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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metal-catalyzed oxidation of polybutadiene in oxygen scavenging packaging applications

Li, Hua, 1977- 08 October 2010 (has links)
To better characterize the fundamentals of oxygen scavenging as a means to prepare high oxygen barrier polymer films, the oxidation of 1,4-polybutadiene, in the presence of a transition metal salt catalyst, cobalt neodecanoate, was studied at 30oC. 1,4-Polybutadiene was subjected to several purification steps to remove oxidation antioxidants that are typically added during the industrial scale preparation of this polymer. The importance of the purification method and residual antioxidant on oxidation was determined. Oxygen uptake of 1,4-polybutadiene films was measured as a function of cobalt neodecanoate concentration. In these samples, oxygen mass uptake values as high as 15 weight percent were observed, and the oxidation process occurred over approximately one week. Oxygen mass uptake was measured in 1,4-polybutadiene films of different thicknesses undergoing cobalt-catalyzed oxidation in air at 30ºC. FTIR and XPS analysis suggest that the oxidation was heterogeneous, with the film surface being highly oxidized and the film center being less oxidized. Interestingly, the oxygen uptake exhibited a maximum with catalyst loading, which is believed to be related to the heterogeneous nature of the oxidation process. Films thicker than approximately 50 µm showed a decrease in oxygen uptake per unit polymer mass as film thickness increased, while oxygen uptake per unit film area remained independent of thickness, suggesting that oxidation was heterogeneous and proceeded essentially as an oxidized front penetrating into the film from the surfaces exposed to oxygen. In contrast, oxidation in thin films appears to proceed homogeneously, with oxygen uptake per unit mass being essentially independent of thickness. The dividing line between thick and thin films, the so-called critical thickness for oxidation, appears to be about 28 µm. In oxidized samples, oxygen and nitrogen permeability decreased by more than two orders of magnitude relative to permeability values in unoxidized samples. A two-phase model was used to describe the permeability data. Experiments were also conducted at different temperatures and oxygen partial pressures. Thick films oxidized at 45ºC showed heterogeneous oxidation similar to that reported above, while films oxidized at 5ºC showed a much longer oxidation time scale and higher oxygen mass uptake value. SEM images demonstrated that the structures of cross sections in films oxidized at different temperatures were also different; the oxidized layer structure was not observed in samples oxidized at 5ºC. Oxygen partial pressure experiments were conducted under the conditions that environmental oxygen content was less than 21%. It is observed that increasing oxygen partial pressure leads to faster oxidation kinetics and higher oxygen mass uptake in polybutadiene films. / text


Cherpinski Correa, Adriane 24 May 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral tuvo como objetivo desarrollar nuevos materiales biodegradables hechos a base de fibras obtenidas mediante la técnica de electroestirado, denominadas "biopapers" o biopapeles, con barrera a agua y a gases y propiedades de secuestro de oxígeno para su posible aplicación en recubrimientos de papel o como capas intermedias en envases alimentarios basados en papel y cartón. En un primer estudio, se desarrollaron biopapeles de PHB mediante electroestirado, usando dos tipos de colectores, colectores de placa plana y rotativo, para evaluar la influencia del alineamiento de las fibras. Con posterioridad se aplicó un tratamento de recocido por debajo del punto de fusión del polímero a diferentes temperaturas, tiempos y procesos de enfriamiento para obtener películas continuas por coalescencia de las fibras, lo que a su vez condujo a la adhesión entre capas, y a una mejora en las propriedades barrera y ópticas. En un segundo estudio, se depositaron biopapeles monocapa y multicapa hechos de PHB, PVOH y PLA sobre un sustrato de papel no estucado, utilizando los dos colectores citados; y el tiempo de procesamiento por electrospinning se varió para producir espesores diferentes. Para mejorar la adhesión al sustrato de papel, y las propiedades