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Lokalizace zařízení pomocí BLE rámců / Device localization using BLE packetsTsevelnyam, Amgalanbayar January 2017 (has links)
Master’s thesis is about indoor localization of objects or persons using Bluetooth Low Energy. The outcome of this work is determining the accuracy of a localization method One Nearest Zone on density of the localization network, implementing the Trilateration method and also determining the accuracy of this localization method on density of the localization network.
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Přesnost interindividuálního vnímání mentálních obsahů / The accuracy of interindividual perception of the mind contentHájková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis deals with some questions from the field of empathic accuracy, i.e. ability to correctly and accurately infer mental states of others. We were especially interested in question whether people are able to reflect their own empathic accuracy and their own meta-accuracy, i.e. recognize how other people view them. We were also interested in the role of motivation for empathic accuracy. Methods: Experiment based on the method of interactions. After the interaction phase were the participants asked to fill in forms concerning their own experience and experience of their partner and try to estimate, how the partner viewed them. They also estimated the accuracy of their answers. Results: Experiment has shown that participants have quite accurate idea about what has their partner experienced and how they were perceived although the degree of right guesses was various. However the reflection of their empathic skill was minimal. Participants mostly could not estimate, whether their guesses were accurate or not. Self-evaluation of participants, who were less successful in recognition of others experiences, was less accurate than the self-evaluation of the more successful ones.
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Vztah rychlosti a přesnosti střelby v házené žen / Relation between throwing velocity and accuracy in women handballJůzlová, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
Title: Relation between throwing velocity and accuracy in women handball. Objectives: The main of this thesis is finding of relation between throwing velocity and accuracy among difference performance levels and difference gaming experience female handball players. Methods: As part of the survey, a one-off measurements of the maximum throwing velocity and accuracy throwing was performed for two groups women handball players. Speed measurement was performed using radar device Stalker PRO II. The measurement was performed by one-handed overarm throw in three different ways. The resulting values are statistically processed in MS Excel 2007. I used the testing method and the observation method. Results: The results of this thesis show close relation between throwing velocity and accuracy in women handball. Both groups exceeded 90% border of the maximum throwing velocity when trying to hit a defined space. Keywords: Team handball, throwing velocity, throwing accuracy
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Kinematická analýza patovacího úderu u zdravého a hendikepovaného golfisty / Kinematic analysis of a putt stroke in healthy and disabled golferFrancová, Amálie January 2022 (has links)
Title: Kinematic analysis of a putt stroke in healthy and disabled golfer Objectives: The aim of this study is to objectify the movements during a putt stroke using 3D kinematic analysis and monitoring the pressure of the lower limbs to the ground for a healthy and disabled golfer of comparable performance and identify differences in stability of technique and performance between players. Methods: On a sample of 1 healthy and 1 handicapped golfer with similar performance was determined process of a putt stroke using 3D kinematic analysis of the CODA Motion system and pressure plate BodiTrak. Specifically, the difference between the putt stroke of the players in selected parametres, stability of performance and access were evaluated. The obtained data were processed in Microsoft Excel. The Wilcox test for independent samples and Cohen's d was to determine statistical and factual significance. Results: We found the statistical and large factual significance of the difference in the performance of the putting stroke between the disabled and healthy players (p < 0,01, d > 0,8) for most parameters. The most fundamental difference was found in the pressure of the lower limbs, when the disabled golfer had a greater pressure on the back limb. High stability of execution was found in 80 % of parametres in...
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Vliv fyzické zátěže na přesnost střelby z ruční zbraně / Influence of physical demands on shooting accuracy with hand-operated weaponSýkora, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Title: Influence of physical demands on shooting accuracy with hand-operated weapon. Objectives: Aim of this thesis is compare how physical load, present by Burpee motor abilities test, aplicate on selected group of soldiers influence their shooting accuracy from pistol in stand up position with bouth hands grip at standing target. Aggregate of twenty test subjects is comosed of policemen from Department of protect and escort Military police Prague and students from VO at FTVS UK in Prague. Methods: For statistical data processing we used the method of comparison and comparison of averages. To determine statistical significance, we used two- tailed, paired t - test. For the evaluation targets, we used numerical method for detecting mean point of impact. Results: The measured data were processed statistically, it was found that physical activity has statistical effect on the shooting accuracy, while standing and with both hands grip, from pistole in the first group (MP). The second measurement work out similary, which mean physical exercise has statistical effect on the shooting accuracy, while standing and with both hands grip, from pistole. Furthermore, we found that the greatest influence on shooting accuracy after physical exertion realized by Burpee test, have the individual level of fitness...
