arched eyebrow (90.9%), upper eyelid inclined down (90.9%), high nasal bridge (90.9%), midface hypoplasia (100%), thick and everted lower lip (72.7%), micrognathia (100%), small ears (54.5%), low set ears (72.7%), posterior rotated ears (81.8%), hypoplastic tragus (72.7%), hypoplastic lobe (72.7%) and conductive hearing loss (100%). The CT cone beam was realized in 8 from the 11 subjects and the main finds observed on the morphological analyses were: facial asymmetry (87.5%), asymmetrical orbits (100%), zygomatic arch inclined down (100%), maxilla hypoplasia (100%), hypoplastic glenoid cavity (62.5%), hypoplastic mandibular condyle (75%), anomalous coronoid process (37%), reduced depth of the mandibular incision (62.5%), mandibular asymmetry (100%), micrognathia and retrognathia (100%), atopic external acoustic meatus (100%). The cefalometric analyses showed vertical growing pattern (87.5%), reduced maxilla dimension (60%), small mandible (100%), short madibular ramus (100%), total facial height reduced (50%), antero-inferior facial height increased (70%). Conclusions: the typical facial of the MFD Bauru type includes: narrow forehead, upper eyelids inclined down, high nasal bridge, midface and zygomatic region hypoplasia, orofacial cleft, lower lip thick and lay down and accentuated micrognathia. Radiographically it is characterized by the zygomatic arch inclined downs, maxilla hypoplasia, micrognathia and retrognathia, mandible asymmetry, bilaterally shorten mandibular ramus, reduced facial height, deficient maxilomadibular relation, total facial height reduced, shorten cranium anterior base, antero-inferior facial height increased, hypoplastic glenoid cavity, hypoplastic mandibular condyle and atopic external acoustic meatus. There is deviation of sexual rate for female gender. The etiology is genetic with probable genetic heterogeneity. The radiographic alterations were similar with those observed in other MFDs and may help on the differential diagnosis. The short mandibular ramus differ the MFD Bauru type from the Robin Sequence.

The structure of the zebrafish periderm gene regulatory network and its relevance to orofacial clefting

Duncan, Kaylia Mekelda 01 August 2019 (has links)
Non-syndromic orofacial clefting (nsOFC) is among the most common congenital birth defects occurring up to 1 in 800 live births, with genetic and environmental causes. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several genetic loci that confer risk for nsOFC. However, more than half the heritable risk for nsOFC remains unknown and is considered ‘missing’. Moreover, continued sequencing of nsOFC patient DNA by whole exome sequencing and whole exome sequencing identify hundreds of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs). The identification of causal SNPs, however, continues to be a challenge in the OFC community. This is fueled partly by a lack of understanding of: (i) molecular mechanism and, (i) the gene regulatory network (GRN) governing differentiation of the relevant tissue, the embryonic superficial epithelia, also known as the periderm. Research has demonstrated that aberrant differentiation of the periderm, particularly the oral periderm results in pathological adhesions of surfaces within the developing oral cavity resulting in OFC. Further these adhesions can extend to the limbs which is a hallmarks feature in some forms of syndromic OFC (sOFC). In zebrafish, our model system of choice, knock-out of interferon regulatory factor 6 (irf6) ablated periderm marker expression and subsequently induces early embryonic lethality. The ortholog of IRF6 is a major genetic locus of Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) the most common form of sOFC and variants of IRF6 elevate risk for nsOFC. Therefore, we hypothesize that GRN of zebrafish periderm differentiation under the control of irf6 is a tool that can be used to identify novel OFC loci. Supporting this view, we have recently demonstrated that knock-down of an irf6 dependent gene encoding transcription factor Grainy-head like 3 (Grhl3) results in aberrant zebrafish periderm differentiation and GRHL3 was recently discovered as a novel VWS genetic locus. Hence it is likely that orthologs of genes encoding additional members of the periderm GRN harbor mutations in OFC patients. To identify cis–regulatory and transcriptional components in the periderm GRN, we performed: (i) a screen for periderm enhancers through in vivo green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter assays, and, (ii) irf6 RNA-seq, followed by irf6 ChIP-seq to identify direct targets. From our screen for cis-regulatory elements we have identified a candidate human ZNF750 enhancer that directs GFP reporter expression in the zebrafish periderm. From our screen for irf6 direct targets we have identified several transcription factors including klf17, tfap2a and grhl3, all of which have variants in the human orthologs found in OFC patients. We further resolve the structure of the periderm differentiation GRN in zebrafish by assessing loss of function profiles for klf17, tfap2a and grhl3. Additionally, among the irf6 direct targets is a gene encoding another transcription factor, Zinc finger protein 750 (Znf750). We provide evidence to show that znf750 is expressed weakly in the zebrafish periderm. Further, we sequenced DNA in 500 nsOFC patient samples and identify a novel missense Ser160Pro ZNF750 variant which phenocopies the early embryonic lethality observed in irf6 mutants. Therefore, investigation of the zebrafish periderm GRN structure has facilitated the identification of OFC-associated risk loci.

