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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluvial sequence stratigraphy and paleoclimate of the Upper Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) Chinle Strata, northern New Mexico

Cleveland, David M. Atchley, Stacy C. Nordt, Lee C. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Baylor University, 2007. / In the abstract "[delta]13C" the "13" and "[delta]18O" the "18" are superscript; "pCO2" the "2" is subscript. Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-118).

Paleossolos da formação Marília = subsídios para a interpretação paleogeográfica na área de Duartina-SP / Marília formation paleosols : subsidies for the paleogeographic interpretation in the area of Duartina-SP

Pavia Junior, Alexandre, 1982- 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Sérgio Bernardes Ladeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T17:08:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PaviaJunior_Alexandre_M.pdf: 16328754 bytes, checksum: b892c6cf5e1d588b161b2bd2a28a8f81 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O estudo de paleossolos tem se mostrado como uma importante ferramenta interdisciplinar na interpretação paleoambiental. Neste sentido, a interpretação de evidências paleopedológicas em paleossolos da Formação Marília (Maastrichtiano), membro litoestratigráfico superior do Grupo Bauru, se mostra de grande valia para a interpretação paleogeográfica do momento de sedimentação e posterior pedogênese dos depósitos arenosos. Os paleossolos da Formação Marília, na região de Duartina/SP, são constituídos por arenitos finos e médios, que se distribuem por horizontes pouco profundos e que demonstram uma paleosuperfície bastante aplainada, com estrutura de solo, predominantemente, composta por blocos nos horizontes B e ausente nos horizontes C, são paleossolos ricos em cimentação carbonática, nódulos carbonáticos, bioturbações e rizoconcreções. Dessa forma, este trabalho objetiva a análise de dados macro e micromorfológicos, químicos e paleontológicos para a interpretação paleogeográfica vigente, especialmente, durante os processos pedogenéticos. Tal análise se sustenta em atividades de campo e coleta de material, correlações bibliográficas e análises laboratoriais compostas por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X e análises micromorfológicas. Os resultados obtidos corroboram com aqueles apresentados por diversos autores que analizaram os aspectos paleontológicos, químicos, macro e micromorfológicos e apresentam aspectos de pedogênese desenvolvida sob condições de semi-aridez e aridez. A geoquímica e a mineralogia das amostras, associadas aos aspectos paleontológicos, reforçam a idéia de ambientes de baixo grau de intemperismo na maioria dos horizontes analisados, mas também apontam para maior oferta de água aparentemente relacionada à variações topográficas. / Abstract: The study of paleosols has proven to be an important tool in interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental interpretation. In this sense, the interpretation of evidence palaeopedogenic paleosols in the Marília Formation (Maastrichtian), upper lithostratigraphic member of the Bauru Group, is proving invaluable for the palaeogeographic interpretation of the moment of sedimentation and subsequent pedogenesis of sandy deposits. The paleosols of the Marilia Formation in the region of Duartina / SP are composed of fine sandstones and medium spread over the shallow horizons and demonstrate a paleosurfaces quite flattened, with soil structure predominantly composed of blocks in B horizons and absent in C horizons, are rich in paleosol carbonate cementation, carbonate nodules, bioturbations and rhizoliths. This study aims to analyze data macro and micromorphological, chemical and paleontological for interpreting paleogeographic force, especially during pedogenic processes. This analysis is based on field activities and sample collection, laboratory analysis and correlations bibliography composed by fluorescence spectrometry X-ray and micromorphological analysis. The results are consistent with those presented by several authors who analyzed the paleontological aspects, chemical, micro and macro aspects of pedogenesis have developed under conditions of semi-arid and arid. The geochemistry and mineralogy of samples associated with the paleontological aspects, reinforce the idea of environments with low degree of weathering in most horizons analyzed, but also point to increased supply of water apparently related to topographic variations. / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia

Inter-relação paleossolos e sedimentos em lençois de areia eolica da Formação Marilia (noroeste da Bacia Bauru) / Iterrelation of palaeosols and sediment in the ancient Marilia Formation aeolian sand sheets (northwestern Bauru Basin)