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Vliv jednotlivých komponent směsných krmných dávek u krmných míchacích vozů (bez vybírací frézy) na přesnost nakládekJENŠÍ, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled The effect of individual components of mixed feed rations in the mixer feeder wagon (without a cutter) on the accuracy of loading is divided into two separate parts. In the first (theoretical) part, the issue of livestock together with preparation and distribution of feed with the mixing feeder wagons are analyzed. The second (practical) part of my work is focused on specific selection of a mixing feeder truck, diet components characteristic and way of their loading including evaluation of their loading accuracy. The main objective of the thesis is to specify evaluation of loading accuracy of each component in the mixed feed rations of a mixing feeder wagon in the selected agricultural companies that specialize in milk and meat production.
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Vliv funkce hlubokého stabilizačního systému páteře na přesnost a rychlost střelby u hráčů pozemního hokeje / Influence of the function of the deep stabilization system of the spine on the accuracy and speed of shooting in the field hockey playersFilová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
Title: Influence of the function of the deep stabilization system of the spine on the accuracy and speed of shooting in the field hockey players Objectives: The main aim of the work was to clarify the effect of exercise aimed at improving the stabilization function of the spine on the accuracy and speed of the shot at field hockey. Another parcial goel was to improve the spinal stabilization function after the interventional program. Methods: The theoretical part is processed in the form of the research. In the practical part an experimental study is containing a sample of 13 probands aged 18-35, male, was created to obtain the data. In the initial measurement, the accuracy of the shooting and the speed of the shooting was measured using the Stalker Pro II radar. Stabilization function of the spine was tested using a test battery, assembled for the purpose of this work. Probands have performed the intervention program for 4 months, twice a week, under professional supervision. Then there was a control measurement. In conclusion, the initial and final results were compared. For processing the data was used a spreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2010. The results were then processed into tables. Results: In the final measurement, all probands were able to improve the spinal stabilization function. The...
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Preciznost nakládky komponent směsné krmné dávky u samojízdného míchacího krmného vozuHORÁČEK, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the accuracy of loading individual components of mixed feed dose into a self-propelled mixing feed wagon using a milling cutter. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the mixed feed used for cattle breeding, then the selected world leading producers of self-propelled mixing feed wagons are listed and finally the current technological trends and innovations in this field. The practical part is firstly focused on selecting a particular company equipped with a self-propelled mixing wagon with a programmable weight calculator and a computer program. Secondly, the characteristics of feed rations and the average dairy production of dairy groups in the selected holding is mentioned. The main aim is to compare the ratio of the actually loaded weights with the required weights in the individual feed ration components for the groups of production dairy cows.
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Přesnost nakládky do závěsného vertikálního míchacího krmného vozuKADLEC, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical part features an overview of the historical development of dairy cows feeding and introduces currently used trends in feeding. This part also outlines basic technologies in the production of roughage and describes modern feed distribution machinery. The practical part evaluates the accuracy of loading of individual components and the total weight of a feed ration loaded into a vertical suspension mixer feeder wagon by a front-end loader tractor. The observation was carried out at Mr. Kadlec's family farm in Velký Bor near Netolice and lasted four months. During this period, the actual weight of loaded components (grass-clover haylage, maize silage, grains meal) was being monitored daily. The evaluation came to a conclusion that grass-clover haylage stored in bales is loaded with a greater accuracy than maize silage stored in a clamp silo.
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Testování aparatur pro mobilní mapování pomocí GPS (mobilní mapování pomocí GPS) / Testing of GPS devices for mobile mapping (mobile mapping with GPS)BLAŽEK, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis studies accuracy of cheap GPS devices intended for mobile mapping in the landscape. Methodlogy for testing the accuracy of two GPS devices was established on the base of studied literature and apllied to two different GPS devices. The first device is PDA ASUS A639 connected by Bluetooth with external GPS reciever Navilock BT-338 and the second one is PDA ASUS A639 using its inbuilt GPS chipset. The result of testing is firstly comparison of accuracy of these two GPS devices and secondly the elements, which influnce their accuracy the most. The database of results is large enough to make some general conclusions concerning the accuracy of different GPS devices and their usage in the process of mobile mapping.
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