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Zooterapie a její využití v praxi / Zooterapy and it's use in practiceKovaříková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis "Zootherapy and its utilization in practice" deals with zootherapy, its metods and using animals like healers and companions. The thesis it divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the first part I write about zootherapy as a whole and its forms. In the practical part you can find the survey. The main goal of this thesis is to provide informations about zootherapy and spread its findings to all who are interested in this issue. Further I would like to find out whether the zootherapy has a positive effect on people who use it. In annex you can find enclosed informations about communication with handicapped client and stories of clients who use the therapy.
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První část diplomové práce bude věnována vymezení lidských práv včetně jejich klasifikace. Ve druhé části bude pojednáno o vývoji lidských práv a o současné úpravě těchto práv v rámci Organizace spojených národů, Rady Evropy a Evropské unie. Těžiště diplomové práce bude spočívat ve třetí části, ve které bude srovnávána úprava lidských práv v rámci Rady Evropy s katalogem lidských práv Evropské unie. Východiskem srovnání budou dva dokumenty Rady Evropy, a to Úmluva o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod a Evropská sociální charta. Lidská práva obsažená v těchto dokumentech budou srovnávána zejména s lidskými právy zakotvenými v Chartě základních práv Evropské unie. Pro účely srovnání budou lidská práva rozdělena do tří skupin - na občanská a politická práva, sociální práva a ostatní práva. V poslední, čtvrté části, bude provedeno zhodnocení lidských práv v rámci Rady Evropy a Evrospké unie, a to včetně možné vymahatelnosti těchto práv.
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Faktory vývoje stínového bankovnictví v eurozóněPeterka, Vít January 2019 (has links)
Peterka V., Determinants of Shadow banking development in euro area. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. Diploma thesis focuses on determinants influencing Shadow banking in euro area countries. The aim of this thesis is to identify these factors by using panel data regression analysis and OLS and WLS estimators. Factors/variables are segmented into three groups, gradually added into models and changes in coefficients values are observed because of stability. The final model is created based on the process of gradually added variables and then replicated by using WLS method. According theoretical background and empirical analysis there are mentioned factors/variables influencing a growth of shadow banking in euro area countries in period 2009 - 2017. Significant variables with influence on the growth of Shadow banking are: unemployment rate, bank sector size, stock price index, capital regulation index and index of financial development.
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Podpora sebevzdělávání a profesního rozvoje učitelů ZŠ od Ostatních přímo řízených organizací MŠMT / Support for elementary school teachers' self-education and professional development from organizations directed by the MEYSPerglová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify forms and areas of support for teachers in the self-education originating from other selected organizations directly managed by MEYS, and evaluate usability of support for the professional development of elementary school teachers. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with self-education as an important process that participates in the professional development of teachers. It also deals with methods of education, sources of information and the possibilities of self-management of self-education from the perspective self-educated person as well as external subjects. In the practical part, the thesis focuses on quantitative survey research focusing on MEYS for supported development of teachers - by the National Institute for Education and the National Institute for Further Education. For the purpose of identifying the available forms and areas of support for teachers in self-education, especially the support of elementary school teachers, a content analysis of the institutions documents was performed. Based on this, it was found that the output of institutions' activities in recent years were published sources of information usable for self-education of teachers and the offer of educational opportunities. Institutions have also been identified as supporting...