Dal Bo, Patrick Francisco Fuhr 19 August 2008 (has links)
Orientadores: Giorgio Basilici, Francisco Sergio Bernardes Ladeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T17:30:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DalBo_PatrickFranciscoFuhr_M.pdf: 16776523 bytes, checksum: ed0ae352d6fc4dea57e9f4119eee8537 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: A Formação Marília (Maastrichtiano), na faixa de afloramentos da porção noroeste da Bacia Bauru (estados de Goiás e Mato Grosso do Sul), é interpretada neste trabalho como um antigo sistema eólico de lençol de areia. A sucessão vertical é caracterizada por arenitos muito finos a médios intercalados com paleossolos em espessas sucessões de até 150 metros de espessura. A litofácies Arenito com laminação plano-paralela, que forma corpos com estratificação cavalgante transladante subcrítica, atribuída à deposição de areias com marcas onduladas eólicas é a mais comum descrita na área de estudos. Os paleossolos representam mais de 65% do registro geológico da Formação Marília, constituídos predominantemente por Aridisols caracterizados por concentrações secundárias de carbonato de cálcio. Superfícies suborizontais de deflação eólica separam os depósitos eólicos dos paleossolos e dividem a Formação Marília em duas fases distintas de construção de corpos geológicos ligadas às variações paleoclimáticas: i) fase de sedimentação eólica, caracterizada por depósitos arenosos de marcas onduladas eólicas; ii) fase de paleopedogênese, caracterizada por Aridisols. Ambas as fases se alternaram temporalmente e, registram períodos de formação de diferentes ordens de grandeza, provavelmente maiores que 105 vezes entre a formação dos depósitos arenosos com marcas onduladas eólicas e o desenvolvimento de horizontes Bk dos Aridisols. A alternância cíclica entre depósitos eólicos e paleossolos está ligada a variações paleoclimáticas que controlaram a disponibilidade hídrica no ambiente. Durante os períodos mais secos, a ausência de cobertura vegetal expôs a superfície à ação dos ventos e formação de extensas superfícies de deflação eólica, que posteriormente foram cobertas por depósitos arenosos de marcas onduladas eólicas. Com o posterior restabelecimento da umidade atmosférica e o conseqüente aumento da cobertura vegetal, a superfície foi reestabilizada, inibindo o processo de deflação e deposição eólica e permitindo a formação de Entisols e Aridisols / Abstract: The Marília Formation (Maastrichtian), outcropping in the northwestern portion of the Bauru Basin (Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul brazilian states), is interpreted here as an ancient Aeolian sand sheet. The vertical succession, c.150 m thick, is made up of very fine to medium-grained sandstone and, it is characterised by cyclic interbedding of sediments and palaeosols. Planar laminated sandstone (subcritically climbing translatent stratification), formed by aeolian sand with wind ripple, is the most common lithofacies. Palaeosols, mainly Aridisols, represent more than 65% of the geological record of the Marília Formation. Subhorizontal aeolian deflation surfaces divide Marília Formation in two distinct constructional phases of geological bodies linked to palaeoclimatic variations: i) phase of prevalent aeolian sand deposition; ii) phase of Aridisols development. The two phases they alternated in time and probably record periods of formation with difference of the order greater than 105 between aeolian sand deposition and development of the Bk Aridisols horizons. Palaeoclimate is the main forcing factor of the Aeolian sand deposition and soil development. Episodes of sedimentation and soil development likely result from cyclic decreases and increases in available moisture and vegetation cover. Aeolian deflation and sedimentation were predominant during drier phases of past climatic cycles, when vegetation cover was sparse in source areas and windier conditions have the capacity to remove and transport clastic materials. During wetter phases of climatic cycles, increased vegetative cover stabilised the landscape, reduced deflation, and intensified Entisols and Aridisols development / Mestrado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Mestre em Geociências

Caracterização de paleossolos da formação Marilia : Serra de Echaporã - SP / Caracterization of paleosols in the Marilia formation : Serra de Echaporã - SP

