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Princip rovnosti ve francouzském rodinném právu s ohledem na párové soužití / The Principle of Equality in French Family Law with regard to various forms of cohabitationBraune, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate various forms of living in couple in French legal system with regards to the principle of equality. The choice of France is not random considering the fact that French lawmaker has been regulating this field since late 1990's. The thesis centres on different aspects of living in couple that differ from each other and contribute to their unique identities. In addition, the thesis assesses the issue whether the French model could be a suitable inspiration to Czech lawmakers. This topical subject is influenced by sociology and therefore there must be taken into account homosexuality as a social phenomenon and evolution of its acceptance in French society. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters. The opening chapter discusses fundamental institution of family law, which is family itself, from historical and social perspectives. The second chapter focuses on long-lasting effort of French deputies and non-governmental organizations to adopt legal regulation for same-sex couples. The third chapter describes Civil Solidarity Act and cohabitation. Civil Solidarity Act, commonly known as PACS, is a form of civil union between to adults concluded in order to organise their joint life. Provisions regarding PACS were amended in 2006. Cohabitation reffers to unmarried...
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Sociální práva sezdaných dvojic a registrovaných partnerů ve Francii a v České republice / Social rights of married couples and registered partners in France and Czech RepublicRýdlová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
Social rights of married couples and registered partners in Czech republic and in France Summary The purpose of the present thesis is to compare social rights of married couples and registered partners in each country in order to be able to compare French and Czech legal regulations. At first it was necessary to analyze forms of family living in both states so that one can gain insight into the legal status of such couples in society. Another question raised by the present study is the access of couples to parental rights. According to the impact that parenthood has on working life and family budget, it can truly be considered a social welfare issue. Firstly we analyze, in separate chapters, individual areas of social welfare law in Czech republic and in France so that we can later compare the two. The thesis centers on survivors' benefits, through an evaluation of their purpose and of the impact of exclusion of registered partners from the group of beneficiaries. The study also examines relevant contemporary jurisprudence, mainly cases before the European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice.
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Avaliação imunoistoquímica das proteínas metalotioneína, pAKT e NF-kB como marcadores de prognóstico de carcinomas epidermóides de boca / Immunohistochemical evaluation of Metallothionein, pAkt and NF-kB proteins as prognostic factors of Oral Squamous Cell CarcinomaPontes, Helder Antonio Rebêlo 26 May 2008 (has links)
O carcinoma epidermóide é a neoplasia maligna que ocorre com maior freqüência na boca. Os pacientes portadores desta neoplasia ainda apresentam um pobre prognóstico com índices de sobrevida, em cinco anos, variando de 20 a 40% em vários estudos. Um grande número de trabalhos tem sido direcionado para identificar marcadores que auxiliem no direcionamento do tratamento e melhorem o prognóstico. A metalotioneína (MT) é uma proteína de baixo peso molecular, com alto conteúdo de cisteína e que está associada à resistência neoplásica a várias modalidades de tratamento, e que por isso tem sido estudada como fator prognóstico em uma variedade de neoplasias malignas humanas. O Fator Nuclear B desempenha um importante papel na ativação de genes que estão relacionados à imunidade, inflamação, sobrevida, apoptose, proteção celular à radiação e à quimioterapia. A proteína serina/treonina quinase Akt é um alvo downstream da quinase 3-fosfaditilinositol, desempenhando um importante papel na proliferação e no bloqueio da apoptose de células cancerígenas. Neste estudo, nós examinamos a expressão das proteínas MT, NF-kB e pAKT em 51 casos de carcinomas epidermóides de boca, através de imunoistoquímica, com a finalidade de investigar suas influências prognosticas, assim como estudar as correlações entre alguns fatores clínicos com a sobrevida. Os resultados mostraram uma associação estatisticamente significante entre a expressão pAkt e NF-kB e entre MT e NF-kB. Ao lado disso, nossos resultados mostraram que a expressão de pAkt está associada a um pior prognóstico. Nossos resultados, portanto, sugerem que a proteína pAkt pode ter implicações terapêuticas em carcinomas epidermóides de boca. / Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most frequent malignant tumor of the oral cavity. In spite of improved therapeutic procedures, patients with OSCC in advanced stage generally present a poor prognosis, with an overall 5-year survival rate that ranges from 20% to 40%. An extensive effort has started to identify features of the oral tumors that predict treatment response and prognosis. The metallothionein (MT), a low-molecular weight protein with high cysteine content, seems to be related to neoplastic resistance to oncologic treatment and therefore has been studied as a prognostic factor for a variety of human malignant tumors. The nuclear factor B (NF-B) plays an important role in the activation of the genes that code for immunity, survival, inflammation, apoptosis and in the cell protection for radiation and chemotherapy. The serine/threonine protein kinase Akt is a downstream target of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and it plays a key regulator of cancerous cell growth. Therefore, we have examined the MT, NF-kB and pAkt expression in 51 samples of oral squamous cell carcinoma by immunohistochemistry in order to investigate their prognostic influence on oral cancer, as well as studying the correlations between clinical factors and patient survival. The results showed a significant association between pAkt and NF-kB and between MT and NF-kB expression in tumor tissue. Besides pAkt over-expression was found in OSCC clinical samples and its expression was significantly associated with a poor overall patient survival. In conclusion, our findings suggested that pAkt expression may have therapeutic implications in squamous cell carcinoma.