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Názor obyvatel Jihočeského kraje na činnost ostatních složek integrovaného záchranného systému / South Bohemian inhabitants opinion of activity of other bodies of Integrated Rescue SystemsDUŠKOVÁ, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the opinion of South Bohemian region inhabitants on activities of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS) other emergency services in rescue and relief work in emergency situations and find out the resulting level of inhabitants safety. The whole study was designed to analyze the data collected by questionnaire survey and to obtain relevant information about the opinion of the South Bohemian region inhabitants on the work of the Army of the Czech Republic, the Czech Red Cross and the municipal police within IRS. A questionnaire survey seemed to be the best way how to get relevant information. The pilot study helped to identify the three other emergency services of IRS in the opinion of the inhabitants. At a subsequent questionnaire survey the research sample was 50 respondents from each of seven South Bohemian districts, a total of 350 respondents from districts České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Jindřichův Hradec, Písek, Prachatice, Strakonice and Tábor. The results of this research show that three quarters of respondents do not exactly know the term "other emergency services of IRS", despite the fact that some of the respondents have personal experience with the intervention of some other emergency services of IRS during an emergency situation. So it can be concluded that the South Bohemian region inhabitants have more awareness of the IRS as a whole, but they are no longer sufficiently familiar with its structure. To increase the level of knowledge about the structure of the IRS?s components I recommend to include more detailed information about this topic in the primary school curriculum. It also proposes to increase public awareness about IRS structure through media campaigns. Activities of the Army of the Czech Republic within IRS were judged as very helpful and on quite sufficient level. Individuals who have had personal experience with - 5 - the intervention of soldiers such as rescue, relief work and evacuation, evaluate their help as efficient and very professional. The personal experience with the help of the Czech Red Cross in emergency situations (especially floods) has one quarter of respondents. Red Cross Humanitarian units helped in these cases mainly with the provision of emergency accommodation and catering. Czech Red Cross was also focused on the collecting and distributing of humanitarian aid. Almost 86% of respondents judged these activities as very professional and efficient. Respondents are not convinced about sufficiently help of municipal police in the case of emergency situation. Some of them rate it as rather weak. Likewise, they considered that each municipal police in South Bohemian region have some reserves in facilities such as car park. However, 41% of respondents agree that the quality of the activities of this emergency service is increasing in the last few years. My recommendation in this case refers to an increase in the number of service cars. Based on the obtained data, the ranking of other emergency services of IRS was compiled according to their significance in respondents? opinion. On the first three positions are these emergency service - Army of the Czech Republic, municipal police, Czech Red Cross. Summary of the obtained information indicates a positive finding that the three analyzed other emergency services of IRS are very helpful in protection of health, life and property of the inhabitants of South Bohemian region within the IRS activities. However, I believe that my recommendations presented in this study may contribute to further improving the performance of the three analyzed emergency services so that their perception of the South Bohemian region inhabitants can achieve an even higher level in the future.
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Práce s textem a rozvíjení čtenářské gramotnosti minoritních skupin / Working with text and development of reading knowledge in minorit groupsVejlupek, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Title: Working with text and development of reading knowledge in minorit groups Michal Vejlupek My diploma theme with title, Working with text and development of reading knowledge in minorit groups is about reading and reading literacy. It was concerned with the definition of these conceptions with an outline of its development. Described the historical evolution of the education methods of the first reading focused on understanding. From minority groups concentrates on Vietnamese ethnic group and on their day-to-day problems in Czech Republic emphasized on their different communication. Approaching issues of the children with different mother tongues and the education methods in Czech Republic related to this dissimilarity (OBL) which is at the beginning. In practice part of my diploma there is a research of differences between Vietnamese and Czech students. My results confirm no differences between them. Vietnamese children are worse than Czech in understanding but deficiency is low. Results of reading questionnaire show no big differences also.
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Nové trendy v marketingu aplikované na farmaceutický průmysl / New Trends in Marketing apply to Pharmaceutical IndustrySkořepová, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
The Purpose of the thesis is in the theoretical part to describe the complete marketing as a whole including marketing mix with a special focus on the new trends in the marketing having regard to the pharmaceutical industry. The practical part will be focussed to an aplication the new trends in marketing to the pharmaceutical industry with respect to the etic code and to the law in the Czech Republic.
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Optimalizace daně z příjmů fyzických osob / Personal income tax optimizationPÍPALOVÁ, Kamila January 2009 (has links)
I divided the thesis into two main parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, I analyze possibilities of legal tax optimization. The practical part was prepared on an example of an entrepreneur, whose income comes not only from his business activity, but also from lease and other sources. He lives in a household with a wife and a daughter. In the practical part, I calculate the total tax duty of the household, but also social and health insurance duty, the amount of which also depends on the tax base. In the practical part, I found six models of tax calculation for this particular household.
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Želivský klášter ve 40. a 50. letech 20. století / Premonstrat order in Želiv in 40th and 50th years of 20th centuryDVOŘÁK, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Želiv Premonstrate Monastery and the fates of its members in the 1940s and 1950s. The introduction briefly outlines the history of the monastery and the Premonstrate Order. The central part of the thesis deals with the Želiv Monastery as a whole. It describes economic measures that were introduced against it by the Communist regime. It also generally describes the preparations for cancelling monasteries and the progress of this action directly in Želiv. The third part deals with the fate of the Želiv abbot Bohumil Vít Tajovský as well as with the fates of other members of the Želiv Monastery who were oppressed by the Communist regime.
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Analýza vedlejších nákladů stavebního rozpočtu / Analysis of accessory costs of budgetVacek, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis was to clarify the problematics of other costs of the construction budget and to create its own percentage tariffs for survey, geodetic and project work. The methodology used in the numerical part of the thesis was based on existing knowledge. The basis of all calculations were the budgets of civic amenities provided by the municipal authorities. The result of the work are the calculated tariffs of the relevant works and their ratio to the total ancillary and other costs of the construction budget. The work also finds out what are the most common ways of valuing work in the phase of creating an offer from the perspective of suppliers.
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