Brienza, Amalio Coelho 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Sergio Bernardes Ladeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T05:40:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Brienza_AmalioCoelho_M.pdf: 1927179 bytes, checksum: e2172728452dfed63eeae28f6b104739 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa foi realizada em um afloramento na rodovia SP - 421, no sentido Marília - Echaporã. O objetivo foi identificar e caracterizar os paleossolos que ocorrem neste ponto na Formação Marília, utilizando técnicas da pedologia, micromorfologia e macromorfologia. Através das técnicas empregadas, foi possível identificar três tipos de paleossolos; os Entisóis, os Vertisóis e os Aridisóis. Os Entisóis são indicadores de solos pouco desenvolvidos, sugerindo condições de soterramento ou de erosão. Os Vertísóis indicam áreas com canais de drenagem, enquanto que os Aridisóis sugerem um clima mais seco, uma vez que são formados onde a evapotranspiração é maior que a precipitação. A partir dos dados apresentados, é possível afirmar que ao menos no afloramento analisado, existiram dois períodos distintos; um mais seco, com grande concentração de nódulos nos perfis descritos e outro período com maior umidade, onde a concentração de CaCO3. Na parte superior do afloramento nota-se que os intervalos de deposição eram menores e na base mais longos, devido ao maior grau de desenvolvimento dos paleossolos situados na base do perfil / Abstract: The following research consists in a outcrop analysis, collected in 421/SP higway surroundings, between Marília and Echaporã cities. The target was to indetify and classify the paleosols found the Marília Formation with techniques of pedology: micromorphology and macromorphology. It was possible, with those techniques mentioned, to classify three types of plaeosols: the entisols, vertisols and aridisols. The entisols type is indicative of poorly developed soils, appointing to erosive and burried phenomenons. The vertisols type indicates drainage areas, while the aridisols type suggests a drier weather since it is formed by evapotranspiration and precipitation. From the data presented, it can be said that at least in the outcrop examined, there were two distinct periods: a more dry, with great concentration of nodules in the profiles described and another with higher humidity, where there are concentration of CaCO3. It can se noticed shorter deposition interval on the upper section and longer in the base, degree of development of the paleosols located at the base of the studied profile. / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia

Mecanismos deposicionais e processos pedogenéticos em lençóis de areia eólica = a Formação Marília, Neocretáceo da Bacia Bauru, Brasil, e La Salina, Holoceno da Bacia Tulum, Argentina / Depositional mechanisms and pedogenetic processes in eolian sand sheets : The Marília Formation (Late Cretaceous of the Bauru Basin, Brazil) and La Salina (Holocene of the Tulum Basin, Argentina)