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Pakt stability a růstu a jeho transformacePometlová, Marta January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá Paktem stability a růstu, sleduje jeho vývoj v čase a popisuje jeho kladné a stinné stránky. V úvodu práce je popsán postup při vytváření Hospodářské a měnové unie tak, aby bylo zřejmé pozadí při postupném směřování k Paktu stability a růstu. Vývoj Paktu je sledován od ustanovení článku 104c SES, přes německý návrh na Pakt stability a samotný Pakt stability a růstu. Důraz je kladen na popis situace v členských zemích EU, která vedla k reformě Paktu. V závěru se objevuje zmínka o významu Paktu pro Českou republiku po jejím přistoupení k EU a zejména pak po jejím budoucím přijetí eura.
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Avaliação imunoistoquímica das proteínas metalotioneína, pAKT e NF-kB como marcadores de prognóstico de carcinomas epidermóides de boca / Immunohistochemical evaluation of Metallothionein, pAkt and NF-kB proteins as prognostic factors of Oral Squamous Cell CarcinomaHelder Antonio Rebêlo Pontes 26 May 2008 (has links)
O carcinoma epidermóide é a neoplasia maligna que ocorre com maior freqüência na boca. Os pacientes portadores desta neoplasia ainda apresentam um pobre prognóstico com índices de sobrevida, em cinco anos, variando de 20 a 40% em vários estudos. Um grande número de trabalhos tem sido direcionado para identificar marcadores que auxiliem no direcionamento do tratamento e melhorem o prognóstico. A metalotioneína (MT) é uma proteína de baixo peso molecular, com alto conteúdo de cisteína e que está associada à resistência neoplásica a várias modalidades de tratamento, e que por isso tem sido estudada como fator prognóstico em uma variedade de neoplasias malignas humanas. O Fator Nuclear B desempenha um importante papel na ativação de genes que estão relacionados à imunidade, inflamação, sobrevida, apoptose, proteção celular à radiação e à quimioterapia. A proteína serina/treonina quinase Akt é um alvo downstream da quinase 3-fosfaditilinositol, desempenhando um importante papel na proliferação e no bloqueio da apoptose de células cancerígenas. Neste estudo, nós examinamos a expressão das proteínas MT, NF-kB e pAKT em 51 casos de carcinomas epidermóides de boca, através de imunoistoquímica, com a finalidade de investigar suas influências prognosticas, assim como estudar as correlações entre alguns fatores clínicos com a sobrevida. Os resultados mostraram uma associação estatisticamente significante entre a expressão pAkt e NF-kB e entre MT e NF-kB. Ao lado disso, nossos resultados mostraram que a expressão de pAkt está associada a um pior prognóstico. Nossos resultados, portanto, sugerem que a proteína pAkt pode ter implicações terapêuticas em carcinomas epidermóides de boca. / Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most frequent malignant tumor of the oral cavity. In spite of improved therapeutic procedures, patients with OSCC in advanced stage generally present a poor prognosis, with an overall 5-year survival rate that ranges from 20% to 40%. An extensive effort has started to identify features of the oral tumors that predict treatment response and prognosis. The metallothionein (MT), a low-molecular weight protein with high cysteine content, seems to be related to neoplastic resistance to oncologic treatment and therefore has been studied as a prognostic factor for a variety of human malignant tumors. The nuclear factor B (NF-B) plays an important role in the activation of the genes that code for immunity, survival, inflammation, apoptosis and in the cell protection for radiation and chemotherapy. The serine/threonine protein kinase Akt is a downstream target of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and it plays a key regulator of cancerous cell growth. Therefore, we have examined the MT, NF-kB and pAkt expression in 51 samples of oral squamous cell carcinoma by immunohistochemistry in order to investigate their prognostic influence on oral cancer, as well as studying the correlations between clinical factors and patient survival. The results showed a significant association between pAkt and NF-kB and between MT and NF-kB expression in tumor tissue. Besides pAkt over-expression was found in OSCC clinical samples and its expression was significantly associated with a poor overall patient survival. In conclusion, our findings suggested that pAkt expression may have therapeutic implications in squamous cell carcinoma.