ópticas y de barrera de las multicapas, los biopapeles se sometieron a un proceso de recocido como se describe y optimiza en el primer estudio. Con respecto a la barrera al agua, el sistema de papel/ PVOH/PHB presentó las mejores propriedades. En un tercer estudio, se obtuvieron dos nanopapeles de alta barrera hechos a base de nanofibras de celulosa de dos tipos, nanofibras de celulosa (CNF) y nanofibras de lignocelulosa (LCNF) y se recubrieron con biopapeles de PHA electroestirados con barrera a agua. Como resultado, el carácter hidrófobo de los nanopapeles se mejoró significativamente. Por otra parte, estos también exhibieron un rendimiento mecánico más equilibrado. En un cuarto estudio, se desarrollaron biopapeles de PHA con capacidad activa de secuestro de oxígeno, para lo cual se usaron nanopartículas de paladio (PdNP) como catalizadores de la respuesta activa. La principal dificultad asociada con las nanopartículas es mantenerlas dispersas, por lo que en este trabajo evaluamos el uso de surfactantes CTAB y TEOS como sustancias permitidas en contacto con alimentos para ayudar a la dispersión y distribución de PdNP dentro de las fibras de PHA. Como resultado, se prepararon nanocompuestos electroestirados con capacidad de secuestro de oxígeno hechos de PHB y PdNP, seguidos de un tratamiento de recocido para obtener capas continuas y autoadhesivas. La capacidad de secuestro de oxígeno de los biopapeles, medida a un 100% de humedad relativa (HR), mostró un mejor rendimento para el material en forma de fibra que en forma de film. En cualquier caso, los resultados indicaron una cinética de absorcion relativamente baja. Con el fin de mejorar aún más la cinética de secuestro de oxígeno, incluso a una humedad intermedia y en forma de película, un quinto estudio, desarrolló biopapeles multicapa hechos de PCL y PHA aplicados sobre papel no estucado. Los nanocompuestos de PCL/PdNP mostraron uma cinética de secuestro de oxígeno mucho mayor que la del sistema PHA / PdNP anterior. Este resultado se atribuye a la mayor fración de volumen libre del PCL que permite que la humedad, el hidrógeno y la permeación de oxígeno desencadenen la reacción de eliminación catalítica de forma más eficiente. Finalmente, un sexto estudio, desarrolló un nuevo concepto de capa con capacidad de secuestro de oxígeno y con alta barrera passiva a gases y vapores orgánicos basado en PdNP, CNC y EVOH. Así, CNC y CNC oxidado com TEMPO (TEMPO oxidized CNC), se utilizaron para producir PdNP in situ sobre el nanorefuerzo, que se incorporaron en la matriz del polímero EVOH. El TEMPO oxidized CNC demostró poseer una mayor absorción de oxígeno debido a los grupos car / [CA] La present tesi doctoral va tindre com a objectiu desenvolupar noves capes biodegradables actives obtingudes mitjançant electrospinning, denominades "biopapers" o biopapeles, amb barrera a aigua i a gasos i propietats de segrest d'oxigen per a la seua possible aplicació en recobriments de paper o com a capes intermèdies en envasos alimentaris basats en paper i cartó. En un primer estudi, es van desenvolupar bio-papers de PHB mitjançant electrospinning, utilitzant dos tipus de col·lectors, col·lectors de placa plana i rotatiu, per a avaluar la influència de l'alineament de les fibres. Amb posterioritat es va aplicar un tractament de recuita per davall del punt de fusió del polímer a diferents temperatures, temps i processos de refredament per a obtenir pel·lícules contínues per coalescència de les fibres, la qual cosa al seu torn va conduir a l'adhesió entre capes, i a una millora en les propietats barrera i òptiques. En un segon estudi, es van depositar bio-papers monocapa i multicapa fets de PHB, PVOH i PLA sobre un substrat de paper no estucat, utilitzant els dos col·lectors citats; i el temps de processament per electrospinning es va variar per a produir grossàries diferents. Per a millorar l'adhesió al substrat de paper, i les propietats òptiques i de barrera de les multicapes, els biopapers es van sotmetre a un procés de recuita com es descriu i optimitza en el primer estudi. Respecte a la barrera a l'aigua, el sistema de paper/PVOH/PHB va presentar les millors propietats. En un tercer estudi, es van obtenir dos nano-papers d'alta barrera fets a base de nanofibres de cel·lulosa de dos tipus, nanofibres de cel·lulosa (CNF) i nanofibres de lignocel·lulosa (LCNF) i es van recobrir amb bio-papers de PHA electro-estirats