Refinamento fenotípico da disostose mandibulofacial tipo Bauru / Phenotypic refinement of the mandibulofacial dysostosis Bauru type

Priscila Padilha Moura 05 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A DMF tipo Bauru (OMIM 604830 é uma condição genética caracterizada por hipoplasia malar, fissura orofacial, micrognatia, fendas palpebrais inclinadas para baixo e anomalia auricular. Herança autossômica dominante tem sido sugerida. Até o momento, seis casos com DMF tipo Bauru tem sido relatados e, ainda, pouco se conhece sobre os aspectos clínicos e radiológicos dessa condição. Objetivos: refinar o fenótipo da síndrome disostose mandibulofacial tipo Bauru; caracterizar clinicamente uma amostra de indivíduos com DMF tipo Bauru; investigar e caracterizar as alterações de mandíbula, maxila, arco zigomático e côndilo mandibular, presentes na amostra, por meio de avaliação radiológica. Pacientes estudados e métodos: foram incluídos neste estudo 11 indivíduos com diagnóstico clínico de DMF tipo Bauru. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação genético-clínica e, aqueles que ainda não tinham realizado TC foram submetidos à TC cone beam de face ou telerradiografia, dependendo da idade. As imagens de TC cone beam foram reconstruídas em terceira dimensão (3D) e obtidas telerradiografias em norma lateral, de face completa. Resultados: todos os indivíduos foram do gênero feminino. Levantamento da história familial foi observada em duas famílias, uma com padrão sugestivo de herança autossômica dominante e outra, sugestivo de herança autossômica recessiva Os principais achados clínicos incluíram frontal curto (63,6%), estreitamento bitemporal (90,9%), fácies alongado (63,6%), sobrancelhas arqueadas (90,9%), pálpebras superiores inclinadas para baixo (90,9%), ponte nasal alta (90,9%), hipoplasia de face média (100%), lábio inferior grosso e evertido (72,7%), micrognatia (100%), orelhas pequenas (54,5%), implantação baixa de orelhas (72,7%), orelhas posteriormente rodadas (81,8%), tragus hipoplásico (72,7%), lobo hipoplásico (72,7%) e perda auditiva condutiva (100%). A TC cone beam foi realizada em 8 dos 11 indivíduos e os principais achados observados na análise morfológica foram: assimetria facial (87,5%), órbitas assimétricas (100%), arco zigomático inclinado para baixo (100%), hipoplasia de maxila (100%), cavidade glenóide hipoplásica (62,5%), côndilos mandibulares hipoplásicos (75%), processo coronóide anômalo (37%), profundidade da incisura da mandíbula reduzida (62,5%), assimetria mandibular (100%), micrognatia e retrognatia (100%), meato acústico externo atópico (100%). Análise cefalométrica mostrou padrão de crescimento vertical (87,5%), dimensão da maxila reduzida (60%), mandíbula pequena (100%), ramo mandibular curto (100%), altura facial total reduzida (50%), altura facial ântero-inferior aumentada (70%). Conclusões: o padrão facial típico da DMF tipo Bauru incluiu: frontal curto, pálpebras superiores inclinadas para baixo, ponte nasal alta, hipoplasia de face média e de região zigomática, fissura orofacial, lábio inferior grosso e evertido e micrognatia acentuada. Radiograficamente é caracterizada por arco zigomático inclinado para baixo, hipoplasia de maxila, micrognatia e retrognatia, assimetria mandibular, ramo mandibular curto bilateralmente, altura facial reduzida, relação maxilomandibular deficiente, altura facial total reduzida, base anterior do crânio curto, altura facial ântero-inferior aumentada, cavidade glenóide hipoplásica, côndilos mandibulares hipoplásicos e meato acústico externo atópico. Há desvio da razão sexual para gênero feminino e a etiologia é genética com provável heterogeneidade. As alterações radiográficas são compatíveis com