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Finanční krize v ČR - jejich historie a riziko dalšího vývoje / Financial crisis in the Czech Republic - their history and risk of further developmentHazucha, Dušan January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá zhodnocením odlišností a podobností finančních (měnových, bankovních) krizí 20. let 20. století v ČSR a 90. let 20. století v ČR a na základě těchto dvou krizových období je cílem vysledovat typické příčiny finančních (měnových, bankovních) krizí v českých zemích ve 20. století, dále potom posoudit, s jakou pravděpodobností mohou tyto vysledované ?typické příčiny? nastat v ČR v souvislosti se vstupem ČR do kurzového režimu ERM II a později po splnění překlenovacího období i do eurozóny.
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Pravidla fiskální politiky / Fiscal Policy RulesPrušvic, David January 2008 (has links)
Předkládaná práce zachycuje komplexnějším způsobem problematiku fiskálních pravidel, včetně vybraných v realitě používaných typů, s cílem přispět na základě analýzy současného stavu fiskálních rámců v Evropské unii a v České republice k diskusi o volbě vhodného fiskálního pravidla pro české veřejné finance a českou ekonomiku. Stěžejní typy fiskálních pravidel byly komparovány jednak vzájemně, jakožto i ve vztahu k osmi fundamentálním atributům ideálního fiskálního pravidla. Pozornost byla rovněž věnována chování pravidel v rámci hospodářského cyklu. Ze srovnávaných pravidel bylo celkově nejlépe hodnoceno pravidlo výdajové. Jelikož primárním fiskálním rámcem po české veřejné finance je Pakt stability a růstu, byla spolu s Maastrichtskými fiskálními kritérii hodnocena jeho účinnost. Metodou pro hodnocení byla vybrána panelová regresní technika nejmenších čtverců s fixními efekty. Výsledek ekonometrické verifikace potom naznačil, že pravidlo Paktu účinné skutečně bylo, avšak že je funkční pouze tehdy, je-li skutečně vynutitelné (citelná ztráta z nečlenství v ?euro klubu?). Další část práce se teoreticky věnujeme otázce koordinace politiky fiskální a měnové. Analýza se ubírá směrem malých otevřených ekonomik cílujících míru inflace s deficitním omezením, čili k problematice relevantní pro českou ekonomiku. Sestavujeme tak teoretický model, kterým ukazujeme, jak tyto dva stěžejní elementy hospodářské politiky reagují na chování druhé autority sledujíce svůj zájem vyjádřený tzv. ztrátovou funkcí příslušné autority a kdy je možné dosáhnout bodu stálého stavu v prostoru nástrojů měnové a fiskální politiky. Řešíme rovněž otázku koordinace těchto dvou makropolitik po vstupu české ekonomiky do společného měnového prostoru a pomocí dedukce pak z nastolených premis modelu usuzujeme na důležitost fiskálního pravidla v malých ekonomikách pro jejich ?zdravý? fiskální vývoj. Na závěr práce syntetizujeme získané poznatky a vyvozujeme patřičné závěry pro českou hospodářskou politiku, které ústí do návrhu vlastního, resp. modifikace, fiskálního pravidla vhodného pro české veřejné finance v kontextu evropského Paktu stability a růstu.
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Hospodářsko-politická spolupráce Německa a Sovětského svazu v letech 1939-1941Fabianková, Klára January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá hospodářskou spoluprácí mezi Německem a Sovětským svazem v letech 1939-1941. Nejprve analyzuje vzájemné vztahy po nástupu A. Hitlera k moci, posléze rozebírá uzavření hlavní smlouvy -Paktu Ribbentrop-Molotov a následně popisuje hospodářskou spolupráci z této smlouvy vyplývající.
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Pakt Stability a Růstu / Growth and Stability PactDobrovolná, Klára January 2007 (has links)
Growth and Stability Pact is the primary tool of the coordination of economic policy. This thesis deals with the historical development of the Pact, epmhasising its modification and furthermore its eligibility as means of enforcing the fiscal discipline of member states.
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Krizové aspekty dluhu Itálie / Critical Aspects of the Italian DebtČernohorský, David January 2014 (has links)
The work examines the hypothesis that the Italian debt has already reached its critical level and the creditors no longer trust the country. I concluded that it's far from having reached its critical level. Despite the rising debt and internal problems, Italy borrows more cheaply than before and thanks to economic growth and some reforms we can expect this trend to continue. On the other hand, the country still has major structural problems and struggles with high unemployment and declining competitiveness. In the case of failure to introduce necessary reforms, in a longer-term can Italy suffer by significant problems.
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