Dal Bo, Patrick Francisco Fuhr 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Giorgio Basilici / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T17:33:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DalBo_PatrickFranciscoFuhr_D.pdf: 16255266 bytes, checksum: aeb871c6c13a2eecaa543a21baa19f06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Lençóis de areia eólica são áreas morfodeposicionais caracterizadas por morfologias planas e ausência de dunas com faces de avalancha. Exemplos atuais e antigos de lençóis de areia eólica são conhecidos em todos os continentes e descritos na literatura desde o Paleoproterozóico. Em áreas em sedimentação, areias com marcas onduladas eólicas formam a feição sedimentar mais conspícua e a identificação de arenitos com estratificação cavalgante transladante permite o reconhecimento de sucessões sedimentares de lençóis de areia eólica. Apesar de inúmeros estudos centrados na organização faciológica e caracterização de fatores de controle à gênese e distribuição de depósitos eólicos nessas áreas, a inter-relação entre depósitos eólicos e solos foi pouco abordada na literatura. O estudo de dois exemplos de lençóis de areia eólica nesta tese, a Formação Marília, Neocretáceo da Bacia Bauru, Brasil, e La Salina, uma área em sedimentação na Bacia Tulum, Argentina, permitiu a elucidação dos principais processos e fatores ambientais que influenciam a sedimentação eólica e a pedogênese nessas áreas. Os processos eólicos e pedogênicos parecem ocorrer em intervalos temporais distintos e respondem a mudanças ambientais alogênicas ao sistema, principalmente climáticas, que governam diferentes fases de estabilidade e instabilidade da superfície morfodeposicional e podem conduzir à criação de um registro sedimentar marcado por alternâncias cíclicas verticais entre depósitos eólicos e paleossolos. O modelo de construção, acumulação e preservação do sistema eólico também é condicionado a diversas variáveis autogênicas e alogênicas ao sistema e é distinto nos dois casos estudados. A construção do sistema eólico na Formação Marília foi diferenciada em duas fases paleoclimáticas, caracterizadas por maiores ou menores índices pluviométricos, que controlaram o suprimento e a disponibilidade sedimentar, enquanto em La Salina, o processo de construção não parece ter sido determinado por variações climáticas. A acumulação dos corpos geológicos foi favorecida nos dois sistemas eólicos devido à presença de cobertura vegetal e outros fatores estabilizadores à superfície dos lençóis. A preservação em ambos os sistemas foi controlada por subsidência tectônica seguida de progressivo soterramento dos corpos geológicos / Abstract: Eolian sand sheets are morpho-depositional areas characterized by flat or gently undulated sandy surfaces covered predominantly with wind ripples and slipfaceless dunes. Ancient and modern eolian sand sheets are known to occur in all continents and ancient examples are described in the literature since the Paleoproterozoic, being largely recognized in the sedimentary record by inversely graded climbing translatent strata. Although many sedimentological studies have focused on characterization of eolian facies and environmental factors favorable for sand sheet development, studies on dynamic interactions between eolian deposits and soils in sand sheet areas are still lacking. The study of the Late Cretaceous Marília Formation and the modern La Salina eolian sand sheet has contributed to understand which environmental factors act to promote soil development and principally those that operate to withhold its development and favors eolian sedimentation in eolian sand sheets. The eolian sedimentation and pedogenesis seem to occur in different environmental phases, mainly controlled by climate, which are responsible for the stability and instability of the morpho-depositional surface. Eolian sedimentation prevails during the phase of instability and construction of the eolian sand sheet, whereas soil formation are dominant during the stable phase, when unavailability or bypassing of sediments, allied with the development of a vegetation covering, led to the absence of sedimentation and erosional processes. The constructional phase of the eolian system in the Marília Formation was subjected to paleoclimate variations, which controlled sediment supply and availability, whereas in the La Salina area, the construction has not been directly affected by climate. Accumulations of geological bodies were favored by vegetation covering and soil development in the Marília Formation and have been occurring through stabilization of the accumulation surface by vegetation, thin mud veneers, and surface cementation in the La Salina. The preservation of both eolian systems was controlled by tectonically induced subsidence and burial / Doutorado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Doutor em Ciências

Early Cretaceous alluvial palaeosols (Kirkwood formation, Algoa Basin, South Africa) and their palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological significance