o observado em outras DMFs e podem auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial. Ramo mandibular curto difere a DMF tipo Bauru da Sequência de Robin. / Introduction: The MFD Bauru type (OMIM 604830) is a genetics condition characterized by malar bone hypoplasia, orofacial cleft, micrognathia, downslanting palpebral fissure and auricular anomalies. Dominant autosomal inheritance has been suggested. Up to now, six cases of MFD Bauru type have been reported and yet, it is known very little about the clinical and radiologic aspects of this condition. Purpose: refine the DMF Bauru type syndrome phenotype; clinically characterize the mandible alterations from the MFD type Bauru individuals; investigate and characterize the mandible, maxilla, zigomatic arch and mandibular condyle alterations, presented on the sample, using the radiological evaluation. Studied patients and methods: 11 subjects were included on this study with the clinical diagnosis of MFD type Bauru. All the subjects were submitted to genetics and clinical assessment and, those that have not been submitted to CT Scanning were submitted to face CT cone beam or teleradiography, depending on the age. The CT cone beam images were reconstructed in third dimension (3D) and teleradiography obtained in lateral standard. Results: all the subjects were from the female gender. Recurrence was observed in two families, one with suggestive dominant autosomal inheritance and the other suggestive recessive autosomal inheritance. The main clinical finds included narrow forehead (63.6%), bitemporal narrow (90.0%), long face (63.6%), arched eyebrow (90.9%), upper eyelid inclined down (90.9%), high nasal bridge (90.9%), midface hypoplasia (100%), thick and everted lower lip (72.7%), micrognathia (100%), small ears (54.5%), low set ears (72.7%), posterior rotated ears (81.8%), hypoplastic tragus (72.7%), hypoplastic lobe (72.7%) and conductive hearing loss (100%). The CT cone beam was realized in 8 from the 11 subjects and the main finds observed on the morphological analyses were: facial asymmetry (87.5%), asymmetrical orbits (100%), zygomatic arch inclined down (100%), maxilla hypoplasia (100%), hypoplastic glenoid cavity (62.5%), hypoplastic mandibular condyle (75%), anomalous coronoid process (37%), reduced depth of the mandibular incision (62.5%), mandibular asymmetry (100%), micrognathia and retrognathia (100%), atopic external acoustic meatus (100%). The cefalometric analyses showed vertical growing pattern (87.5%), reduced maxilla dimension (60%), small mandible (100%), short madibular ramus (100%), total facial height reduced (50%), antero-inferior facial height increased (70%). Conclusions: the typical facial of the MFD Bauru type includes: narrow forehead, upper eyelids inclined down, high nasal bridge, midface and zygomatic region hypoplasia, orofacial cleft, lower lip thick and lay down and accentuated micrognathia. Radiographically it is characterized by the zygomatic arch inclined downs, maxilla hypoplasia, micrognathia and retrognathia, mandible asymmetry, bilaterally shorten mandibular ramus, reduced facial height, deficient maxilomadibular relation, total facial height reduced, shorten cranium anterior base, antero-inferior facial height increased, hypoplastic glenoid cavity, hypoplastic mandibular condyle and atopic external acoustic meatus. There is deviation of sexual rate for female gender. The etiology is genetic with probable genetic heterogeneity. The radiographic alterations were similar with those observed in other MFDs and may help on the differential diagnosis. The short mandibular ramus differ the MFD Bauru type from the Robin Sequence.

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