amb barrera a aigua. Com a resultat, el caràcter hidròfob dels nano-papers es va millorar significativament. D'altra banda, aquests també van exhibir un rendiment mecànic més equilibrat. En un quart estudi, es van desenvolupar bio-papers de PHA amb capacitat activa de segrest d'oxigen, per a això es van usar nanopartícules de pal·ladi (PdNP) com a catalitzadors de la resposta activa. La principal dificultat associada amb les nanopartícules és mantenir-les disperses, per la qual cosa en aquest treball avaluem l'ús de surfactants CTAB i TEOS com a substàncies permeses en contacte amb aliments per a ajudar la dispersió i distribució de PdNP dins de les fibres de PHA. Com a resultat, es van preparar nano-compostos electro-estirats amb capacitat de segrest d'oxigen fets de PHB i PdNP, seguits d'un tractament de recuita per a obtenir capes contínues i autoadhesives. La capacitat de segrest d'oxigen dels bio-papers, mesurada a un 100% d'humitat relativa (HR), va mostrar un millor rendiment per al material en forma de fibra que en forma de film. En qualsevol cas, els resultats van indicar una cinètica de absorció relativament baixa. Amb la finalitat de millorar encara més la cinètica de segrest d'oxigen, fins i tot a una humitat intermèdia i en forma de pel·lícula, un cinquè estudi, va desenvolupar bio-papers multicapa fets de PCL i PHA aplicats sobre paper no estucat. Els nano-compostos de PCL/PdNP van mostrar una cinètica de segrest d'oxigen molt major que la del sistema PHA/PdNP anterior. Aquest resultat s'atribueix a la major fracció de volum lliure del PCL que permet que la humitat, l'hidrogen i la permeància d'oxigen desencadenen la reacció d'eliminació catalítica de forma més eficient. Finalment, un sisè estudi, va desenvolupar un nou concepte de capa amb capacitat de segrest d'oxigen i amb alta barrera passiva a gasos i vapors orgànics basat en PdNP, CNC i EVOH. Així, CNC i CNC oxidat com TEMPO (TEMPO oxidat CNC), es van utilitzar per a produir PdNP in situ sobre el nano-reforç, que es van incorporar en la matriu del polímer EVOH. El TEMPO oxidat CNC va demostrar posseir una major absorció d'oxigen degut als grups carboxílics generats. / [EN] The present PhD thesis aimed to develop novel active fiber based biodegradable layers obtained by electrospinning, so-called biopapers, with water and gas barrier and oxygen scavenging properties for their potential use as paper coatings or packaging interlayers in fiber based packaging. In a first study, PHB biopapers were obtained by electrospinning, by means of two types of collectors namely, flat plate and rotation drum collectors, to evaluate the influence of the alignment of fibers. Annealing post-processing below the polymer melting point was carried at different temperatures, isothermal times and cooling processes to obtain transparent and pore free continuous films by fibers coalescence which in turn led to interlayer adhesion, enhanced barrier and optical properties. In a second study, mono and multilayer biopapers comprising PHB, PVOH and PLA were deposited onto a conventional uncoated paper substrate, using the cited two collectors; and the electrospinning processing time was varied to produce different thickneses. To enhance adhesion to the paper substrate, optical and barrier performance of the multilayer, the biopapers were subjected to an annealed process as described and optimized in the first study. Regarding water barrier, the system paper/PVOH/PHB presented the highest barrier performance. In a third study, environmentally friendly materials such as cellulose based nanopapers, i.e. gas barrier layers made of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) and lignocellulose nanofibrils (LCNFs), were obtained and coated with the water barrier electrospun PHA biopapers. As a result, the hydrophobic character of the nanopapers was significantly improved by the electrospun biopapers. Moreover, these also exhibited a more balanced mechanical performance. In a fourth study, active oxygen scavenging PHA biopapers were developed, in which palladium nanoparticles (PdNP) were used as catalysts to scavenge oxygen from the headspace. The main difficulty associated with nanoparticles is to keep them dispersed, so in this work we assessed the use of CTAB and TEOS surfactants as food contact permitted substances to help dispersion and distribution of the PdNP within the PHA fibers. As