Frost, Susan January 1996 (has links)
The Kirkwood Formation in the Bushman's River area of the Algoa Basin is characterised by a number of fining-upward cycles. These have been interpreted as indicating deposition in a dynamic aggrading meandering river system with the channel deposits (conglomerates grading upwards into sandstones) fining upward into the overbank deposits (mudrocks). Channel, channel-margin and overbank deposits were recognised. The three mudrock sequences logged comprise compound pedofacies sequences of multistorey, simple and cumulative palaeosols. Distinctive palaeopedological features, such as root traces and pedotubules, soil horizons and structures, mottles, and iron-rich and calcareous glaebules and calcareous hardpan lenses and layers were used to identify a number of palaeosols within the mudrock sequences. Each mudrock sequence comprises multistorey entisol, inceptisol, alfisol, ultisol, aridisol and vertisol profiles at different stags of pedogenic maturity. The entisols and inceptisols are relatively immature profiles formed close to the meandering river channel and are classified as channel-margin palaeosols. The ultisols, alfisols, aridisols and vertisols are more mature and formed at some distance from the channel. They are classified as proximal floodbasin or distal floodbasin palaeosols depending on their maturity, distance from the channel and grain-size. Slickensides, desiccation cracks, and iron-rich concretions occur, indicating multiple cycles of wetting and drying. A low water-table beneath the floodplain is indicated by both the prominent maroon-brown colouration of the mudstones, caused by oxidation during deposition, and the general lack of evaporites in the sequence. Calcretes comprising calcic and petrocalcic horizons are very common in the lower mudrock sequence, rare in the middle mudrock sequence and relatively common in the upper mudrock sequence. The calcretes generally consist a nodular zone which may, in some cases, be capped by a thin hardpan layer. The calcic palaeosols commonly show stages of carbonate accumulation which indicate at least 10 000 years of formation. The lack of calcrete formation in some of the profiles may indicate frequent flooding and high sediment accretion rates or a decrease in the influx of Ca²⁺-rich aeolian dust into the depositional basin. Clay alluviation is common in many of the profiles and soil structures are commonly well developed. The palaeosols are interpreted as having formed on an aggrading floodplain in a warm to hot (25-30°C), semi-arid climate with a low but seasonal rainfall (100-500mm per annum).

Influences of Modern Pedogenesis on Paleoclimate Estimates from Pennsylvanian and Permian Paleosols, Southeast Ohio

Kogler, Sarah J. 28 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Neoichnology of Two Ambystomatid Salamanders, Pennsylvanian Paleosols, and Their Use in Paleoenvironmental, Paleoecological, and Paleoclimatic Interpretations

Dzenowski, Nicole D. 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Sedimentology and tectonic implications of the Late Proterozoic to Early Cambrian Chilhowee Group in southern and central Virginia

Simpson, Edward L. January 1987 (has links)
Few detailed facies analyses of rift to passive-margin transitions have been undertaken in exhumed orogenic belts. In the central Appalachians, the Chilhowee Group records such an evolution. The Unicoi and basal Hampton Formations record the transition from rifting to opening of the Iapetus Ocean. The majority of the Hampton Formation and the overlying Erwin Formation represent an overall regressive sequence punctuated by five progradational packages that accumulated along a passive margin. The rift to passive·margin phases of sedimentation in the central Appalachians reflect a continuum from fault·influenced to thermotectonic subsidence. Alluvial sediments and intercalated basalts of the lower Unicoi Formation developed in a rift setting. Paleontological data indicate that rifting continued into lower Cambrian time. The upper Unicoi Formation represents the incipient phase of passive-margin sedimentation related to a first-order, sea level rise. Differences in degree of crustal attenuation controlled the distribution of sedimentary environments during transgression. On the most attenuated crust to the east, initial transgressive facies consist of tidal sandwave and sandridge deposits intercalated with proximal and medial braid-pIain deposits. As transgression progressed cratonwards onto less attenuated crust, tidal sedimentation was supplanted by tide- and wave-influenced sedimentation characterized by sandwave complexes, tidal inlets and longshore bedforms. Drowning at the top of the Unicoi Formation is indicated by outer-shelf black mudstones. Deepening may have been enhanced by continued movement along listric faults throughout the incipient phase of passive-margin development. Examination of outcrops of the Hampton and Erwin Formations on different thrust sheets has permitted an across-strike reconstruction of the Early Cambrian Chilhowee shelf in space and time. Progradational packages developed under storm- and fair·weather wave conditions. Coarsening· and thickening-upward sequences on westerly thrust sheets were generated during progradation of shoreface, inner-shelf and outer-shelf environments. Outer-shelf facies predominate on easterly thrust sheets. Intertidal-flat deposits on the most westerly thrust sheet erosively overlie progradational shoreface sediments and developed during transgression in an embayment in which the tidal wave was amplified. More distal transgressive deposits consist of fining- and thinning·upward sequences with glauconitic horizons, and condensed sections in mudstones. / Ph. D.

Analyses of common elements and oxides in the paleosols of the Bahamas and of the northern Mariana Islands

Ersek, Vasile. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.) -- Mississippi State University. Department of Geosciences. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

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