a result, oxygen scavenging nanocomposite biopapers made of electrospun PHB and PdNP were prepared, followed by annealing treatment to obtain homogeneous and continuous active layers. The oxygen scavenging capacity at 100% relative humidity (RH) of the biopapers in fiber form showed better performance than their annealed specimens as expected, but in general this was not considered optimal. In order to improve further the oxygen scavenging capacity, even at a low relative humidity and in film form, a fifth study, developed multilayered biopapers made of PCL and PHA coated on conventional cellulose paper. The PCL/PdNP nanocomposites showed much more enhanced oxygen scavenging performance in comparison with the above PHA/PdNP system. This result is attributed to the higher fractional free volume of the PCL polymer that allows moisture, hydrogen and oxygen permeation to trigger the catalytic scavenging reaction. Finally, a sixth study, developed a solvent casting high gas barrier and active oxygen scavenging layer concept based on PdNP, CNC and EVOH. Thus, CNC and TEMPO oxidized CNC, were used to produce in situ PdNP, which were incorporated into the EVOH polymer matrix. The TEMPO oxidized CNC exhibited higher oxygen absorption due to the generated carboxylic groups. / Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) project AGL2015-63855-C2-1-R for financial support. A. Cherpinski also would like to thank the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brasilian Government for her predoctoral grant (205955/2014-2). A. Cherpinski also acknowledges the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FP1405 for funding through a Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) / Cherpinski Correa, A. (2019). NOVEL ELECTROSPUN POLYHYDROXYALKANOATE BASED HIGH BARRIER AND ACTIVE BIOPAPERS OF INTEREST IN FOOD PACKAGING [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/123064 / Compendio

Modeling of oxygen scavenging polymers and composites

Carranza, Susana 02 February 2011 (has links)
Polymers films and membranes with immobile and irreversible reactive sites can provide significant barrier properties for packaging materials. There is a need to develop mathematical models to understand the behavior of these reactive materials and to confidently extrapolate experimental data. Due to mechanical and optical requirements, barrier films may consist of composites, such as polymer blends and multilayer films with alternating reactive and inert layers. The reactive term that consumes the mobile species in the governing transport equations for such materials is a function of both the mobile species and the immobilized reactive sites, leading to non-linear partial differential equations that typically have to be solved numerically. Composite structures add to the complexity of the model. For the polymer blend, a multiscale model was developed, incorporating the reactive details within the particle into the bulk transport equation. For the multilayer film, initial conditions and diffusion coefficients were assigned independently for reactive or inert layers. The models developed for the three configurations were solved numerically over a wide parameter space. Three regimes were identified, namely early times characterized by an initial flux plateau, and intermediate regime, and long times, characterized by the time lag. Asymptotic analysis of the homogeneous model was used to develop analytical predictions for the three regimes, obviating the need to numerically solve the model’s non-linear equations. These predictions were generalized to polymer blends. For multilayer films, predictions for early and long times were developed. Results for polymer blends and multilayer composites were compared and discussions of the most suitable configuration for different scenarios were presented. The reactive barrier configurations studied require the knowledge of parameters such as reaction rates and coefficients of diffusion and solubility of the reactive polymer. Model and predictive equations have been developed to describe the transient mass uptake in reactive homogeneous films, enabling the extraction of these parameters from sorption experiments. / text

Synthesis and Characterization of New Active Barrier Polymers

Mahajan, Kamal 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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